Japher- sorry, but I had no idea who you were voiting for when you placed it the first time... thanks for the clarification!
By the way, wasn't the HOF vote supposed to be in April?
Yes, but I was too busy.
My Wife Hates CIV
so what are the rules. can one vote for themselfs??? i figure no one else will vote for me.
No, you can't vote for yourself.
The full rules are in the first/second post.
Nice try

your votes are only worth two points.
Rundown of the votes:
Trip continues to lead; 1 vote shy of becoming the first person to ever receive 100 votes!
Reismark has actually gotten a second vote; but it won't put him over the top; although it gets him very close to Zylka.
oedo has made an impressive climb with over 38 votes from just this time alone.
From now on, the victors will probalby be the spammiest and most famous OTers as well as the newest Civ III democracy gamers, as the other blocs erode and the newer ones gain in voting power.
However, the plans for next years votes are NOT to increase 2002 registrant's votes; merely to increase 2003ers to 2 votes... Thus the plateaus will be
before 1999-- 4
Thus maintaining the balance of power
With a possible 5 votes going to inductees, as they, being paragons of the community- should best know who are the upandcomers and well-deservers.
anyways, the 4 voters are a major destabilizing force today, able to move people FAR beyond what anyone else can do with the power of their votes- most of the hall votes rest upon them- except for the support of Trip and Notyoueither.
here's the full list: (Lots of voters!!

1) Current Standings (The Previous Votes’ add-ins are in brackets)
These are all the people who made the last List, but were not elected.
1. Trip- (45) 55---99
2. DinoDoc- (68) 24---92
3. Paul- (50) 39---89
4. Zylka- (38) 43---81
DanS- (58) 18---76
Reismark- (69) 6--75
Boris Godunov – (47) 27---74
ixnay- (47) 26----73
Sprayber - (52) 13---65
UnOrthOdOx- (32) 31----63
JohnT- -(42) 15---57
korn469- --------- (45) 11---56
Scouse Gits- (32) 22---54
10. MLeonard- -----(41) 12--53
Fez/Giancarlo- (47) 3---50
DarkCloud- (36) 13---49
40. Immortal Wombat- (24) 25---49
notyoueither- (19) 31---49
Catt- (46) 2---48
Dr Strangelove- (28) 18---46
alexman (39) 7---46
oedo- (8) 38---46
War4Ever- (27) 19---46
Urban Ranger- (38) 7---45
Alinestra Covelia (34) 9---42
Post Count Zero- (22) 18---40
Shi Huangdi- (23) 16---39
WesW- (24) 14---38
20. Sten Sture- (34) 4---38
Eli- (27) 10---37
Venom- (25) 10---35
Theseus- (29) 6---35
Azazel (Dalgetti)- (29) 5----34
Tiamat-(23) 11---34
Googlie- (14) 20---34
Arrian (28) 4---32
UberKrux- (19) 10---29
Spiffor- 28
CivNation (AKA DefensorFidei)- (21) 7---28
GePap- (9) 19---28
Sagacious Dolphin/Big Crunch- (19) 7---26
Martin Gühmann- (6) 19---25
Aeson- (15) 10----25
Master Zen- 24
Ogie Oglethorpe- (20) 2---22
vondrack- 22
David Floyd- (18) 4---22
boann- (17) 4---21
devilmunchkin- (20)
MariOne- (17) 3---20
cavebear- (5) 15---20
Togas- (15) 5---20
Kassiopeia- (11) 8---19
Hexagonian- (14) 5---19
Albert Speer (11) 7---18
Apocalypse- (14) 4---18
Sn00py- (15) 2---17
Zeus_of_Olimpos- (13) 4---17
Pedrunn (5) 12---17
Caesar the Great-(15)
Harlan- (8) 7--15
Mark_Everson- (14)
Marquis de Sodaq- (14)
werefox- (14)
Sergeant Sheets- (10) 4---14
Dissident- (11) 3---14
Draginol- (13)
warpstorm- (12)
El Awrence- 12
Red_jon- (12)
MrWhereItsAt- (4) 8---12
Empress- (11)
Lefty Scaevola- (7) 4---11
Dale- (10)
The Mad Monk- (4) 6---10
Jack the Bodiless-(10)
BlackWidow24- (9)
FlamefFlash (6) 3---9
dojoboy (6) 3---9
Bradman (6) 3---9
Kaak- (6) 3---9
Aro- (4) 5---9
Ted Stryker [Derek, Provost D]- (5) 3---8
Zkribbler- (4) 4---8
H Tower- (4) 4---8
Oerdin- 8
Frankychan- 8
Kramsib- 8
Rasbelin- (4) 3---7
Sava- 7
Ari Rahikkala- (4) 3---7
Dominae-(4) 2---6
FemmeAdonis- (6)
BetaHound- 6
Tassadar5000- 6
Genghis Farb- (6)
Frustrated Poet- 6
loinburger- (2) 4---6
Solo- 5
Peter Triggs- 5
Wigalf- (5)
willem- 5
Blake- (5)
nbarclay- 5
DeathByTheSword (5)
Celestial Dawn- (4)
Frozzy- 4
Solver- 4
Richard Bruns- (4)
Alfonso- 4
Drekkus- (4)
Edan- (4)
LDiCaesar- (4)
Per- (4)
Arnelos- (4)
Field Marshal Klesh- (4)
Sikander- (4)
Lincoln- 4
Lonestar- 4
ChrisiusMaximus- 4
randomturn- (4)
panag- 4
Datajack Franit- (4)
Jasev- 4
Fiera- 4
Sir Ralph-3
Hydro- (3)
DrSpike- 3
Tuomerehu- 3
monkspider- 3
monolith94- 3
Tau Ceti- 3
berzerker- 3
Tuberski- 3
Drake Tungsten- 3
Archaic- 3
BRC- - (3)
Osweld- - (3)
Drogue- (3)
Pekka- (3)
deity- 3
finbar- 3
makeo- 3
St Swithin- (3)
Mr Ogre- (3)
Felch- 3
Azmel2- (3)
TheBirdMan (3)
Samson- 2
BuckBirdseed (Snapcase)- (2)
sween32- (2)
Skanky Burns-2
TKG- 2
MRT- 2
Yaroslav- 2
Mr Fun- 2
Kloreep- (2)
Maniac- 2
War of Art - 2
vovansim- 2
academia- 2
Pablostuka- 2
Ned- (2)
aaglo- (2)
jeje2- (2)
Refugee Camp-1
2) Who voted for Whom
_j6_ voted for: Kramsib (2), Pablostuka (2), academia (2)
-Jrabbit voted for: oedo (2), Scouse Gits (2), Paul (2)
aaglo voted for ixnay (3), korn469 (3), Kassiopeia (3)
academia voted for: Master Zen (1), El Awrence (1)
Aidun voted for: UnOrthOdOx (2), Sn00py (2), Togas (2)
alva voted for: nbarclay (3), Frustrated Poet (3), Spiffor (3)
Antxon voted for: Master Zen (2), El Awrence (2), Kramsib (2)
Apocalypse voted for: Solver (4), Zylka (4), ixnay (4)
Aro voted for: UnOrthOdOx (2), GePap (2), Trip (2)
Asher voted for: DinoDoc (4), Zylka (4), JohnT (4)
August Borms voted for: Azazel (3), Eli (3), Asher (3)
Azazel voted for: Zylka (3), Dissident (3), Drake Tungsten (3)
BetaHound voted for: Trip (2), notyoueither (2), Vondrack (2)
Big Crunch voted for: Oerdin (4), Spiffor (4), Sava (4)
BigFree voted for: UnOrthOdOx (4), vondrack (4), Trip (4)
BigFurryMonster voted for: Trip (2), MrWhereItsAt (2), vondrack (2)
boann voted for: kaak (3), cavebear (3), berzerker (3)
Boris Godunov voted for: monkspider (3), monolith94 (3), Tuomerehu (3)
Buck Birdseed voted for: Zylka (4), Loud Medicine (4), Post Count Zero (4) {REG 1999}
Calc II voted for: Zylka (2), Trip (2), ixnay (2)
Carlos113 voted for: DarkCloud (4), El Awrence (4)
Charlemagne120 voted for: Apocalypse (1), Zylka (1), Tiamat (1)
child of Thor voted for: Martin Guhman (2), Immortal Wombat (2), Pedrunn (2)
Chilean President voted for: Master Zen (3), El Awrence (3), DarkCloud (3)
ChrisiusMaximus voted for: DarkCloud (2), vovansim (2), SKILORD (2)
civman2000 voted for: UnOrthOdOx (2), notyoueither (2), DarkCloud (2)
ColdWizard voted for: Scouse Gits (3), Oedo (3), War4Ever (3)
Cyrion voted for: Oedo (2), Scouse Gits (2), War4Ever (2)
DarkCloud voted for: Googlie (3), korn469 (3), JohnT (3)
David Floyd voted for: Tiamat (4), DinoDoc (4), Lefty Scaevola (4)
DAVOUT voted for: GePap (2), Aro (2), Master Zen (2)
dejon voted for: UnOrthOdOx (2), Trip (2), notyoueither (2)
devilmunchkin voted for: Immortal Wombat (3), DinoDoc (3), kassiopeia (3)
Dissident voted for: Fez (3), Dr. Strangelove (3), Tiamat (3)
Dominae voted for: alexman (2), Catt (2), notyoueither (2)
Dr. Strangelove voted for: Eli (4), Lonestar (4), Joseph44 (4)
Drogue voted for: Googlie (2), Kassiopeia (2), TKG (2)
Edan voted for: Dr. Strangelove (2), GePap (2), Azazel (2)
el mencey voted for: Alfonso (2), Jasev (2), Master Zen (2)
E_T voted for: Trip (3), alexman (3), UnOrthOdOx (3)
Flatlander Fox voted for: Oedo (3), War4Ever (3), Scouse Gits (3)
Frankychan voted for: Sprayber (3), Tassadar5000 (3), Tuberski (3)
Frozzy voted for: DinoDoc (2), DanS (2), ixnay (2)
gwillybj voted for: Alinestra Covelia (3), MariOne (3), Frankychan (3)
El Awrence voted for: Fiera (4), H Tower (4), MLeonard (4)
Gatekeeper voted for: dojoboy (3), FlameFlash (3), bradman (3)
GenghisFarb voted for: Trip (2), Master Zen (2), Aro (2)
GePap voted for: Chegitz Guevara (3), Trip (3), Sir Ralph (3)
Giant_Squid voted for: Shi Huangdi (4), Mleonard (4), Albert Speer (4)
GodKing voted for: Trip (2), UnOrthOdOx (2), MrWhereItsAt (2)
GP voted for: DanS (4), Sergeant Sheets (4), Sten Sture (4)
H0bbes voted for: Tau Ceti (3), Googlie (3)
Herzog voted for: Kramsib (2), Master Zen (2)
History Guy voted for: Sprayber (3), Togas (3), Franky Chan (3)
H Tower voted for: Zylka (3), Venom (3), CivNation (3)
Hueij voted for: Oedo (4), Paul (4)
Hydey voted for: deity (3), finbar (3), makeo (3)
Immortal Wombat voted for: Paul (3), Harlan (3), Post Count Zero (3)
ixnay voted for: UberKrux (4), notyoueither (4), Trip (4)
Japher voted for: DinoDoc (2), JohnT (2), Boris Godunov (2)
J Bytheway voted for: WesW (3), Immortal Wombat (3), Martin Guhmann (3)
jdd2007 voted for: UberKrux (2), Trip (2), ixnay (2)
JohnT voted for: Zylka (4), Loinburger (4), DanS (4)
Jon Miller voted for: CivNation (4), Zylka (4), Zeus_of_Olimpos (4)
Jubei voted for: Kramsib (1), Master Zen (1)
Kassiopeia voted for: Reismark (3), Alinestra Covelia (3), Googlie (3)
Kloreep voted for: UnOrthOdOx (2), Vondrack (2), Trip (2)
Konquest02 voted for: MasterZen (2), Theseus (2), Arrian (2)
korn469 voted for: notyoueither (4), uberkrux (4), David Floyd (4)
Lazarus and the Gimp voted for: ChrisiusMaximus (4), Scouse Gits (4), Loud Medicine (4) {REG 1999}
Lancer voted for: Zkribbler (4), Shi Huangdi (4), DanS (4)
Locutus voted for: Paul (4), Immortal Wombat (4), Harlan (4)
Mad Bomber voted for: Theseus (2), Arrian (2), Aeson (2)
Makeo voted for: Oedo (4), Paul (4), Scouse Gits (4)
Manya voted for: Refugee Camp (1), MasterZen (1)
Maquiladora voted for: Immortal Wombat (3), Martin Guhmann (3), Pedrunn (3)
Martin Gühmann voted for: Pedrunn (3), Immortal Wombat (3), Peter Triggs (3)
Master Zen voted for: Trip (1), Kramsib (1), Aro (1)
Máximo Décimo voted for: Jasev (2), Yaroslav (2), Alfonso (2)
Micha voted for: Googlie (2), War of Art (2), Maniac (2)
MikeH voted for: Loud Medicine (4), Post Count Zero (4), Venom (4)
MOBIUS voted for: Loud Medicine (4), Post Count Zero (4), Urban Ranger (4)
Monk voted for: Shi Huangdi (4), Dr. Strangelove (4), Boris Godunov (4)
monkspider voted for: Albert Speer (3), ixnay (3), Boris Godunov (3)
monolith94 voted for: Zylka (4), Mleonard (4), Boris Godunov (4)
Mr. President voted for: Sprayber (3), Archaic (3), ixnay (3)
MrWhereItsAt voted for: UnOrthOdOx (3), Vondrack (3), cavebear (3)
Ned voted for: Dr. Strangelove (4), Spiffor (4), GePap (4)
Niessuh voted for: Master Zen (1), El Awrence (1)
notyoueither voted for: korn469 (2), The Mad Monk (2), UnOrthOdOx (2)
obiwan18 voted for: cavebear (2), oedo (2), Scouse Gits (2)
oedo voted for: Sava (3), Paul (3)
Oerdin voted for: Spiffor (3), GePap (3), Big Crunch (3)
OldWarrior_42 voted for: notyouwither (4), The Mad Monk (4), Oerdin (4)
orange voted for: Reismark (3), Tiamat (3), Urban Ranger (3)
paiktis22 voted for: oedo (3)
panag voted for: Eli (3)
Panzer32 voted for: Trip (2), UnOrthOdOx (2), Dominae (2)
Paul voted for: Scouse Gits (4), WesW (4), Googlie (4)
PLATO1003 voted for: Spiffor (2), Panag (2)
Randolph voted for: notyoueither (2), theseus (2), Aeson (2)
rah voted for: Paul (4), oedo (4), War4Ever (4)
Rasbelin voted for: WesW (4), Martin Guhmann (4), Frozzy (4)
Rogan Josh voted for: Che Guevara (4), Big Crunch (4), Lincoln (4)
Rothy voted for: MRT (2), Mr Fun (2), Boris Godunov (2)
rjmatsleepers voted for: Solo (2), Samson (2), Scouse Gits (2)
rush voted for: alexman (2), UnOrthOdOx (2), Trip (2)
SCG voted for: Solo (3), Scouse Gits (3), Cavebear (3)
Shiber voted for: nbarclay (2), Vondrack (2), Master Zen (2)
Shivik voted for: Master Zen (1), El Awrence (1)
Sirotnikov voted for: DinoDoc (3), Zylka (3), korn469 (3)
Sir Ralph voted for: Spiffor (3), GePap (3), Willem (3)
Skanky Burns voted for: Boris Godunov (3), DrSpike (3), Frustrated Poet (3)
SKILORD voted for: DinoDoc (2), Panag (2)
SlowwHand voted for: Sprayber (4), DinoDoc (4), Boann (4)
Solver voted for: Rasbelin (3), Spiffor (3), TheBirdMan (3)
Spiffor voted for: Trip (3), Zylka (3), Tassadar5000 (3)
stankarp voted for: Hexagonigan (2), Immortal Wombat (2), Pedrunn (2)
Starchild voted for: Boris Godunov (4), JohnT (4), Shi Huangdi (4)
Static Universe voted for: JohnT (2), ixnay (2), Ogie Oglethorpe (2)
Tamerlin voted for: Martin Guhmann (2), Peter Triggs (2), Pedrunn (2)
Taz voted for: Loud Medicine (3), Post Count Zero (3), Venom (3)
Ted Striker voted for: Zylka (4), Spiffor (4), DanS (4)
tlatoani voted for: WesW (3), Martin Guhmann (3), Hexigonigan (3)
Togas voted for: Trip (2), Aeson (2), MrWhereItsAt (2)
Ted Striker voted for: Loud Medicine (4)
TheArsenal voted for: Immortal Wombat (2), Martin Guhmann (2), Spiffor (2)
The Big Mc: Immortal Wombat (3)
The Mad Monk voted for: Dr. Strangelove (3), notyoueither (3), oedo (3)
TheStinger voted for: Boris Godunov (2), Dr. Strangelove (2), Willem (2)
Tiberius voted for: Trip (3), Vondrack (3), BetaHound (3)
TKG voted for: Alinestra Covelia (3), ixnay (3), Googlie (3)
Trip voted for Vondrack (2), notyoueither (2), DarkCloud (2)
Tuberski voted for: Frankychan (2), ixnay (2), Skanky Burns (2)
Tuomerehu voted for: Ari Rahikkala (3), Boris Godunov (3), GePap (3)
UnOrthOdOx voted for: notyoueither (2), MrWhereItsAt (2), Trip (2)
vondrack voted for: Aeson (2), notyoueither (2), Trip (2)
War4Ever voted for: Paul (4), cavebear (4), oedo (4)
Wittlich voted for: Trip (3), BetaHound (3), UnOrthOdOx (3)
ZargonX voted for: Trip (2), Vondrack (2), UnOrthOdOx (2)
Zopperoni voted for: Paul (3), War4ever (3), Ted Striker (3)
Zylka voted for: Apocalypse (3), Calc (3), Felch (3)