Tamerlin: I had to take a shower, have you started the game
J_Bytheway: Just loaded it up.
Locutus: I knew you'd make it, sooner or later
J_Bytheway: Is there anything else to do at the end of this turn?
J_Bytheway: I've already covered the State of Lemuria thread.
Tamerlin: Thanks for your confidence Locutus... check the cities to see if we must add entertainers or remove others
Locutus: 1040BCb?
Locutus has left the room.
Tamerlin: Thanks John, I will catch up the game when you send the next savegame...
Locutus entered the room.
J_Bytheway: The save game on the turn thread is still "now"
Locutus: okay, I'm ready
J_Bytheway: 1040BCb is the one, Locutus, yes
Tamerlin: You just have modified the game according to my orders, if yes I can load it...
Locutus: .k
J_Bytheway: Yes, I followed your orders before that save
Tamerlin: Great, loading the game...
J_Bytheway: Does anyone object to me ending the turn?
Locutus: not me
J_Bytheway: OK, ending turn...
mapfi: i'm just observating so never wait for my signal...
mapfi: observing...
Tamerlin: Ready and ending turn...
J_Bytheway: Map exchange offer from the Thai - I presume I accept (I think I'm the MoDST...)
Locutus has left the room.
mapfi: yep do
J_Bytheway: Will do.
Tamerlin: I agree accept though I have had nothing from the Thai... and peace proposal to the germans...

Locutus entered the room.
Tamerlin: Playing with the shortkeys Locutus...
J_Bytheway: Accepted, a few squares appeared on the minimap
Locutus: okay, so this is not gonna work. CtP2 and all my IE windows just crashed on me. I guess I'll just not play along this time. Now Tam is here that shouldn't matter anyway...
J_Bytheway: And CL needs a unit removed...
Locutus: shouldn't matter anyway...
Tamerlin: OK Locutus, checking CL...
Locutus: one of the the last things I saw was the Thai asking for a map exchange, did you get that too?
J_Bytheway: Yes
Locutus: I assume we accepted?
J_Bytheway: Yes
Locutus: anything interesting revealed?
J_Bytheway: Nothing significant, I don't think
Tamerlin: You should remove a Hoplite from CL and send it to the Austrian front...
Locutus: 'k
J_Bytheway: The Thai haven't even explored all their own borders
Tamerlin: What about a cease fire with the Germans?
Locutus: didn't we do that 2 turns ago?
J_Bytheway: Removed a hoplite, moved towards Pedrunnia
Locutus: do=try
J_Bytheway: It wasn't long ago that we tried
J_Bytheway: I doubt it's worth trying again so soon.
Tamerlin: What do we have to fear?
Locutus: indeed
J_Bytheway: Very well, I'll try.
Locutus: the indeed was to J, not Tam
Tamerlin: ...
Locutus: I want my own colour too!
J_Bytheway: Rejected
Locutus: I'm shocked!
J_Bytheway: Mapfi already has blue
Locutus: he has?
J_Bytheway: Otherwise I would have used blue...
Locutus: well, then, I'll go for a more borgish colour
mapfi: yep
mapfi: blue is mine¨!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tamerlin: You are a Cameleon Locutus, colour changing everytime...
Locutus: nah, a cameleon would use white
J_Bytheway: Anyway, what about the archer by H Town. Where was he going?
Tamerlin: ORDER: remove an entertainer in every city which happiness is 75 or higher... True about the cameleon...
J_Bytheway: Chameleons don't change colour to match their wnvironment, they change to match their emotions
Tamerlin: We should send the archer in Linz...
Tamerlin: The Hoplites should go to Pilsen...
Tamerlin: I am happy with red...
J_Bytheway: Entertainers removed
Tamerlin: Thanks John...
J_Bytheway: Why do our cities' happinesses change so much?
Tamerlin: I was just wondering about it, it's strange...
J_Bytheway: Moving archer towards Linz...
Tamerlin: OK
J_Bytheway: Moved. Also moved hoplite between Wien and Graz into Graz
mapfi: what's the overall tactical plan? are we planning any attack or are we just sitting around and waiting for new units to be built?
J_Bytheway: Grouped units in Wien
J_Bytheway: I don't know. Pedrunn hasn't said anything about after the Pilsen attack
Tamerlin: We have to recover and build new unists before pushing forward into the Austrian territory...
J_Bytheway: I'm guessing we should at least consider assembling an attack force, but considering how many units we lost against Pilsen it will take a while.
Tamerlin: I don't like the garrisons in our inner cities, they are already very weak...
J_Bytheway: Hoplite north of H Town: just move south?
Tamerlin: inner territory... sorry!
mapfi: i'm just wondering... does the pw have to stay at 10%, we only need to build the road to pilesen don't we? scrapping pw would speed production...
Tamerlin: Send it to Pilsen IMO
J_Bytheway: OK, moving towards Pilsen. There's even a river to Pilsen, so a road is not crucial
Tamerlin: We can make a turn at 80% but do we have orders or a delegate from Huhahu...
J_Bytheway: Settler: E or SE?
Tamerlin: SE and we should debate about its final destination...
J_Bytheway: Huhahu's only orders are to build farms and mines with what PW we have.
Tamerlin: Where?

mapfi: i meant to lower pw to 0% or then just build mines
Tamerlin: Yes it would help but I think that a 10% setting help us build a reserve that could be useful in case of emergency...

J_Bytheway: Lowering PW might be wise. I was running out of tiles it was worth improving.
Tamerlin: OK, then do we lower it?
J_Bytheway: Hmm... I think so.
Tamerlin: OK doing it
mapfi: i guess locutus is busy playing ron...
Tamerlin: Ah!
J_Bytheway: Bait: W?
Tamerlin: Is it already distributed in Holland...

J_Bytheway: Settler moved.
J_Bytheway: No, he has the demo
Locutus: no, still here. was doing a belgian election questionaire thingie.. always fun
J_Bytheway: (mapfi: Bait is up by Brunn)
Tamerlin: West sounds good for Bait...
J_Bytheway: Belgian election??
mapfi: thanks - but as said never wait or ask for my opinion, i'll point out the few things that i find to be important for me...
J_Bytheway: Moved W.
Locutus: yeah, they have elections in belgium. so usually you get these questionairres to find out what party suits you best
Locutus: always fun to see where you fit in in such tests, even if you don't live in the relevant country
Tamerlin: Providence East?
J_Bytheway: Fair enough...
Tamerlin: Interesting indeed Locutus...
J_Bytheway: Yep. Moved East
Locutus: is apolyton very slow or is that just my PC not being able to handle the load?
J_Bytheway: It was being slow earlier.
J_Bytheway: Are we fortifying all of the survivors of the Pilsen attack there?
Tamerlin: It's OK with me, must be your comp... yes John
Locutus: for those bored enough
Cot entered the room.
J_Bytheway: Fortified. Also fortified the archer north of mapfipolis
Tamerlin: What about our Archer scout N of Mapfipolis...
Locutus: hey, CoT
J_Bytheway: Hello
Tamerlin: Hi CoT...

J_Bytheway: He's intended for scouting, I believe
J_Bytheway: 5 people at once! A new record for my presidency!
Tamerlin: Yes not to take a 7 german units stack on the back...
Locutus: lol, J
Cot: sorry hello
J_Bytheway: Hmm.. You may have a point there...
Cot: abit busy!
Tamerlin: ...

Locutus: first order of business is for you to pick your own colour, CoT
J_Bytheway: You don't think our valiant archer can defeat the German horde?
Tamerlin: I think he can try but that we have fickle gods...
J_Bytheway: Is it worth retreating him?
Tamerlin: I won't sacrifice a unit without aby good reason, it is a free pick for the germans...
J_Bytheway: OK, moving him back to mapfipolis
Tamerlin: No you can't
Cot: yes run away
J_Bytheway: True...
Tamerlin: IMO we should ask for a cease fire before deciding about its fate...

J_Bytheway: We should remove that other new archer from mapfipolis anyway to free a spot
Cot: but dont we want to continue fighting the germans?
J_Bytheway: And then he would fit
Tamerlin: No remove a H and perhaps another Archer to free the space for our scout
Tamerlin: We are producing a H in Mapfipolis
J_Bytheway: I thought we did want to fight the Germans... but I'm deferring to Tamerlin on this since I have heard nothing from Zaphod at all.
Tamerlin: Fighting the germans... ????
J_Bytheway: Well, in the long term...
Tamerlin: Where is it coming from...
Tamerlin: In the long term I agree... but I am speaking about short term...

Tamerlin: Others can also voice their opinion...

J_Bytheway: Removed H and A from mapfipolis, and retreated archer therein.
Tamerlin: Where have you moved them?
Cot: well i guess we are already at war with them.......so do we really want to stop. I thought it was polled and it were going to carry on against them?
mapfi: i thought if we can get a cease fire from the germans we would fight them after we had finished the bloody austrians
Tamerlin: Yes, and I far as I remember it was destroy Austria and seek peace with the Germans...
Cot: yeah that could be it
J_Bytheway: Along the road
Tamerlin: ...

Tamerlin: Thanks JB
J_Bytheway: New Hop in H Town: fortify?
J_Bytheway: I'll take that as a yes
Tamerlin: Yep
Tamerlin: Checking the cities...
J_Bytheway: Done
J_Bytheway: Also fortified CL defense
J_Bytheway: Anything else?
Locutus: you can take that as a no
mapfi: using the pw that we have?
Tamerlin: Remove a H from CL (another is produced next turn and 12 units present)
Tamerlin: 624 PW pts
J_Bytheway: I think I only have 11 units present...
mapfi: yep either road to pilsen or build a mine
Tamerlin: Sorry I have 12 in my game...
J_Bytheway: Yes, I removed the Hop already
Tamerlin: Thanks
Cot: this may be a daft Q: but have we got Wombertoon back yet? the lack of chat and me missing the last two have got me a bit out of sink(sic!)
Locutus: yeah, we got it back alright
Tamerlin: ...
J_Bytheway: A mine by Pressburg, perhaps?
Tamerlin: And we too Pilsen from the hands of the Austrians...
J_Bytheway: Or do you think road is more important?..
Locutus laughs at mapfi
Locutus: lol, funny button
Locutus laughs at mapfi
Locutus: pitty, only has one emotion
J_Bytheway tests
Tamerlin: Could be great... river is connecting our new city though Maquiladad must feel alone...
mapfi curses
mapfi: Locutus of course
Cot: J i changed
Tamerlin: Red is better... than Green
Tamerlin: So what do we do with our PW points...

mapfi: is this a playground or a ctp2dg chat?
J_Bytheway: Why do the scrollbars in this chat all have a gap at the bottom?
Cot: LoL
J_Bytheway: It's both! In one easy-to-use package
mapfi: because locutus took the cheapest available chat program...
Cot: It works
Locutus: actually, the first one I could find
J_Bytheway: Anyway... any other opinions on PW spending?
mapfi: well, all we care about is that it works and not about the scrollbars, John!
Locutus: yeah, I wondered about those scroll bars too...
Cot: Mapfi did we poll what to do with PW?
mapfi: nope
Cot: hmmm
Tamerlin: Mines could be great... but I think we should also build a commercial outpost...
Locutus: mine sounds good
mapfi: no - no more outposts!
Cot: I like roads UNLESS mines would be much more usefull(like we need lots more PW)
Tamerlin: OK, ok!
Tamerlin: Mines then... where?
Cot: in the hils and valleys
J_Bytheway: Pressburg or Maquiladad have the only hills
J_Bytheway: I think
Locutus: whatever city has the highest production and room for plenty of them...
Cot nods:
J_Bytheway: OK, I've put one W of Pressburg
J_Bytheway: Maquiladad is too small for now...
Tamerlin: Graz and Pedunnia are producing at 186... 1 hill for G... 2 for P
Tamerlin: One W?
Tamerlin: Ok
J_Bytheway: west
Cot: oh yeah make sure we have enough of a garrison to sorti out to protect any TI's
J_Bytheway: Anything else this turn?
J_Bytheway: OK, ending turn...
Tamerlin: Mapfipolis would need a farm
Tamerlin: If not you can end...
Cot: mapfi can decide on that
Evil-One-Of-Froz entered the room.
Tamerlin: Hi...
Evil-One-Of-Froz: Hey
Cot: hello Frozzy
Evil-One-Of-Froz: Hey Cot
Locutus: wow, J, your record is rising even further...
Tamerlin: 6 in the Chat Room... arty:
Cot: stick out toungue-arty?!
Tamerlin: Strange one... must be arty:
Evil-One-Of-Froz Party
J_Bytheway: Hello!
Tamerlin: or... arty:
Evil-One-Of-Froz: Hey J
Tamerlin: Same result... with p or P...
Tamerlin: Do we end the turn?
J_Bytheway: END TURN 149 - and a new millenium begins!
J_Bytheway: We have Geometry now
Locutus: this ain't 'Poly, no
arty: smily here
J_Bytheway: Options are Ship Building, Iron working and masonry
Evil-One-Of-Froz: Nice smileys
Locutus: that'll do, instead
Tamerlin: Iron working seems mandatory...
Locutus: Iron
Evil-One-Of-Froz: Iron working

J_Bytheway: That's just about unanimous, then. Iron it is.
Evil-One-Of-Froz is currently away.
Evil-One-Of-Froz is back again.
Evil-One-Of-Froz: Ignore me.
Evil-One-Of-Froz: This chat seems a novelty compared to IRC.
Locutus: *everyone* tries out that button at some point
J_Bytheway: We're in the classical age, too!
Evil-One-Of-Froz: Yay!
Tamerlin: even me...
J_Bytheway: I tried out the button when noone else was here, or possibly just Loc...
Locutus: it's an... interesting chat feature...
Evil-One-Of-Froz: What does the eye button do. Next to the away button.
Locutus: wutang!
Locutus: I like classic
Tamerlin: Come on youngsters... and if we played the game...
Locutus: I have no clue
J_Bytheway: It's probably registered-only
Locutus: I guess so
Evil-One-Of-Froz: kolours are kool Tam... get with the times
J_Bytheway: We have a whole bunch of new units this turn...
Tamerlin: True... but we have a DG to play...
J_Bytheway: So, Settler: SE?
Tamerlin: We should as for a Cease fire with the gr
Tamerlin: ...Germans
Tamerlin: SE yes
J_Bytheway: No more cease firing for at least two more turns!
J_Bytheway p
Tamerlin: ..
J_Bytheway: .
Locutus: wow, this chat room is a serious drain on my bandwidth: KaZaa has a whopping d/l speed of 1.07 kB/s now...
Locutus D
Locutus: ..

Evil-One-Of-Froz: 28.8k speeds
J_Bytheway: Probably I should be hosting, I'm almost certainly on the best connection of anyone here...
Locutus: indeedie...
Tamerlin: You are an bad boy Locutus... KaZaa... tch, tch, tch!
Locutus: well, my cable isn't too bad either... just poorly programmed server, I expect
Evil-One-Of-Froz: Thinkof all the royalties you're prohibiting from Hollywood Fat Cats!
Locutus: not everything on KaZaa is illegal, Tam
Tamerlin: Yes...

J_Bytheway: Settler moved
Tamerlin: ...

Tamerlin: Done
mapfi: hey, i just missed a few minutes and this stupid thing doesn't let me scroll back!!!!!
Evil-One-Of-Froz: Yes it does.
J_Bytheway: Hit the save chat session button
Evil-One-Of-Froz: You just have to scroll down to scroll up.
Locutus: seems to work okay for me...
J_Bytheway: It'll pop up a window for you with everything since logon
Evil-One-Of-Froz: Though it deletes some of it.
Evil-One-Of-Froz wonders if the /me command works
J_Bytheway: I'm going to run through these other units fairly fast. Yell soon if you want anything special done.
Evil-One-Of-Froz: Yay!
Tamerlin: OK, group and fortify into their city of origin...
J_Bytheway: Hoplite by H Town: moving S
J_Bytheway: Archer by Graz - towards Linz
J_Bytheway: Hoplite in Graz - grouping
J_Bytheway: Archer in Linz - fortifying
J_Bytheway: Hoplite in Pilsen - fortifying
J_Bytheway: Hop in Pressburg - grouping
Evil-One-Of-Froz: Were we not meant to change the names of conquered cities? I seem to remember numerous polls about it.
mapfi: scroll down to scroll up - how whciked is this!
J_Bytheway: Archer in mapfipolis - grouping
J_Bytheway: A/H by CL - moving towards Pedrunnia
J_Bytheway: Providence - moving E
J_Bytheway: Hop in Wombatoon - grouping
J_Bytheway: Hop by Pedrunnia - moving along road past Pedrunnia to the west
Locutus is currently away.
J_Bytheway: The results of the city renaming polls wwere varied, and I'm too lazy to do anything about Pilsen at the moment
J_Bytheway: Archer in Wien - moving towards Graz
J_Bytheway: So, now I'll start asking for opinions again
J_Bytheway: New Hop in CL: should we leave it there for defense against the German stack, or move it out to make space?
Cot has left the room.
Tamerlin: Sorry, a phone call from Gilgamesch which says hello to everybody...
J_Bytheway: A phone call?
Evil-One-Of-Froz: Phonecall?

J_Bytheway: A real one, or over the net?
Tamerlin: Yep... he leaves in France...
Tamerlin: A real one...
J_Bytheway: Well, if you're still talking say hello from me too.