May 5, 2001, 16:57
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LMP: I realize Lal may not know anything about Pirate troop movements. But this may give him a reason to become curious.  Generate some talk within the Alliance about overall strategy. Who knows what all this can stir up.
May 6, 2001, 03:08
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Guardian, so Iīm not playing according to the rules, huh  ? whatever you wanīt to think, this argument is getting way off the line...
Iīd like to move whats left of my cultist troops to the north.Then they wonīt bother the PKīs ever again!( or atleast for a long time  )
Okay, maybe I went a little too overboard with that "This will prove, once and for all..." statement, but as you said, it will raise questions and hopefully make some argument between alliance members.
Imagine the NATO troops in Kosovo suddenly attacking a Serb army base, slaughtering everybody there, shoving the bodies into a truck, writing with blood some gruesome things on the truck walls and sending that truck to the nearest serb town. The serbs there videotape it and send the tape to every major news office.
After that, the media is going personally to make NATOīs situation a living hell...
Anyway, if you do make a proper public investigation and a court martial, Iīll be satisfied  .
May 6, 2001, 13:20
Cyber, communications/internet like network/etc is not well established between the factions as it is on Earth, here, at the moment. Neither is world wide media coverage. Hey, many things within Sparta, Hive, Believers, CoP and so on is not well known yet. Even the Pirates and Gaians can be bit of a mystery. In the Central Continent, it is bit more develop between the Data Angels, Morganites, University and Cyborgs. but the limits arise still out of the continent. When factions start sending satellites up which would improve communications, datalinks/internet, etc... and when air travel becomes more common and develop.
It is because of these current limitations which makes it hard to completly prove things, like past atrocities. With that probe team done at Janissary Rock was the first real inside view within a Spartan Base... which the PKs took advantage of this footage and shown it on their NEws Network.
Also, want to clarify the long-range communications and short-range communications. Short range, like hand radios, inter-unit/base comm, and so on, like within a square and adjacent squares. Long range is like sending a message to from point to the other in distant....where anyone in between with their comm can easily intercept. Blast Rifle Crag for example temporally lost their Long Range Comm capability, but they still have their short-range. So a Blockade Guardian unit just needs to get close to the base to establish proper, more private. communications :P
May 7, 2001, 02:31
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Cyber: Well, I agree that this argument is "getting way off line", but quite frankly, you talked to me about "decency and realism", and the next thing I knew, I was being attacked by "supernatural" soldiers who move faster than light and defeat enemies with thunder & lightning out of their ass! Now I suppose you want to give them flying abilities as well?
Yah, right...
May 7, 2001, 07:21
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First person--It's a bird
Second person--It's a plane
Third person--No, it's just one of those cult people
Kessel isn't going to start contacting CNN and offering them a scoop. He will hold on to the message and use it when he thinks is the best time. He may send it to Lal to demonstrate that sometimes in war people get carried away. I'm sure that Lal would be very upset at such behavior from peackeepers. But the Spartans have been gassing and slave taking and a few other things. We should have been a bit more restrictive on such things. But done is done.
When is this peace business going to move a little?
May 7, 2001, 07:49
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I'll post a message from Lal with the Peacekeeper's peace terms today...
-and yes, Lal would be VERY upset about that thing with the rover, as would more than a few other Peacekeepers, although a few (including Braddock) would probably just say "tough sh!t @ssholes"...
May 7, 2001, 08:13
Guardian, the two kingdom story by it from Babylon 5 or something?
Yes, peace should be settled, and the DMZ thing, and the Interfactional PKing Force and so on. :P
-Just have a simple vote about the IPF, yes or no
-vote about requiring to establish an unarmed embassies in each others capitals.
in the meantime, the inner turmoil problems within Sparta seem to be quiet :P
May 7, 2001, 08:24
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I'm writing up a post now.
May 7, 2001, 08:53
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The two kingdom story by Braddock...
Well, I'm not sure where it originally came from, but I borrowed it from Tom Clancy, who used it as an introduction for his book "The Sum of all Fears". Clancy in turn said he borrowed it from Herman Kahn, who used it in some piece he wrote on thermonuclear warfare...
[This message has been edited by Guardian (edited May 07, 2001).]
May 7, 2001, 09:38
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That was a good one, Spray  ...
Anyway, the CoWīs are only Elite with 25% attack, like with the believers. However, they are a tough piece of sh*t to stomp on in battle 
Maybe the anonymous persons inside Sparta Command are just testing and seeing what will Kessel do with the tape.
LordLMP, i know there isnīt a "CNN" on Chiron yet, but it would be probably quite a scoop if the tape was to be shown on Spartan, Hive and University channels (maybe even too big in the case of Spartans, might result in the braking of the cease-fire... who knows)
Spray... me, Santiago and the Junta (except Kessel, who was punished to sit in the corner because he did not want to kill PKs  ) enjoyed every moment of the... letīs see( looks at a long list)... gassing, torturing, mass murdering, xenocide, slave taking, nerve stapling, nuking bases, attempt to nuke the polar cap, native ecological destruction etc...
BUAHAHAA  ......
May 7, 2001, 11:26
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Oh, and Spray, I planned the Cult to build atleast two more bases on the northern Island, meaning there should some investments, like Colony pods, from the Spartan Federation. Whats your opinion?
Anyways, what should we do with Commander "Cyborg" Clayson?  I can imagine Lal and lot of other PKs having a heart attack when seeing him alive and well, and pointing a gun at them... but of course his primary mission is to assasinate Braddock and heīll have to get near him, so he wonīt blow up his "cover" so easily.
About making Sparta a stronger military power. Yes, youīre right we canīt beat them on land, but not on sea also because of the pirates and their outrageous amount of ships and modern technology. So that leaves us air, and eventually... space. The problem is, there is noone to fight, because itīll be either a faction in the Chiron alliance or a neutral faction thatīll be eventually militarily backed up by the Chiron alliance. So, as long as the Alliance is in the picture, its pointless to be a Spartan  ... but hey, times change and relations change... hopefully.
[This message has been edited by Cyber (edited May 07, 2001).]
May 7, 2001, 16:45
Spartans suppose to be honorable, not evil monsters. The point i was trying to make with santiego is she is not evil, just got stuck and sort of forced to allow these atrocities to be committed. But quietly, she was fighting it. Three bases on the northern continent? will take awhile before you get that. but the mass atrocities was overboard thought, especially nukes! after that thing with SeaQuest, the factions will become more serious towards nuclear threat, which was to avoid and not end up like earth! Anyway, not going to allow anymore expansion on that beyond one base  until the alien story goes through. As for the AIr power bit, Free Drones is already moving to become an Air Power, quietly.
Stop thinking that the Chiron Alliance will simply fall apart, but they will have their political problems. Especially concerning the Pirates and policies on various things.
May 8, 2001, 08:59
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Some of the Peacekeepers have ambitions about some day leaving the Chiron Alliance and become truly neutral, like the U.N. Peacekeepers should be...
However, this is not likely to happen unless they find themselves strong enough militarily to defeat Sparta and the Hive without asking for help from anybody, which is probably not very realistic...
May 8, 2001, 15:51
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Well... How "useful" Sparta has been still remains a controversial subject, but the Peacekeepers have definitely learned their lesson...
They'll still try to be nice people whenever possible, but their military will be hanging out just beyond the next highway intersection, preparing to kick your ass if you won't listen to the nice people...
The U.N. Charter is NOT "just a piece of paper" anymore!
[This message has been edited by Guardian (edited May 08, 2001).]
May 8, 2001, 16:44
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"Live in peace with your neighbors, or weīll come and kick your ass!" screams a peacekeeper, pointing a shredder gun at the same time  ... and all of this is because of Spartaīs agressive attitude... it just makes me so proud of the Spartans  .
[This message has been edited by Cyber (edited May 08, 2001).]
May 9, 2001, 00:44
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Originally posted by Guardian on 05-08-2001 08:59 AM
However, this is not likely to happen unless they find themselves strong enough militarily to defeat Sparta and the Hive without asking for help from anybody, which is probably not very realistic...
I'm so proud. Your talking more like a Spartan every day.  You see Sparta has served a useful purpose after all.
May 9, 2001, 10:15
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Well, he wouldn't be putting it quite that way and he wouldn't be pointing a gun at you... the first Peacekeeper you'd meet would be a plain old harmless "can't we all just get along" kind of guy, as would the next one, and possibly the next one after that...
...but of course, exceptions might be made for "notorious criminals" like the Spartans...
May 11, 2001, 01:26
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I got to thinking it is time for Kessel to get a little pissed and start cleaning house. He tried to get everyone on the same page in Sparta and no one listened. So now there are going to be some prominate bodies lying around. So is Lal going to start preaching about not killing off your leading citizens? The only thing I can see is that he will miss the opportunity to bring the general to justice. Other than that Kessel will be willing to offer Weiss and maybe one other individual up for PK justice. But not before their citizenship is stripped. Then Kessel won't be giving Spartan citizens to the Pk. I will write up a little story about Kessel and his Hive days. Of course all of this will be with flashbacks. No one will know about it other then some in the Hive and maybe Kane would be so inclined to tell a few stories about Kessel.
May 12, 2001, 00:04
Spray, you can mention Kane and so on in Kessel's flashbacks, but i'm not into doing flashbacks for Kane thought. Kane's Hive Units is a sub-group/sub-faction of the Hive, currently in Peacekeeper territory and part of the large force surrounding Data Acquisition.
May 12, 2001, 00:12
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I just thought Kane may mention to Braddock or some other PK that he comes into contact with about Kessel's past with the Hive. Something to serve to make the picture of just what kind of person Kessel is a little unclear. Nothing earth shattering. Mostly something that he had heard from his couterparts in the northern hive units. I assume Kane has spent most of his time in the south. I actullay doubt that the two have ever meet.
May 12, 2001, 02:15
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Sprayber, in my opinion, the Cult is still operating as a "police force" around Sparta Command as the deal between Sparta and CoW dictates, but comes only into the public eye when thereīs really trouble, like the riots in J-Rock.Right now, no outsider has heard much about them.
Cult members are basicly in every Spartan base, so theyīre also in Blast Rifle Crag and might not like the situation there. Might even do something about it.
Anyway, about the investments in form of Colony pods etc., I know its going to take time and have nothing against waiting, as the Spartan economy and industry isnīt in the best shape. But Iīm still planning to start soon moving more cultists into Temple of War. There is a problem, however, and its transportation. The Spartan fleet is stuck and the two trasport jets are too far.
Also, theres no guarantee Kessel is actually going to give any help, but that means they CoWs must stay in Sparta, and potentially cause a lot of troubles to him.
BTW, thereīs no permanent and good connection between Sparta and the Hive, as the Free Drones are blocking the only way through land. I suggest that we should establish a good connection, either by somehow acquiring the small piece of droneland, or making a solid and well protected "water highway" through planetneck.
May 12, 2001, 07:28
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Let's see... as I recall, the Drones didn't seem to like the idea of giving up land to the Spartans... If you start pushing them again on this, the Peacekeepers will support the Drones...
May 12, 2001, 08:04
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The Spartans actually tried to buy the land needed, and as they had helped the drones against the Hive in the past and had even arranged the peace treaty between Hive and the Free Drones with a heavy price, they expected the drones to agree to the deal... but no. Yeah, sure Sparta was a little rough with the riots in J-Rock, but still... without the Spartans backing them, the drones would have been a part of the Hive once again.
May 12, 2001, 09:56
The Spartans may of helped acquired Peace Treaty with the Hive, but its the hive who declared a cease-fire in the first place. If natan hasn't taken control of the Hive, the Blockade Guardians would have fun fighting the Hive Northern Army  Second Stage: load as many hive units in the 3-4 transport foils and land them in Spartan Territory north of Fort Legion. Of course, Yang cancelled that plan and I'm sure there is a reason why Yang didn't brought it as an option to send the Spartans Hive reinforcements  Anyway, with internal problems in Sparta, Hive cannot have a full relationship with them until the Spartans Smarts up...hey, the Spartans may acquire entire new government which could be anti-Hive. So Hive should be careful.
As for the Free Drone, since the cease-fire with the Hive and during the war...they have started fortifying their border with the Spartans, especially the small piece of land with the Spartans wanted to "buy". They have increase the size of their military and upgraded the majority of their units by now...and since they acquired Doctrine: Air and after the prototypes...they are building their air force like crazy  They can't rival the SPartans ground unit wise...well, in numbers they superior, but Hive military is in numbers aswell. The Svensgaard knows of the threat which the Hive and Spartans pose to the Free he gave them Doctrine Air power...which seriously would help them. with their industrial capacity, they will for sure dominate the skies in their area
Cyber, CoWs may create some trouble at Blast Rifle Crag, but doesn't mean you can wipe entire unit(s) thought! there is a total of 16 rover units at Blast Rifle Crag. is the CoWs seriously stupid enough to pull something? Also, i'm sure the survivors of the Spartan Garrison would know who the CoW people are there :P
May 12, 2001, 16:35
Cyber, i would of pulled off that plan, especially when you moved the Western Army to the Pk front! and wouldn't be an mass suicide mission, as the majority of the spartan forces would be busy dealing with the PKs. then, the Pirate's "unknown" units would of attacked Janissary Rock after the the probe team started the rebellion and sabotage the Perimeter Defence. Of course, the Hive stage 2 never happened, so the Blockade Guardians who retreated to the Free Drone/Spartan border wouldn't of been occupied. So you moved them to stop the rebellion and to counter the unknown forces in the waste. The Spartans could of been stuck in a three front war, where they don't have the numbers to concentrate on all three at the same time. Of course, nothing in Chiron Chronicles goes Completly according to plan
May 12, 2001, 22:23
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Kessel still remembers his wife. He has gotten revenge for that long ago. I'll write about that a little later. As for Blast Rifle Crag. When Kessel has the full information, he will be furious at first. But upon reflection the situation there could prove useful to Sparta if handled right. Of course, officially he will be mad. Kessel will move to strengthen ties with the Hive. Think about Hive industrial capacity and Spartan military know how. First thing is first. Kessel wants Halzburg's army intact. He will do whatever it takes to achieve that. The cult of war will be welcome for as long as they know where their loyality is. If they stray. Kessel will have no lost sleep over their demise. Another thing on his mind is to revamp the government. There will be no more Junta. And expect a surprise from Santiago. She has been thinking about the future.
edit: By the way. I guess one of the mods will be starting a new thread?
[This message has been edited by Sprayber (edited May 12, 2001).]
May 13, 2001, 00:52
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Actually Sparta might already have a anti-Hive one-man government. Depends on Kessel, and how well he honors his wifes memory.
LordLMP, I donīt think Kessel(Spray) will attack the Free Drones. Neither would have I, when I was in control, though there were many good chances 
My original plan was to make the Free drones as a buffer zone, between the Hive and Sparta by making them neutral and keeping them completely out of war. The alliance with the Hive was a sudden and unexpected move, so now a good road to Hive is needed.
The cease-fire would have only been a pause if the Spartans handnīt practicly bought the peace treaty for the Free Drones and the Blockade guardians would have been eventually probably forced to retreat. That would have probably meant a disaster or even, the end to the revolutionary Drones.
LMP, donīt assumme Yang would have been so careless as to send 3-4 transports full of units into a suicide mission. Why do you think the western army was stationed originally in that area? And the southern and main armies would have probably arrived quickly after.
About the CoWīs. Donīt worry, they definately donīt have enough power to do any serious damage in BRC. But they are capable of making sabotage and other kind of terrorism. Actually I havenīt even dicided if iīm going to use them at all  Iīm not sure if the garrison troops know them so well, maybe some...
May 14, 2001, 07:32
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Okay, the exchange project i good, but Sparta will need some healthy and steady trade. The last trade partner Spartans had were the Free Drones, and that relation ended because of the spy-scandal between the two factions. Now, the closest to a trade partner we have right now is the Hive, so we should establish a large, firm and well protected trade routes, probably a marine-based routes through the planetneck. The trade could do wonders to Spartan economy and even industry.
This is a summary of the amount of Spartan forces right now, as I remember it:
Combined army: 6 rover units ( Elite)
Main army: 9 rover units (Elite)
Western army: 5 rover units (Elite)
Blockade Guardians: 8 rover units (Elite)
Spartan fleet: 12 ships( One elite, the rest are veterans)
Spartan airforces:7 air units( Elite)
CoW: 1.5 infantry units ( Elite, + 25% attack)
Too lazy to put the designs  They can be seen from Admin 2.All ground and air units, except BGs, have nerve gas.
Correct me, if Iīm wrong...
May 14, 2001, 23:48
The Blockade Guardians lost two msl rover units, so they have 6 rover units left.
Combine army lost half its or 2/3 of their units after punching through the defence line, blasting through the hive units, take over data acquisition, lost a unit at the bunker they captured and the artillery further north, and then internal problems.
Main army lost 4 units...2 at defence line and 2 from the mass pk air strike.
As for the Fleet...12? wasn't it 8 before?
May 15, 2001, 09:31
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Spartans need healthy and steady trade?
Well, they should have thought about that before commiting atrocities all over the place! Just wait until we get done imposing sanctions...
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