May 1, 2003, 17:36
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The early history of the German Socialist Republic.
A little story about a normal game on Deity that I am playing...
As German forces marched into Ngome, a Zulu colony located in Indo-China, the history of the world changed from one of non-stop struggle between those that were aligned against the German Socialist Republic to one where international disputes became more prevalent and focus on dismantling the German Juggernaut were replaced with a more stratified world.
To be certain, global realities put into place by a German Communist Party bent on global revolution had their extreme effects on the global political system. Many would argue that the current state of affairs is due directly to the overt attempts of the German Communist party to drive all forces other than Socialism from any area of the world they wished. The Communist forces in Germany themselves were a direct result of two attempted Republics within a German-controlled Europe at the time as well as the strong Monarchy that had represented "Germany," not as a nation but as a State comprising many nations of many ethnicities.
The problem the powerful German Monarchy realized was one of two issues; (1) The Monarch was becoming too powerful, but only because the military was far too strong, the Monarch himself realized that a strong military was only making him weaker in the long run despite gains in territory and wealth due to conquest, and (2) That the overwhelming size of the military would be impossible to manage with a changing economy and a larger, more unweildy, state forming around a Teutonic Monarch who's seat was thousands of miles away from most of the nations located within that state, and equally as far away in terms of culture from his subjects.
Thus the first attempts at a Republic happened along European lines, to be sure Germany held an impressive swath of territory outside of Europe however this territory was either too small to have a voice or simply not yet connected to what the "German" monarchy had become. Thus the first form of Republic was formed and problems began immedeately; the first of which was management of a military who's only role to this point was conquest and wealth for their beloved Monarch. The price to maintain a military under the Republic was problematic due to the administrations that were created to manage the economy and the military and their reluctance to work together. It is important to understand that many of these people were brought in from different provinces of the state (Russia, Britain, and Turkey for example) to continue to manage what were in all respects German policies.
Thus huge cuts were made in the military, many forces out in the field were brought back home, most in the midst of war or of engaging enemy soldiers. The Republic had failed to gain peace from the Persians, who were in charge of Africa and much of the Middle East, and had equally failed to turn the fledgling Spanish state in Indo-China into a powerful ideological ally against the Persian Republic. Public works became an important part of the Republican platform; they felt that better conditions for the citizens of Germany would be necessary to bring about social change, which was probably accurate however created a new system of servitude; Capitalism. [It should be noted that this document is of the German Labour Party (GLP) during the Communist uprising of the late 1700s, and does not demonstrate total reality. In this instance the GLP claims that the Republic created Capitalism as a means of producing public works thus taking advantage of their workers. When in reality it was the common people, the workers, that demanded a change in the quality of life.]
The system, however, did not take. The German military saw defeats in the Middle-East, Africa, and central Asia to the Persian forces that they once dominated. The attempted colonization of the Orient on the part of Republican leadership (which was substantially wealthier than the common worker), in order to put to work more people, people who they were not ethnically related to, for their own personal gain. Thankfully, yet unfortunantly, these attempts were put to rest by maurading Persian forces attempting to stop the Republic from becoming the Monarch it had deposed. The bourgeosie, the new middle class formed from the merchants and administrators of both the old Kingdom and the new Republic, decided that the problem was not in the leaders of the Republic, but was however in the weakness and formation of the Republic called again for a new constitution that would grant more lattitude to the owning class.
The military was again cut, social institutions were cut, and more (yet advertised and lenient) taxes were created to peck at the proletariat (or working class') pockets. [Here the GLP accuses the Republican government of changing the Constitution as a response to their dwindling abilities as leaders, when in actuality it occured as a direct result to the lower classes of society demanding a more prominent role in voting for their leaders.]
When the Federal Government was formed in the 1760s, there was at first a gullible belief by many workers, soldiers and peasants that maybe their lot in life would change due to the fresh constitution. However, former social aides were no longer offered by the new government, which was necessary after the demise of a tyrannical Monarch. The Military was again cut, and Germany was at its weakest point, losing Israel to Persian forces and being decimated in an attack on Babylon south of Tblisi. Workers were being put towards entertaining the masses in order to boost tax dollars and many of the former construction suggested by the old Republic was being changed into money and luxuries. These attempts to subdue the people into a new government while Germany fell behind in technology and power (and in some minor cases territory) forced the German Labour Party to form in the city of Bonn 1765, by a German named Karl Marx. His doctrine on the inevitabilities of history formed the belief structure for two young Russian Socialists named Trotsky and Lenin, who formed the Russian Worker's Party, later changed to the Socialist Party of Workers, Soldiers and Peasants.
In 1780 a conference was held between the GLP, and the SPWSP, along with the German Socialist Party, the British Worker's Party, and the Nationalist Party of Labour who signed an agreement towards mutual respect and a coalition that would become a force in Parliament. Meanwhile the Federal Government's plans at appeasing agitators had worked, Germans were generally richer than they had been, despite their government's loss of its Royal Wealth, and the loss of their overwhelming military might. However, the eastern territories, along with a war torn Middle-East and a disdainful Britain pushed to gain an advantage in Parliament which would allow Leon Trotsky to become Prime Minister dissolving Parliament and declaring a state of emergency. Here is the final part of his speech which touts the causes of Marxism-Leninism on the part of Leon Trotsky:
"It is with terrible fear for the future that I accept my burden as the last Prime Minister of this nation, within my rights and powers, and with consent of [President Metternich] that I dissolve this Parliament indefinitely and call a state of emergency in response to the demise of German forces along the border with Persia, and in response to the subsequent alliance that has formed between the states of Persia and of the Spanish Republic. These new threats must be challanged, nay decimated at the fields of battle, and to ensure victory over those who would destroy our Union I allow the military to take its rightful place as the defenders of our state."
[In this speech, the Prime Minister Leon Trotsky (who served for only one day following an election that was considered corrupted), dissolves Parliament thus leaving the Federation's institutions in dissaray. The call towards the military came only after the soldier's Union (chaired by Lenin) became legal and affirmed by Parliament]
Thus with Lenin as the chair of the German Soldier's Union, and Metternich (a leading Socialist, however a non-Marxist) in control of the state a new situation had arisen; should the leftist Socialists (Marxists) rule the State or should the middle ground Socialists rule the state. Unfortunatly for Metternich, the Prime Minister wasn't done yet...
To be continued, with an actual story, and maybe pictures.
May 2, 2003, 11:37
Just another peon
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Is this an MP game?
The OT at APOLYTON is like watching the Special Olympics. Certain people try so hard to debate despite their handicaps.
May 2, 2003, 11:40
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Originally posted by rah
Is this an MP game?
Sure seems like it to me... and that's why I'm moving it to the Civ II General Forum from the MP forum.
Good luck with your game and have fun
Keep on Civin'
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May 2, 2003, 12:56
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as per usual capo is eloquent in his posts
Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!
May 6, 2003, 15:58
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The Red Shores of America...
Premier Bismarck slowly walked down the corridor, he wished it lasted forever, the last thing he wanted was to approach his public. True, the news-media was in his party's hands, everything was nominally, but no level of control, no level of pursuasion could get him out of this mess. Nothing could change the mood of this speech, there was no politicizing to do here, Baghdad was attacked by the Sioux with a nuclear warhead and there was nothing to be said in his defense. For the first time since the German Labour Party took control of government was there a defeat of the party.
The red curtains were drawn as two red soldiers stood silently, they dared not look at their Premier, they knew what was going on and did not want to make matters worse (or get fired, the life of a soldier was good in the German army). He entered the room, cameras flashing, he felt hot and the air was humid to him, his breath grew short and stuttered, he had no choice but to keep a straight face and approach the podium. "Brothers," he began "Yesterday we saw the culmination of our nuclear program, and it wasn't the glorious result that our scientists invisioned, it wasn't a glorious triumph of the soldiers, defenders of the proletariat, over the Capitalist slave master Sioux. It was a humbling experience that should teach us that while great strides have been made in global revolution, we have a long long way to go..."
There was a very slight rumble in the audience, Bismarck knew that this statement would be contraversial. What could he say though? Could he really APOLOGIZE to the people? No, that wasn't enough, there was no room for apology, he wasn't sorry anyway. Sure it was horrible, and people perished but to blame the Sioux for what they had done, which was merely a response to the THREE nuclear missiles that racked their nation, would be hypocritical, and that isn't what Bismarck wanted. He fixed his tie and continued...
"...I first give my condolences to the brave workers, peasants, soldiers, and citizens of the fair city of Baghdad. It shall be renovated to its old and glorious splendor as a bastion of the people's victory over their former oppressors. It shall yet again serve as a glorious example, even more glorious after overcoming the most heinous strike that historically war-torn city has seen. It shall say to the Capitalists and so called Holy Men of the world 'Is that all you've got!?' and become an example of strength and endurance to the entire Federation of Socialist Republics. This latest transgression was quite a mysterious one, for the Sioux to launch such a strike against Baghdad would require a close enough launching-zone, and according to our current intelligence that could not have been accomplished without some form of international complicity. Unless of course our soldiers failed us, in either event there will be a thurough (sp?) investigation and those at fault will be duly remedied. It is the least, the very least that can be done, for throngs of our hard working citizens have felt that terrible pangs of world revolution. This cause is not of the military's alone, this is the cause of all the proletariat. We must reach our brethren overseas, we must reach our brethren suffering under fundamentalist regimes, we much reach our brethren enslaved under the yoke of imperialist, capitalist swine, and drive them to rise up, drive them to join our union!" his fist pumping into the air, the rage had overcome him, he now realized the only way to finish this was to have all of the world succumb to Marxism, "Then and only then will the world be safe from such blatant disregard for humanity, for the sanctity and value of life. We are all equal, we are all brothers. So it is with this that I announce the decision, which was democratically made in the Council of People's Republics this morning to dissolve the nuclear program of the People's Federation. If we must make the first move towards a safer world that is what we will do, for this world is the world of the people, the world of the workers, soldiers and peasants, and we must not harm it again." He hesitated and looked about the room, "We will start by dismantling our nuclear missiles which are located in six positions; I only divulge these locations to show our sincerity in our message. To the Zulu I say we shall disarm our eight nuclear weapons now located in south Pacific islands, they shall no longer be pointed at our brethren workers in your nation, to the Persians I say our four warheads in Saudi Arabia will be dismantled, to the Sioux I say our seven nuclear missiles pointed at your nation shall be dismantled. And nuclear warheads in storage throughout Russia, Europe, Asia, India, and elsewhere shall be likewise destroyed. Thank you very much, power to the people!"
The crowd was stunned, the newsmen attempted to ask questions but the premier immedeatly left the room back into the corridor.
"Sir, you do realize the CPR never met this morning, you don't think the news will pick up on this?" asked General Mashad, who was waiting on the other side of the curtain since midway into the speech.
"They will say nothing, word has already been spread, minutes have been typed up. This is our statement, but we will not follow through with it. I'm sick and tired of these pathetic nations attempting to flex their muscles to us, their cause is lost, ours is predestined. We will hold back for some years, but in the meantime we must show them we do not need these weapons to get the point accross." Bismarck responded.
"With all due respect sir, our forces are strained around the world, true we have a ridiculous force here in the Federation. But to mobilize and organize a campaign at this time would take a lot of time and effort, we are in no way prepared to engage in a campaign dramatic enough to do more than keep these nations down." Mashad explained.
"General, I don't care what it takes, I want men mobilized now, I want bombers and helicoptors to destroy Sioux defenses, I want North America in our clutches by the year's end. Now, go quickly, call all of the leaders and tell them to mobilize their forces, I want a status report in my office tommorow morning before I get there or you will be sorry!"
May 7, 2003, 00:45
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What is he talking about?
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May 7, 2003, 02:14
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Originally posted by Straybow
What is he talking about?
... and I was going to ask you for the explanation
May 7, 2003, 02:16
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Eh ?
May 7, 2003, 17:22
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I think it's somekind of a Civ II based story, despite Bismarck is in Civ III. The only explanation I can come up with. Now some explanation by the author would be nice.
"Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver
May 8, 2003, 11:55
Local Time: 01:40
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Apparently you have no idea what is going on. Yes it is a story, and no it is not civilization three. You do realize you CAN change the name of your leader in civilization two right? Hell you can chance almost anything in civilization two. You should check out THIS SITE to see what I'm talking about. This particular game did not have as much editing as HOTW, but there were some minor changes made.
Why this thread is here in the General/Help area is simply because Ming, the moderator of these forums, is a moron who jumps the gun all the time and makes assumptions about things. Its okay though, its not a big deal or anything.
Basically the game is an MP game with AI in it, there are three human players and I am teaching the other two how to play. This is simply a dramatic description of things that occured in the game. The first post basically describes the reason why I (the German player) decided aftering trying a Republic, and Democracy, opted to go with a Communist government.
The second is a speech from my leader (who is named Bismarck) about a nuclear strike on the city of Baghdad by the Sioux.
That's basically what's going on right now, the people in the MP forums realized what was going on, that's why I put it there, here nobody knows what the hell I'm talking about.
May 8, 2003, 15:21
Local Time: 18:40
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 Ming, we don't need any help here. We inflict enough confusion on ourselves, thank you very much.
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May 9, 2003, 02:19
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"Ming, the moderator of these forums, is a moron ", dangerous words, Capo ...
May 9, 2003, 03:00
Local Time: 03:40
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Indeed. Especially as he doesn't back up that arguement with anything. If moving the thread here was a slip, then it sure wasn't a serious one, plus such small slips can happen. However I assume the reason why it's here, is because it's a fictional Civ II story, so then it sure belongs here as we don't have a specific forum for Civ II stories (compare to Civ III stories forum).
"Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver
May 9, 2003, 18:56
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It could be moved back to MP…
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May 9, 2003, 19:17
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It should be moved back to Civ2|MP.
The SGs sloshed...
May 15, 2003, 23:10
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move this post back to the mp forum
Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!
May 16, 2003, 01:25
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PM sent to Ming about it.
"Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver
May 16, 2003, 04:59
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Wow this is a well travelled thread.
May 16, 2003, 10:05
Just another peon
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Well, this gets confusing. As always, nice narative Capo. One question, who's doing better, the two new guys, or the AI's? Maybe if you supply a list of characters.............
The OT at APOLYTON is like watching the Special Olympics. Certain people try so hard to debate despite their handicaps.
May 16, 2003, 11:00
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if everyones posts were as eloquent and elaborate as this, it would make for some great reads
keep it up capo...i enjoy them
Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!
May 16, 2003, 19:08
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The Capo, how did you make the map??
May 18, 2003, 22:13
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Who are the others in the game? It sounds like Capo is diplo-masturbating. hehe
I was thinking to use a male-male jack and record it. - Albert Speer
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June 14, 2003, 19:44
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I will ask it again
how did he make the map???
June 15, 2003, 23:40
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what map is it? It might be the Real World map that I made.
I was thinking to use a male-male jack and record it. - Albert Speer
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
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