June 1, 2003, 17:33
Local Time: 20:40
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: beautiful coastal city of... Que te Importa
Posts: 255
Pro-war marches, take place throughout all of France, as we exult revenge, on the murderous Babylonians. Out in the Gaulois Jungle, Richelieu orders the attack on Zamua, with our 2 Cav brigades. The Artillery shells pound the defenders, as all we can hear, is the shear horror, of their screams. Our Cavs meet enemy Spearmen inside and finish off, what little they had left. The Artillery shells, had ripped them completely apart, but alas, the town was not ours yet. Still, in Cherbourg, more troops were arriving from Dijon. This was however, the last shipment of troops to Richelieu, as we now had to concentrate, on bringing an overwhelming force to the Antarctic Island.
IBT: Another Babylonian Ironclad is spotted of the coast of Bayonne, that makes 2 in our shores. From the Galley fleet, a Babylonian Rifleman brigade lands outside the Bayonne city limits. Our Infantry has dug a long line of trenches, around the city, hoping to survive any attack. Also from the south, 1 Swordsmen and 1 Bowmen battalions have now moved to the border area in the Antarctic Island. The Bayonne Governor, Jean Poussin quickly raises a second Infantry brigade for our defense and angrily tells Jeanne, “Where in the hell is Napoleon, we are going to be surrounded very soon.”
Jeanne uses this information to further humiliate Napoleon. The people in France are now wondering if Gen. Napoleon is washed up. News from the Gaulois Jungle, reveals that Babylonian Longbowmen have attacked Lutetia. This event, has now brought in the Carthaginians into the war. They had a Mutual Protection Pact with the Romans, the war now widens. The Carthaginians however, pose no real threat to the Babylonians, more of a nuisance with their navy.
Babylonian War - Operation Babylonian Bloodbath
1 Cavalries
Civilians: 0
1 Workers
1 Pikemen
6 Spearmen
1 Bowmen
Civilians: 16,000
1 Workers
situation around Bayonne. let them attack, we'll slaughter them, I hope.
Our sailors in an Ironclad, spot a Babylonian Ironclad in the southern Occidental Ocean. The captain of our Ironclad orders the attack. We sneak up behind them and then let loose, with everything we have. We fire cannonades, at one another, at point-blank range. With our revolving gun turret blazing, we pound those guys, with our two heavy guns, till we see the Ironclad slowly sinking. The first naval victory in the history of France, was received in Paris, with jubilation and dancing.
“It is important for a general to be calm and remote, upright and disciplined, and be able to mystify his men's eyes and ears, keeping them ignorant. He changes his methods and plans, keeping them from knowing. He changes his campsites and takes circuitous routes, keeping them from anticipating.” (tzu)
In Zamua, the artillery barrage begins, this time however, we miss the military targets and instead kill thousands of civilians. Our Cavs move in to battle a remaining Longbowmen battalion. We swoop in and shoot them up, with impunity. The many Longbowmen, can shoot back with their arrows. We are ecstatic to take the town and capture some Workers, but some of the men begin to feel, almost guilty. These guys were all green and inexperienced. Not prepared to see, the many enemy dead, killed by their hands.
Richelieu is concerned and asks them, “why do you young soldiers, feel guilty.”
They respond, “Guilty, because the battle in the Gaulois Jungle towns, don’t appear to be glorious victories, but merely, murderous slaughters. We tear their flesh with our bullets, as they defend themselves with only spears and arrows.” Richelieu, then gathers them up and speaks to the men;
“Soldiers of France, you must keep in mind, we did not bring this misery to the Babylonian troops. They brought it upon themselves, by betraying our R.O.P. agreement and murdering our Workers. Do not feel for those barbarians, for they felt nothing, when our men were killed. This war was started by them, but we are going to finish it, with their rivers of blood.”
The men now get pumped up after the speech, and begin to shout, “Mise à Mort, Mise à Mort.” Richelieu needs the men to be hardened, but knows that only a tough battle, can do that. In the meantime, approaching Nimrud from the west, are 5 Cav brigades. They do not have Artillery support, because of the road-less jungles, but these men are all Veterans of the Zulu War. Vicious and hardcore, to the bone. Richelieu knows these troops, will shed no tears, for the Babylonian dead.
In Poitiers, Napoleon waits for the final shipment to Bayonne. Adm. Delacroix, orders two Ironclads to escort the massive force through the waters of the South Atlantique. The passage is long and could be susceptible to enemy ambushes. He also moves, more Ironclads to the area near Bayonne.
Back in France, while the Generals and citizens are distracted, Jeanne begins to form her own force. In an effort to further reduce the power of the Generals, she commissions the Noire Pluie, to create a new Paramilitary force. This new force would consist of Guerrilla battalions. They would wear no uniforms and would be trained in Civilian Suppression methods, Psychological Operations and especially Guerrilla Tactics. The Noire Pluie was no longer that much of a secret in France, however, everyone still thought the Noire Pluie was only used, outside of France.
Throughout all of France, the Noire Pluie begins to recruit young, Jeanne loyalist to join. Also many more, are recruited from France’s underworld. In exchange, for lighter prison terms, young French prisoners, are given a chance to start a new life, with the Paramilitaries. All of these young recruits are given strict, grueling test to prove, their worth to Jeanne and the Noire Pluie.
IBT: Near Bayonne, a Babylonian Ironclad approaches one of our own vessels. The sailors inside our Ironclad, sound the warning alarms, as they prepare for battle. The captain inside continually yells, “fire, fire” at the men. The sailors are rocked, back and forth, as the Babylonian Ironclad heavy guns, pound our iron skin. Just then, when it seemed the battle would be a draw, our Ironclad was breached. Water began to pour in like an avalanche, as it slowly made it’s way to the bottom of the ocean. Did the sailors suffer when they drowned? Well, we can only pray, that they did not. Our first ever defeat at sea. The people of Bayonne seemed quite hopeless now, as outside the city they could see the Babylonian Riflemen battalion pillage our rail-roads and a Bowmen battalion arrive at the outskirts of the city.
Babylonian War - Operation Babylonian Bloodbath
1 Cavalries
1 Ironclads
Civilians: 0
1 Workers
1 Pikemen
6 Spearmen
1 Longbowmen
1 Bowmen
1 Ironclads
Civilians: 106,000
2 Workers
the Gaulois Jungle, our Cavs approach Nimrud. Infantry to be sent as reinforcements
1000 State of the Union
Pop. 17,540,000 2nd
Land 66,600 sq. m. 1st
Military: 114 (not all listed)
Armée de Terre: (Army)
1 E.E.A. Officers
42 Riflemen/ Infantry
18 Cavalries
9 Artillery
Paramilitaire - Noire Pluie : (Paramilitary)
12 Guerrillas
Marine Nationale: (Navy)
9 Ironclads
9 Galleons (transport)
In the southern Occidental Continent, the sailors which had previously destroyed an enemy Ironclad, now face off with the Galley fleet, it was protecting. The captain orders that, “not one gun fire on the Galleys, instead we are going to ram them.” We go at them, at full steam and slice their Galleys, like a knife on butter. Our sailors can see the Babylonian men jump of, into the Ocean, but they’re the enemy, there is nothing we can do, to help them.
“Give out rewards transcending law, give out commands transcending policy. Command the masses like commanding one person. Give your troops tasks, but do not reveal them your plans. Get them to face danger, but do not reveal the advantages.” (tzu)
In France, our scientists have discovered the secrets of Refining and with this, the discovery of Oil. Unfortunately, we only have 1 Oil deposit near Poitiers in the South Bleu Island. However, we are able to spot another Oil deposit in the tundra, near the Babylonian town of Umma (Objective 3c). This adds urgency to Napoleon’s attack plans, as he announces his strategy, for the capture of the entire Antarctic Island. In the Poitiers Harbor he speaks to the soldiers.
“I have spent days now, thinking about the right tactics, to conquer the Antarctic Island. I have reached the conclusion, that a two point attack, would better confuse the Babylonians. I have decided to divide you men up, into two Division Groups. Div. Group 1 will sail immediately, to Bayonne in 2 Galleon fleets, escorted by an Ironclad. Div. Group 2 is set to follow closely behind, but delayed, so as not to risk losing everyone in an ambush at sea. Meet with your commanding officers, to know which Group, you belong with.”
The two Divisions consist of , as follows;
Div. Group 1:
2 Knights (Army)
3 Cavs
1 Artillery
1 Infantry
Div. Group 2:
4 Infantry
2 Cavs
Back in the Gaulois Jungle, Richelieu, a former Cavalry man, decides to join his old colleagues outside of Nimrud and tells them.
“I have come to you soldiers, not to tell you good luck, or God speed. But instead, I have come to tell you, that I, General Richelieu will take the point and lead you men, into the battle of Nimrud.”
Everyone is shocked, that a General is actually going to risk his life. In fact, it is Jeanne that has put him up to this. She needs a new war hero, to take off some of the prestige, from Napoleon. Richelieu is only too happy to abide, he misses the days, of the Cavalry charge. He also knows, with the inferior Babylonian defenders, the battle will be all too easy and not much of a risk. Jeanne needs a good propaganda story, to keep the French people, beaming with nationalistic zeal. The media begins pumping out the stories and the people begin to speak, “of the bravery of Richelieu.”
IBT: In the Antarctic Island, the Babylonians begin the battle for our city of Bayonne. Ironclads begin to bombard our people from the sea. The cannon fire, lands mostly in residential areas and the people of Bayonne are left only asking, POURQUOIS???. Woman and children, run and scream through the streets, in colossal terror. Many are left confused and perplexed, as blood gushes out, through their pierced skin. The Hospitals and clinics are overrun, as thousands of wounded are brought in. Unfortunately, most are already dead.
At the same time, the Babylonian Riflemen brigade and Bowmen battalion, also move in to take the city. We have 2 Infantry brigades, dug in deep in the trenches and we begin to open fire on the infidels. Man after man, is cut down in the Grasslands, as we hold our position and unleash a fiery hell, on the attackers. The attack on Bayonne finishes, as we run out of Babylonians to kill. The men in the trenches begin to celebrate, until the Governor of Bayonne states the awful news, that 70,000 holy souls in Bayonne, were murdered by the Ironclad bombing.
“Bloody Murder!!!”, read the headlines throughout all of France. Jeanne is sick to her stomach, as she envisions the thousands who perished in that rain of steel. She blames Napoleon’s delay, for the loss of the innocents. All of France is now incensed over the killings. It is the first time, citizens of France were killed in battle. Jeanne reassures the people of France, that their death will not be in vain. She tells all, “our resolve grows stronger, we will see this war to the end. The Babylonians will find their justice, at the end our guns. “
Babylonian War - Operation Babylonian Bloodbath
1 Cavalries
1 Ironclads
Civilians: 70,000
1 Workers
1 Riflemen
1 Pikemen
6 Spearmen
1 Longbowmen
2 Bowmen
1 Ironclads
1 Galleys
Civilians: 106,000
2 Workers
"The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
Read the Story of La Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum
June 1, 2003, 18:52
Local Time: 02:40
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Location: Staffordshire England
Posts: 8,321
Glad you managed to post some more today I was getting withdrawal symptoms.
Keep up the good work.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
June 1, 2003, 20:30
Local Time: 10:40
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Location: Love me tender. Love me sweet.
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Now the babs must pay more than ever.
I think Jeanne is not a good woman after Nap dude gave up the reigns of power to her she wants to backstab him. Politics is a dirty business.
June 1, 2003, 21:52
Local Time: 19:40
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: A bleak and barren rock
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Oooh, those rats. Richelieu, Your Eminence, go get 'em. Bring us back the head of Hammurabi on a plate...
(vile cackling laughter)
Empire growing,
Pleasures flowing,
Fortune smiles and so should you.
June 1, 2003, 22:16
Local Time: 01:40
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Location: Vancouver, Canada
Posts: 1,141
I'll be the critical voice here, but it Jeanne seems to be hiding something.
The war isn't glorious, it's a slaughter, a one sided slaughter of the babylonians.
June 1, 2003, 22:37
Local Time: 19:40
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: A bleak and barren rock
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It should be four duns.
Empire growing,
Pleasures flowing,
Fortune smiles and so should you.
June 2, 2003, 11:45
Local Time: 03:40
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Location: Deventer
Posts: 23
We want more  (well, at least I want
June 2, 2003, 16:43
Local Time: 20:40
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: May 2003
Location: beautiful coastal city of... Que te Importa
Posts: 255
Hi! Jeanne is very much a saint, she just has …………..umm, ambiguous values.  All is done, only for the glory of France.
In the seas outside Bayonne, a big naval battle is brewing, with 4 Ironclads on a collision course. We move in with 2 Ironclads and meet face to face, with 2 enemy Ironclads. The guns and cannons of every Ironclad, lets loose an inferno, of immense proportions. Our sailors are embroiled in an immeasurable battle. The iron skin, allows the vessels to sustain, a heavy shelling. The battle last for hours and then, we see an enemy Ironclad sinking. The sailors rejoice at the sinking, when then the unimaginable happens. Our very own Ironclad is hit, beyond salvation. Only a few sailors are able to escape, onto the remaining Ironclad. But the sinking, takes up most of the crew to a dark, wet grave.
During this gigantic naval battle, the Galleons carrying Group 1, is able to finally arrive safely in Bayonne. Thousands of the locals line up around the Harbor, as our men and supplies begin to unload, in the Antarctic Island. But the reunion and partying is cut short, as Napoleon orders the troops, to head for Adab to the south. It is raining now in Bayonne and very cold. The men know that even colder weather is awaiting them, as they move further south in the island. All of the troops, are from the mainland Gaule and they are not used to the cold, rainy weather.
“Therefore I say: One who knows the enemy and knows himself will not be in danger in a hundred battles. One who does not know the enemy but knows himself will sometimes win, sometimes lose. One who does not know the enemy and does not know himself will be in danger in every battle.” (tzu)
In contrast, the soldiers who will take Nimrud must battle through some of the hottest, humid weather around. Fortunately, these men were already stationed in the Jungles, so they are used to it. Richelieu taking the point puts on his old Cavalry uniform, gets on his favorite horse, cleans his favorite gun and leads the men into the Battle for Nimrud. Contrary to what Richelieu thought, however, these Babylonians are armed with rifles. Richelieu gets hit early, on his left arm, by a rifleman’s bullet. He is undaunted, though and continues on to the attack.
We swarm the town and gun battles ensue, between the many palm and banana trees, the bullets fly. Richelieu gets nicked again, this time in his neck and falls from his horse, he is bleeding profoundly now. His top colonel tells him, “General we must take you back to Lapurdunum, you are hurt badly.” He responds like only a Great Leader would, “HELL NO, I ain’t leaving my boys. I’ll fight to the death, before quitting.” He continues on his feet, when he is again struck, on his right leg. He falls to the ground, a group of lieutenants and privates, pick him up and say, “Sir, you need medical attention. We don’t want to see you die here, in this scorching, musty jungle. Richelieu says, “Back off, I still haven’t gotten my shots in.”, as he pulls away and continues into the town, now limping.
Barely able to walk, Richelieu gets within range of his gun and using his excellent marksmanship training, unfetters a barrage of firepower, upon the Babylonian Riflemen. One by one, the cowards hiding behind the low walls, are blasted into oblivion. The other Cavalry men are astounded, that the bleeding, wounded General is still firing away. Like a bat out of hell, our troops destroy any remaining resistance. After the battle, Richelieu is found miraculously still standing, completely covered in his own blood and he says, “Okay, I am now ready to be taken to a hospital.” The courageous story of Richelieu, reaches the mainland and people arrive in droves to different hospitals, to donate their own blood. Whether he lives or dies, In France and throughout the world, Richelieu will be always remembered, as a Great Leader.
IBT: Our Group 2 Galleon convoy at sea, comes under attack, by a Babylonian Ironclad. There is real danger now, of possibly losing much of our force. Our escort Ironclad, goes on the defensive to protect the Galleons. The sailors inside were fully aware, this could happen and they’re ready. We outmaneuver the enemy, in the cold waters and continually, are able to inflict heavy damage, till the enemy is finally, incapable of remaining afloat. In more disturbing news, the Babylonians are able to capture the Roman town of Lutetia, in the Gaulois Jungle. Lutetia is located between, our Lower and Upper Biscay territories. There is no possible way, we are going to allow a Babylonian town, between our territories.
Babylonian War - Operation Babylonian Bloodbath
1 Cavalries
2 Ironclads
Civilians: 70,000
1 Workers
2 Riflemen
1 Pikemen
8 Spearmen
1 Longbowmen
2 Bowmen
3 Ironclads
1 Galleys
Civilians: 122,000
2 Workers
In all of Gaule, the people are in jubilation, as the Hoover Dam is completed in the Sienne River outside of Paris. We rapidly, are able to have Hydro Plants, in all of the cities in the mainland. Our production levels increase dramatically. Jeanne uses the opportunity, of the grand opening, as a photo op. Jeanne’s popularity is through the roof and no one dares, run against her in any election. With so much support now, Jeanne pushes the Assemblée to make changes to the Constitution. For most, she wants to abolish the position of Supreme Commander, she gives a speech in the Assemblée and says;
“The power to wage war and peace, should rest only on those whom were voted, by the people. To give so much power to a General, is reckless and irresponsible, to the citizens of France. I ask you, members of the Assemblée, vote for the changes.”
Many in the Assemblée applaud, as Jeanne leaves the podium. But they are very hesitant, to change the constitution, for they know they will be upsetting Napoleon. Napoleon is still feared, in the halls of the Assemblée Nationale, nobody has forgotten what happened the last time Napoleon got upset. Assemblée leader François Greuze, whom is also the head of the leftist M.S.F., agrees to secret talks, with Jeanne.
“François, I am glad you agreed to this meeting”, says Jeanne.
“Well, we may not agree on many things, but one problem we know we must solve, is Napoleon. I’m not sure if, even your Noire Pluie can stop him”, replies François.
“Don’t worry about, what the Noire Pluie can do. I want to discuss these changes to the constitution. You have the power, to convince the other representatives, to get rid of the Supreme Commander’s power. We cannot have a successful democracy, with a military junta always looking over us.”
“We all agree, but everyone is scared. When Napoleon gets back, he will be furious. We don’t want to precipitate another coup. What if he decides to take power again?”
“That won’t happen, I have been talking to Gen. Richelieu and Gen. Corot. They both say, that they will use their influence in the military, to convince the soldiers, not to support another coup.”
“So you have the war hero Richelieu in your pocket, eh Jeanne.”
“As if you didn’t know, who made him a war hero. He owes his greatness to me and he knows it. Napoleon will not want a civil war, and he be forced to accept the changes. The power should remain as it has for centuries, in the Assemblée and the Presidency”, responds Jeanne.
“I will talk to the members, I hope, we are not making a bad decision here”, says François, as he leaves the secret talks.
Back in the Biscay area, the Koreans spot a weakly defended Lutetia and race toward the town with 2 Cavs, 5 Knights brigades. Back in Nimrud, Richelieu life, hangs on a balance, but somehow he manages to pull through. Not fully required, the nurses tell him to rest, but Gen. Richelieu, knows he is needed. He orders 2 Cav brigades, to block the Korean advance on Lutetia. The area is completely surrounded with tropical jungles and Richelieu says, “the best way to approach the town, is from the sea.” Richelieu sends 2 Inf brigades. whom were stationed in Cherbourg. to make a seaside landing near Lutetia. In thus way, beating the Koreans to the town.
In the Antarctic Island, Group 1 moves into the forests, outside Adab, inside Babylonian territory. On our way there, we humbled a Babylonian Swordsmen, who stood in our way. Napoleon knows our Cavalry can attack and take the town, but having no roads in the forests, our infantry would not be able to defend, in a counterattack. He decides to wait in the cold, muddy forest.
IBT: 3 enemy Ironclads are now visible around Bayonne. However, in the same vicinity, Adm. Delacroix, now has 4 Ironclads. The citizens of this city now hope and pray, our Ironclads can prevent any more bombardment.
Babylonian War - Operation Babylonian Bloodbath
1 Cavalries
2 Ironclads
Civilians: 70,000
1 Workers
2 Riflemen
1 Pikemen
1 Swordsmen
8 Spearmen
1 Longbowmen
2 Bowmen
3 Ironclads
1 Galleys
Civilians: 122,000
2 Workers
Korens approach Lutetia, but we'll beat them with our galleons and infantry
"The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
Read the Story of La Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum
June 2, 2003, 16:49
Local Time: 19:40
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: A bleak and barren rock
Posts: 2,743
Richelieu! He's my man!
Empire growing,
Pleasures flowing,
Fortune smiles and so should you.
June 2, 2003, 16:51
Local Time: 20:40
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: May 2003
Location: beautiful coastal city of... Que te Importa
Posts: 255
“Those skilled in defense conceal themselves in the lowest depths of the Earth, Those skilled in attack move
in the highest reaches of the Heavens.” (tzu)
In the outskirts of Adab, Napoleon orders our Cavs and 2 Knights into the battlefield. The Babylonian Riflemen are ready for us and open fire, as we get near. Bullets whiz by our men, as they charge, with their guns firing. Unfortunately, our 2 Knights only had their swords with them. They, do not get anywhere near the town, as they’re pulverized. Our Cavs on the other hand, do fly, right by the entrenched riflemen and deliver a crushing blow, as we waste them. Adab, becomes the first domino to fall, in the Antarctic Island. Our Infantry now secure and fortify the town. Inside, we are able to identify 2 Worker companies, trying to hide among the populace, we quickly put them to work building a road in the muddy forest.
Further north in Bayonne, Group 2 finally arrives. The Bayonne locals, now feel extremely secured, with so many French soldiers around. The shops begin to open and the curfews, are now lifted as the Governor says, “the worst is over for us now, fortunately, the worst is yet to happen, to our neighbors to the south. Group 2, does not stay in Bayonne long, because Napoleon commands them to sail, to the Oil rich town of Umma, in the southeastern part of the Antarctic Island. Before sailing, we pick up 2 Artillery companies for support. Umma is deep in the tundra, the water around the town is icy and could pose a danger to our convoy.
In Paris, the Assemblée votes to revoke the position of Supreme Commander, as soon as the war ends. Also, the ability to declare war and peace, is now given back to the President and the Assemblée. The politicos get what they want, while the General is away. Napoleon is too busy, to hear about the shenanigans, back in Paris.
Meanwhile, in the Gaulois Jungle, 2 Infantry brigades land outside of Lutetia, cutting of the Korean advance. The men report back to Richelieu, that all they see inside, is a wounded, depleted Longbowmen battalion.
IBT: Near the Antarctic Island, an Ironclad was ambushed. The sailors never saw the enemy coming. Their Ironclad, was but a glorified coffin.
Babylonian War - Operation Babylonian Bloodbath
1 Cavalries
3 Ironclads
2 Knights (Army)
Civilians: 70,000
1 Workers
4 Riflemen
1 Pikemen
1 Swordsmen
8 Spearmen
1 Longbowmen
2 Bowmen
3 Ironclads
1 Galleys
Civilians: 138,000
4 Workers
We spot an enemy Ironclad escorting a Galley fleet, near Bayonne’s waters. We fear a second landing, near Bayonne will be attempted. Before that can happen, Adm. Delacroix, now in Bayonne coordinates a 2 Ironclad attack on the vessels. We move in, from two different directions and completely confuse the Babylonians. It is a complete rout, as we sink the Ironclad and the Galleys. We know the death tow was greater, as there must have been some, brigades in those Galleys.
Also, near Umma, Group 2 lands in the frozen forests, outside the town. The bad news however, is that we had to land almost 20+ miles away, due to some Babylonian defenders whom were guarding the outskirts of the city. The conditions are frigid for our men, who are experiencing the harsh cold, for the first time. It snows in the mainland, but it doesn’t even come close, to the frosty conditions, outside Umma. The ground is so frozen, that we are not able to dig any fox holes, we just cover ourselves, using the trees. For Group 1, the situation will be similarly chilly. Napoleon for now, gives the guys a rest. Their next objective is Hindana and the only viable way to reach the town is by sea. The same cold, freezing forests awaits the men of Group 1.
The battle Lutetia begins, early in the morning as our Infantry open fire and run in at full force. The Longbowmen defenders, immediately capitulate. Inside Lutetia, we capture 2 Workers, they may have been Roman, but they belong to us now. With Lutetia captured, there was now the question, as to return it to the Romans, our allies. The correct decision, was to return the town, however, there was just this strange feeling we felt, when we discussed Lutetia. The feeling is hard to describe, maybe something like déjà vu. No high ranking French official, had ever visited the town, but yet they knew it inside out. The name itself, Lutetia, was somehow, magically important to us.
Representatives from Jeanne and Caesar, met in the Korean capital of Seoul, to discuss the issue. Julius knew, Lutetia was far away from the rest of the Roman country. It had served, no purpose to him and so we all agreed, that from now on, France would administer the town. Administering was code word for, taking over. Lutetia was now a part of France, as it somehow should always be. Lower and Upper Biscay were at last, territorially united.
With the war in Biscay finally over, Jeanne tells Richelieu to send a Cavalry brigade to the Zulu-Babylonian border to serve as a scout. We had no idea what was going on, between the allies and the Babylonians. So Jeanne wanted some people in the area, to report back everything that they saw. For Richelieu however, a large Victory Parade awaited him at the Champs-Élysées. There, under the shade of the trees, near the Arc de Triomphe, Richelieu was greeted by millions of French citizens. Confetti and red roses, are tossed upon him, as he leads the thousands of troops who took part in the war in Biscay all along the Champs-Élysées. The mood is splendid, as the crowd chants; “Vive Richelieu”, “La Gloire de la France”, the girls scream, “Marry me Richelieu”. The party continues for days, even though in the Antarctic Island, the war goes on.
Jeanne is very pleased, at the response and orders the Noire Pluie operation, “Fausse Information” to end. “Napoleon, must also be given credit for our victory”, she says. With most of the former Babylonian towns secured, in Upper Biscay, Jeanne orders the widespread construction, of Temples and Libraries. The Babylonian people, are pretty much heathens and barbarians, but in time they will assimilate into our superior culture.
Babylonian War - Operation Babylonian Bloodbath
1 Cavalries
3 Ironclads
2 Knights (Army)
Civilians: 70,000
1 Workers
4 Riflemen
1 Pikemen
1 Swordsmen
8 Spearmen
2 Longbowmen
2 Bowmen
4 Ironclads
2 Galleys
Civilians: 138,000
5 Workers
all of biscay is finally united, YAHHH!!!
1050 State of the Union
Pop. 20,020,000 1st
Land 70,800 sq. m. 1st
Military: 118 (not all listed)
Armée de Terre: (Army)
1 E.E.A. Officers
46 Riflemen/ Infantry
18 Cavalries
12 Artillery
Paramilitaire - Noire Pluie : (Paramilitary)
12 Guerrillas
Marine Nationale: (Navy)
8 Ironclads
9 Galleons (transport)
Just in time, we have discovered Battlefield Medicine in Orléans. Our medics in the field, will now be able to, travel with our forces and treat them, deep inside enemy territory. Also, the new census has shown us that, for the first time in our history, we are the most populous nation in the world.
“The rush of torrential waters tossing boulders illustrates force. The strike of a bird of prey breaking the body of its target illustrates timing. Therefore, the force of those skilled in warfare is overwhelming, and their timing precise. Their force is like a drawn crossbow and their timing is like the release of the trigger.” (tzu)
In the frozen forest of the south Antarctic Island, many of our troops are suffering from frostbites. They stick together to shield themselves from the cruel wind. Ice begins to form on their face and hair, as they are barely able to talk. But we must, march forward. The defenders, on the outskirts of Umma, abandoned their positions and moved into town. We move into the periphery, our only enemy the bitter cold. It begins to pour a very cold, icy rain, as we travel through the forest. Our shoes fill with mud and water, which quickly turns into ice. It’s a short distance we travel, but it feels like 100 miles, in the cruel conditions.
Finally, 2 Cav and 3 Infantry brigades, are now so close to Umma, that they can smell it. Not everyone made the treacherous walk, however, an Infantry brigade and 2 Artillery companies were kept behind. Our Artillery is well within range and the order is given to commence, the terror campaign. Our Artilleries begin to fire indiscriminately, we hope to hit military targets, but instead, the barrage kills 16,000 civilians in Umma.
IBT: 2 Galleon fleets and 2 Ironclads, are seen in the southern seas, of the Antarctic Island. Reinforcements and supplies, is most likely what they are carrying. Also Delacroix, had given an order for one of our Ironclads to approach, the Babylonian mainland and begin bringing the war to them. However, that Ironclad is now being intercepted, by enemy Babylonian Ironclads. With no help, our sailors are pretty much waiting, for their demise. The Babylonians show no mercy, as they attack our sailors and sink it, into the bottom of the South Atlantique.
Babylonian War - Operation Babylonian Bloodbath
1 Cavalries
4 Ironclads
2 Knights (Army)
Civilians: 70,000
1 Workers
4 Riflemen
1 Pikemen
1 Swordsmen
8 Spearmen
2 Longbowmen
2 Bowmen
4 Ironclads
2 Galleys
Civilians: 154,000
5 Workers
"The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
Read the Story of La Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum
Last edited by Kaos XIII; June 3, 2003 at 12:21.
June 2, 2003, 21:00
Local Time: 01:40
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::thumbs up:: Good stuff Kaos.
I think you may have goofed with your ironclad casualty list.
IBT: Near the Antarctic Island, an Ironclad was ambushed. The sailors never saw the enemy coming. Their Ironclad, was but a glorified coffin.
After this note, your Ironclad casualty (for the French side) stays at 2.
June 2, 2003, 22:23
Local Time: 10:40
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Man, the babs are wimps! You should re-open the war with the zulus for a decent fight. At least they got guns.
June 2, 2003, 22:40
Local Time: 01:40
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BTW a worldmap update would be welcome.
June 3, 2003, 02:10
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A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
June 3, 2003, 10:48
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Keep it up, I love this stuff.
June 3, 2003, 12:16
Local Time: 20:40
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I think you may have goofed with your ironclad casualty list.
Good eye there. But that was obviosly done on purpose  Doesn't appear our navy's kill ratio is so good  I guess I'll edit it, to avoid confusion
"The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
Read the Story of La Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum
June 3, 2003, 13:52
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Jeanne has gotten to you Kaos. You lying ...
June 3, 2003, 17:06
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 Me lie.  Me and Jeanne are both  On, to the continuation:
Our economy continues to grow, at an unprecedented pace and Wall Street is up and running, in Rusicade. During the opening ceremony, however, a group of anti-war protestors, took over the stage and demanded Jeanne, “stop this unjust war”. For the first time in the conflict, opponents to the war are demonstrating in the hundreds. They are not strong or united, but Jeanne knows, things can get out of hand quickly.
Back in the cold, icy Forests of Umma, snow begins to fall, at an increasing pace. Our re-supply caravan, gets to the men in time, but unfortunately there aren’t enough socks and shoes to go around. Some of the soldiers begin to wail in pain, from the extreme conditions. It’s an all out blizzard, when our Artilleries companies begin, once again the barrage on Umma. Again, our we just fire into the city, indiscriminately, since our shells are not that accurate. The University of Umma is completely destroyed, as its walls were not built to withstand, the power of Artillery shells. Also, and regrettably 16,000 more civilians, become casualties of war.
“When the men are united, the brave cannot advance alone, the cowardly cannot retreat alone. These are the principles for employing a large number of troops.” (tzu)
With the barrage pounding the town, we send in the Cavs and Infantry to take the town. Inside, defending are some had-nosed Riflemen. But they are fighting with antiquated weaponry, our principal infantry weapon is the bolt-action magazine rifle, which was capable of firing 6 to 10 aimed shots per minute. We storm the town from all directions, the troops are desperate to get out of the freezing forest. Much of the town, has already been reduced to rubble from our Artillery, and the defenders use the rubble to dig in. Their line however, breaks very easily and they quickly scamper without any organized resistance. It appears, that the defenders were also suffering, in these harsh conditions. We take control of Umma, the near Oil fields and capture 2 Workers. Our troops are now able to sleep with a roof over their heads, as the local population, is forced to share their homes.
Hearing that the whole Antarctic Island, is falling into our control, Jeanne decides to take a trip to Bayonne and meet some of the soldiers, which are accomplishing, this most difficult task. Also with the war nearing and end, Jeanne decides to fire Gen. Corot. Corot was one of the co-conspirators in the coup and Jeanne doesn’t want him around while she leaves Gaule. With the Presidential Guards, Noire Pluie agents and many escort vessels, the Armada leaves Lyon Harbor. Hundreds of thousands are gathered there, to say good bye, to their beloved Jeanne.
To the west of Umma, in the Ant. Island, Group 1 makes a landing in the outer edges of Hindana, our last objective. Napoleon is with this Group and proudly tells the men, “Il fait beau, I was expecting it to be a whole lot colder.” Napoleon, is just trying to toughen the troops up. The conditions here, are as bad as they were outside of Umma, cold, icy, rainy, snowy, everything to make our soldiers miserable is occurring. As soon as the sun goes down, we shall unleash hell, upon the fortified Babylonians.
Group 1 has taken Adab, now move toward Hindana. Group 2 secures Umma and nearby Oil fields.
IBT: We spot an Ironclad, escorting a Galleon fleet and ambush them. We pound the Ironclad, with our big guns and send them, into their watery tomb. In contrast, another Ironclad and the Galleon, are able to outrun us and successfully, land an Infantry brigade outside Adab. This is the first time, we have seen enemy Infantry soldiers, we always knew they had the capabilities, to pump these guys out. The reason they hadn’t, is probably because they were in the battle of their lives, trying to hold back the Koreans, Zulus and Romans, from invading their mainland. But now, we were facing an Infantry brigade, outside of Adab. Our Infantry inside, is well dug in. Any attack from the enemy Infantry will surely be suicide. It is not easy, to run across a field of metal fire. In breaking news, the Carthaginians and Babylonians have signed a peace treaty.
Babylonian War - Operation Babylonian Bloodbath
1 Cavalries
4 Ironclads
2 Knights (Army)
Civilians: 70,000
1 Workers
6 Riflemen
1 Pikemen
1 Swordsmen
8 Spearmen
2 Longbowmen
2 Bowmen
5 Ironclads
2 Galleys
Civilians: 170,000
7 Workers
"The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
Read the Story of La Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum
June 3, 2003, 17:19
Local Time: 20:40
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“Therefore, one who does not know the intentions of the rulers of the neighboring states cannot secure alliances. One who does not know the mountains and forests, gorges and defiles, swamps and wetlands cannot advance the army.” (tzu)
Outside Adab, our navy goes on the offensive. We attack the Ironclad and Galleon, with our full might. The battle is long and there is damage on both sides. The Galleon is quickly sunk, when one of our Ironclads ram it and it disintegrates, into thousands of pieces. The enemy Ironclad puts up a good fight, but it isn’t enough, as they are promptly sunk. A third Ironclad in the area, also bombards, the enemy Infantry outside Adab and successfully, reduces their numbers. Inside Adab, the Infantry are told by Napoleon, to “hold and defend, not a step back”.
In Hindana, the enemy Riflemen look starved and in very poor health. They get even worse, when our Artillery. begins pummeling them. The mud on the ground, slows us a bit, but we continue the advance into the town. One Cav brigade gets stalled and is ambushed, by a group of Riflemen. Their Riflemen brigades inside however, are hopeless, as we see many of them abandon their positions and leave the town undefended. Those who didn’t retreat, are easily killed. Another company of Workers is caught and Napoleon raises his fist in triumph, as the entire Antarctic Island, is now under our control.
Jeanne now staying at the Bayonne Governor’s Mansion, hears the good news and is thrilled. The objectives have all been met and now the war will be over soon. She request for General Napoleon, to met her in the Governor‘s Mansion. There in an overcast cold day in Bayonne, the General meets the President.
“Congratulations General, I want you to know that all of France, is proud of you”, says Jeanne.
“Why thank you, but of course, I already know that the people are proud of me. I really don’t need you, to tell me how great I am either, as I have proven it so many times before”, replies Napoleon.
“Anyways, you should now return to Paris. A large hero welcome, awaits you in the Victory Parade. The people, are quite joyous and are ready to celebrate with you.”
“I don’t know what you are talking about, this war isn’t over yet. Our allies, are still fighting it out in the Occidental Continent. And now it is time, we march straight into Babylon herself and bring Hammurabi to his knees”, responds Napoleon.
“Are you crazy? We have achieved all of our objectives and the people so far, have supported this war. Sending our troops into Greater Babylonia, will be a lot tougher, than battling them in their lightly defended oversea territories. Don‘t you understand, our people grow weary of war”, Jeanne says now angrily.
“I’m not crazy, we have a signed alliance, with the Kaesong Pact nations. We cannot, betray our friends.”
“Actually, France has signed no such alliance, only you did. The nation then, was under the control of an inexperienced military junta. We are now a democratically elected government now and we cannot be tied down, by old alliances, from past governments. All decisions on foreign affairs, belong to the President and the Assemblée. Both bodies of government completely agree, that the war stops NOW.”
“I’m sorry Jeanne, but as the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces I make the decisions. And I say, the war goes on, into the halls of the Palace in Babylon”, says Napoleon.
“HA, I’m afraid, I have some bad news to tell you.”
“What, spill it?”
“While you were away in your adventure, the Constitution was legally and rightfully changed in the Assemblée. The Supreme Commander position was abolished. I am once again the Commander in Chief and I say what when war starts, and stops.”
“Merde, well then, I guess there is no more use, in talking. Well played Jeanne, you backstabbed me while I defended the nation”, a saddened Napoleon says.
“I did not backstab you. May I remind you, who changed the constitution against the will of the people. The ultimate power should remain with the elected representatives of the citizens. It is not personal, I have and always will respect you. You, Napoleon, are a legend. You will be remembered as the greatest war General of all time.”
“So, the war will be stopped. Our Allies will be rather peeved, I hope you know, what you are doing. Breaking the alliance, will damage France for years, even an inexperienced leader knows that. There are going to be consequences and repercussions from this. You better be prepared to deal with it”, warns Napoleon.
“Our reputation will not be damaged, the other nations will understand, that a military junta, should not be allowed to make decisions, that will harm a democratic nation.”
“Fine, have it your way. But don’t forget, I put you in power and I can take it away”, warns Napoleon.
With that, Napoleon leaves the Governor’s Mansion and ponders his next move. Jeanne is very worried and wonders, “Is he still the most powerful man in France?, Can he really remove me?, Will the Noire Pluie be able to stop any coup?” For now however, she must face the other members of the Kaesong Pact and tell them, that France will withdraw. It is not an easy task and she decides to invite Wang Kôn, the leader of the strongest nation in the Pact, besides France, to Tolosa for talks. In a fancy hotel, overlooking the peaceful North Atlantique Ocean, she breaks the news to him.
“Wang Kôn, I am going to tell you something, that I want then, to be relayed to Shaka and Caesar”, Jeanne says.
“What is it.”
“I have made the decision, to break from the Kaesong Pact. I will try to arrange a Peace Treaty, with Babylonia.”
“I don’t think you know, what this is truly going to mean. You better think twice, before stabbing the mighty Korean Nation in the back”, an angry Wang Kôn replies.
“Well France didn’t sign any alliance, Napoleon did. We are not going to held accountable, for the actions of a General.”
“Napoleon is France. Your nation asked for our help and we agreed, because we were friends. I don’t know what your up to. Perhaps, you got us into your war, to weaken us and take advantage of us later. We know, about your imperialistic past, Jeanne. Well, understand THIS, WE are a sleeping tiger, that will bite and bite hard, at all those, who try to humiliate us. Your Zulu War will look like a picnic, compared to what you will have face, with US. We will make 20, of your Hills of Death”, says Wang as he turns dark red, in the face.
“You don’t scare me, with your rhetoric Wang. Korea may be a tiger, but compared to France, you are but a little kitty. I have made my decision, and it is final. Adieu, Wang”, says Jeanne.
The meeting ends in a bitter note, as both nations trade threats and insults. Word gets to Rome and Zululand, everybody there is P-O’ed. Jeanne was not expecting, the angry response from Wang, at all.
IBT: Outside Adab, the Babylonian Infantry is on the move. They attempt to cross over through our trenches and are massacred instantly. We were very prepared for this and we just let loose a fire of lead. The dead bodies, were then placed, in an unmarked mass grave. Ces idiots, didn’t they know, the war was going to be over soon
Babylonian War - Operation Babylonian Bloodbath
2 Cavalries
4 Ironclads
2 Knights (Army)
Civilians: 70,000
1 Workers
1 Infantry
8 Riflemen
1 Pikemen
1 Swordsmen
8 Spearmen
2 Longbowmen
2 Bowmen
6 Ironclads
2 Galleys
1 Galleons
Civilians: 186,000
8 Workers
No longer tied to our alliance, French officials convene with Hammurabi’s representatives, in the coastal city of Eridu. We demand, a small portion of land, in Greater Babylon. With a foothold on their mainland, we feel they will be less likely to sneak attack us again. They agree and hand over the town of Izibla and 100 Gold, in reparations. Izibla is surrounded by snow capped mountains, which would make any attacker hard pressed to go through. Koreans, Romans and the Zulus are furious, once word of the Treaty of Eridu is announced.
Antarctic Island, under our complete control. Izibla, a foothold on Greater Babylonia
The war, was basically a showcase, for our spectacular military force. Jeanne had built our military, into the world’s strongest projection force. It was due, to our projection capabilities, that we were able to fight an effective campaign, in our oversea territories. With our many transport vessels, we could move a large number of troops, to different operation theaters, in a matter of days. The Babylonians on the other hand, had no such projection force, their oversea territories were vastly unprotected and barley, any production was coming out of them. Their transport vessels, were also never filled completely. How could they have expected to take a city, attacking with only 1 brigade. However, maybe it was the alliance, which made the war so easy for us.
Our Cavalry brigade, serving as a scout, reached the Zululand-Babylonia border and sent back messages of what was seen. At least 10 - 15 brigades were getting slaughtered, every turn, on all sides. In the mainland, the Babylonians were, effectively using their Infantry in defense. They also were using a number of Cavalries, when going on the offensive. We never saw any Babylonian Cavalry, in our battles. The massive total war in the border region, was something we hadn’t experienced. The alliance and the Babylonians were in a struggle for survival, and they weren’t holding, anything back.
fighting spirit of the Babs was revealed here. the ruins up top, was a Bab. city - many dead on all sides
In an interesting side note, the war proved most beneficial to the Chinese and the Koreans. Both nations have made significant gains, on the Babylonians, in the World Power rankings. We however, are still the number 1 power, but not by a long shot. Maybe this is why Wang, seemed so cocky to throw out threats.
the rankings, we are the biggest, baddest S.O.B.'s on the planet
Back in Bayonne Harbor, Napoleon set sail for Gaule. He is to arrive in Paris shortly. In the Champs-Élysées, the streets are dressed in blue, white and red, as everyone waits for Napoleon to arrive. The 120 year old war, is now over for us and many people are delighted and overjoyed. All of France, is now quite happy with Napoleon, a man they looked up to. Rumors are abound though, “Napoleon will continue this war”, “Jeanne is out, Napoleon will take control again”, “What about Richelieu?, will he support Napoleon or Jeanne?”, these are the conversations, taking place in the street cafés of Paris. Richelieu, is also there in Paris waiting for Napoleon’s arrival. He wants Napoleon to feel a warm welcome, in order to avoid any more trouble. Richelieu, is looked upon by the French, as equal to Napoleon. If Napoleon wants another coup, he will need Richelieu’s backing, or else we will be facing an all out, civil war.
However, back in the Palace of Versailles, Jeanne sits nervously, as the future seems anything but guaranteed. Napoleon is coming home and he is livid.
Babylonian War - Operation Babylonian Bloodbath (Final Casualty Report)
2 Cavalries
4 Ironclads
2 Knights (Army)
Civilians: 70,000
1 Workers
1 Infantry
8 Riflemen
1 Pikemen
1 Swordsmen
8 Spearmen
2 Longbowmen
2 Bowmen
6 Ironclads
2 Galleys
1 Galleons
Civilians: 186,000
8 Workers
"The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
Read the Story of La Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum
June 3, 2003, 18:01
Local Time: 19:40
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Location: A bleak and barren rock
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Good stuff.
Poor Wang Kon.
Empire growing,
Pleasures flowing,
Fortune smiles and so should you.
June 3, 2003, 23:45
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I guess that border war explains the lack of resistance you faced. I remember when I played civ3 the AI often come at me with stacks of up to 150 units in them. When I allied up, my allies sent stacks just as big into the fray and they mutually annihilated each other while I fired arty into the struggling mass. Then we all made peace, re-armed and went at it all over again. Great fun.
Here's a link to a little-known story about one of those games. There are 3 parts in this thread about Polaris nukes so scroll down to see them all.
war story by unscratchedfoot
June 4, 2003, 02:10
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Again superb stuff Kaos.
Ill take a look at that thread later Scratch after work.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
June 4, 2003, 02:41
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Good stuff
June 4, 2003, 12:11
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@unscrathedfoot: that was a pretty cool game. I've never been involved in a nuclear war in Civ3. I have a policy of deterrence and no first-strikes and the A.I. has never done a first-strike at me. Unlke Civ2.  I've seen those big stacks though, too bad they never have Arty in them. 
Anyway here is a short addition to the story:
Napoleon arrives in Lyon Harbor from a long voyage at sea, via Poitiers. In Poitiers he was greeted by an enchanted French crowd, the same enthusiasm he is now receiving in Lyon. The next day he is scheduled to take the train to Paris, in the morning. It is spring now, in France and the flowers are just blooming, the wind now feels serene, as it flows through Napoleon’s hair. Early in the morning, before he boards the passenger car, he sends a message to Jeanne, “I want to have a meeting with you. We have issues, we need to discuss.”
Jeanne receives the message and is in a state of panic, “is this it, has the coup begun?” Noire Pluie agents, comfort her and tell her, “don’t worry, there is no coup on the way, if there was, we certainly would have heard by now. If you want however, we can make sure Napoleon never arrives in Paris, muhahahaha.” Jeanne angrily, responds, “How dare you, I am not a murderer. Napoleon is a national treasure, he will not be harmed, in any way. Off with you.” The thought of eliminating Napoleon, has confirmed to Jeanne, that the situation is desperately out of control. She must smooth things over with her General, for the good of the nation.
In the Paris Central Station, Napoleon arrives, and gets off the passenger car. There to greet him are thousands of loyal citizens, who shout, “Pour Vous, Quelque Chose”, “Vive Napoleon”. Also there to greet Napoleon, are members of the Presidential Guard. They tell Napoleon, “Jeanne has received your message and wants to invite you to dinner this evening, at the Palace of Versailles.” “I’ll be happy to come”, responds Napoleon.
At dusk, Napoleon arrives at the Palace of Versailles. It is a very cool evening, as the sun disappears, with a light breeze. The fountains and lights are all turned on, as Napoleon walks through the gardens and enters the Palace. There he sees Jeanne for the first time, since the uncomfortable meeting, in Bayonne. Napoleon speaks first;
“Salut, Jeanne! Comment ça va?”
“Très bien! Et toi?”, replies Jeanne, very friendly.
“Comme ci comme ça”
“Ce soir, je prépare une quiche lorraine.”
“Qu’est-ce qu’il y a dans une quiche lorraine?”, asks Napoleon.
“Beaucoup de bonnes choses.”
“Il faut du beurre et des oeufs, n‘est-ce pas?”, a very interested Napoleon asks.
“Oui, et de la farine et des……….errrrrrr, hold on, I probably should be writing this in English. My bad, anyway, let’s cut the chase. During dinner Napoleon tells Jeanne;
“During my long trip back to Paris, I had a lot to think about in the sea. I won’t lie, I was upset and angry over the constitutional change. However, as I looked at the tranquil, blue ocean water and felt the waves, calmly, brush up against our wooden ship, my thoughts changed. I no longer cared, about cutting Hammurabi’s head open, or the blundering decision, to withdraw from the Kaesong Pact. All I cared about, was going back home, to the Forbidden Palace in Dijon and spending time with my family. I asked for this meeting, because I have an important announcement to make.”
Jeanne fearfully asks, “What is your announcement?”
“I am now, going to officially retire, from the military”, replies Napoleon.
Jeanne is relieved, but then realizes her most important General, is going to quit, “Non, WHY? I need you, the Assemblée needs you and most important, France needs you.”
“Funny, I don’t feel needed. I’ll just say this Jeanne, you won’t have old NAPO, to kick around, anymore.”
It is official, Napoleon is retired. One last Victory Parade on the Champs-Élysées, is all that remains of his wonderful military career. Jeanne asks Napoleon, “Would you like to ride the parade rout with me, on the Presidential wagon?” Napoleon declines and says, “Non, I want to march with my boys, for the last time.”
The parade gets under way under the Arc de Triomphe. The military band plays, at its loudest level. The drums beat in a ferocious manner, the trumpets sound out the tunes, in a crisp synchronization, as we all sing along, swollen with pride, La Marseillaise. All of the soldiers are in their dress uniforms. Cleanly and pressed, they have long thrown away their battle rags. Our Artillery batteries, are rolled out as the millions, ooh and awe, at their strong, powerful look and force. The Cavalry men march down the parade rout with their galloping, beautiful horses. The Infantry men walk in step, as girls run at them and kiss them on their cheeks. The navy men appear, carrying their banners, of the Ironclads and galleons they commanded. These sailors, lost many of their comrades at sea, and are quite joyful, to have made it back on land. Richelieu and Napoleon are also both there, they seem to be incredibly proud and both men, are quite an imposing sight, to see.
Then Jeanne appears in her Presidential Wagon, being pulled by the most wonderful horses anybody has ever seen. She waves at the massive crowd, as they scream, “Vive le France”, “Nous t’adore”. It is the most blissful, exultant, moment in the proud history of France. Then suddenly a skinny, filthy 30 year old looking man approaches the Presidential Wagon. The Guards act quickly but it is all too late, as the Parade stops, the country turns silent and all that we hear is;
"The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
Read the Story of La Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum
June 4, 2003, 12:19
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Location: Columbia, SC, USA
Posts: 284
Whoa, that sucks.
June 4, 2003, 13:40
Local Time: 02:40
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I'll second that !!
WTF I hope nobody sees me wearing these suspenders
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
June 4, 2003, 13:57
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What Mod were you using Scratchy, certainly sounds like a hectic game you had there.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
June 4, 2003, 16:02
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Jeanne! oh no!
unscratchedfoot: your games sound interesting. What kind of mod are you playing it? Any significant changes to unit stats/cost?
If so, document it for us, I'd be interested in replicating it.
June 4, 2003, 17:18
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Empire growing,
Pleasures flowing,
Fortune smiles and so should you.
June 4, 2003, 20:44
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Originally posted by Kaos XIII
I've seen those big stacks though, too bad they never have Arty in them.
open the editor, go to civilizations tab, pick a civ and under "Build Often" flag the artillery option and the AI will put 8-10 arty into a major offensive force. Works great!
Chris, dexters,
If you like my stories you'd like my mod: lots of goofy insult exchanges between the player and the AI. I rewrote almost all the diplomacy text.
My current mod "Rumble in Antarctica" is after global-warming floods all land in the world, the survivors find Antarctica which has become quite a nice patch of land. I made all new clans (civs) with new city names and cool great leader names. Each clan has a totally unique set of units based on real military equipment with different stats. Its balanced because each clan has a slight advantage in one area like defence, arty, mobility, offence, low cost etc...
Barbarians have become terrorist groups with machine-gun toting hoodlums and armored vehicles. They come in various flavors: Greenpeace, Women's Lib, Big Game Hunters, Gay Rights, Soccer fans, Anti-war demonstrators etc... Lots of fun for the whole family.
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