May 24, 2003, 14:43
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 looking forward to more.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
May 24, 2003, 14:43
Local Time: 01:40
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Location: Don't you feel silly now?
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I think if I change now in the middle of La Grande Nation it’s going to suck big time. BTW, whatever happens in this story, it is absolutely what is going on in the game, whether I win or get straight up blasted, you all will read about it.
Yeah, it's probably not a good idea to change styles midstory.
I congratulate you on taking constructive criticism better than Chrisus and scratch
May 26, 2003, 20:46
Local Time: 10:40
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Location: Love me tender. Love me sweet.
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Kaos, never mind all this rubbish. Please continue the story!!  I want some more nation crippling.
May 26, 2003, 22:07
Local Time: 01:40
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Location: Don't you feel silly now?
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If it was my critique that stifled the flow of your pen then disregard it.
I do quite like this story, I admonish you to continue.
May 27, 2003, 10:45
Local Time: 20:40
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Location: beautiful coastal city of... Que te Importa
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Hi! Cheers! My bad for keeping everybody waiting. RL can be fun, but sometimes it takes too much time away from my responsibilities in poly'.
750 -- State of the Union
Pop. 10,648,000 2nd
Land 53,200 sq. m. 1st
Military 85 units
By this point the propaganda campaign against Shaka had provided 60% support for the war and Jeanne had won re-election for the Presidency. The populace was distracted and only concentrating on the evil Shaka. Jeanne had begun to rebuild the military.
“Before doing battle, in the temple one calculates and will win, because many calculations were made; before doing battle, in the temple one calculates and will not win, because few calculations were made.” (tzu)
We are not the most advanced nation on the planet, but we are certainly in the top 5 when it comes to superpower status. According to the subjective World Rankings, in power we are second behind Babylonia and in front of China, Korea and Scandinavia. As far as the military goes, General Duquenne had long been retired. Jeanne had removed Napoleon from the Expeditionary Offense Force and sent to the Biscay Defense Force. The reason being is that Napoleon had refused to battle the liberals during anarchic times known as “Les Ennuis.” Instead Jeanne had promoted a man named Thomas Martin and put him in charge of the Expeditionary Offense Force. Martin was a colonel in the French Army and was the son of a major U.D.F. contributor. In other military news Théodore Delacroix was the new Navy Admiral commander of the South Defense Fleet.
The two Generals, the Admiral and Jeanne all met in Tolosa to formulate the battle plan. There are only three small towns in N.E. Zulia, so this should be as easy as the Celtic War.
Jeanne: “First things first, we have to take Amatikulu and control the two Incense deposits. After the first blow the Zulus should fold up like a folding-chair and the rest of Zulia will be ours.”
Napoleon: “I am not so sure it’s going to be that easy. The Zulus are known to be fierce fighters.”
Martin: “You’re wrong, we’re going to crush them like cockroaches.”
Jeanne: “Adm. Delacroix, what is the situation with our Navy?”
Delacroix: “We’ve got 3 Galleon squads waiting in Grenoble and 1 Frigate squad near the far western Zulu city of Ibanago which, when we start bombarding, will perhaps confuse the Zulus.”
Jeanne: “Now, I have prepared the objectives for each of you. I will hand over this document, but please keep it secret at all cost.”
Jeanne then handed them each a copy of the Incense protocols listing our objectives in the war code-named OPERATION FIRST STRIKE.
OBJECTIVE 1: Capture Amatikulu and secure the Incense in nearby desert.
OBJECTIVE 2: Capture Isipezi which would give us access to the Bay of Korea.
OBJECTIVE 3: Capture Zunguin city on the hills which would remove all Zulu from the enclave.
Jeanne: “Marvelous, Gen. Martin order the E.O.F. to board the Galleons in Grenoble. You will be given the task to complete Objectives 1 and 2.” “Gen. Napoleon I want you to complete Objective 3 using the B. D. F.”
Nobody in the meeting raised the question of the Zulus securing a R.O.P. with Korea and sending heavy reinforcements from Zululand. It was thought that the war would be over before the Zulus even knew what hit them. The E.O.F. consisted of 9 Cav brigades and 3 Musk. battalions. Napoleon was in command of 4 Cav brigades and his 2 Knight force. The war would begin at a time of our choosing.
objectives for different generals
In Tours Jeanne happily opens up our first and most prestigious Military Academy, named “Ecole des Elèves Aspirants” (E.E.A.). “From this day forward we will now be able to separate, leaders from followers and men from boys. Here shall only come out, the best of the best officers,” were the words of Jeanne, at the inauguration ceremony. Our scientist discover the secret of Steam Power and we notice that, there is one single Coal deposit in the jungles outside the city of Cherbourg in the state of Biscay. Although we haven’t officially declared war on the Zulus, we set sail our E.O.F. from Grenoble and head for Amatikulu. At the same time Napoleon moves the B.D.F., down through the harsh Galois Jungle.
Newton’s University is built in Paris, thousands of students attend their first class eagerly in what is without a doubt the best school in the world. “Young men and woman of France the future of our great nation is in your hands. Please, do not take for granted, what has been paid for, by hard work,” announced Jeanne as the students enter their school. In other news, Jeanne and the Assemblée agree to pay a heavy sum to the Vikings in exchange for Nationalism.
Jeanne now tells Delacroix to, “divert the E.O.F. heading to Amatikulu and send them to the near Bleu Island cities of Toulouse and Poitiers. We need to retrain our Musketeers into Riflemen.” The men of the Expeditionary Defense Force, drop their muskets and pick up these new weapons with interior spiral grooves. Gen. Martin does not see the value in the rifle and tells Jeanne, “you’re delaying MY attack. The Zulus can only be getting stronger.” “Jeanne bites her tongue, knowing that Martin’s father holds much sway in the U.D.F.
Before declaring war Jeanne makes one final attempt to avoid war, even though she knows, that Shaka will never accept the demands. But, that is her intention. Jeanne sends a message to Shaka that read, “the people of N.E. Zulia have suffered for centuries under you despotic rule, but now the time of liberation has come. Shaka you have only a short time to remove your military out of N.E. Zulia or we will remove them forcibly. If, in this time, your forces have not left, then we‘re at WAR. The people of N.E. Zulia will soon feel, what it is to be free and democratic.”
Shaka does not respond at all and Jeanne is told that the Zulu military is not leaving. In a speech carried by all of the newspapers, Jeanne says, “France can’t sit idly by and let the psychopaths of the world rule over people with an iron fist. The citizens of Zulia need us and we will help them in their fight for freedom. Citizens of France we are now at war.” The outcry from France is mixed.
Martin’s force of 9 Cav, 3 Riflemen (Rfm) brigades land in the hills around Amatikulu. The news from the front gets even better, when we realize that there are only outdated Impis guarding the town. To the north Napoleon’s force is struggling to cross the dense jungles. Delacroix orders some of his Galleons to pick them up on the Jungle’s coast and land in the Grasslands near Zunguin. Our Frigate far away begins the bombardment of Ibanago and the only road leading to the city is destroyed.
With the war now starting, students from across France’s universities begin holding peaceful demonstrations. Jeanne orders the Noire Pluie, to keep “secret records” on the most outspoken of the bunch. One particular student stood out, his name was Michel Mitterrand. The young, left radical Mitterand speaks with an eloquence that seems to almost hypnotize audiences. When Mitterand speaks even the conservatives listen:
“The warmongers gleefully extol the glory of war and yet do not foretell the misery which it brings. They dance at the sound of our shells and ignore the bloody shreds it leaves the soldiers. They pray to the Almighty; help us to twist the hearts of their unoffending widows with unavailing sorrow; help us ravage their humble homes with a typhoon of fire; help us to turn them out roofless, with little children to wander in their parents bloody mess. This is not my vision of France and we must make Jeanne realize that it is not her vision either.”
huge landing force, napoleon's boys are stuck in the jungle
"The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
Read the Story of La Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum
May 27, 2003, 10:53
Local Time: 20:40
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Location: beautiful coastal city of... Que te Importa
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Our Cavalries smashed through the town of Amatikulu leaving behind the bodies of 2 Impi battalions. The town and the Incense is ours. Surprisingly, many of our troops are not met with flowers from the liberated Zulu people. Instead, many of the citizens of Amatikulu begin throwing stones at our soldiers. The young soldiers, which were told they would be liberating an oppressed people, are quite confused.
Martin orders the force to Isipezi where we confront enemy Swordsmen and Med Inf. We engage with our hard charging Cavs and defeat them. The “Road to Isipezi”, the name given by our troops in the area because of the single road that lead into the town, is incredibly rugged as we have to cross the Mugabe Mountains and Hills. Jeanne relays to her advisors, “It seems like we didn’t really take into account the effect of the rugged mountains and dense jungles. I just hope that it doesn’t slow us down too much.” “No way, it will take some tough fighting, but we’ll get there, “ the advisors respond.
“If the enemy presents an opportunity, take advantage of it. Attack what he values most. Do not advance on any fixed day or time; calculate and adapt to the enemy to determine the matter of doing battle.” (tzu)
IBT: The cold, harsh truth is revealed. The Koreans are allowing the Zulus to move through their territory with impunity. Our Riflemen in Amatikulu feel the full brunt of a Zulu Cavalry charge. The Zulus appear to be tightly coordinated and extremely disciplined as they rip our Riflemen to pieces. In even worse news, we can see now more enemy troops. Knights and Cav brigades hold positions directly on the Road to Isipezi. Martin decides that he isn’t going around them, but meeting them head on.
Zulu War - Operation First Strike
1 Riflemen
Civilians: 0
2 Impis
1 Swordsmen
1 Medieval Infantry
Civilians: 16,000
We meet the enemy on the Road to Isipezi and begin to battle on the Horse Hills. Horse Hills, so named because of the many wild horses which covered the area. But the only wild horses the Zulus saw, belong to our Cavalry brigades. The fight is fierce and the terrain makes it much more tougher. 1 Cav brigade is lost, but we were able to take out enemy Knight and Cav brigades. With the Horse Hills now cleared, Gen, Martin orders 5 Cav and 1 Riflemen brigades to secure and fortify the area.
“If one gains victory in battle and is successful in attacks, but does not exploit those achievements, it is disastrous. This is called waste and delay. (tzu)
Gen. Martin now announces blissfully to Jeanne that, “we now have 5 Cav and 1 Rfm brigades fortified in the Horse Hills, on the Road to Isipezi, we are just a mere 25 miles away from Isipezi. It is only a matter of time before all of Zulia will be under our control.” “Why is this idiot stopping when we have the initiative,“ thought Jeanne. Meanwhile, Napoleon’s 2 Knight force lands close to Zunguin, with 4 more Cav brigades heading in that direction from the jungle. Back in France, much of the dissent is suppressed by the conservatives. The far-right labels all French citizens against this war as unpatriotic, traitors. Also, our Navy is now coming to fruition as many Ironclads leave their harbors. In this war however, they won’t be seeing much action as the Zulus have only 3 coastal cities and they are very far away.
those zulu knights are history, we control the square with the horses
IBT: The mighty Zulus attack Martin’s forces with ferocious tenacity. Wave after wave of Zulu Cavs approached the Horse Hills and like a lightning bolt, paralyzed and shocked the men. “There are too many, they’re coming in from all directions”, the men yell. Martin shouts, “Let’s get the hell out of here, RETRAITE, RETRAITE.” “Retreat where, you imbecile buffoon, WE ARE SURROUNDED!!!”, one young officer replied. As the Zulus rip to shreds our fortifications Martin screams, “EVERY MAN TO HIMSELF.” Martin then sneaks away from camp, removes his uniform and miraculously escapes back into Amatikulu.
The rest of the soldiers trapped in the Horse Hills were not so lucky. Their last words were, “SACRE BLEU!!!, MASSACRE!!!” 1 Riflemen and 5 whole Cavalry brigades were butchered. Jeanne is staggered by the news and demands Martin be arrested and executed, for the treacherous betrayal of the men. In Amatikulu, where the local population can barely stand us, Martin is forced on his knees and the back of his head is blown off by the executioner’s rifle. Jeanne curses the day she named that coward a General.
Martin was the son of a powerful, rich U.D.F. contributor and Jeanne knows his execution and the “Horse Hills Massacre” must be covered up. A flag is sent to Martin’s father with the message, “we must regretfully inform you that your son, General Martin passed away a few days ago. He unfortunately contacted malaria and subsequently died. The country of France weeps with you, the loss of the General.”
All soldiers in the theater are told not to disclose any information on the “Horse Hills Massacre”, for the good of the country. However, many troops are now questioning the war, “why are we even here?” Jeanne now assigns Gen. Napoleon full control of all field operations. “Conquer Zulia and finish this war as fast as you can Napoleon,” she tells him. “Never again will I let politics affect promotions in the military. Napoleon, you should have been in charge from the beginning”, Jeanne cries out to her General.
Napoleon was never in favor of this war and has no intention of sending France’s young to death for too long. Nonetheless, he is a soldier, he orders his 2 Knight force to reinforce the remaining troops in Amatikulu. He also continues as planned, to land 4 Cav brigades near Zunguin.
Zulu War - Operation First Strike
6 Cavalries
2 Riflemen
Civilians: 0
1 Cavalries
2 Impis
1 Swordsmen
1 Medieval Infantry
3 Knights
Civilians: 16,000
The 2 Knight force arrives in Amatikulu and braces itself for the inevitable Zulu attack. Inside Amatikulu there is 1 Rfm , 3 Cav (2 badly injured) brigades all fortified in Amatikulu. Some locals, which are happy to see us, begin constructing a city wall. With funding from Paris it will be complete very soon. Also the 4 Cav brigades, have now landed in the grasslands near Zunguin. Napoleon has no intention of getting back on the Road to Isipezi.
Back in France, conversely, the center-leftist paper Le Monde has uncovered the massacre. “Collines de la Mort” (Hills of Death) is what was being shouted throughout all of France. Anger now reigns supreme in the hearts of all the French. Riots erupt; Marketplace in Amiens is taken over and destroyed, Library in Besancon is looted and ransacked. Finally, in Reims the University is burned to the ground by activist students. Among those leading the violent unrest is Mitterand, now a full fledge member of the Parti Socialiste. “Stop this unjust war in the name of all humanity. The blood of every victim, French or Zulu, is in your war mongering hands Jeanne,” preaches Mitterand, in front of hundreds of thousands.
Jeanne is now on the verge of collapse, as is the country. She no longer has the will to crack down on the revolutionaries and is wondering, “how the hell did the news of the massacre get out.” In fact, it was her most trusted military leader whom betrayed her, Napoleon. Napoleon never did forgive Jeanne for the snub when she gave Martin his E.O.F. But also, he just didn’t believe in this war of Incense.
IBT: A Zulu Warrior battalion attacks our Cavs outside Zunguin and seriously damages a Brigade before succumbing to defeat. Also in an ironic twist the Iroquoian town of Chondote, near Biscay, revolts and sends the Iroquoian military into the jungles. Inside the town the people celebrate and dance as they chant, “Liberté, Liberté.“ That’s right, they were chanting in French. Jeanne with renewed hope now in her country, quickly embraces the little heathens and allows them to become citizens of France. Chondote now makes the fourth city in the Biscay territory.
Zulu War - Operation First Strike
6 Cavalries
2 Riflemen
Civilians: 0
1 Cavalries
2 Impis
1 Swordsmen
1 Medieval Infantry
3 Knights
1 Warriors
Civilians: 16,000
In the hills outside Zunguin, we notice enemy 1 Med Inf and 1 Cav brigades guarding the entrance to the town. Napoleon orders their removal, we attack them and defeat them, but suffer the loss of our own Cav brigade. Napoleon is saddened, but knows the only way home is through Zunguin. Without hesitation he sends 1 Cav brigade into Zunguin. We have 3 Cav brigades in the area, but all except 1 are not at full strength. An Impi stationed inside is eliminated, but there are still more defenders. In Amatikulu the city wall is constructed.
With Jeanne and the UDF reeling, the Parti Socialiste makes sweeping gains in the Assemblée Nationale. Under their leader Mitterand, they demand the sick carnage in Zulia to end. Jeanne pleads with them, “we are on the verge of taking Zunguin. Please do not trample on the loyalty of those soldiers, who are still giving their lives for France.” “You have one more chance to take Zunguin, whether you do or don’t, we don’t care, this war will be stopped”, Mitterand answers back. Although the P.S. is not hoping for the French military to fail, they do realize that Jeanne could be driven once and for all from power, if they do fail.
IBT: Enemy Cav brigade attacks our Cavs in the hills outside Zunguin but, they are unsuccessful.
Zulu War - Operation First Strike
7 Cavalries
2 Riflemen
Civilians: 0
3 Cavalries
3 Impis
1 Swordsmen
2 Medieval Infantry
3 Knights
1 Warriors
Civilians: 16,000
840 -- State of the Union
Pop. 12,682,000 2nd
Land 57,200 sq. m. 1st
Military: 104 (not all listed)
Armée de Terre: (Army)
33 Riflemen
19 Cavalries
7 Cannons
Marine Nationale: (Navy)
8 Ironclads
3 Frigates (soon to be decommissioned)
6 Galleons (transport)
“Assembling the masses of the army, and throwing them into danger are the responsibility of the general.” (tzu)
Napoleon is fully aware that he has only one more chance to take out Zunguin. We charge the town with an overwhelming force. From all sides we mount the offensive. Inside 2 Impi battalions are left praying to their gods we don’t slice them up. Unfortunately, for them, we do. We march victoriously through the center of the town. It is our first major victory in a long while and the men should be proud. Jeanne now contacts the Zulu leader Shaka to arraigned a peace treaty. However, Shaka informs Jeanne that a peace treaty had already been signed in Isipezi.
The Treaty of Isipezi was agreed upon by Shaka and members of the Assemblée, including Mitterand. The deal includes a 30 Gold payment to the Zulus. Jeanne is infuriated, the “backstabber’s in the Assemblée” had undermined her authority. “Those bastards handed over the Gold, so that it would appear to the people that, we had lost the war,” says Jeanne. Jeanne is actually right, Mitterand and the P.S. plan to use this as a stepping stone for Mitterand to challenge Jeanne and become the new President of the Democratic Republic of France.
The world rejoices as the bloody conflict is over. The war last 40 years and it is our bloodiest conflict since the Carthaginian War. Jeanne is repudiated for having started this bloody war of aggression and her support dwindles heavily. Jeanne ponders, “were the lives of all those young soldiers, worth the Incense? Am I a warmonger? How could I have left myself turn into this?” Jeanne a distraught figure now, speaks to a large crowd in Paris and pledges to the people of France;
“I hereby renounce all war and all the impeccable horror it brings. Never again shall France, take active, a policy of pre-emption. Never again shall France, fight its weaker neighbors for territorial gains. I Jeanne d’Arc president of the Democratic Republic of France, for all time swear to you my people, France will never again partake in a war of aggression. France shall now become a nation Peace for all time.”
Jeanne and all members of the Assemblée Nationale proceeded to put this down in writing. The document is to be known as the Leysen Doctrine and it will became National Policy when it is signed. In the year 850 in the resort city of Toulouse in the Southern Bleue Islands the Leysen Doctrine becomes official and France shall forever be known as a Nation of Peace. A new election is now brewing and recent survey’s show Jeanne’s popularity at 48%. On the other hand Mitterand now has 47% and gaining fast. There are currently 5% undecided and these people will decide if Jeanne will continue to run La Grande Nation.
Zulu War - Operation First Strike (Final Casualty Report)- 2 out of 3 objectives met.
7 Cavalries
2 Riflemen
Civilians: 0
3 Cavalries
5 Impis
1 Swordsmen
2 Medieval Infantry
3 Knights
1 Warriors
Civilians: 38,000
our newest cities, with Incense
"The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
Read the Story of La Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum
May 27, 2003, 16:11
Local Time: 02:40
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Location: Staffordshire England
Posts: 8,321
Superb stuff absolutely superb,
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
May 27, 2003, 23:50
Local Time: 10:40
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Love me tender. Love me sweet.
Posts: 839
It was nice to see the Zulus put up a good fight and the massacre was great. Who's the next target? I hope Jeanne doesn't stay peaceful after the election.  Can't you change to monarchy or communism or something to avoid the bothersome elections?
May 28, 2003, 19:01
Local Time: 20:40
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Location: beautiful coastal city of... Que te Importa
Posts: 255
Ah, but we love Democracy. It allows our people to voice opinions, without the fear of retribution, from the government.
The Election
After months of debating in different cities across the country, both Jeanne and Mitterand were now waiting in their respective homes, the outcome of the election. It is expected to be the closest race in France’s long history. And it is. The counting of the votes takes weeks, U.D.F. and P.S. partisans face each other in rallies throughout France. Both accuse each other of lying and cheating. The final votes are too close to call, with many strange irregularities. It appears that operatives from each party, have been trying to influence the vote. In the end, the 9-member Conseil Constitutionnel is called upon to make the final decision. The people’s level of distrust in Jeanne increases.
The C.C. is supposed to be a non-partisan group of the most revered judges, however, a majority of these judges were appointed by Jeanne herself. It is no surprise then, that Jeanne is named the President of the Democratic Republic of France. Thanks to the rigging of the elec…… errr, what I mean is, Jeanne successfully and honorably remains in power. Mitterand is very upset and tells Jeanne herself, “congratulations Jeanne, but you shouldn’t be too confident. We are going to watch you like a hawk.” Mitterand has to content himself, knowing the P.S. is still the majority in the Assemblée.
After the elections, the partisan politics does not end, of course. Throughout the years ahead the, P.S. in control of the Assemblée and the U.D.F. with their president, continue to bicker over many issues. Domestically, the Assemblée concentrates on the modern problems of France. An Industrial Revolution is taking place as our manufacturing and production capabilities reach an all time high. Pollution is now a major concern as our breathing air begins to lose quality. But the biggest issue still, is our spending cuts in the military.
Jeanne argues vehemently that, “our military must continue to grow along with our nation. A nation of Peace still requires the necessary tools, to deal with unforeseen conflicts.” Mitterand in the Assemblée respond, “the money should continue to advance the lives of all the citizens. Tell me Jeanne, how is another rifle or artillery shell, going to help improve our schools, or feed the poor?” Mitterand has not and will not, give up the dream of making France the first utopian society, with him as the leader.
900 -- State of the Union
Pop. 14,128,000 2nd
Land 62,700 sq. m. 1st
Military: 111 (not all listed)
Armée de Terre: (Army)
1 E.E.A. Officers*
37 Riflemen/ Infantry
19 Cavalries
7 Artillery
Marine Nationale: (Navy)
8 Ironclads
9 Galleons (transport
*E.E.A. Officers is what the game calls “Army”.
Our scientist discover a new technology called Replaceable Parts, with this knew knowledge we are able to spot 3 deposits of Rubber, in Lapurdunum, Avignon and Reims. Back in the political world, Jeanne slowly regains the trust and loyalty of the French people. But then, everything changed the day Hammurabi came a calling, once again. This time he didn’t ask for Dyes, just money. 123 Gold to be exact, for our continuing existence. The French citizens now brace themselves, for they know Jeanne doesn’t handle threats very well. Nobody wants another war, we grow tired of it. Many of the conservative hardliners now demand Hammurabi be put in his place. The majority still just want to live in peace and frankly, wish that the government will just pay up.
Jeanne thought this must be some sick joke, but she wasn’t laughing. The World Rankings had just placed us ahead of the Babylonians, perhaps Hammurabi is just jealous that France is now the “Supreme Superpower“. Jeanne, knowing the Babylonians await an answer, retreats to her palace in Versailles, and with her top political advisor Nicolas Clouet, discuss the issue.
“That bastard is once again trying to take advantage of France. War is imminent I tell you, if we don’t do something, he will. Now it’s time to show him, who is the true superpower”, Jeanne says.
“But Jeanne, the Leysen Doctrine forbids us to declare war, without provocation”, a concerned Clouet responds.
“I know that. That’s why we have to figure out a way to revoke that stupid doctrine.”
“The P.S. members in the Assemblée will never allow it. You must go to the people and convince them that, this is just. However Jeanne, I must tell you; the people of France will be apprehensive of another war. The national elections are coming up, this could backfire and damage your political career.”
“Political career be damned. I only care about France and if my political life is finished, well at least I know, I gave it up for the survival of my Great Nation”, says Jeanne as she gathers herself and prepares her speech before the Assemblée.
Mitterand on the other hand, sees this as a golden opportunity to make another run at the top office. He feels robbed from the last elections and knows that Jeanne “the warmonger” will demand action to be taken. And Jeanne, does not disappoint him. Before a packed Assemblée Nationale and in front of the entire nation, Jeanne says,
“Members of the Assemblée, both P.S. and U.D.F. We are in a crucial time in our existence, the future historians of France will remember this day and they will recall who were the brave, courageous leaders. But, they will also recall the rats and snakes, that live among us. I ask only this, would you want your children to live in a place, where criminals are allowed to extort from the hard workers? If the answer is no, then you must agree with me, that this filth Hammurabi must be dealt with accordingly. I implore you, representatives of France, rescind the Leysen Doctrine and give this Hammurabi his rightful answer.”
The Assemblée Nationale erupts in a fury of expletives and insults. Nobody can believe that Jeanne has called for the annulment of the Leysen Doctrine. “Baby Killer”, “War Criminal”, “Assassin”, “Fronsac” are the many insults hurled at Jeanne, as she is jeered off the podium. Mitterand is in pure bliss, “I can’t believe it, Jeanne has just slashed her own throat in front of everybody.” He tells his cohorts and most trusted P.S. advisors, Godard, Lorrain ,
“She has just handed me the presidency. I will now become the Ruler of France, muhahahahah, mahahahaha.”
“Now Michel M., you must remember to settle the Babylonian issue first”, says Godard.
“I concur sir, make sure all of France knows you have opted for everlasting peace and security instead of war”, replies Lorrain.
“I can smell it I tell you, soon we will be in full control of France. All these Conservatives will be done for good”, a proud Mitterand speaks.
Jeanne is distressed, but still believes in her heart, Hammurabi is a dangerous foe to give concessions to. Outside the Assemblée, a crowd gathers and screams at Jeanne, “will you not stop, until you’ve destroyed us all.” The Assemblée gathers itself, and both P.S. and U.D.F. members condemn Jeanne, for her words.
Meanwhile, French officials begin talks with members of the Babylonian government. The talks are tough, but we notice that Babylonians are still in need of some Dyes. Through back-channel negotiations, the Babylonians make it known, that they will be willing to pay 14 Gold for every shipment of Dye, that arrives in Babylonian Harbors. We schedule 20 shipments and agree to the deal. The Assemblée, headed by Mitterand, announce to the world, that war has been averted. Also, in a show of everlasting peace, between our nations, a Right of Passage agreement was reached. Mitterand. now running for president. spoke in a rally in Avignon;
“We have shown the world a different side of France. A side which is friendly, loving and peaceful. And if some people want to call us snakes and rats for loving peace, well I still think it‘s better than being a DISEASE.” Everyone knows what he meant by “disease” and the crowd roars in approval. This time, it appears Jeanne cannot recover, from the political gaff.
In the upcoming elections, Mitterand is able to ride the Anti-Jeanne settlement and win the presidency of France. For the first time in the history of France, someone other than Jeanne, is in the Palace of Versailles. Jeanne for her part, is undeterred and continues on traveling to different cities of France, preaching what she feels is right. Before a sparse crowd in the far-away Bayonne Coliseum, in the Antarctic Island. She says, “this nation will pay for its complacency. Hear my words, Hammurabi does not want our Dyes or Gold, he wants our blood and enslavement.” Most people think she has now gone, completely insane.
"The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
Read the Story of La Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum
May 28, 2003, 19:03
Local Time: 20:40
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Mitterand and the P.S. now rule, without resistance in France. Large scale, cultural construction jobs are begun in France, as the new Presidential administration concentrates mostly on domestic issues. On the other hand, Mitterand despises the military and wants no part of it. Also the Noire Pluie is fully disbanded, “we have no need for spies of secret policemen in our perfect society”, says Mitterand. He hands the job of Commander in Chief to the newly formed Defense Council. , which is composed of the Generals, Admirals and headed by the Minister of Justice, David Truffaut.
The Defense Council was represented by the Southern Defense Force headed by longtime General Pierre Corot, Northern Defense Force headed by a very young P.S. loyalist, General Paul Lautrec. Lautrec is a close friend of Truffaut. The two Admirals were Camile Chardin of the North Defense Fleet and Théodore Delacroix, a Zulu War veteran, in charge of the South Defense Fleet. Our Navy is somewhat weak, so the Admirals don’t have much, say so. On the contrary, the man held in the highest regard in the military, is Celtic and Zulu War hero, General Napoleon Bonaparte. Napoleon is revered throughout all of France and heads the Expeditionary Defense Force located mostly in the Lower Biscay territory, formerly a part of N.E. Zulia.
The Defense Council, works out of the offices of the Ministère des Affaires Étrangères (Ministry of Foreign Affairs). Minister of Defense, Truffaut is under the President’s authority and was placed there by Mitterand, to keep tabs, on the Generals. The biggest casualty of our regime’s policies is the military and no high ranking officials are happy. Napoleon, who is the most powerful General, is quite irked at this new administration and schedules a meeting at the Palace of Versailles.
“Welcome General Napoleon, what is it, that you wanted to discuss?”, Mitterand greets him.
“Our military sir”, Napoleon sternly responds.
“Go on.”
“We are severely lacking in funds, desertions are high and moral is low. With our current numbers, even the pathetic Aztecs can overrun us. (He’s exaggerating, naturally) I am not able to maintain an acceptable military force, when you continually under-fund us,” speaks the General to the new President
“Haven’t you ever heard of the saying, the pen is mightier than the sword. Perhaps, our military is in bad shape because of incompetent people, who are in charge. In any case, we all must make sacrifices Napoleon, and the military is going to have to deal with it. Sorry, denied”, responds the President.
“Know THIS Mr. President (voice now being raised), I AM the most powerful man in France. I demand to be heard and be treated with RESPECT. My words are backed by all the Generals and MY entire military force”
“Threatening me now, are you? (in a condescending voice) Poor little Napo, you don’t have the political presence or backing of the French people to do anything.”
“Your day will come. I promise you that.”
“Off with you. I have some, actual important people to meet.”
Napoleon storms off the Palace. Mitterand is however, quite shaken after the threat from Napoleon. Deep down he knows Napoleon can be very dangerous.
Conversely, Jeanne feeling isolated from the rest of the French people, settles down in the far northern city of Calixhuatla. On occasion, her old friend and advisor Clouet, stops by to visit. She is happy, calm and for the first time in a while, at peace with herself. Happy, that is, until the day that one of her servants came screaming and crying.
“R.O.P. VIOL, VIOL, VIOL!!!”, screamed the servant.
“Calm down I can’t understand you”, responded Jeanne in a soothing voice.
“What? What happened? When? Where? Is anybody hurt?”
Jeanne’s blood now began to pump and boil, as it had never boiled before. Her predictions have come true, the Babylonians had in fact coveted our lands all along. But, there wasn’t much she could do, she was no longer in charge. She now only prayed and hoped, that Mitterand would exact, an unending revenge. Back in Versailles, Mitterand was confused and scared. “What will this mean, for my presidency? The future stability of France?”, he thought. He consulted with his two most trusted P.S. advisors, Godard, Lorrain and the Minister of Justice, David Truffaut.
“I assure you, the Babylonians just want a better deal. Begin talks and this misunderstanding will subside”, Godard says.
“I’m sorry I disagree, the French people will not accept a blood debt,” responds Lorrain.
“Well then I disagree with YOU. The Parti Socialiste philosophy states, that war and bloodshed must be avoided at all cost,” Godard, replied angrily.
“Mr. President, I must say the Generals are extremely livid and if I may add. Our man, Gen. Lautrec has informed me that, he can hear them whispering, rebellion,” spoke Truffaut, softly.
“Rebellion, do you hear Mr. President. We must show strength, regain our honor and fight back,” Lorrain adds, now equally angry.
“REBELLION my ***, Fire those S.O.B. Generals and replace them with P.S. loyalist. I implore you Mitterand, you have always been a beacon of peace. Don’t turn into Jeanne now,” says Godard, now standing up and facing the President.
“DAMN YOU ALL, DAMN YOU ALL TO HELL, ALONG WITH THE BABYLONIANS!!!”, shouts Mitterand, as he orders everybody to leave the Palace. “I’ll make my own decisions,” he mumbles to himself.
Outside the Palace, as well as all of France, mass demonstrations are taking place. In Paris they chant, “Avenge our Men”. In the universities in Tours, the students scream, “Jeanne was right”, as they burn Hammurabi in effigy. “Bring back Jeanne”, was the message spreading in Marseille. There are now millions and millions, feeling the fire of patriotism, as they demand “Babylonian Blood”. Mitterand can clearly hear them, even in his sleep. But, he is a pacifist and has always reviled war. To send thousands of men off to be killed, is not his vision of glory. But now, he must make a decision that, will either please the public and disregard his own morals. Or make a choice which will satisfy his system of values and way of life, yet create a wave of anger among the populace. To be a man of the people, or a man of beliefs, the right choice is not so obvious.
He arrives at the Assemblée Nationale to give his response to the Babylonian aggression. Everyone waits in still silence as Mitterand approaches the podium. He stands in front of the nation and thinks back to his days as a political activist. How naive it was, to think being the ruler of France, was soooo easy. The weight of the nation and conflict is clearly visible on his tired face. As he grabs his written speech, with his moist, trembling hands, his face gets paler and paler. The Assemblée, the political parties, the Generals, the Admirals, Jeanne and all of France now eagerly and fervently await his decision.
"The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
Read the Story of La Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum
Last edited by Kaos XIII; May 30, 2003 at 15:21.
May 28, 2003, 21:51
Local Time: 01:40
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Posts: 1,141
Originally posted by SKILORD
It's certaintly improving, becoming more and more a story than a timeline with each passing chapter, but I think the problem could just be that I never think in terms of numbers, only vauge references to quantity most of the time.
I think I can understand what you're saying about this being his style though, with the dates and such. I am not fond of that style though, I'm sorry.
It isn't a bad story, and don't let me discourage you, I just don't like reading numbers.
SKI, I think different writers have different styles. Kaos writes pretty well and I don't think he has anything to learn from anybody. A more narrative approach is welcome, but it's his style.
There seems to be something going one between you and the other peopel in here (chris et al). There is a PM function guys, don't ruin another writer's thread by airing your laundry in here. As a reader, I'm rather peeved by this.
BTW, I quite like the Details KAOS provides, such as dates, and the type of game he is playing (# of civs, map size, etc).
Too often, writers just pull stories out of nowhere and I'm not sure if I'm reading someone's fantasy or an actual game. And I prefer to read actual game stories, even if it is embellished. I'm not into fan fiction so I don't read stories people make up. The format Kaos uses makes that very clear and makes visualizing his game easy. I love it.
Last edited by dexters; May 28, 2003 at 22:58.
May 28, 2003, 22:53
Local Time: 10:40
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Location: Love me tender. Love me sweet.
Posts: 839
 YAHHHH!!! Another war is coming!!!
Smite those backstabbing, yellow snow eating Babylonians!!
 Frogface says, "We want war not politics!"
Originally posted by dexters
There is a PM function guys, don't ruin another writer's thread by airing your laundry in here. As a reader, I'm rather peeved by this.
You mean only you are allowed to hang your dirty laundry in here?
May 28, 2003, 22:57
Local Time: 01:40
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Location: Vancouver, Canada
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Yes. you see that pair of unwear. That's mine. Now, get your stuff out!
May 28, 2003, 23:05
Local Time: 19:40
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Location: A bleak and barren rock
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I'm loving this!
Empire growing,
Pleasures flowing,
Fortune smiles and so should you.
May 28, 2003, 23:12
Local Time: 10:40
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Location: Love me tender. Love me sweet.
Posts: 839
Originally posted by dexters
Yes. you see that pair of unwear. That's mine. Now, get your stuff out!
 No worries, I wouldn't want my clothes anywear near your raunchy underwear.
History Guy, welcome to La Grande Nation Fan Club.
May 29, 2003, 15:30
Local Time: 02:40
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Location: Staffordshire England
Posts: 8,321
Another superb addition, well done Kaos.
.................................................. ........................................
Dexters Im not quite sure what your point is, I for one have no quarrel with SKI and I see him as one of my favourite writers.
If you read the posts you will see that there has been a debate on style of writing and though we may differ in our opinions we all agree that this is a good story and have all said so.
You are out of order to make frivolous accusations and to ask others not to post their thoughts/comments here, its called feedback and good or bad its the most useful thing you can do for the writer.
You say you do not read all the stories here and I can say that you perhaps dont as I very rarely see your name on this forum. Well I do read every story here and regulary comment on all of them, in fact usually after every post the writers make.
I am not prepared to be told by your good self or anybody else that I may not comment on another writers thread (Unless the writer requested me not to), and would ask you to refrain from making any further frivolous suggestions that SKILORD and myself have some hidden agenda.
.................................................. ........................................
Keep the goods coming Kaos its great.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
May 29, 2003, 19:31
Local Time: 10:40
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Location: Love me tender. Love me sweet.
Posts: 839
La Grande thread squabble
SKILORD - scampered off with tail between his legs
Chrisius - enraged
dexter - pouting
Kaos III - baffled
History Guy - left out on the sidelines
unscratchedfoot - victorius!
May 29, 2003, 21:57
Local Time: 02:40
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Location: Staffordshire England
Posts: 8,321
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
May 29, 2003, 22:39
Local Time: 01:40
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Location: Vancouver, Canada
Posts: 1,141
If you read the posts you will see that there has been a debate on style of writing and though we may differ in our opinions we all agree that this is a good story and have all said so.
You are out of order to make frivolous accusations and to ask others not to post their thoughts/comments here, its called feedback and good or bad its the most useful thing you can do for the writer.
You say you do not read all the stories here and I can say that you perhaps dont as I very rarely see your name on this forum. Well I do read every story here and regulary comment on all of them, in fact usually after every post the writers make.
Chrisius, I went back and re-read and edited that post several times. I felt it was still a bit too hostile when I finished with it but decided to leave it as is.
In anycase, It was not my intention to blow my top. I did go back and reread THIS THREAD. (sorry I am not responsible for your digging up your history with SKI  )
and SKI's first post and his recommendations towards KAOS felt condescending, and from the tone, I could see there was disagreement between you and SKI. unscratchedfoot was also involved in it somehow, as his name showed up.
Bottom line
#1) You DO have a point about your right to criticize and make feedback. I was out of line there.
#2) There is PM feature, use it if you guys want to continue your debate. People can't be expected to pick up what is happening between yourself and others. Can't blame me
#3) I like Kaos' style and felt some of the criticisms were too harsh. I thought I should mention my support to make sure Kaos knew other people felt differently.
Summary) This is not personal. SKI is a great writer. I love his stories. But I like what KAOS is doing too.
BTW, unscratchedfoot = funny.
Last edited by dexters; May 29, 2003 at 23:06.
May 30, 2003, 11:38
Local Time: 20:40
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: Columbia, SC, USA
Posts: 284
As unscratchedfoot said a few posts back, Kaos, never mind all this rubbish, continue the story!
May 30, 2003, 11:55
Local Time: 20:40
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: May 2003
Location: beautiful coastal city of... Que te Importa
Posts: 255
Hi! Kaos, baffled? Non!  I love and enjoy, reading all your fun, intriguing posts. It adds a very interesting dimension to the story. I’m sure the lurkers enjoy them also.  So hey, keep on flamin’ …..err, I mean keep on posting.  BTW, thank you all, for your kind comments and feedback.  Now, for the continuation:
Standing at the podium, Mitterand nervously begins to speak softly with a trembling, shaky voice;
“Citizens of France, I am happy to announce, that I have reached a solution to the Babylonian problem. I spent hours upon hours, thinking over every scenario and consequence of my choice. And I am confident, that there is only one way to go. (Mitterand begins to speak much faster now) A peaceful existence between all nations of the world, must be our first priority. (Now virtually shouting at the podium) War is not and will never be the answer.”
He continues to speak, but now nobody can hear him. Many members of the Assemblée begin to shout obscenities at him. Also, members loyal to Mitterand stand up, as they ferociously clap and chant, “Vive Mitterand, Vive Mitterand.” Napoleon and other military representatives, walk out of the building, knocking over people on their way out. Mitterand is quickly and quietly rushed out, for his safety. Word spreads like wildfire in Paris about the happenings in the Assemblée. Thousands come out in droves and demand the impeachment of Mitterand. “God forgive us, we traded a Saint for a Judas”, they shouted, in reference to our Saint Jeanne d’Arc. A majority of the French people, now begin to chant, “Traitor, We Want Jeanne.”
Back in Calixhuatla, Jeanne was given almost exact wording of the speech, via telegraph. It is one, of only a few telegraph systems in all of France. But when Jeanne hears the news, of no war. She collapses and is quickly taken to the Calixhuatla Memorial Hospital. She slips in and out of a coma. Many of the locals begin to bawl and wail, while they pray for the recovery, of the Savior of France.
Back in Paris, The Generals, Napoleon and Corot head for the Ministère des Affaires Étrangères, but Mitterand is way ahead of them. When they arrive at the steps, they are stopped in front of the doors by the Presidential guards, Truffaut and Gen. Lautrec.
“What are you two doing here?” says Truffaut with a smug look.
“We’re going to work, to save France from the Babylonians, whether your President likes it or not”, responds Napoleon angrily.
“Well, sorry to disappoint you, but you have been replaced as of this morning, by other newly promoted Generals”, Lautrec says.
“Why you little bastards”, Napoleon is now beside himself.
“Just get out, before we throw you in prison, for conspiracy”, proudly says the Minister of Defense, Truffaut.
Napoleon and Corot leave, but decide to arrange a secret meeting near the Pont des Arts bridge spanning the Sienne. There at around midnight the men meet, each bringing along their top Colonels.
“Corot, I’m sick and tired of being shoved around, by these pencil pushers. We, have the power to remove this cancer from office, by FORCE. I say we go for it”, says Napoleon, with his eyes red and wide open.
“Are you talking about a Coup d’ État sir?”
“You damn straight”, responds Napoleon.
“Well then, it’s about freaking time. I’m with you Napoleon, the Southern Defense Force will back you no matter what.”
“Now the only problem is the N.D.F., they are quite large and this could all start a Civil War, if those men choose to fight for Gen. Lautrec.”
“Don’t worry about the N.D.F., there is a Colonel there, sir. A Colonel, who was with you in the last attack on Zunguin. He was transferred after the war.” replies Corot.
“What is his name?, Is he trustworthy? How much influence does he have on the rest of the N.D.F.?” an eagerly Napoleon asks.
“The men love him. He is one of their own, he’s been in the s***, and they listen to his every word. I’ve been in contact with him already, and he will go along. His name is, Colonel Armand Jean du Plessis Richelieu.”
“So it’s set, we storm the Ministère des Affaires Étrangères with as many men as we can gather and I declare myself the Chief Executive of France, leaving the Palace of Versailles irrelevant”, Napoleon now very excited says.
“To the Coup d’ État sir.”
“To the Coup d’ État.”
The men, numbering around 50 now, all high ranking respected officers, head for the Ministère des Affaires Étrangères. It is around 3 a.m. now, but shots can still be heard from the unrest. When they arrive there are only Presidential guards at the locked doors.
“Just what the hell are you little piss-ants doing”, shouts Napoleon.
Trembling insecurely, the guards respond, “I’m sorry sir, the doors were ordered locked by the President. I think you guys have all been fired and replaced by party loyalist, is that right?”
“F*** that, open the doors now.”
“But General, they’re orders from the President.”
“Don’t worry, for the salvation and glory of France, I am now taking over the country. I am your new President, now OPEN THOSE DOORS!”
With that, the doors were opened and all of Napoleon’s men enter to see Truffaut, advisors Godard and Lorrain and the party loyalist, General Lautrec all gathered in the main lobby, sleeping. Because of the seething anger in Paris, the men could not make their way out to their homes and were trapped there. In fact, the N.D.F. stationed in Calixhuatla and Rusicade, had already revolted under the command of Colonel Armand Jean du Plessis Richelieu.
“What are you doing here, don’t you know you don’t belong here”, announces Truffaut, almost shaking uncontrollably. “The new Generals will be named soon and you are all unemployed.”
“How wrong you are Truffaut, my only employer is God and France. Men, arrest these scumbags.”
The men commence to brutally and savagely beat and arrest, all the men inside the Ministère des Affaires Étrangères. Early in the morning, as the French people wake up to an uncertain future, rumors start to spread, “Mitterand has been ousted, Napoleon is attempting to gain control of the nation.” When the crowd hears about the attempt of Coup d’ État, they begin to let loose all their frustrations on the anti-war people and Parti Socialite elite. Gangs of thugs, rampage through the streets, turning over everything in their sights, in order to find Mitterand.
Word spreads that he is hiding in the Palace of Versailles. A crowd of thousands of French fanatics storm the Palace of Versailles, only to find Mitterand and his family had escaped. Even the Assemblée Nationale is breached, as the revolutionary militants continue to spot Mitterand, in places which he isn’t. All of Paris is now, in a state of uprising. Mitterand, however, escapes to a P.S. safe house and wonders, “is this really all true, or is it just some painful nightmare. God help me, I only wanted to live in peace, but I guess we’re not ready for that”, a somber Michel Mitterand ponders.
The next day Napoleon, sipping on some chardonnay, from the Palace of Versailles, announces to the people of France that,
“For the good of our nation, I have been forced to take drastic measures, to deal with a drastic problem. For an indefinite time, I will remain as the Chief Executive of France. The constitution for now is suspended and the Assemblée Nationale will be dissolved. For the duration of this indefinite time, I have appointed an eight-member National Security Council, which will function as the country’s supreme governing body. You need not worry about our future, I am currently bolstering out defense in the Biscay territories, Bleu Islands and the Antarctic Island. Ladies and gentlemen, we are at WAR!!! Very soon we will mount an offensive, which will seem like the Hand of God sweeping though the despicable Babylonian country. I have to intention of remaining in power, I’m just a soldier after all.”
“I would also like to add that there is a reward for the capture of the criminal Michel Mitterand. 10 Gold, to the patriot, whom brings me back this scum.”
It happened all so fast from the moment the speech was read to subsequent coup, ala Musharraf in Pakistan.
The rest of the people of France were waiting for news of Mitterand’s decision when they were told that,
there had been a Coup d’ État and Napoleon was in charge. The people throughout France rejoice, but at the same time worry about our new leader’s desires. The situation is extremely dangerous, as our country oscillate, after the coup. Most people just want Jeanne back. With Napoleon everyone knew there would be no negations with Hammurabi, but instead, we would get some payback. And with that, they were happy.
In her hospital bed, Jeanne awoke to the news of the Coup d’ État and was in complete shock. “I always knew Napoleon had some hard core ambitions, that’s why I never really trusted him that much“, says Jeanne as a crowd gathers outside the Hospital chanting “We love you, Jeanne“, “Return to Paris and lead us“, “Oh, Saint please forgive us“. Meanwhile a growing number of people, are now grumbling about Napoleon’s take over. “We don’t want a despotic military ruler with no experience, we want to vote for our own President. Someone like Jeanne”, demand the disenchanted.
The eight-members of the National Security Council are named. And they’re all Napoleon’s co-conspirators. One such member, however thinks it’s a bad idea. Richelieu says, “we are not looking legit, naming Napoleon’s boys in the N.S.C. We need to re-install our democracy as soon as possible.”
Napoleon wants to hear nothing, he is the ultimate ruler of France. His first order of business is to bring an overwhelming alliance against the Babylonians. “This will buy us time to gather our forces.” He begins high-level talks with the Koreans, Romans and even the hated Zulus. These three nations, were all nearby the large peninsula, which made up Greater Babylonia. We hadn’t signed alliances lately, because Jeanne detested the responsibility that came with them. Ever since the alliance with the Spanish, Jeanne had maintained a policy of isolation, when it came to matters of war. But now Napoleon, an inexperienced statesmen was about to bring into our conflict, three other nations.
In the Korean city of Kaesong, Napoleon met the other leaders, Wang Kôn of Korea, Gaius Julius Caesar of Rome, and finally Shaka of Zululand. They stepped into a private conference room, in one of Wang Kôn’s many temples. Also in the meeting, were many important dignitaries from all the nations, however, none were given permission to speak.
“Before starting I would like to thank Wang Kôn, for hosting this emergency meeting, in this beautiful city. Now gentlemen, as you well know, the Babylonians have recently betrayed a R.O.P. agreement, attacked a city and executed a company of Workers. As neighbors of Babylonia, we must respond together, vigorously and without fear, to make this a safe neighborhood”, says Napoleon.
“So, it doesn’t feel too good to be sneaked attack, does it?”, asks Shaka, unsympathetically.
“I’ll say this, I never liked Hammurabi, but going to war, is not an easy task. My economy and scientific research will be affected greatly, perhaps I can help, if you help me out first”, replies Wang Kôn smiling.
“I second everything Wang Kôn just said. I needs to gets mine”, says Caesar.
“Do not worry fellows, I am in a very generous mood today. An alliance with France will be the most rewarding experience, you have ever had. And Shaka, you KNOW, I was completely against the aggressive war on your nation”, says Napoleon.
“Well maybe you were, it doesn’t matter. How is that going to bring back my young men, whom were lost in that most despicable war”, replies Shaka.
“Shaka, I too lost many young soldiers. Holding grudges, isn’t going to bring them back either. I think now is the time to make amends. Shaka, I sincerely apologize for that hostile, unjust war. Now I ask you to forgive, and join us in this very rightful crusade”, Napoleon says as he stands up in front of everybody, at the conference table.
“I shall forgive your nation, but I will never forget. However, I am inclined to join your alliance, for I know aggressive warmongers must be checked”, Shaka responds as he too stands up.
The men then approach each other at the end of the table and embrace. Wang Kôn, Ceaser and the other dignitaries begin to clap. The alliance is set. Tons of Gold and technologies have to be passed on to the three nations. But in the end Napoleon got what he wanted, a two front war for the Babylonians. The alliance shall be known as the Kaesong Pact. Kaesong being the city, where the pact was signed.
Back at home in Versailles, Napoleon, however, quickly discovers that being the ultimate ruler of France, comes with many burdens. He finds himself now in charge of everything including the industrial infrastructure, commerce, education, scientific research, taxes, luxuries and the many government bureaucracies in France. “What the hell is all this, damn this ain’t no fun at all. I just want to run the military, I don’t know anything about this other crap”, a disillusioned Napoleon says.
He doesn’t like Jeanne very much and knows, she will win any election. But still, he needs to concentrate on the war, so he reluctantly allows national elections for the Presidency and Assemblée Nationale. He also re-installs the constitution, with some minor changes. Minister of Defense is abolished, but now the Commander in Chief must share equal power with the newly created position of Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces. The Supreme Commander, obviously being Napoleon.
The French citizens are ecstatic, about the elections and the possible return of Jeanne. In fact, a fully recovered Jeanne, announces her plan for the Presidency. It‘s guaranteed she‘ll win, as she is unopposed, with about 95% of the populating wanting her back. Napoleon, who quite frankly grows tired of running the nation, then cancels the Presidential elections and names Jeanne d’Arc President of the Democratic Republic of France.
Jeanne returns to Paris, triumphantly, as hundreds of thousand Parisians line the Champs-Élysées, throwing flowers and kissing Jeanne’s feet. Millions across France cannot hold their emotions and cry, as pictures of Jeanne’s celebratory return, is shown on the local papers. “Thank you Lord, for allowing us to serve once again, our beloved Jeanne”, they shout, as Jeanne is almost a deity or cult figure.
Babylonian War
Civilians: 0
1 Workers
1 Bowmen
Civilians: 0
"The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
Read the Story of La Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum
May 30, 2003, 12:02
Local Time: 20:40
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: beautiful coastal city of... Que te Importa
Posts: 255
Jeanne is finally able to stay back at the Palace of Versailles, after giving in to Napoleon’s demands, that he take over the Forbidden Palace in Dijon. The Assemblée, once again is filled by members of the U.D.F. and a new party named Mouvement Socialiste Français (M.S.F.). The M.S.F. is basically the old P.S., with a new name and new leadership. With the military gaining sweeping new powers, Jeanne decides to bring back the Noire Pluie with a vengeance, to counter the General‘s strength.
The Noire Pluie is almost now exclusively a secret police, as we can’t afford spy missions. Jeanne feels that the Noire Pluie, will be able to stop the Generals, if they ever attempt another coup. Only those fanatically loyal to Jeanne, are allowed to become agents. The secret organization is headed by……….well, actually I don’t know, hell they don’t even officially exist. Also, with Jeanne and the Assemblée back, Mitterand appears again. In fact, when Mitterand hears about Jeanne’s return, he is quite happy, “I’ll be safe with Jeanne and I won’t have to be worried about that gorilla Napoleon, anymore.” Mitterand decides to give himself up, to the reincarnated Noire Pluie and asks them;
“What happened to all my friends and advisors, when they were arrested? Where are they now?”
“Oh don’t worry they’re sound asleep”, responds a member of the Secret Police.
“Sleeping? (confused now) Sleeping where?”, asks Mitterand.
“Sleeping with the fishes, just like you’ll be. Muhahahahaha, muhahahahaha”, the agents laugh as they send Mitterand into one of the many underground jails for “interrogation.” Jeanne doesn’t know of all of the Noire Pluie operations and she is happy, to not hear about them. On more positive news, our researchers announce that the Scientific Method, was created in Tours. This immediately pays dividends, as we begin building the monumental Hoover Dam. However, our people are very preoccupied by other things to care too much.
Back in the Ministère des Affaires Étrangères, Napoleon, Corot and the now General Richelieu, meet with Jeanne and the Admirals, to discuss the military operations. Although Jeanne was upset about the Kaesong Pact, she knew this would keep the Babylonian motherland, very busy defending. That way, Hammi’s far flung territories, which bordered our own far flung territories, would go without much support.
“We have to hit Babylonia at it’s weakest point, which are all these far flung territories”, says Jeanne.
“I agree, I’ve already made a list of the selected targets, in the Payback Protocols”, replies the Supreme Commander.
“Isn’t my responsibility, to make the objectives in the Protocols?”, asks Jeanne.
“No, you only approve and deny. Haven’t you heard I’m the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces. Anyway, look at the list and tell me what you think”
“Well, umm, I think that these are good”, an embarrassed Jeanne answers.
“Excellent, you’re all done here Jeanne.”
“So, what will this operation be called”, asks Jeanne, slowly.
“The only thing that it can be called, OPERATION BABYLONIAN BLOODBATH!!!”, responds Napoleon.
Jeanne felt very offended, at the tone of voice Napoleon was taking. She knew he had to be cut down to size, “but how” she thought. The Babylonian War would have 6 separate targets of attack, the list would be known as the Payback Protocols. The war would be dubbed OPERATION BABYLONIAN BLOODBATH, the objectives were:
OBJECTIVE 1a: Capture Zamua south of Lapur with reinforcements from Dijon. (a spice rich
OBJECTIVE 1b: Capture Nimrud near Zamua to eliminate Babs on Celtic Eastern Peninsula.
OBJECTIVE 2: Capture Tell Willaya on the Northern Bleue Island.
OBJECTIVE 3a: Capture Adab next to Bayonne in the Antarctic Island.
OBJECTIVE 3b: Capture Hindana in the far south in the Antarctic Island.
OBJECTIVE 3c: Capture Umma the last city in the Antarctic Island.
the battle plan to be executed, immediatly!!!
Napoleon ordered that the S.D.F. and N.D.F., be depleted and sent to the front. Corot, was now in charge of defending Gaule, with very few troops. Richelieu, would be given the task, to complete objective’s 1a and 1b. Napoleon himself, would take on the rest. He also, began coordinating with Adm Delacroix, of the South Fleet, since there was some island hopping to be done.
Back in the war zone, outside of Zunguin, there are 3 enemy Spearmen battalions holed up in the jungles. These need to be dealt with, before anything else gets started. Richelieu is given command of all the Biscay territories and with 5 Cavalry brigades, stationed in Zunguin, orders the attack on the outdated Spearmen. The battle is quite a slaughter, we run circles around them with our horses, in the dense jungle. Shooting and flying away, as the enemy can only chuck their spears at the banana trees. We completely rout them, however, we did not come out unscathed. Many casualties were taken, but no brigade destroyed. These 5 brigades are responsible for the capture of Nimrud, which is far away. They have to go through the harsh Galois jungles, and Richelieu knows the attack will have to be delayed, so they can heal. Richelieu also, now waits in Cherbourg, for more men and material to arrive. His plan is to take these new reinforcements and attack Zamua from the north.
Napoleon , meanwhile, heads straight for Amatikulu and gathers his 2 Knight force, now vastly obsolete, along with 4 Cavalry brigades. These men will be taken to Toulouse, in the North Bleu Island and from there launch an attack north, into Tell Willaya. We set sail on a fleet of Galleons and safely arrive in Toulouse, the trip is actually very short.
Back in France, Adm. Delacroix and Jeanne arrange for the loading of Cavs, Infantry and Artillery onto Galleons, to full capacity, in the ports of Dijon and Grenoble. We have much of the country railroaded and the troops from far away Calixhuatla and the Ottoman border, arrive, almost instantaneously. Adm. Delacroix also, had previously placed some Ironclads, strategically in the South Atlantique Ocean. The sailors in those ships, are now ordered to begin the bombardment, of the Babylonian cities Adab, Zamia, Tell Willaya.
IBT: Enemy Longbowmen, are spotted heading toward the Roman town of Lutetia, in the Galois Jungle. The Romans are our allies and Lutetia is thousands of miles away, from the Greater Roman Empire. They are pretty much, helpless. We can’t really help them either, because crossing the cruel jungle would take too much time away, from our attack.
Babylonian War - Operation Babylonian Bloodbath
Civilians: 0
1 Workers
3 Spearmen
1 Bowmen
Civilians: 0
T’is the weekend now, so see y’all Monday, maybe late Sunday.
Antarctic Island, it's a long way, away from the rest of France. But. eventually we will get there!!!
"The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
Read the Story of La Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum
May 30, 2003, 15:25
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Another excellent addition.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
May 30, 2003, 18:44
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Vive le France
May 30, 2003, 19:52
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Location: A bleak and barren rock
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Left out on the sidelines? At least I'm not paranoid, then.
As usual, great stuff.
Empire growing,
Pleasures flowing,
Fortune smiles and so should you.
May 30, 2003, 20:24
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May 30, 2003, 21:10
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Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: A bleak and barren rock
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Empire growing,
Pleasures flowing,
Fortune smiles and so should you.
May 30, 2003, 21:40
Local Time: 10:40
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Love me tender. Love me sweet.
Posts: 839
I love this story
A nice babylonian slaughter will be a pleasant break from the politics.
I think you could take Babylon without having paid off the other countries, especially the evil Shaka who was rude enough to make war with you before.
May 31, 2003, 19:10
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Posts: 1,141
KAOS, where art thou?
I'm dying to find out what happens next.
June 1, 2003, 17:21
Local Time: 20:40
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Location: beautiful coastal city of... Que te Importa
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Thee is here, however, this installment is not very long. I shall start picking up the pace, maybe.
world map of the year 850, forgot about it. Hopefully soon, there will be more pink
Our Cavs, Inf and Artillery arrive in Cherbourg from Dijon and quickly move into the jungles, outside the Babylonian town of Zamua. The Babylonian Workers, haven’t really worked on their roads, in the jungles. This creates a problem with our Artillery company, as we cannot move through the dense jungles, without a road. However, we move an Infantry brigade along with an Arty company inside Babylonian territory, just close enough, and in position to rain hell on Zamua. Gen. Richelieu, also brings in 2 Cav brigades, freshly arrived from the mainland, into the jungles, just north of Zamua. The men are then told by Richelieu, “gather yourselves and wait in the jungles, the order of attack will begin as soon as the Artillery barrage starts.”
The other 5 Cav brigades, heading for Nimrud are held up, due to some negotiating going on. Richelieu now sends word to Jeanne that,
“I think it would be a better idea, if we sign an R.O.P. with the Celts, to avoid most of the harsh jungles.”
Jeanne responds, “Yes but, the Celts don’t have that many roads either.”
“It’s better than nothing. If we can get a deal, it would help a little bit”, says Richelieu.
Jeanne now sends a messenger, to instruct Brennus of our plan. Brennus responds, “I am honored and grateful, that a nation as great as France, would want to deal, with our poor backward civilization.” With that, an R.O.P., is secured with the Celts and the men then continue on, using some of the limited Celtic roads in the area.
“Do not advance on any fixed day or time; calculate and adapt to the enemy to determine the matter of
doing battle. Therefore, be like a maiden; once the enemy opens the door, be like a scurrying hare. The enemy will be unable to prevail.” (tzu)
In the North Bleu Island, Napoleon’s men in Toulouse, now make their way to the Babylonian town, of Tell Willaya. Napoleon keeps the Knights in reserve as he sends in the Cavalries. The Battle for Tell Willaya begins, as our Ironclad bombards and our Cavs charge the city. The town is very small, but built on some hills. We open fire on the defenders, which are hopelessly outclassed. On the hills defending the town are 1 Spearmen and 1 Pikemen battalion. Early on it doesn’t look so good, as one of our Cav brigades are cut down by some Pikes. In the end however, we prevail killing both enemy battalions and capturing a company of Workers. Tell Willaya belongs to France now.
The men, round up these Workers and line them up against a wall, in the central plaza of Tell Willaya. The local citizens look on in alarm, as our troops prepare to open fire, and execute them. Just then Napoleon comes riding in and says, “Just what do you all think you are doing.”
“We’re getting some payback, for our Workers”, reply the soldiers.
“Non, this is not what we do, this is not who we are. We are the pillars of freedom, liberty and democracy. If you do this, then you are no better, than the Babylonian scum”, shouts Napoleon.
“But, sir.”
“No buts, look at all the people around you. Do you want their first images, of the Glorious French people, to be as murderers. We must educate these god-less savages, and show them what it is, to be members of a civilized culture.”
“You are so right, General. Please forgive us”, cry out the men, to the all knowing, Supreme Commander.
Meanwhile back in France, Jeanne prepares, for the Noire Pluie operation, known only as “Fausse Information”. This Noire Pluie operation consists of, secret agents in the media spreading propaganda, on the many failings of Napoleon. Jeanne doesn’t really want to do this, but she cannot rule France with such a powerful General watching over her. “He must be cut down, from his high horse”, she says. In the rightist paper “Le Figaro” and even the center-leftist paper “Le Monde”, as well as others in France, the headlines have disparaging remarks, about Napoleon. “Napoleon Foolishly Looses Whole Cav Brigade”, “Tell Willaya Not Yet Taken” and “Napoleon Underestimates Enemy” are the headlines being printed in France.
In contrast, the papers also print these headlines; “Richelieu Bravely Crosses Border”, “Zamua May Fall, At Any Moment” and “Richelieu is Too Much, For The Enemy”. Jeanne must keep the people happy about the war, while at the same time, make them angry at Napoleon. It is a very tight rope she is walking.
IBT: In the Antarctic Island, the people of Bayonne, are in full panic mode. They have spotted a Babylonian Galley fleet being escorted by an Ironclad. There is, but a lonely Infantry brigade stationed there, to defend the city of 380,000. Napoleon feels for the people, but he cannot rush the attack, without being fully prepared. He tells Adm. Delacroix, “I want all of our men and supplies currently being loaded in Grenoble, to sail to Poitiers, in the South Bleu Island. I want to make sure we have 4 Galleon fleets filled to the brim, before we make our way to Bayonne. The trip is far and logistically, can only make one landing. There will be no more re-supplies to Bayonne, once we land.”
“Isn’t that a little dangerous, I mean, we have to take control of three enemy cities, in the Antarctic Island”, says the Admiral.
“First of all, I didn’t ask for your opinion. I am the Supreme Commander and I will not be, second guessed”, replies the General, very cocky.
Babylonian War - Operation Babylonian Bloodbath
1 Cavalries
Civilians: 0
1 Workers
1 Pikemen
3 Spearmen
1 Bowmen
Civilians: 16,000
1 Workers
ancient bab. city of Tell Willaya. now a part of France.
"The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
Read the Story of La Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum
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