June 20, 2003, 07:34
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Would be more than happy to read some more
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
June 20, 2003, 08:21
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Yep, me too
June 20, 2003, 16:36
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My bad, for the long delay. The boss-man has been cracking his whip.  Working us overtime, so he can make more profits, out of us workers.  (Rant Mode)  His son has probably decided, that he doesn’t want a brand new Supra, but instead he wants a Lamborghini. Maybe his wife wants to redecorate their bathroom fixtures, with gold trimmings. Or perhaps, he intends to use the extra profits to get some high-class hooker.  I shall become my own boss, some day, one day,………some day.  (Rant Mode) Anyway here is the continuation of the epic French saga. Not very long, but action packed.
We continue to pour more troops, into the front lines of the Korean War, to reinforce Charlemagne and Richelieu. Napoleon also sends, 2 highly trained Army officers, recent graduates of the Ecole des Elčves Aspirants (E.E.A.) to each General in the field. The darkest moment in our war effort has passed, with many casualties, a desperate and irate Napoleon, speaking to the Joint Chiefs, says; “We have to turn the tide. The people will start to get restless, if we don’t. DO YOUR JOBS.”
It is not all bad news in France, and in Besancon government officials announce the completion of the SETI Program. A huge listening post, which will help us determine whether or not, we’re alone on this planet. We are all very excited, as this new Great Wonder, will effectively increase our research capabilities. In Paris, Napoleon meets with the North Fleet commander, Admiral Resnais, to discuss the Japanese problem;
“With the Japanese in the war, I think it’s now a good time to put my Fleet, to good use”, says the Admiral.
“Yes, but why stop at Japan. Once you begin bombing the Japanese coastal cities, I want to you to send some more ships to attack China”, advises Napoleon ever so slightly.
“Consider it done, we’ll hit those butchers where it hurts the most, in their homes.”
“So how many ships, will you be sending?”, asks Napoleon.
“I’ve got 5 Battleships, 2 Destroyers, 2 Submarines, and 1 Ironclad ready to set course”, answers Resnais, proudly.
“Yeah, blast them into oblivion. By the way, you’re fully responsible for the Japanese War. The name is OPERATION INVASION DENIAL II”, says Napoleon, as the meeting adjourns.
The North Fleet receives its orders from Adm. Resnais and the captains in the ships begin to sail for the Japanese coastline. Along the way, we spot an old Japanese Frigate. A good opportunity to practice our naval warfare tactics, for our inexperienced sailors. Our crews in the Subs and Destroyers, begin taking out portions of the Frigate, when at last one of our Battleships rams it, completely disintegrating it. It’s a lot of fun for our sailors, to see their Japanese counterparts suffer, but we know the battles won’t all be this easy.
For our South Fleet, there have been no such easy battles. And we’ve suffered heavy losses. Word comes in from the town of Chondote, of a Korean Ironclad harassing some of our fishermen. Adm. Yanne quickly sends in a Sub, to deal unmercifully with the intruder. Undetected, our Sub approaches and with just two torpedoes, rapidly streaking through the water, the Ironclad is destroyed.
In the diplomatic front, Napoleon decides the best way to punish Japan, is to get one of their neighbors involved. He sets up a meeting with, Elizabeth of England, in the capital London. (England is the Orange country north of Japan, in the same Feminin Continent. They’re of equal size and share a long border.)
“Queen, I have traveled a long way to ask you for a favor”, a respectable Napoleon says.
“What do you need, you old bloke?”, responds Elizabeth.
“I need you to declare war against the Japanese”, says Napoleon.
“I don’t know, although I’ve always hated those ****ers, England is unprepared for war at this moment”, answers Elizabeth.
“But why? Is there anything I can do, to help change your mind?”
“You know, I’ve always wanted to ride around, in these things called automobiles. But unfortunately, we here in England, have not the technology to create the bloody things.”
“I understand. Well, I think that can be arranged”, says Napoleon, what everyone understands.
“Great, I mean, how are we going to wage war on Japan, if we don’t have these wonderful Tanks to ride in. Also, we will need some Oil and money, to properly build and operate our new war machine.”
“You drive a hard bargain Elizabeth. But I will agree to your demands, as a show of friendliness.”
“Excellent mate, I would see you to the door, but I’m late for my milk baths.”
“Whatever, just start your war against Japan”, says Napoleon, knowing that we have now given away our most prized technological advance, in exchange for war.
With the English now able to build Tanks we decide to see if other nations, would like to know this secret, like the Zulus and the Americans, our trading partners. Shaka still refuses to hear any offers, he is quite busy, as the war with the Babylonians, has been restarted. However, Abraham Lincoln of the Americans, is interested and agrees to take the technology, in exchange for war against the Chinese. (They’re the light blue island in the middle of the South Iroquois Ocean, with a small possession in the Occidental Ocean, very near the Chinese mainland. Our Silks from America, are now secured.
Meanwhile, back in Larsa, Richelieu assembles a force of 6 Tank companies, 5 Cavs and 1 Mech. Inf. brigade. We are now to move, to the walls of Cheju. The terrain is completely flat and covered in the hot arid, Chaeryông Desert. The desert however, does make it easier for our troops to move across, promptly and orderly.
“Generally, commanding of many is like commanding of a few. It is a matter of dividing them into groups. Doing battle with a large army is like doing battle with a small army. It is a matter of communications through flags and pennants.” (tzu)
At the same time that Richelieu makes his move, Gen. Pasteur inaugurates, the “Bombing of Cheju.” 6 Bombers squads, escorted by a Fighter squad, take off from our base in Amatikulu. The flat desert terrain, allows our air crews to fly at low altitude. Over the city, we drop our bombs on the frightened Korean populace. The prestigious Cheju State University is left in ruins, as we blast it with several pounds of explosives. The Cheju Central Marketplace, also gets blown to bits. There won’t be any goods, bought and sold on this day. During the bombing of Cheju, approximately 55,000 civilians perished, oh well.
While nearing the outskirts of Cheju and in the irrigation paddies, our troops come across 2 Korean Cav brigades. We rampage through the irrigations and instigate the battle. We quickly break any semblance of a defense they have. We pummel them, as their horses, are no match for our armored tanks. We are now at the walls of Cheju, with a massive force.
"The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
Read the Story of La Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum
June 20, 2003, 16:43
Local Time: 20:40
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Location: beautiful coastal city of... Que te Importa
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Battle for Kaesong:
Kaesong is an ancient city, with a counted population of 290,000. Most of the people live within the huge walls of the Old City. It is on the coast of the Gulf of Korea, with the Mugabe Mountains serving as a backdrop. After the Grassland Assault, our forces are a little down, but still happy to be in control of the only road leading into Kaesong. For the Koreans there is no way to reinforce the city, as the Celtics promised us, no R.O.P. for Korea. However, we know the Koreans have already moved in a large contingency into Kaesong, to defend the inevitable attack.
Kaesong is the largest city we’ve had a battle in, since the old Theveste and Rusicade battles in the Carthaginian War, soooo long ago. Early in the morning Charlemagne decides to move up from his base in Zunguin and view the operation first hand. Our soldiers are awestruck at his presence. He orders our Tanks to punch into the city, fast and hard. To the north, our 3 Cav brigades are waiting for our Tanks, we will invade simultaneously. Our Tanks cross a critical bridge over a small canal, leading into Kaesong in the foggy, early morning hours. We face small automatic weapons fire, but not enough to slow us down. We want Korean blood and we want it, inside Kaesong.
In the mountains to the north, where our Cavs were waiting, the monsoon was blowing, bringing rain and fog from the Gulf of Korea, the weather is supposed to get much worse. The Koreans have converted the large government buildings, into strong points: snipers in the upper stories, machine guns in the ground floors, and mortars from hidden positions. Their best weapons are automatic rifle and the rocket launchers, for our Tanks. We are also armed with, but we have Tanks with us. We also have 2 Artillery Companies and Bombers providing support.
Our Tanks reach the city walls in the mist, and the Korean flag on the Governor’s Palace could be seen taunting our soldiers. Charlemagne then calls in the Air Force to “start bombing the hell out of them.” At the same time our Artillery companies, begin to pound the Koreans inside. The Tanks and the Cavalries are to breach the walls, when our Bombers arrive. With the roar of our Bomber engines overhead and the explosions inside the city, the time for the Battle for Kaesong is here.
“Even in the midst of the turbulence of battle, the fighting seemingly chaotic, they are not confused. Even in the midst of the turmoil of battle, the troops seemingly going around in circles, they cannot be defeated.” (tzu)
Before the enemy could react, our Tanks and Cavs swiftly, make quick gains on the city, and establish control over key parts of the city. The aerial bombardment continues and the Barracks of Kaesong, go up in flames. Many of the Koreans bodies, are rushed out by the civilians. Our Cav brigades however, would feel the full brunt of the Korean force. They are to secure the University, but are quite bogged down. Infantry and Guerrillas defending inside, inflict massive damage on our Cavs. A Tank company, is quickly rushed to their aid.
Adjacent to the Gulf, is the famed Yalu Boulevard, a heavily urbanized area, around 15 blocks long. Charlemagne orders the Boulevard secured, we roll in and our guns dominate, the fierce fighting on the wide street. We take sniper fire from Guerrillas, but we quickly fire back. The street is illuminated with blazing bullets. The buildings on the boulevard are getting riddled and battered, as we continue to exterminate the enemy. The fight on the Yalu Boulevard, ended with no losses for us and 4 conscript brigades dead (Spearmen). The next objective is the Governor’s Palace, where that most despicable flag flies.
The weather now changes to a cold drizzle, with a low cloud ceiling. The poor visibility hampers our Tank company trying to help our Cavalries. Our Bomber squads are unfazed however, as our bombs aren’t accurate to begin with. With of without fog, we just drop bombs wherever. With the boulevard secured, Charlemagne now orders our Tanks to, “approach the interior of the city, in close groups.” This tactic provides an effective combination, for dictating the close-in fighting, along the tight streets of Kaesong. On our way to the Palace, we notice a massive fire, as it appears our Bombers have struck, a heavily populated residential area. We estimate tens of thousands of people, were killed during that bombing.
But we move on, the aerial bombardment has also taken a heavy toll, on the defenders. Our Tanks knock down entire walls, of the old city, as we eliminate pockets of resistance. During the street fighting in the interior of the city, we take out 2 Guerrilla and 2 conscript (Longbow) brigades. Meanwhile, our Cavs, bogged down, continue to battle for their lives at the University. Radio communications reveal, that 2 of our 3 brigades, have been destroyed. Our Tank company now reaches the Cav position, at the University, only to realize they have been completely finished off, by a Korean Infantry brigade. We now take our revenge, for our comrades. We blast through the spaced out campus and smoke out the murderers one by one, until the last man is killed.
Our main attack centers on the Governor’s Palace, in the heart of Kaesong and there we encounter 2 Infantry brigades, in the exterior. A ferocious battle begins. Our Tanks shell them with everything we have, from the air our Bombers drop heavy ordinances, on the beleaguered defenders. The Koreans run away from our bombardment, but our Tanks chase them down, with our guns. The Governor’s Palace is reduced to mere rubble, along with their Infantry. Charlemagne now walks onto the complex with a huge smile on his face. The tattered enemy flag, is replaced by the beautiful, crisp tri-color of France. Kaesong is now badly damaged, but the city is ours now, along with 2 Worker battalions.
Charlemagne is heralded, as a master tactician. We defeated 11 enemy brigades, while only losing 3 Cav brigades. During the battle and bombardment, there were about 130,000 civilians whom perished. The resistors are still fighting against our troops, so Charlemagne orders up some of the Infantry to move in and handle them.
IBT: Breaking International News: Mao takes swift and decisive action, against the Americans and announces a triad, alliance force to punish them. Korea, Zululand and Egypt all announce a declaration of war against the Americans. If that wasn’t bad enough, the Zulus then bring in the Aztecs, to declare war on the Americans. The Zulus also part of the deal to ally themselves with China announce, that the Chinese have officially declared war, on the Babylonians.
It’s significant activity diplomatically, as nations now take sides. The Americans suffer the most from this, as they are now at war with 5 nations. We are approaching a long road to a world-wide conflict.
Korean War - Operation Seoul Destruction
4 Tanks
2 Infantry
3 Cavalries
1 Submarines
1 Ironclads
Civilians: 0
1 Workers
7 Infantry
7 Guerrillas
6 Cavalries
1 Knights
7 Spearmen
2 Longbowmen
2 Archers
1 Submarines
2 Ironclads
Civilians: 201,000
2 Workers
Chinese War - Operation Invasion Denial (No Change)
1 Battleships
1 Submarines
3 Ironclads
Japanese War - Operation Invasion Denial II
1 Frigates
Once Cheju is secured, I'm planning an all out blitz for Seoul. The poeple are getting restless, as more of our boys die.
The "March to Seoul" needs to be fast and furious.
"The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
Read the Story of La Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum
June 21, 2003, 05:26
Local Time: 02:40
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Location: Staffordshire England
Posts: 8,321
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
June 21, 2003, 10:56
Local Time: 03:40
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Posts: 23
Originally posted by ChrisiusMaximus
I couldn't say it better
June 21, 2003, 11:05
Local Time: 01:40
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: Don't you feel silly now?
Posts: 2,140
you've really developeed your style over the course of this story, good work :thumbsup:
June 21, 2003, 13:17
Local Time: 10:40
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Location: Love me tender. Love me sweet.
Posts: 839
A good battle. I just wish those lazy koreans would put up a better fight.
By the way, you need to use your editor and for bombers, ships and arty, flag 'lethal land' and 'lethal sea bombardments'. Also, increasing the 'rate of fire' value will make them hit more often cause I kinduv remember in the original game the arty misses like 3 outuv 4 times or something.
June 22, 2003, 18:46
Local Time: 20:40
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Location: beautiful coastal city of... Que te Importa
Posts: 255
Thanks for all the good vibes, fella's.  I'm wary of the lethal bombard, but I think I should, up the Rate of Fire. More urban battle scenes, coming up:
Noire Pluie Paramilitaries: Operation Mountain Swarm:
There are still Korean troops in the Mountains, but they are immobile, since they know once they move out of the Mountains, they will be destroyed by our Tanks. To combat this problem, the Noire Pluie Paramilitary force starts Operation Mountain Swarm. The Operation consist of specially trained Mountain Guerrillas, to commence hit and run attacks, on the already battered defenders.
The Koreans have been trapped on the Mountains, receiving a pounding by our Artillery and Air Force. They have no way of getting food, and many of them are suffering from starvation. We will end their suffering, when they eat our bullets. Guerrilla commanders, including Charles De Gaulle meet up and decide to avoid the Infantry, at all cost. Instead, we are going to attack the weak Conscripts.
Our Paramilitaries begin mountain excursions, hoping to catch some of the Koreans napping. There is little action, as our Guerrillas roam the mountains only encountering an occasional coyote and bear. Then suddenly we come upon a large Korean camp. In the camp, there are 7 Conscript brigades (6 Longbow, 1 Spearmen). De Gaulle licks his chops, as we all know this is going to be a slaughter. We set up camp with our Guerrillas, high on a mountain top, near the unsuspecting Koreans and wait for them to go to sleep.
The night arrives, but it is a full moon, alas we cannot have complete darkness. Our Guerrillas get sent on to confront the Koreans. We run full speed ahead, through the rugged terrain, filled with dense trees. There are Korean troops guarding the exterior, but we just run right by them, as we put several bayonets in them. We are now nearing the large camp now and the Guerrillas put their war face on and scream, “AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!”
It’s a massacre, bayonet charges leave many of the Koreans dead, in their sleeping sacks. Many try to run, but we gun them down with our AK’s. “KILL THEM ALL!!!”, yells out De Gaulle, as he also participates, in the festival of gore. Korean blood overflows from the mountains, as many Korean inexperienced Conscripts, are left screaming for their lives. We did not however come out unscathed, 1 Guerrilla brigade was defeated, as they mopped up the defenders.
In the North Iroquois Ocean, a Japanese Sub is spotted by one of our Ironclads. The order is given to attack and we begin to pound them with our ancient cannonades. The Sub is unfazed and returns a hail of torpedoes toward our Ironclad, sinking it immediately. A nearby Destroyer hears the distress call, from our Ironclad and immediately moves into the area. Our sonar, picks up the Sub and we drop several depth charges throughout the area. It is a perfect hit, as the Japanese Sub parts, are seen floating in the ocean.
Back in the front, Richelieu is now in Larsa, waiting for Cheju to be captured and secured. With the troops continuing to pour into each General, they both now have an abundance of soldiers to command. Richelieu realizing he doesn’t need all of them for Cheju, spoke with Napoleon about a new plan;
“Bonjour Richelieu, what is this new plan you want to talk to me about?”, asks Napoleon.
“Mr. President, I think I can achieve Obj. 4b, Ulsan, using the Zulu Gulf to outflank the enemy.”
“Go on”, an intrigued Napoleon demands.
“We’ve been going head on, at the Koreans, but I think if we move through the Gulf, we can achieve a tactical advantage.”
“Your right, but how do you want to do this?”
Well, Ulsan is just outside the Zulu Gulf. And I’ve got Transport Assault Ships in Larsa, which can take a significant number of troops through the Gulf and land right outside Ulsan.”
“Interesting, the Koreans will be vastly unprepared. However, you do know Ulsan is not within our Bomber’s range”, adds an interested Napoleon.
“Yes I know. But the Koreans in Ulsan will be so unprepared, that it won’t matter. Besides, Cheju will be captured in a short time and our Bombers will be able to bomb Ulsan from there.”
“Genius, I shall approve your plan. Yep, it takes me back to my old days, when I was coming up with brilliant military moves”, a snobbish Napoleon replies.
“Yeah sure, whatever”, says Richelieu in a very low voice, where Napoleon couldn’t hear him.
“What was that?”, asks Napoleon.
“I’m just saying, I’ve got to let you go, as I’m going to be very busy soon. I’ve going to set up shop in Cheju, with Charlemagne to plan the “March to Seoul”, says Richelieu, as he hangs up the private telephone line.
"The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
Read the Story of La Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum
June 22, 2003, 18:53
Local Time: 20:40
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Location: beautiful coastal city of... Que te Importa
Posts: 255
Battle for Cheju:
The Bombing of Cheju continues day and night. Our troops outside the city, can see the dark black clouds of smoke on the horizon. Cheju is situated on the southern most point of the Gulf of Korea, but completely surrounded, by the sandy, Chaeryông Desert. Our Artilleries begin to shell out the defenders and the order is given by Richelieu, “to commence the battle.”
Our Bomber crews report back, that busloads of troops were seen bringing in fighters, from the rest of Korea. As the wind picks up, the sand begins to blow in our face. Like a feeling of being poked by a thousand needles, the sand storm harkens our vision, as we move into the city. But the enemy is not visible, everything is eerily quiet. “They’ve run away”, says one of the Privates. Our Cavs move in from the west, while our Tanks roll in from the east and south.
Our Tank companies then uncover an enemy Cav brigade, hiding behind the walls of the bombed out Library. They come charging out, but their horses take no more than 20 feet forward, before they are gunned down. A colonel reports to Charlemagne; “It appears the Koreans have abandoned the city. There is vary little light resistance.” Of course that was just the situation in the east and south sides, in the western portion of the city, it is a very different situation.
5 Cavalry brigades, are given the task, “to secure the western urbanized section of the city.” Like the Tanks in the east side, the Cavs gallop in unopposed and the city appears quiet. Quiet that is, until the Korean Infantry and Marines charge at us, brutally from the rear. Our Cav brigades’ response is panic and disorientation, as man after man is gun blasted. Communication is lost with the Cavs, and Richelieu orders our Tanks to reinforce the Cavs.
Our Cavs are forced to ride, into the depreciated rail way station, where they barricade themselves. Well at least 3 of our Cav brigades, for 2 brigades were gone in the slaughter, in the streets. Our Tanks now make their way, to reinforce the Cavs. However, 1 Tank unit gets lost and find themselves surrounded, in the same railway complex. Tanks then begin to explode one by one. RPG’s come flying into the station and the Tank commanders attempt to escape, using one of the adjacent side streets. “Move out, move out”, scream the commanders. Lamentably, there on the tight streets, they encounter a channeled killing zone. The streets have been blocked off and our Tanks make a wave of fire, as the Koreans finish them off.
Meanwhile, back in the railway station, Korean Marines make an all out assault, to finish off our Cavs. A fierce battle begins, as our pinned down Cavs, organize a 360x defense of the complex. Our Cav soldiers fight bravely and take out several Marine firing positions. The fight in the railway ensues for days, as our Tanks continue to face heavy resistance in the city, facing off against Korean Infantry.
Richelieu orders our Mechanized Infantry to support out Tanks in the street battles. At the same time, more Tanks are poured onto the fray. The Korean troops are reported to be in the ancient Coliseum, where the local Cheju Lions play football/soccer. Our Bombers now swoop in and unleash heavy ordinances, completely blowing up the stadium. Unfortunately, the reports were incorrect, there was nobody in there. They are scattered throughout the streets, but with overwhelming numbers, our Tanks and M.I. are able to suppress the 2 Korean Infantries. Killing them and then running over their bodies, as we head straight into the railway station, where the last of the Korean troops remain.
Our Bombers continue to pound the defenders, but all they are hitting are civilians. The houses in Cheju, are made mostly of light-wood structures and the fires rage uncontrollably, swallowing up whole residential neighborhoods. Civilians wander throughout the fighting; an old man and some boys huddle around a fire built in an old barrel, within sight of our troops.
Back in the railway station, a mass number of troops have been killed. 2 of our brigades have been eliminated, while killing 1 Korean Marine brigade. Whole sections of the railway have fallen, to the 1 remaining enemy Marine brigade, as they continue to breach our bogged down remaining Cavs. In the darkest of hours for our Cavs, however appeared the booming guns, of our Renault Tanks. The Marines are sent scattering, where our Cav troops take their revenge and finish them off. The final Korean troops are defeated in the railway and Cheju becomes French territory.
The battle and aerial bombardment, took out around 112,000 civilians. They are quite upset at our troops and some shout obscenities, at our soldiers. There are independent reporters, recording the anti-French demonstrations, but their videos are quickly rounded up by French Military Censors. Instead, back in France, only the sights of Korean children handing over flowers and kissing our troops, are shown on TV. It’s quite effective, as anti-war marches have been sparsely populated, throughout the country.
During the battles for Cheju and Kaesong, our Cavs have been beaten down extensively. Napoleon now demands that, “all Cavs are to used as Military Police only. They will no longer be seeing any action.” The age of our glorious Cavs has come to a bloody end.
Sail to Ulsan (oil city):
At the same time as the Cheju battle began, 4 Tank, 2 M.I. Companies, were loading up in Transport Assault Ships in Larsa. They are escorted by a Battleship, which will also provide heavy gun support. They are to land in the Plains, just south of Ulsan. Due to the risk of this plan, the Korean citizens in Larsa are left without radios, or telephones. We are worried about them telling their compatriots, about our secret plans.
With Cheju secured, Richelieu rides into the Central Plaza amiss a large, but silent crowd. He makes his way, onto the Palace, which is now heavily guarded by our troops. From there he calls Charlemagne;
“Yo, hurry up and get down here, also don’t forget to bring some Tanks, ha ha.”
“Is the road from Kaesong to Cheju secured?”, asks Charlemagne.
“Sure, why not. The “March to Seoul” needs to be planned out.”
“OK, I’m on my way.”
Charlemagne, with a massive amount of Tanks and MI’s make the long trip to Cheju from Kaesong. Along the way however, they get an unpleasant surprise. BOOOOOOM!!!, a large explosion hits one of our Tank columns. Korean Infantry and Conscript (Spearmen) brigades, were waiting in the weeds of the grasslands to ambush us. 1 Tank company is left in ruins, but the rest of the force, quickly rebut the Koreans and kill the cowards. Charlemagne is incensed, that the road was unsecured, as he reaches the Palace in Cheju he is fuming. You can almost see smoke, coming out of his nose.
“Hey, what took you so long?”, asks a happy, comfortable Richelieu.
“F.U., that damn road was not secure. I specifically asked you and you said it was”, says Charlemagne very red in the face.
“Calm down, I never said such thing. In fact, I don’t remember you asking anything, about any road.”
“Grrrrrrr, I’ll make sure Napoleon hears about your conduct. It is completely unacceptable.”
“Run to daddy, you little………..”
“What? Say it louder I can’t hear you”, demands an irate Charlemagne.
“Clean your ears out then”, responds mockingly, Richelieu.
The Generals approach each other, in a mad-dogging stare down, neither blinks. The colonels rush in and separate the men, as an embarrassing situation for our military is avoided. Napoleon is told of the situation and in a conference call, yells at each General;
“Ya‘ll need to stop acting, like a bunch of little bee-yotches. We are fighting the Koreans, not each other. You all know, about the story of Gen. Fronsac. Don’t think, that it can’t be done again.”
“But, but……….”
“No buts, you candy a**** prepare for Wonsan and then Seoul. The true battles have yet to begun. It is now time, to be working together.”
“Yes sir”
“Yes, Mr. President”
Charlemagne and Richelieu in Cheju, agree to work together for the good of France. However, Charlemagne is still not ready to completely trust Richelieu. On the other hand, Richelieu thinks Charlemagne, is planning to take over the position, of Major General. The level of mistrust is quite high, but now the planning stage, for the “March to Seoul” has arrived.
Cheju captured, Koreans in the mountains dying. The war effort is going GREAT!
IBT: Back in the North Iroquois Ocean, a Japanese Sub attempts an attack, on one of our Battleships. But their torpedoes, actually get stuck in their bay. The Sub explodes by itself, ha ha. Their machines are quite ancient and no match for our glorious Navy.
Breaking News:
“Betrayal!!!”, scream the members of the Nationale Assemblée, as they scold Napoleon for dealing with the English. In London the announcement was made at mid-day, the English allied with the Chinese and declared war on the Americans, Russians and finally they declared war on us. They had taken our technology and stabbed us in the back. The tech deal was done in secret, but now rumors about it were starting.
“We need an independent investigation, into Napoleon’s dealings with England”, scream the commies from the P.C.F.
“No investigation is needed, it was a simple betrayal by the English. We should have never trusted them”, yell back, the Napoleon loyalist, in the U.D.F.
“And the rumors about the technology deals, I wonder if they are true”, the center-left M.S.F., gets in the mix.
The heated argument continues, but nothing can be proven against Napoleon. Then suddenly, everyone quiets down, as they see the Admirals of the Navy, run into the building whispering something, in Napoleon’s ear. Everyone tries to listen , but to no avail. Napoleon eyes turn a bright blood-shot red, as he approaches the center stage and speaks;
“I have now received the news from our Admirals, a declaration of war has been declared on us by the Iroquois.”
“Whoa!”, is the reaction of the crowd, as the people in the Assemblée are stunned.
“It appears, they too have allied themselves with the Chinese. Well I say, NO MORE. The buck stops here and this time, the Iroquois will pay. How dare the backwater, hell-hole nations of the Feminin Continent, challenge us. If war is what they want, then war is what there going to get.”
“YAHHHHH!!!, DIE BASTARDS, DIE”, scream the members of the Assemblée, as they quickly forget about the secret deals, with England. Napoleon is actually very happy, the idiot Iroquois declared war. Now he can keep the population, still very occupied and distracted. The Iroquois, have also declared on the Russians and Babylonians. The reason Napoleon wants war with them, is because they are located right across the Iroquois Ocean (the purple country), a very easy target for France. Besides we’ve always wanted a footprint in the Feminin Continent.
Korean War - Operation Seoul Destruction
6 Tanks
2 Infantry
1 Guerrillas
7 Cavalries
1 Submarines
1 Ironclads
Civilians: 0
1 Workers
10 Infantry
2 Marines
7 Guerrillas
7 Cavalries
1 Knights
9 Spearmen
8 Longbowmen
2 Archers
1 Submarines
2 Ironclads
Civilians: 313,000
2 Workers
Chinese War - Operation Invasion Denial (No Change)
1 Battleships
1 Submarines
3 Ironclads
Japanese War - Operation Invasion Denial II
1 Ironclads
1 Frigates
2 Submarines
"The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
Read the Story of La Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum
June 22, 2003, 22:30
Local Time: 19:40
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Location: A bleak and barren rock
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Empire growing,
Pleasures flowing,
Fortune smiles and so should you.
June 22, 2003, 23:17
Local Time: 10:40
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Love me tender. Love me sweet.
Posts: 839
"De Gaulle licks his chops, as we all know this is going to be a slaughter."
 Ha! Funny!
This is a great slaughter. They deserve it. SCHISKABOB THEM!!
June 23, 2003, 03:49
Local Time: 03:40
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Location: Deventer
Posts: 23
This is quite a complicated war now :S
I guess this is a great game you're playing  Anyway, it's still brilliant storytelling
June 23, 2003, 10:22
Local Time: 20:40
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Location: Columbia, SC, USA
Posts: 284
This is one long story. But it's really good.
Keep it up, man!
June 23, 2003, 13:11
Local Time: 02:40
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Location: Staffordshire England
Posts: 8,321
Great stuff Kaos
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
June 25, 2003, 21:58
Local Time: 20:40
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Location: beautiful coastal city of... Que te Importa
Posts: 255
This story has turned into quite a novel.  However, believe it or not, the end is fast approaching. I’m actually hoping to finish this story, on Bastille Day.  Anyway, here is a small snippet for ya’ll.
With the Iroquois and the English, joining our “To Do” list, the North Fleet is ordered by Adm. Resnais, “to return to the North Iroquois Ocean and protect our coast.” We now have to guard against 3 nations in the Feminin Continent. Neither of these countries, pose any real significant threat. In fact, they are all backwater, 3rd world hell holes, doubtful their soldiers can even afford shoes. Anyway, an invasion attempt by them, would mean “Instant Death” for their military. On their way back, one of our Battleships spots an Iroquois Galleon. It is buried instantly, under a wave of steel. Number of people inside unknown, but their grave site is.
Cheju and Kaesong, begin to suffer from mass starvations. In this war of attrition, everyone suffers. Unfortunately, most of the suffering is almost always, done by the civilians, who are caught in the crossfire. There is nothing we can do for them.
“Therefore, one who is skilled in warfare principles subdues the enemy without doing battle, takes the enemy's walled city without attacking, and overthrows the enemy quickly, without protracted
warfare. His aim must be to take All-Under-Heaven intact. Therefore, weapons will not be blunted, and gains will be intact. These are the principles of planning attacks.” (tzu)
Wonsan Bombing:
With our Army consolidating into one force now, our Air Force is also able to begin operations, as a single entity. The first order of business for Gen. Pasteur, is the Wonsan Bombing. This bombing strike, will be unlike anything, seen in the world. There are at least 20 Bomber squads, scheduled to drop some mayhem on the city. At sunset, Pasteur gathers his pilots in a Larsa hangar, and prepares them;
“Wonsan is an Incense-rich city, the strategic value of this objective is immense. The Wonsan strikes are to begin at 100 hours, and we will hit them with everything we have. There are no enemy aircraft in the area, so take your time and choose your targets carefully. You veterans out there, have been given the task to destroy all roads and rails leading to Wonsan. I don’t have to tell how important this is, the Army is counting on you. The Generals don’t want to waste much troops in the Battle for Wonsan. They would like to send everybody straight into the heart of the savage, Seoul. Give ‘em hell, boys! Give ‘em hell!”
“Yeah, let’s BOMB those Korean f-ers!”, scream the men, as they run back to their barracks to write their last letters. The letters are in case anything happens, during the all important mission. At about 2000 hours, a squad of DeWoitine D.520 Fighters, come streaming into the airfield in Larsa. The Fighters were on a reconnaissance mission, to pinpoint the exact locations of enemy troops. The clock strikes 2100 and the pilots begin to put on their suits and prepare to fly toward enemy territory.
Each air crew is given a target list, which mostly consists of enemy locations. Our Fighters reveal that most Koreans troops are hiding among the populace. I guess they think we won’t hit them in residential areas. Well they’re right, “we refuse to target heavily populated civilian centers.” Or at least, that’s what Napoleon’s “Official Orders” are. This keeps our own French citizens happy, as they think, we really care about the Korean people.
2200 hours is here and our pilots are locked, and ready for takeoff. It is a beautiful sight to see. In the complete darkness, only the intense burning of our Farman Bomber engines can be seen, as they disappear off into the horizon. It is a 3-hour trip to Wonsan and the terrain along the way is entirely flat desert. There are however other Bombers, which will be coming in from Cheju, their ride is much shorter. It is a boring trip, yet filled with excitement and anticipation. for the coming bombing campaign. Far-away in the horizon, the very first, small lights of the city, are seen. The excitement grows, as we are only minutes away, from the world’s largest aerial assault.
The Bombing begins and an inferno, begins to burn in Wonsan. The citizens are woken up, by the never-ending explosions on their city. The air-raid sirens are heard, but the only thing they announce, is death from above. Wave after wave of Bombers, come and drop their heavy loads on the enemy. The Barracks are hit first, then the Stock Market, to kill their economy. The Central Library, in the heart of the city also goes up in flames. Droves come out of their homes, screaming in shear horror, for the bombing has now gone on for hours.
We continue to target, key economic facilities and destroy the Marketplace and Korean National Bank in Wonsan. The people of Wonsan, have now felt the mighty power, of the French Air Force. Life will never again, be normal for them. More importantly, our Bombers successfully destroy all roads and rails leading to Wonsan, thus preventing the Koreans from reinforcing quickly. Also, the enemy troops in the area, were hit hard. Unfortunately, there were also 90,000 civilian casualties. There is only one person to blame, for the civilian casualties and that is Wang Kôn, the man who started the war.
Paramilitary Force:
Noire Pluie Director Rodin is still learning about military affairs, but his paramilitary force, has proven to be quite a luxury for the Generals. The Guerrilla fighters have allowed our Tank and M.I. companies to advance, while ignoring the scattered Korean enemies, hiding in non-strategic places. Back in France, songs are being written about the Guerrillas, including the vicious, heroic Charles De Gaulle. Nobody knows much about De Gaulle’s history, but the media goes crazy, talking about him, as if he were a God.
Rumors of De Gaulle are spreading like wildfire, throughout all the of the cities of France, “He stands at 6’-8”, I tell you”, “He used to kill bears with his own hand, back in the East Dye Forests”, “I heard he took out 2 Koreans with a single bullet”, “Actually, he was raised by a family of wolves, a story like that’s, got to be true.” The only thing certain about De Gaulle is, men want to be him and women want to be with him.
Back in the mountains, De Gaulle is unaware of his new found fame. All he wants to do, is drink the blood of the Korean soldiers. Napoleon is aware of the media blitz, on De Gaulle and he takes full advantage of it. He orders the Rodin, to name De Gaulle, “the Head Commander of all the Paramilitary forces.” De Gaulle takes the promotion non-chalante. Rodin speaks to him using a hand-held radio;
“So De Gaulle, what are your plans as the new Head Commander”
“Well, if you think just because I’ve been promoted, I won’t be participating in some action, you’re dead wrong.”
“What do you mean, you will commanding all of the Paramilitaries.”
“Yeah, but I’m also going to continue to roll in with my boys, to battle. I ain’t no punk, like them sissy Generals, Richelieu and Charlemagne, who command battlefields from a computer screen.”
“Don’t you realize, how important you are. You can’t be serious about risking your life in a battle, you’re the Head Commander, for Christ’s sakes.”
“I didn’t ask for this position. I’ll take it, but I want to see the Koreans die, in my presence and by my hands. Do you feel me.”
“I feel you. Do as you wish”, Rodin says as he thinks to himself, “That crazy fool is suicidal, he has to be.
Moments later, De Gaulle and his band of ruthless guerrillas, go once again into the mountains, looking for some action. They didn’t have to go far to find it. 4 Conscript Korean brigades (2 Med. Inf., 1 War., 1 Rfm.) are spotted, hiding among the many cave complexes, near the Zulu town of Isipezi. Most of the Guerrilla battles, have taken place inside Zulu territory, with Shaka’s blessing of course. De Gaulle and the guerrillas, commence to throw tear gas into the caves, to draw the Koreans out.
The Koreans are seen scrambling out of their caves, with their hands covering their noses and mouths. Tears stream down their faces, as the gas is too much to take. Vomiting in front of us, our guerrillas take no prisoners. We rip them apart with our rifles and then finish them off with our bayonets. But the battle is not over yet. Unexpectedly, 1 Marine and 2 Infantry Korean brigades, appear out of the dense trees, on the mountains. By then however, De Gaulle had pulled out his troops, in a classic guerrilla hit and run tactic.
But now, we are aware of the Korean presence. We have only gone after the weaklings in the mountains, but now De Gaulle proposes an all out assault, on the Infantry and Marines. The time is almost 300 hours, with no moon in sight, we are in fact in complete darkness. Our specially trained, guerrilla units move in like a pride of lions, on an unsuspecting prey. The fight is the toughest yet, for the Guerrillas. The Marines are quickly overrun, but the Infantry are dug in deep, with heavy machine guns. The guns take a toll on us, as a guerrilla brigade is lost.
De Gaulle then announces, “we have to outflank, those gun positions.” A diversionary force, is sent in through the front of the Koreans, while De Gaulle moves around them, in a stroke of military brilliance. The front group is told to fire on them, just enough to keep them occupied. The fire-fight begins and De Gaulle moves into the right flank. Unnoticed, the Guerrillas are now in place for the assault. They move in on the busy Infantry and run like crazy at them, with rifles blazing. De Gaulle himself, takes part in the charge and with jaw-dropping athleticism, drops grenades into several entrenched positions. The Koreans are mesmerized and confused. A second guerrilla unit is lost, but in the end the battered Infantry get blasted by De Gaulle and his boys.
To the gates of Wonsan and diversion to Ulsan:
At the same time the Wonsan Bombing takes place, Generals Richelieu and Charlemagne move their massive army, near the outskirts of the city of Wonsan. The path to Wonsan is lonely and desolate. Not a living soul, out in the desert area. Their combined forces consist of, 10 M.I. companies (4 in Armies) and 21 Tank companies. The Generals get along quiet well, until we get intelligence, of a field of Radar Towers outside Ulsan, where Richelieu is sending his troops by sea. Richelieu staying in the Cheju Governor’s Palace, calls up Charlemagne, whom is staying in a hotel room.
“I have received intelligence reports, about a possible Radar Tower field, that has been constructed near Ulsan. I’m going to have to divert 4 Tank companies and 1 M.I. company to take it out”, says Richelieu.
“Oh, hell NO! We need everybody here, to take Wonsan and then to roll into Seoul.”
“Screw you! I’ve got 6 Companies, which will be landing near Ulsan very soon. The towers, will give them away instantly.”
“6 Companies! That’s all you need for Ulsan. That city is isolated, well to the south, I doubt if the Koreans are even defending it”, says Charlemagne.
“You’re talking nonsense, now.”
“It better be approved by Napoleon or else, you’re going down.
“I’ll give word to Napoleon, don’t worry. And he will approve my mission. Even a simpleton Private, can recognize, the importance of eliminating Radar Towers.”
“Yeah, whatever”, spouts off Charlemagne.
“Well whatever, the f. ever. Later”, says Richelieu as he hangs up the phone. Napoleon receives, the outlined mission, from Richelieu and does indeed approve it. However, he is quite irked at the constant bickering, between the two powerful Generals. He needs someone else, to come in and take away some of the muster, from these two yayos. And that person, needs to be from outside the military structure, of the French Army. Perhaps a Noire Pluie Guerrilla, like Charles De Gaulle, a hard nosed, steel-eyed man, with a “I don’t give a f.” attitude. With approval from Napoleon, Richelieu orders 4 Tank companies, 1 MI to destroy the radar tower field in Ulsan.
IBT: In the South Atlantique Ocean, our ships have not seen much action. Perhaps the complacency, led to the tragedy, aboard the Battleship M.N. Metz. In the early morning, a Korean Sub struck unexpectedly, with a fury. Torpedo after torpedo pierced our steel skin, leading to the utter destruction of our Battleship. The sailors on board were eating breakfast in the mess hall, when the attack begun. It took only minutes, for the Battleship to be rendered useless and it quickly fell to its dark, watery grave. Also in international news, the Mongols agree with China to declare war on Babylon. Battleship is sunk by Korean sub.
Korean War - Operation Seoul Destruction
6 Tanks
2 Infantry
3 Guerrillas
7 Cavalries
1 Battleships
1 Submarines
1 Ironclads
Civilians: 0
1 Workers
12 Infantry
3 Marines
7 Guerrillas
7 Cavalries
1 Riflemen
1 Knights
2 Med. Inf.
9 Spearmen
8 Longbowmen
2 Archers
1 Warriors
1 Submarines
2 Ironclads
Civilians: 496,000
2 Workers
Chinese War - Operation Invasion Denial (No Change)
Japanese War - Operation Invasion Denial II (No Change)
Iroquoian War - Operation Invasion Denial III
1 Ironclads
"The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
Read the Story of La Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum
June 26, 2003, 05:08
Local Time: 02:40
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Staffordshire England
Posts: 8,321
The whole worlds gone MAD!!
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
June 26, 2003, 08:48
Local Time: 10:40
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Love me tender. Love me sweet.
Posts: 839
That de Gualle sounds like a real stud. Keep on giving them hell.
June 26, 2003, 09:30
Local Time: 03:40
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: Deventer
Posts: 23
This story has turned into quite a novel. However, believe it or not, the end is fast approaching. I’m actually hoping to finish this story, on Bastille Day. Anyway, here is a small snippet for ya’ll.
Can't see how this story ends very soon  Anyway, again breathtaking
June 26, 2003, 11:23
Local Time: 19:40
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: A bleak and barren rock
Posts: 2,743
"But, sir, we have been invaded... What can we do?"
"Killlllll them, suh...kill every las' man of 'em..."
Go get 'em, Chuck.
Empire growing,
Pleasures flowing,
Fortune smiles and so should you.
June 26, 2003, 14:23
Local Time: 17:40
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 222
So cool, don;t end it so soon!
June 30, 2003, 21:37
Local Time: 20:40
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Join Date: May 2003
Location: beautiful coastal city of... Que te Importa
Posts: 255
The story is somewhere around 80% done, I was hoping to end it on July 14. But now, I think that is not realistic. Anyway, I may have gotten carried away with the Espionage stuff.
The conflict has now been officially declared “the war to end all wars”, by Napoleon. We are fighting the Koreans, Chinese, Japanese, English and Iroquois. The last three have been brought in, by the Chinese. Neither poses any threat, but our neighbors in the Masculin Continent, could give us trouble. Napoleon invites the leaders of the continent to the Palace of Versailles, to discuss a continental alliance against the Chinese.
Isabella of Spain and Montezuma of Aztlan, are not able to make it. However, Hannibal, Ragnor, Xerses, and Osman do make the trip, with the help of Air France. The meeting is somewhat informal and held during dinner. On this day, the menu consist of a succulent Duck l’Orange.
Napoleon starts off the meeting;
“I am so happy you all have agreed to my invitation. As you are aware we are, without a doubt, in a World War. I and the rest of France invite your nations, to join in the righteous side and fight for the good of humanity.”
“The righteous side, eh. Who’s to say, what is the righteous side?”, asks Ragnor.
“Certainly not Napoleon, he of the most imperialistic nation on earth”, adds Xerses, as he chomps down on the duck.
“What have I ever done, for you to treat me so bad, Ragnor”, says Napoleon.
“Sorry for the harsh words, but we in Scandinavia are a peaceful bunch. We want nothing to do with this world war”, says Ragnor.
“That’s understandable Ragnor. What about you Osman, what do you have to say about all this?”
“He’s too busy, devouring the duck to speak, ha ha ha”, interrupts the rude Xerses.
“You’re still here Xerses, why don’t you make like a tree and leave”, responds angrily Napoleon, as he never really cared for the Persians.
“Why you…..”
“I SAID, GET OUT!!!” Xerses is escorted out by the Presidential Guards.
“Well, I have to say, that an alliance with France is quite healthy for us”, says Osman.
“I have to agree with Osman, I think an alliance with your country, can only help heal our ancient wounds”, adds Hannibal, a much changed man.
The Carthaginians and the Ottomans join our alliance against the Chinese. These are two nations bordering Gaule and we need them, to prevent a two or three front conflict. They both agree but, it was expensive. Ragnor however declined, apparently he was not for sale.
Landing at Ulsan:
Cheju and Kaesong are still starving, but on bright side, most resistors have been quelled. South of Ulsan, our companies land in the plains on the edge of the vast desert. There were no Koreans to be found, the flank worked marvelously. To the east of Ulsan the radar towers were in view of our other small force, heading to destroy them.
We approach, from the wheat corn fields on the plains. It is very dry, but the corns are full grown and in season. It is just before noon, when we first get our first glimpse of the radar towers. Interestingly they seem to be abandoned. But the field commanders orders them, “to be hit hard”, by our Tanks. We pound them and take large chunks, out of the structures. There is no return fire. Our Mech. Infantry is ordered to, “advance and eliminate all resistance.” Mobilized, we move in swiftly, only to find that the radar towers are completely abandoned. Shocked and surprised, we detonate the suckers and celebrated as we watch them crumble. We are now at the outer ring of Ulsan and can see several Korean citizens, escaping from the city.
Battle for Wonsan
The battle for Wonsan begins in the dead of the night, as the second wave of Bombers approach the city. This time we went after the Korean troop positions. And they got hit harder than anything in the history of aerial bombardments. Unfortunately, so did the civilians. A massive amount of people totaling around 250,000 were killed, in the bombing raids. Our Tanks move into the center of the city and blow up a large statue, dedicated to Wang on his birthday. We also take specific government buildings, including those in charge of the Incense Deposits.
The defense quickly crumbles, as 3 Infantry brigades are killed, as well as a Hwach’a battery. We suffered no losses during the capture. The battle was mostly won by our Air Force, which reduced the city of Wonsan to rubble. In fact, 4 out 5 people living in city during the very fist bombing run, were dead by the time we had captured Wonsan. The numbers are amazing, but at the same time harrowing, for our Generals. Charlemagne expresses his concerns to Napoleon, during a secured telephone call.
“This is becoming quite a slaughter, especially for the civilians”, says Charlemagne.
“Yeah, well remember it was them who started it.”
“I know, but still, a piece of me cries for their insufferable pain.”
“Listen, you better toughen up. I don’t want to hear any sympathy from one of my top Generals. Can you imagine if the troops heard you talking, as if we are committing murder here”, says Napoleon.
“You’re right, what am I thinking. I must stay tough for our men.
Meanwhile, Richelieu has no such feelings of remorse, for the Koreans. He also communicates with Napoleon, to give him reports on the status of the war effort.
“I can’t wait to reach Seoul and then burn it to the ground. I want to light up the first torch, as a symbolic gesture.”
“Well, then get moving. I don’t want our troops stopping in Wonsan. There are all sorts of distractions, in the Korean cities. You need to get them moving toward Seoul. The trip is long and we need to get there, as fast as possible”, says Napoleon.
“Damn straight. We are rolling into the heart of the beast, as fast as we can. By the way, I will be staying in Cheju and commanding the troops, from the control room, here in the Governor’s Palace. Charlemagne will be moving out with the troops.”
“So, why don’t you want to roll with the troops.”
‘Because, there are way too many distractions here in Cheju. Besides I’ll get there once the metropolis is secured”, says Richelieu.
Grasslands are the only thing standing in our way to Seoul.
“March to Seoul”
The march is in full swing, some companies have to deployed to Wonsan to quell resistors, but the majority completely bypass the city and head straight to Seoul. Charlemagne joins the troops in the field, while Richelieu stays behind, to command the Operations Center in Cheju. Out of the desert, we will be heading into the fertile heartland of Korea. Along the Han River, in the grasslands, is where this city of over 2.5 million people rests. When Charlemagne joined the troops, he said only one thing, “In the Duksoo Palace, across the Han River, you will find your way home.” Past Wonsan, a massive force of 15 Tank and 4 M.I. companies (2 Armies) rolled along the desert and into the grasslands. Seoul is quite far, but we cannot end the war, without seeing their ancient capital, in ruins.
Charles De Gaulle:
The last of the Koreans in the mountains, remain taunting us, with their presence. The war has passed them by. They are now far-away from the front, and surrounded by our newly conquered territory. But still, somewhere out in the mountains, they hide amongst the caves. De Gaulle and the Guerrillas, continue to hunt them down. A platoon here and there, are ambushed by De Gaulle, but still no sign of the big camp.
Suddenly, a noise……whispering, it sounds Korean. A large camp is found straddling a ridge, high on the mountain tops. There are 4 enemy brigades (1 Inf., 2 Spear., 1 Mar.), but even more important, is the fact that a Korean General is with them. Listening posts, have deciphered messages that reveal, that Korean General Wol Ki is traveling with the group. This is the moron, which decided to move his troops into the mountains, within range of our Artillery and Bombers. His huge force, has been reduced to 4 last brigades. Moral was low for their guys and De Gaulle knew it. However, he also knew they were desperate and could be extremely dangerous, because of that.
De Gaulle planned for an uphill assault and he demanded instructions for handling the Korean General;
“The General is not to be harmed in any way, for I have something ‘special’ planned, just for him.”
As the night falls, our Artillery barrage begins. With pin-point accuracy, the shells begin to land all, around the beleaguered Koreans. Ripping their bodies apart, they begin to scream in agonizing pain. Then our Guerrillas show up. A huge fight begins, but they have the high ground, trapping some of our Guerrillas on the mountains. The Koreans are dug in and laying waste to our troops, but we still keep coming. Finally we break through their trenches and hand to hand, bayonet to bayonet combat begins. De Gaulle spots the Korean General being guarded by 12 Korean Sergeants and he doesn’t hesitate to fight take them on.
“TAT, TAT”, he starts taking out the Koreans with his rifle ,as the fighting all around the camp is very chaotic. Fires and flares are set throughout the camp, so that we can see better, in the pitch darkness. The smoke is intense, as grenades are thrown by the frantic Koreans and explosions are heard. Then one of the Korean guards, lunges at De Gaulle, with a bayonet. However, De Gaulle is a trained fighter, he quickly removes the bayonet and with one fast strike, at the Korean’s neck, he disables the attacker.
Wol Ki begins to run leaving his men behind, like only a coward would. De Gaulle tracks him down and tackles him to the ground. Several of our Guerrillas see this and rush to aid De Gaulle. De Gaulle immediately orders the Guerrillas, “set up a small perimeter, while I get to work.” The fighting is intense all around the camp, but De Gaulle has his eyes pierced, on the General. Wol Ki is a small, chubby 50 year old man and he has no chance of fighting De Gaulle, whom is big, strong and young, at around 30 years old.
The fighting rages on all around De Gaulle, but now it appears our Guerrillas are getting the upper hand, however there are a lot of losses. De Gaulle now pulls out his special Knife, especially dedicated to all Noire Pluie Guerrillas, and commences to strike at the General’s chest. Wol Ki is terrified and begins to scream horrifyingly, as De Gaulle continues to rip him up. Blood is now pouring all over the place, especially through the General’s mouth, as his screams are drawn out. Finally, De Gaulle drops the knife and puts his big strong hands, into the Koreans body and rips out his heart. There in front of the Guerrillas stunned faces, he takes a big bite. As blood runs down his face and body, he looks up in the sky and screams, “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH.” Now that’s what I call, a Great Leader.
(The fight scene was inspired by The Last of the Mohicans,….err maybe ripped off, whatever.)
The battle ends with the Koreans, completely eradicated from the mountains. During the final battle 2 Guerrilla brigades were lost. But De Gaulle received the highest “Medals of Honor”, for his bravery and tenacity. Napoleon personally flies into Amatikulu, to place the medals over his head. The story of the “Heart Eating Incident” is kept quiet by Napoleon, as we are not certain how the French public, will react to such things. In any case, De Gaulle is also given another surprise by Napoleon;
“Soldier, I need a man like you in the Army”, says Napoleon, as he has to stare up, at the tall De Gaulle.
“I serve the Noire Pluie loyally and without desires to join the Army again.”
“The thing is, the Noire Pluie’s job is over and the Army is still fighting.”
“What do you want me to do in the Army”, responds the tall, muscular built man.
“I want you to lead them. That’s right, I want to make you a General.”
“A General, but I haven’t even gone up the ranks, in the Army.”
“Who cares, what you did with the Noire Pluie, is justification enough. You’re famous you know. Everybody knows of what you did in the mountains, and the Army troops, WILL follow you, wherever you lead them”, says Napoleon, trying to convince him.
“Fine, I shall become a General. Where do I go from here, I’m still in a feeding frenzy, and I want some more Koreans.”
“Well, go to Wonsan and secure the city, if something comes up, you’ll be put in charge.”
“Consider it done. For Jeanne and France, I will do anything.”
“Good”, says Napoleon, slightly bothered that his name was not mentioned, alongside that of Jeanne’s.
De Gaulle now heads into Wonsan aboard a military Fighter plane. When he arrives, the Army troops greet him respectfully, but also with wariness, as he is a member of the Noire Pluie, a most dangerous, secretive organization. Both Richelieu and Charlemagne send official protests to Napoleon, for naming a General of the Army, from the Noire Pluie.
Naval Warfare:
At sea our North Fleet spots 2 Iroquois Galleons. The Iroquois seem to be extremely backward and primitive. The Galleons seem to be heading toward our sacred Gaule, but they won’t be, for long. Our Battleships make quick work of them. It’s almost sad, seeing their wooden transports, up against our advance, steel war machines. Nevertheless, they get destroyed and sink very fast.
"The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
Read the Story of La Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum
June 30, 2003, 21:38
Local Time: 20:40
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: May 2003
Location: beautiful coastal city of... Que te Importa
Posts: 255
Espionage Intrigue:
We’ve not heard from the Chinese in quite a while and it seems fishy. Napoleon checks with D.G.S.E. Director, Bonnard, to see if there are some new intelligence reports on the Chinese.
“What is the status of the D.G.S.E. in China, Director?”, asks Napoleon.
“Well our agents in China, can give us, up to date numbers on their military, if that’s what you’re asking.”
“NO, I don’t care about numbers. I want to see what the Chinese are up to.”
“I see, well I’ll speak with our agent about this”, says Bonnard.
“Who is this agent of ours anyway?”
“Well, he is known only as “Lee.” Quite a francophone and very reliable. He is a member of a powerful triad in Beijing and has several ties, to Chinese government and military officials”, replies proudly, Bonnard.
“How did we turn him, anyway?”
“Oh, we help him in his black market businesses and he helps us in our business”, says Bonnard, with a grin in his face.
“Good, now get in contact with him and tell him what we want.”
Our Embassy was closed in Beijing at the start of the conflict, however, we were still able to communicate, via the German Embassy. The Chinese don’t suspect a thing, hopefully. The D.G.S.E., hires a German intelligence officer, named Helga Bierhoff, to communicate with Lee, safely. They meet, under the noses of the Chinese government, in a busy park. Lee appears in a long black leather jacket, wearing shades to cover his eyes. The weather is actually very warm, but he wears the jacket, to look cool. He also sports, a very short hair cut and is chewing on a cancer stick.
“Hello Lee, I’ve come bearing a message from our employers”, says Helga.
“OK, what is it?” asks Lee, as he puffs on his Camel cigarettes. He likes Camels, because it reminds him of his days, back in Turkey.
“They want to see if you can get information, regarding the Chinese military”
“What kind of information.”
“You know, what their plans are. More specifically, what their navy is up to. You know, like, where are they concentrated.”
“Oh yeah, I can get that, but it’s not going to be easy. I want you, to give this message back, to the D.G.S.E. I’m going to need more funding.”
“Ha ha, yeah we all need more funding”, says Helga, as the meeting ends. Bonnard, gets back the message form Lee and quickly approves, of the extra funding for his mission. The money is transferred to a bank in Frankfurt and then, to a secret bank account in China. There, Helga retrieves the money. Lee always demands to be paid in cash, as he is quite paranoid and doesn’t want to leave behind, a paper trail. Helga now heads to the Beijing International Airport, in terminal 1-B. There in the terminals are lockers, which people can rent. She walks straight, toward locker number GG-4 and drops the money bag. GG-4 is the same locker, that Lee has always used. He is also very superstitious and demands that the same locker be used, he thinks that the locker number, GG-4 brings him luck.
Back in Lee’s apartment, the phone rings late one night. Lee wakes up and picks up the phone. He only hears one thing, “Done.” He knows what that means and goes back to sleep happily, as he knows the money, is in the bag. The very next day, Lee makes it to the locker, opens it and observes, the black nylon bag. He unzips it and sees more money, than he can count at that moment. And this was only the half of it, he would get the other half, after the info got back to France. Even better, is that this money, won’t be taxed, by the triad bosses. He looks up and says, “time to go to work.”
Espionage Preparations:
Lee runs, one of the most profitable gambling and prostitution rackets, for the triad in Beijing. Some of his customers, are also high ranking Chinese officials. One such military official, was General Ma Chan. Chan was a gambling junky and had racked up a huge gambling deficit, betting on his hometown basketball team, the T’ai-yüan Dragons. The Dragons were perennial chokers, never even advancing to the championship series. But Chan couldn’t see himself, betting against his beloved Dragons.
The day after another expected choking, by the Dragons, Lee caught up with Chan, outside the Information Ministry building. It is hot and very humid, the kind of day, you just have to be inside, with the A.C. Lee couldn’t call Chan, because Chan had stopped answering his phone calls.
“Hello Chan, looks like the Dragons lost again.”
“Really, hmm. I didn’t notice that”, says Chan, as a single drop of sweat slides down his cheek.
“Well you should’ve, as you had money once again, riding on the losers.”
“Hey, you know I’m good for it, right”, Chan says, as he now feels the sweat running down his lower back.
“Wrong, your debt is getting quite insurmountable and I haven‘t collected in some time now. I really wouldn’t want your bosses, to hear about your gambling debts. But you never know, do you.”
“Come on, I’ll pay up. Besides, the Dragons just traded for a new point guard. I hear, he’s going to change the team around”, Chan’s armpits are now quite moist and he feels very hot, indeed.
“ENOUGH!, the triad bosses don’t like it, when people skip out on their payments. I’ve covered for you, too many times. I don’t you want to find out, what’s going to happen, when the bosses learn of your behavior, General.”
“Please, there’s got to be a way, to repay my debts. I’ll do anything, just name it”, Chan says, as he wipes his sweaty forehead, with his left-hand, but it isn’t enough, because the sweat is now pouring. Now that, is what Lee was waiting to hear. It brought a smile to his face and he thought to himself, “I’ve got you now you fat, old, wasted, peace of trash.”
“Well there is something you can do for me”, says Lee.
“What, what is it, I’ll do it, just tell me”, Chan’s white shirt, is now showing the visible signs, of sweat, in the lower back area and the stomach.
“Meet me at Tzu’s Chicken restaurant tonight at 8:00.”
“You got it”, says the sad looking General, as he has no idea what he is about to do.
At 7:30 the General arrives at the restaurant in disguise. He gets there early, to check out the place, to see if Lee has somebody else there, watching. To his dismay, he notices Lee already there, eating a plate of shrimp fried rice. The restaurant is very dark and has a very intimate feel. Chan approaches the wooden table and asks;
“What’s good here?”
“I don’t know, I only eat the shrimp fried rice.”
“Well I guess I’ll order that. Now what is this favor you want me to do. Taking a guess, I would say it involves babysitting and your kids, ha ha.” says jokingly, Chan.
“What a bufoon”, thinks Lee. “No, actually it involves me getting crucial information, on important operations, involving the Chinese military.”
“Keep your voice down. You heard me, I want all planned operations in detail”, says Lee, as he gets down to business.
“What do you need them for?”, says Chan now whispering.
“Stop whispering, just talk normal. And it’s none of your business, why I want the plans. Just know, that your debts will be forgiven.
“No way, I want to know, what you are going to do with the documents.”
“Don’t worry about it. I’m just interested in our war effort.”
“Sure you are. You better tell me what you are planning to do, or else no deal.”
“Fine, I’ll tell you. But you can’t tell anyone”, Lee says, as he begins to think, of what lie to say.
“I’m a vault, Lee”, replies Chan, anticipating Lee’s motive.
“I’ve got several deals set up, to move vast quantities of heroin and coke, throughout the world. Now, we are planning to make shipments in tankers, flying under various flags, and registered with different nations. Some of these nations include Russia, France, America, nations we are currently at war with. It’s a world war out there, and it could be dangerous, if we happen to come across, the wrong navy fleet. So I need your help. I don’t want one of my ships, carrying an American flag, running into one of our navy’s Destroyers. If I know where the Chinese navy is, then I can divert these tankers, into different areas.”
“That’s some sweet deal. But my information is much more valuable, than what my debt is. I think I’m going to have to ask, for some cash also.”
“Grrrrrrr, that’s why I shouldn’t have told you about my deal. F. it, how much do you want”, says Lee, thinking, that it won’t be that much.
Chan gets a napkin and pulls out a black pen. Slowly, but carefully, he writes down the price, for his info and slides the napkin toward Lee. Lee picks it up and he feels a sharp pain in his gut, as the old bastard is asking for ľ, of what he is getting from the French.
“Lower your price, that’s too much”, demands Lee.
“Naw, I don’t think so. The price also includes, money you will be paying me, for keeping quiet about your narcotic deals”, says the General with a smile on his face.
“You mu’ f-er, don’t you know, I can take care of you right here, right now. Nobody, will ever know what happened to you.”
“Actually I have someone in a van, outside in the parking lot, listening to this whole conversation.” Chan then opens his shirt, ever so slightly, to reveal the outline of a small, thin wire, taped to his chest.
Lee stares at him silently, as he knows, he has just pissed away, ľ of his money. Even worse, is the feeling that the old General got him, and got him real good.
Espionage Mission:
Lee will actually have to pay Chan out of his own money, since he has only gotten about half, of his total fee from the French, so far. Lee waits patiently in his place, for the time, when Chan is ready to divulge the information. That time comes, when Lee gets a message, through a letter. Inside the envelope, is a single postcard, the message in the back, is written in code and it says, “Thursday 7:00.” But the picture on the postcard, says even more, it was a picture of the Zhong Shan Road, the famous boulevard, along the Huangpu waterfront, in Shanghai. Lee was now going to Shanghai, a place he dreaded, especially since it was not controlled, by his triad.
Lee arrives in Shanghai by train and walks along the Huangpu River, with the money bag, looking for any sign of Chan. He is not alone, he brought four of his buddies, as look-outs, incase anything happened to him.
Then a black, noisy BMW appears and the driver pulls up next to Lee;
“Lee, get in”, says the voice.
Lee can’t see into the car, as it is very dark, but the voice does not seem like Chan’s, nevertheless he jumps in. He quickly realizes, that it is not Chan driving.
“Who the f. are you? Where‘s Chan?”, Lee asks, as the driver accelerates.
“Don’t worry about it. I think we’re being followed”, says Chan. Lee however realizes, that it is probably his friends looking after him.
“You still haven’t answered my question, where the f. is Chan?”
“SHUT THE F. UP!!!”, screams the strange looking driver, as he swerves, in an out of traffic.
“F. YOU!, stop the car, I’m getting out of here!”, demands Lee.
“The hell you are” the car is now smoking, through the back roads of Shanghai, at high velocity.
Lee is completely lost, he doesn’t know this city and now, they are driving through some strange looking neighborhoods. “Listen, I’m supposed to meet Chan, not you. Now take me to Chan.”
“Yeah! I lost those f-ers, damn I’m such a good driver”, says the driver, as Lee now knows, that he has nobody watching his back. He sits quietly, when suddenly the car pulls up to a decrepit, runned down house, in one of Shanghai’s poorest neighborhoods.
“Now get out! And leave the f-ing bag!”, demands the driver.
“No way, I ain’t giving you the bag!”, replies back Lee, angrily.
“I said, leave it”, the driver then pulls out a .22 and points it at Lee’s head. Lee isn’t armed, since he figured, his friends would be able to defend him, but they are long gone. Lee gets out and the car immediately peels out, leaving Lee in complete darkness. “What the f. is this”, thinks Lee. “Shii-, what have I gotten myself into now.” Then from inside the old decrepit house, a man appears.
“Hey Lee, get in here”, says the man.
Now that voice sounds familiar, and it sounds like Chan. Lee took some steps and opened the door, to see Chan, sitting besides a candle in the ugly, dirt-floored house.
“Well, I never thought I would say this, but It’s good to see you, Chan”, says Lee relieved.
“Ha ha, I see you didn’t like my brother very much.”
“Your brother, eh. Anyway, where’s my info?”, asks Lee, as he realizes, the money is gone and he hadn’t received anything in return.
“It’s right here, everything you need to know. You better not tell anyone, where you got this from.” Chan hands over a plastic bag containing a briefcase.
“Oh I won’t, our secret is very safe.”
Espionage Payment:
Lee got back to his apartment in Beijing, but on the way back, he read the secret military files. He was amazed at what he saw, two invasion forces, currently at sea. One is heading for the American island city, of Detroit, in the Occidental Ocean. The other invasion force, is heading east of China and on a path, that can only take it, to the western coast of Gaule. “For this info, I’m definitely going to need more money”, he thought.
Helga once again, went to the locker room, to retrieve the secret files. But there, only a single note lays, it says, “I’m severely lacking in funds, please tell your boss, to provide substantially more.” The message gets back to Bonnard, and he is furious. “Damn, how much is this going to cost us. It better be worth it, or else that Lee, is going to find out real soon, you don’t mess around with the D.G.S.E.”
The money is so much now, that Lee decides to forget about his lucky locker and meets Helga in person, to exchange the goods. It’s quite a change, for a superstitious fellow like Lee, to completely get out of his comfortable habits. They decide to meet in the parking lot, of the Beijing Coliseum, at about 6:00 pm, when a big game is happening. Lee pulls in, with his Korean made Hyundai. Helga parks right next to him, in her Benz. Helga climbs into the Hyundai and precedes, to hand over the money bag. Lee follows suit and hands over the briefcase, with all the secret files.
“So I guess this is it.”, says Lee.
“Not quite, the D.G.S.E. has also asked me to give you a message”, says Helga in a way, that excites Lee.
“Oh really, what is it?”, asks Lee, with electrifying anticipation.
With one quick movement, Helga puts a .9 mm caliber round, onto the side of Lee’s temple. The gun is equipped with a silencer, but the noise inside the car, is still deafening. Blood is spattered all over the dash and even some on Helga’s fine Italian shoes. Chunks, of what can only be described as skull pieces, are stuck to the driver’s side, shattered window. That is the way, the Beijing police discovered the car, when people leaving the game, noticed the brutal seen. Did you really think we hired Helga, just to be a messenger. No way, she is an assassin. We can’t have crime figures running around, with information vital to France, especially a pimp, Lee had to go. Our spy in China is gone, but it was well worth it , as we can now see the Chinese are planning an invasion.
Espionage leads to Chinese Plans:
“Napoleon we need to discuss something immediately. It is vital to our nation’s security”, was the message Napoleon received from D.G.S.E. Director, Bonnard. And so, Bonnard was quickly ushered in, to the Palace of Versailles.
“What’s going on Bonnard?”, asks Napoleon.
“Our intelligence, has uncovered a secret Chinese invasion force, heading to the western coast of Gaule. There are 1 Cav, 2 Conscripts (Med. Inf.) and 3 Guerrilla brigades sailing to our west, as we speak. They’re being escorted by a Destroyer.”
“Good God. How do you know all this?”
“Our agent in China got these operation plans. He was very reliable”, says Bonnard.
“Was???”, Napoleon asks, hoping Bonnard just misspoke.
“Oh yes, quite sad, he was uncovered by the Chinese and executed.”
“Those brutal murdering bastards, we shall avenge his death”, says Napoleon, now saddened, over the loss of an informant.
“Err, yeah whatever you say.”
“I’ll get the Joint Chiefs on it, what was this guy’s name again?”
“He was known only, as Lee.”
“Then we shall name this mission ‘Operation Lee’, right Bonnard?”
“You got it”, replies Bonnard, with an uncomfortable felling in his stomach, as he knows, he ordered his slaying.
Operation Lee:
Within striking distance of where the Chinese were supposedly at , we have 2 Submarines on active patrols. The orders are now given, “to intercept the invasion force.” Our Subs move at a ferocious pace, as we want to make sure, we don’t miss them. Then early in the morning, just when the sun is rising, we pick up the Chinese on our sonar. “Unleash the torpedoes”, scream the captains aboard our Subs. The Chinese on board don’t know what hit them, as they get struck unexpectedly. A complete lost for the Chinese, as their entire invasion force is lost. Operation Lee is a great success.
The news hits China hard, as many wail in the streets, over what appeared to be a bold grand plan. The news gets even worse for the Chinese, as later that day, a high-ranking Chinese General committed suicide, by sucking on gas. His name was something like Ma Chan.
The Chinese, now very livid over their loss, continue to expand the war, apparently, that is all they are good for. They buy everybody off, so they won’t have to do any fighting. Anyway, they bring in Spain against America, Greece against Carthage, India against Babylon and finally they bring in the moronic Egyptians against us. Egypt is another country in the Feminin Continent. (Yellow nation north of England and west of China.) Carthage now brings in the Aztecs against Babylon and the Vikings against Greece. In a miraculous note China and Russia sign a peace treaty. The first peace treaty, we have seen signed in a long while.
Korean War - Operation Seoul Destruction
6 Tanks
2 Infantry
5 Guerrillas
7 Cavalries
1 Battleships
1 Submarines
1 Ironclads
Civilians: 0
1 Workers
16 Infantry
4 Marines
7 Guerrillas
7 Cavalries
1 Riflemen
1 Knights
2 Med. Inf.
11 Spearmen
8 Longbowmen
2 Archers
1 Warriors
1 Submarines
2 Ironclads
Civilians: 831,000
2 Workers
Chinese War - Operation Invasion Denial
1 Battleships
1 Submarines
3 Guerrillas
1 Cavalries
2 Med. Inf.
1 Destroyers
3 Ironclads
1 Assault Ships (transports)
Japanese War - Operation Invasion Denial II (No Change)
Iroquoian War - Operation Invasion Denial III
1 Ironclads
3 Galleons
"The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
Read the Story of La Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum
July 1, 2003, 00:51
Local Time: 10:40
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Love me tender. Love me sweet.
Posts: 839
De Gaulle immediately orders the Guerrillas, “set up a small perimeter, while I get to work.”
Nice line!
“Fine, I shall become a General. Where do I go from here, I’m still in a feeding frenzy, and I want some more Koreans.”
Cool, I like this kind of dialogue.
Espionage was interesting. I'm glad they got their just desserts. Now I hope France punishes China brutally and finishes off the koreans.
July 1, 2003, 01:04
Local Time: 17:40
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 222
Whenever i read more then this story I go off and start a game of civ3
Thats how much I liek it.
July 1, 2003, 01:32
Local Time: 10:40
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Love me tender. Love me sweet.
Posts: 839
Here's a link to a true story about a dude who's similar to the de Gaulle stud you got happening in your story.
story about dude
July 1, 2003, 15:36
Local Time: 02:40
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Staffordshire England
Posts: 8,321
 another quality episode.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
July 5, 2003, 18:27
Local Time: 20:40
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: May 2003
Location: beautiful coastal city of... Que te Importa
Posts: 255
Glad you all are enjoying the Civ experience.  BTW, nice link there, he who should scratch the one foot. Now for more urban battle stories, particularly in the second post.
Aluminum Discovery
Our scientist, working hard for our military industry, discover the wonders of Rocketry. We are able to discover, 4 Aluminum deposits, throughout the countryside. We can now begin to construct Jet Fighters and Cruise Missiles, among other things.
Nearing Seoul
Charlemagne and the troops continue to make their way, toward the outskirts of Seoul. All along the way, farmers on the irrigated rice paddies, were giving us the finger. Mercifully, we let that go. There however, we spot a Radar Tower nearby, being guarded by a Marine Brigade. Charlemagne moves out 2 Tank Companies, to confront the enemy. It is early in the morning, when the engines get revved up. Our supply vehicles are right behind us, giving our Tanks the juice they need. The mosquitoes in the area are biting hard and the humidity is very bothersome.
They make their way across the Han River and the rice paddies. Quickly, the Marines are engaged and a fight commences. A Marine consisting of 4 battalions, or 2,000 men, is what stood guarding the R.T. We come rolling in with 2 Tank Companies, or over 30 Tanks. They have no armor and many of them take shield, behind the now battered R.T. We move in hard and fast, running over some the Koreans, with our track vehicles. The battle ends, with the Korean Marines soundly defeated and the R.T. destroyed.
Battle for Ulsan
The battle for Ulsan begins in the dead of the night, as a massive wave of Bombers, pummel the city. We hit the defenders hard, as well as the civilians. In fact, 95,000 civilians are killed in the aerial bombing alone. Our Tanks are ordered in, by Richelieu, far away in Cheju. The old, desert city is the seen of an immense fight, as our Tanks face off with their Infantry. There is also a Cav brigade in the city, but they are quickly cut down by our Tanks.
Dust is blowing in all directions, as the wind picks up in the desert. Korean Infantry, fighting around the University of Ulsan, is quickly put down, by the arrival of our Tanks. Next, we make our way down the main street, leading straight into the Governor’s Palace. Korean Infantry begin to ambush us. Tanks begin to blow up and the night is lit up, by our flaming machines. More Tanks are ordered in, to the main street and the fighting continues, with many of the buildings destroyed, as we begin to take out the snipers.
We reach the Governor’s Palace and discover nobody is defending, the battle for Ulsan is over, with only 1 Tank Company lost. Our troops quickly begin to ransack the town, as there is no General present, in the area. But there is really nothing left, in the old city. The population has decreased, all the way down 22,000. The few remaining civilians, put up no resistance. The Oil fields outside the city, are also secured.
De Gaulle’s plan for Hyangsan
De Gaulle, hanging out in Wonsan’s Palace, hears about the easy victory in Ulsan and wonders what the Generals, will use the extra brigades for. He conceives of a plan and speaks with Napoleon about it;
“It seems that our large number of troops outside Ulsan, saw no action”, De Gaulle says, through the telephone.
“You’re right, the battle was far more easier than we thought. So what are you thinking?”, asks Napoleon.
“Perhaps you’re thinking of sending them toward Seoul?”, asks De Gaulle.
“That’s correct, you can never have enough troops to take an enemy capital.”
“Well that’s a foolish move!”, responds aggressively De Gaulle.
“WHAT!!!”, shouts out Napoleon, as his General, has just called him a fool.
“What I mean is, I can take these guys, to the Korean Gulf coast city of Hyangsan.”
“Hyangsan? I don’t know, that city is not part of the objectives.”
“Forget about the objectives, I can take Hyangsan! Just give me those troops!”, says De Gaulle, as he loses patience. De Gaulle is not one to kiss anybodies a**. He is a hard core, living legend.
Napoleon is taken back, by De Gaulle’s aggressive nature, but he likes that, “Well, if you want go take it. Don’t let me down. I shall approve your mission.”
Hyangsan is just north of Wonsan, with a population of over 1 million. It is just east of Seoul and the only strategic value, is it’s harbor, on the Gulf of Korea. Napoleon agrees with De Gaulle’s plan and gives him a force of 7 Tank, 7 M.I., 2 Artillery units. With the help of our newly laid rails, in the former Korean territories, the troops are able to reach the outskirts of Hyangsan, very fast. There, De Gaulle orders the pillaging of the rice paddies, “Starve the hell out of them.”
Hyangsan is reachable, but we want their BLOODY CAPITAL!!!
Our Battleships on the Iroquois coast bomb the Iroquoian city of St, Regis. We aim for the stationed troops, but instead hit only civilians, 90,000 of them. If the Iroquois nation didn’t know what they had gotten into yet, they do now. In the South Atlantique, one of our Destroyers pick up a Korean Submarine. We chase them around and drop a significant load of depth charges. A large explosion is then heard underneath the waters, the Sub is dead.
IBT: A World War indeed, as international news brings forth more war. America and Arabia agree to battle India. English bring the Ottomans vs. the Japanese. Ottomans then bring in the Spanish vs. the Japanese. Finally, Carthage brings in Egypt vs. Babylon.
Korean War - Operation Seoul Destruction
7 Tanks
2 Infantry
5 Guerrillas
7 Cavalries
1 Battleships
1 Submarines
1 Ironclads
Civilians: 0
1 Workers
18 Infantry
5 Marines
7 Guerrillas
8 Cavalries
1 Riflemen
1 Knights
2 Med. Inf.
11 Spearmen
8 Longbowmen
2 Archers
1 Warriors
2 Submarines
2 Ironclads
Civilians: 942,000
2 Workers
Chinese War - Operation Invasion Denial (No Change)
Japanese War - Operation Invasion Denial II (No Change)
Iroquoian War - Operation Invasion Denial III
1 Ironclads
3 Galleons
Civilians: 90,000
"The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
Read the Story of La Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum
July 5, 2003, 18:29
Local Time: 20:40
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: May 2003
Location: beautiful coastal city of... Que te Importa
Posts: 255
“Therefore, the army is established on deception, mobilized by advantage, and changed through dividing up and consolidating the troops. Therefore, it advances like the wind; it marches like the forest; it invades and plunders like fire; it stands like the mountain; it is formless like the dark; it strikes like thunder. When you plunder the countryside, divide the wealth among your troops; when you expand your territory, divide up and hold places of advantage.” (tzu)
Battle for Hyangsan
De Gaulle’s army, advances to the Gulf of Korea and the city of Hyangsan, under great logistical difficulties and is supported only, on the narrowest margin. Practically, all of our capabilities are engaged in mounting Charlemagne’s and Richelieu’s armies, for the Seoul Operation. Levels of some supplies, for De Gaulle are at times reduced to one day, and only selective unloading ,enables the supply sections to meet troop requirements. Most combat vehicles, such as tanks, operate in the forward zone without knowing, whether they will have enough fuel at hand, to continue the attack the next day.
A dominant characteristic of all units in the advance at this time, is the strong rivalry prevailing between the units, and even between troops within a unit, to gain the most ground and be the first to reach Hyangsan. Flare-ups between units are frequent and nerves are taut. It is the monsoon season, now in Korea and torrential rains turn the dusty roads, into seas of mud. However, the rain also provide our men, with much needed relief, from the intense heat. It’s early in the morning, when De Gaulle announces, “the Battle for Hyangsan is to begin now. MOVE OUT!!!” With that, our columns put the medal to the pedal and drive straight for Hyangsan.
Four miles short of Hyangsan, on the rice paddies, guarding the approach to the town, it looks for a while, as if the anticipated big battle has started. Enemy rifle fire, suddenly bursts on the columns, from an apple orchard, 200 yards away. The column stops and the men seek cover. Behind the lead tanks, General De Gaulle jumps from his jeep, stamps along the road, waving a map and shouts, "They're in that orchard, rake 'em, blast them the hell out of there!" A few Koreans start running from the orchard, when the tanks begin firing into it. Suddenly, a mass of Koreans in Mechanized Infantry units, brake from the orchard, and rush for the horizon into Hyangsan, vanishing. It is very clear to everyone, that the Koreans are now Mechanized. This will not be Ulsan or Wonsan, the battles for Seoul and Hyangsan are going to be deadly.
De Gaulle ordered his troops to approach from three sides, the North is were the Gulf is, so the city is virtually surrounded. A massive air campaign has also begun and around the outskirts, we can see burning enemy vehicles. It is early in the day, but the dark clouds, which carry rain, make it appear darker. 2 Artillery companies stay behind and shell the city, reducing some of the residential neighborhoods, into rubble. In the south, our troops encounter Korean troops from behind a 20-foot embankment, defending the main highway bridge, with three antitank guns. The troops are delayed there, for about half an hour, until our mortar fire, causes the Korean gun crews, to abandon the antitank guns. We now cross over the bridge and enter Hyangsan, from the southwestern edge.
From the West
The main part of the city, with the important public buildings lay on the north shore, overlooking the waters of the gulf. From the west 2 Tank companies, with 2 M.I. Brigades move in, to secure several factories in the industrial section of the city. There, the first major battle for Hyangsan is fought. Guarding the industrial neighborhood, is 1 M.I Korean brigade. They are spread around and carry heavy, anti-tank missiles. We order in air strikes, but they prove not very helpful, as the rubble, further complicates things for our troops. Throughout these large warehouses, shells and missiles are exchange. Several of our Tanks, get trapped in a dead end and are subsequently slaughtered. But the Koreans are also getting blown to bits. Their M.I. are not heavily armored and we are able to take them, out using our fire-power. Within 2 hours, the all clear is sounded, most of the Koreans have been vanquished from the industrial sector. However, we lost a Tank company in the process.
From the East
Simultaneously, form the east 2 more Tank companies and 2 M.I. Brigades move into the city. The east is primarily residential. Here the Koreans make a stronger fight, possibly because, it is closer to the C.B.D. (Central Business District) of Hyangsan, on the shore. The road, from which we moved on, is heavily mined with both antipersonnel and antitank mines. The rain, now begins to pour once again. Our forces fight throughout the downpour, in house to house combat. It is tough going, as enemy emplacements and automatic fire, stop our troops, just mere miles from the city center.
Tank after tank is getting destroyed, as Korean M.I. Soldiers, unleash a fury of anti-tank missiles. Many are missing and hitting civilians in their home. Our Bombers, continue to pound them from the air, and this time it is demoralizing the Koreans. The Bombers from the air, tip their wings, to inform us of enemy positions and quickly our M.I.’s exact, an unending revenge on them. In the ensuing attack, we envelop the enemy positions from both flanks, destroy the self-propelled guns, and overrun the Korean entrenchments, physically crushing machine guns and enemy soldiers. The residential neighborhoods are left completely destroyed, possibly hundreds of thousands dead. The Korean M.I. brigade is destroyed, but we lose 2 more Tank companies.
To the CBD
The leading tanks of De Gaulle’s forces, were fast approaching the CBD from the south, along the main highway. However, one of the overpass bridges, is destroyed by the Koreans and we have to divert. No problem, as the troops from the east and west, are all ordered to head north into the CBD, the Koreans last stand. As we get closer, we can see virtually every building, has taken major damage from our Bombers, which were continuing to provide air cover. In fact, the Barracks and the Marketplace, have been completely destroyed, by the Air Force. From the east, we receive confirmation that the Wang Kôn University has fallen to our forces.
We advance, into the heart of the city and fire fights take place, in the strongly fortified administrative center. We can now see, the calm, beautiful waters of the Gulf, as street battles between Tanks and M.I.’s make a serene feeling. The battle takes a toll on both sides, as vehicle after vehicle, is set ablaze. We fight the chaotic battle, when suddenly several Korean troops, begin to flee into the water. The enemy troops posted there, are too demoralized to fight and they abandon, both vehicles and entrenchments. A Korean M.I. brigade is taken out, in the last battle, but at a cost of 1 Tank company for France.
De Gaulle reports to the troops, “the city of Hyangsan is now OURS.” We move into the City Hall, the Provincial Government offices, and the Korean People's Committee offices. Several troops, are sent to sweep through the northwest section, of the city to clear it, of the enemy. Bells, in the few Christian churches peal a welcome. The people appear friendly, considering the largest single loss of civilian life has just occurred. The bombing alone killed around 460,000.
Now, only the Epic Battle for Seoul remained. The monsoon rains, make for a muddy trek, as we approach the suburbs. The sun is just setting, as we reach the outskirts, the wind is picking up and gunfire, can be heard in the distance, form the fortified Mechanized Infantry. The city looks like a waste land, constantly being battered by our Bombers, stationed now, in Wonsan. Our column is on the main highway, roaring into Seoul and several of our troops, point to a large billboard that read, in Korean, “Welcome to the Ancient City of Seoul.” But the letters were crossed-out by graffiti. Instead, there were only the spray-painted letters, covering the huge billboard and surprisingly to us, the graffiti was written in French. It said,……………. “BIENVENUE Ŕ L'ENFER.”
"The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
Read the Story of La Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum
July 6, 2003, 06:32
Local Time: 02:40
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Staffordshire England
Posts: 8,321
Great stuff once again Kaos please keep the goods coming.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
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