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Old May 12, 2003, 03:47   #1
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What kind of art do you like?
By art I want to include things that most elite classes consider artsy. Operas, artwork and such.

I find I don't like a lot of art or what people consider art.

Paintings are a big one for me. Although I do like landscapes. I've always felt a connection to the earth- so perhaps that is the reason. abstract art and manmade buildings don't interest me. Naked women are OK- but too many of them are uggos. I prefer porn for that purpose. and naked men don't do anything for me. Sorry Michelangelo's David

Modern Art- even worse than the old stuff. Nothing in the 20th century interests me. It seems like anybody can be an artists now days.

Operas- can't get into them. I'm not sure how they appeal to people

Poetry- I tried to get into this when I was in high school. It was something required of my schooling to read lots of this stuff. A couple of poets were almost decent, but it still didn't do it for me. Perhaps it was the subject matter that is outdated and the outdated language. I do enjoy song lyrics though

musicals- crap. Even ones with music I can stand are not very good

Shakespeare- he was almost cool. Julius Ceasar and Romeo and Juliet were almost bearable. That style of English writing just does not appeal to me that much.

Philosophy- this one interests me more. Perhaps the type of old-time art I can most enjoy

dance- dance is kind of cool. It usually doesn't hold my interest for more than 10 minutes though. Things like riverdance and other dances are decent.

elephant dung thrown on a picture of the Virgin Mary - not art, I don't care what you people say.

I do enjoy quite a bit of classical music though. that is something that remains timeless. You don't have to worry about outdated themes and english language. Music is timeless.

Music- I love music to death. perhaps the only artform I can truelly enjoy

filmaking- another modern artform I can enjoy. I have seen some truelly great films
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Old May 12, 2003, 05:55   #2
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i particulary enjoy theater, film, and music.
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Old May 12, 2003, 06:01   #3
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... pornographics.
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Old May 12, 2003, 06:05   #4
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Re: What kind of art do you like?
Modern Art- depends a lot

Operas- not generally, but I like at least some of them

Poetry- definately like it

musicals- crap. I agree - crap

Shakespeare- I´m interested, but didn´t read much from him so far

Philosophy- I even thought of studying it, but in history and politics I have "contact" too.

dance- hmm.

Music- I hear mostly classical now (but not operas), but I also enjoy good rock or pop, techno I hate, rap I sometimes find interesting

filmaking- I admit I like the usual Hollywood stuff - mainly for relaxing/entertainment, for deep thoughts I prefer reading books
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Old May 12, 2003, 06:23   #5
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You forgot ballet.
Musicals :
Opera : depends, I can usally handle it on FFW
Favourite painting;
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Old May 12, 2003, 06:26   #6
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Modern Art - pathetic.

Operas, Dance, Music, Poetry, Films, etc - Never bothered with any of them.

Philosophy is good, when I have the mood for it.

I'm a big fan of 3dArt, mainly those creations that try to look as close as possible to reality(in respect to the quality of the picture, not it's content).
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Old May 12, 2003, 06:29   #7
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Originally posted by Eli
I'm a big fan of 3dArt, mainly those creations that try to look as close as possible to reality(in respect to the quality of the picture, not it's content).
Doesn´t that fall under modern art too?

I also like 3d gfx.
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Old May 12, 2003, 06:33   #8
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I like Rococo and Baroque-style art from the West. Basically "old skool" style art. I hate Dada-ism as well as that other kind of art....i think the artist's name was Marchand or something...the one where he turned a urinal upside down and put his name on it, then called it "art". I don't consider anything like this art....I call it---->puke.

For the East, I generally like all of it. I consider calligraphy art so I include it when I consider Eastern art. Japanese and Chinese styles sort of mirror each other. My friend called it "rice paper" art. *shrug* For some reason, I also consider kanji art.

I agree that "Modern Art" is crap, worthless junk. Like I said before, I could crap in a bag and put it on display and label it "art".

Music-wise-it doesn't really matter so long as it is rich. Lots of horns; instruments all coalescing together to make music. I don't like death-metal and hate-rock. I understand different ppl have different taste in music so I leave it alone for the most part, EXCEPT the "packaged" music pushed out by big music companies to make a buck...i.e. Britney & BSB.

Musicals- I hated them as a kid and I hate them now. Whomever thought of the "musical" should be stripped naked put on display.

Poetry-Don't like it, but don't hate it. There's some out there that I love and others I hate. Basically, I think it's good.

My favorite thing that I like that even my close friends don't know is that I'm BIG on environmental landscaping. Things like Bonsai and rock gardens are something that I really enjoy. I'm looking into purchasing a Bonsai tree so I can make something out of it...but have yet to find it. But I can't stand industrial art.
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Old May 12, 2003, 06:35   #9
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Like I said before, I could crap in a bag and put it on display and label it "art".
More then likely already been done
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Old May 12, 2003, 06:36   #10
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Originally posted by alva
You forgot ballet.
Men dancing around on stage wearing clothes that hug their balls for the world to see?

I'll pass on that.
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Old May 12, 2003, 06:37   #11
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I heard that there was one display somewhere where they put a rotting pig head in a glass case filled with flies and called it art.

People like this make me sick. I just want to punch them in the face.
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Old May 12, 2003, 07:13   #12
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What about litterature in the form of novels? It is the art which had the greatest long term influence on me, and classical music is the one which generates the strongest instant effects. Those two do not leave a lot of room to all others.
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Old May 12, 2003, 07:29   #13
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What is the difference between musicals and opera? I'm certain it's not simply a question of age or quality.
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Old May 12, 2003, 07:38   #14
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I always thought that musicals were considered the b**tard-child of the fine arts, such as opera.
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Old May 12, 2003, 10:28   #15
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Paintings - Italian renaissance Impressionism, Picasso But modern art

Music - classical Classical, such as Beethoven and Mendelsohn. Even Chopin is to ultramodern for me. And oh yeah, also classic rock & roll--doo wap, stuff like that.

Operas, poetry, musicals
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Old May 12, 2003, 10:40   #16
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Poetry I like, but I couldn't find anything artistic in English poems. Chinese poems, on the other hand, can be pure genius.

Paintings - again, I am not too sure about Western ones, not being a pupil of them. I much prefer Eastern "water and ink" type paintings.

Music - I like most stuff. Classics, rocks, jazz, etc.

Operas I don't understand since i don't speak Italian, and some musicals are good.

Philosophy I can deal with, though I doubt that it's art.

Modern art ::vomit::

Dances - dances can be excellent. I particularly like ethnic ones.

Flower arrangements - these are great if done right.

Origami (paper folding) - don't knock this
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Old May 12, 2003, 12:59   #17
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If we are speaking in general terms of such forms I can find something in each genre I like.

Poetry: , Frost, Eliot, Service, even Silverstein

Painting: Lots I like, as far as modern art, I have seen some I like, but in general the only clich I like is grafitti

Music: oh yeah


Philosophy: not an art form

Dances: I like the Ballet Russe, also I like to think of fighting styles as dances

Flower Arrangements: My wife likes them, so I have to

Musicals: In general I find them entertaining. Just saw Mama Mia, and it was good

Film Making: Love it as a genre

Cooking: of course

Mosaics, sculpting, moldling: truely a dieing art the needs to be revitalized.

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Old May 12, 2003, 14:01   #18
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Re: What kind of art do you like?
I like a lot of classical music, and a couple of operas are fun times (though generally they seem to be shite), and I've enjoyed the majority of musicals that I've seen.

Paintings, sculptures, etc. bore me to tears. The only parts of museums that I usually like are the Dead Things section (dinosaur bones can keep me occupied for a little while) and the Splosions section (medieval arms and armor are fun times). If I'm forced to spend time in the Paintings section then I'll usually find that I like one or two paintings out of the hundreds or thousands that they've got. Same goes for the sculptures and whatnot. Modern art is shite.

Poetry usually puts me to sleep, unless it's Dr. Seuss. Dr. Seuss kicks ass.

I like a few of Shakespeare's comedies, but his tragedies can all wrap around my ass.

Dance can bugger off. Modern, ballet, doesn't matter, they can all bugger off.

Filmmaking is fine, so long as it's not the kind of filmmaking that people would label as "works of art," in which case I generally don't like it.

I like reading about ethics in philosophy, and epistemology and cognitive philosophy have some application to the research that I'm doing, but metaphysics can bite me.
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Old May 12, 2003, 15:02   #19
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I've got a book on dada and modern painting right now... Needless to say, I like the stuff...

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Old May 12, 2003, 15:07   #20
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I like CG Art...

also, I like a lot of Vivaldi and Beethoven... I don't know enough to be any kind of expert though...
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Old May 12, 2003, 15:13   #21
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Is it that musicals are partly spoken and partly sung, while opera is entirely sung?
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Old May 12, 2003, 15:18   #22
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Yup, they also generally have much lower production values (almost all operas are extremely elaborate). IIRC, if a play is entirely sung but has a low production value, then it is called an "operetta." ("Rock opera" carries about the same implications.)
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Old May 12, 2003, 15:46   #23
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well ballet can be considered a form of dance.

I forgot novels. I like the ones in the 19th and early 20th century. I'm not sure how artistic they were. I enjoyed the american ones particularly because the English is so much more understandable. Melville and the likes weren't that easy to understand. I sometimes have to reread sentences to get the full meaning.

I didn't mention things like sculptures and pottery and other hand made items. I enjoy some, dislike others. I particularly like native american items.
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Old May 12, 2003, 17:07   #24
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I'd say in general I'm a very sense-orinetated arts lover, and prefer forms which are proper mediums for conveying emotions and thoughts through sonic and visual expression. I tend to go for stuff that's expressively and aesthetically deep rather than conceptually so. I'm also (perhaps exceedingly) shallow in some ways- a good piece needs to strike me almost immediately on an emotional or subconcious level for me to like it, I want to feel what the artist feels without having anything explained to me.

Thus I prefer poetry to novels, films to plays, modern art to post-modern or pre-modern stuff, modern dance to classical ballet, popular music to classical music. All (except possibly the last) with exceptions, of course.

I try to avoid anything overtly realist- I don't think there's much artistic value in depicting real life.
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Old May 12, 2003, 17:20   #25
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Two words: Art Deco
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Old May 12, 2003, 18:48   #26
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Just about all of it really, with a couple of exceptions;

1) Country and Western music. It REALLY annoys me. I wouldn't deny other people enjoy it. Just not my cup of tea.

2) Modern art. I just don't get what the artist is saying, except maybe "I'm an overpaid garbage producer, and you are the sucker paying my wages".

I can appreciate SOMETHING about just about all other artforms - I wouldn't say I liked them all, but they do have a sense of art, apart from the above examples.
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Old May 12, 2003, 18:59   #27
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Art definitions vary, as well as appreciations of it.
The perception of an artform is as personal and varied as a thumbprint.

Whats interesting about art is to take it as naturally as it approaches you and not necessarily as something thats only for a certain strata.
The underlying message of art is that it will mean something to the artist and perhaps it is ment for it to pass a message.
Art is usually better understood when you understand what was going on in the world or its surroundings when it was conceived. As per usual, art is a reaction. Not necessarily in its depiction but mostly in its expression.
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Old May 12, 2003, 19:17   #28
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Generally speaking I'm more interested in how something looks or sounds, the overall design or composition, rather than the deeper meaning behind it, lyrics etc.

As far as paintings go, I like Marcel Duchamp's (had to look that name up) "Nude Descending a Staircase"... There's another painting somewhat like it but even more abstract, but I forgot who made it, or what it was called. I believe these were on the same page in a schoolbook on the history of art (or something) we used in school.

I'm not much of a fan of poetry or musicals. I don't know enough dance or opera to judge that.
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