July 6, 2003, 09:20
Local Time: 10:40
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Location: Love me tender. Love me sweet.
Posts: 839
I'm really getting tired of seeing them koreans still alive.
Just wondering, are the koreans carrying out some sort of scorched earth policy or something? Looking at your screenie, the land encompassed within your borders is all wasteland while the remaining korean land exactly up to your border is green and fertile.
July 6, 2003, 17:23
Local Time: 20:40
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Location: beautiful coastal city of... Que te Importa
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The un-kept terrain has to do with the French Air Force.  I haven’t written about it much, but battle plan consist of taking out roads and irrigation, that connect to the capital. Maybe your just talking about the desert conditions, in that case, it’s just the map generator.  I believe Iraq is an area where fertile land, meets wasteland desert, very sudden.
Now to the story. The Battle for Seoul, is quite a classic Civ game experience. Once of the best battles, I‘ve been involved in, hope ya’ll enjoy it. These two posts, contain part one of 2!
Seoul is a sprawling metropolis of around 2,530,000 people. It was the first Korean city built, in ancient times and had served, as the seat of government, since the Korean nation was built. Richelieu had moved up 3 more Tank companies in the area, for a total of 18 Tank companies and 4 M.I. Brigades, which are to enter Seoul. Napoleon had stopped the shipments ,of men and material, to the Korean conflict long ago, due to his plan, for the invasion of the Iroquois nation. There are to be, no more reinforcements arriving. Seoul would either to taken, or left in Korean hands, after this battle. This is the Korean capital and it’s going to be no picnic.
As we make our way to the capital, it is clear that the Koreans, have decided to make this an urban battlefield. The Battle for Seoul will be determined, on the urban terrain. The city proper is surrounded by, mostly rural villages of huts. However, its core contains modern office buildings, residential structures, and ancient palaces. Many of the buildings, are solidly constructed and structurally sound. Wide arterial boulevards, crisscross the city, and it is these avenues of approach, that will become the focal point, for the Korean strong-points and our advance. The most important road, is Ma Po Boulevard. Ma Po Boulevard is a “solidly built-up street, mostly two- and three-story structures of stucco and masonry construction, and closer to the center, you get more impressive, modern hi-rises. — hotels, offices, churches, hospitals, and so on — some enclosed within a walled compound.
Seoul is divided, by the Han River and more than half of our force, had already crossed it. They will be going in from the west and east, and have the task, of securing, most of the ancient palaces, including Wang Kôn’s Presidential Palace, named the “White Fortress”, as it was built out of travertine marble. Charlemagne and the rest of the troops, will be advancing from the south. The city-center is north of the river. The rain stops and the night has arrived, Charlemagne speaks to his colonels, “It is now D-Day, may God be with you, and your troops. If you guys make it out of the inferno, I promise I’ll get you all, the best damn Belgian beer there is.” Richelieu and Charlemagne agree, that the best way to capture the city quickly, is through the many wide avenues.
To defend the nucleus of Seoul, the Koreans develop a potentially deadly, defensive scheme, using barricades. Also, on the outer edges of the city, we encounter Korean ambush and sniper teams. Hiding behind the gutter walls along the way, the Korean gunmen squirt quick bursts at our steadily pushing Tanks, then they melt away. Our Bombers have been mostly used in the Battle for Hyangsan, so there is limited air support in this battle. A crucial error, by the French Air Force, as the Korean M.I.’s in Seoul, are very much at full strength.
From the South
Charlemagne and the troops make their way into the city and discover heavily mined streets, along with the deadly barricades. There task is to take the district of Yongdunp’o, along with Chung-ang University. After that, they are to secure the bridges, spanning the Han River, isolating the South. As we make our way to the Yongdunp’o district, we have to battle every 400 to 600 yards, where the barricades are located. These barricades are essentially fortified islands. Our Tanks are taking a heavy toll, getting blasted in the urban jungle. A colonel demands Charlemagne to, “FLANK the barricades.” But Charlemagne is a military genius and fires back,
“You buffoon, don’t you know that, in actions of this type there can be no flanking of a position. Only so many men, can get into the fight. The width of the street, available cover and strength of the enemy fire dictates the number of troops, that can be brought to bear on any one position. The barricade is a separate battle all to itself.”
The colonel quiets down, as he didn’t understand a word Charlemagne said, but it sounded smart. Each barricade is centered on a street intersection. The entire width of the street is blocked, with a wall constructed of rice bags, filled with earth. The barricades are generally eight feet high and approximately six feet deep, making it impervious to machine gun, or small arms fire. Many barricades are reinforced with various materials, such as overturned trolley cars, auto-mobiles, barrels, streetcar rails, and other debris. It is a man made, kill zone. Heavy battles are occurring at each stop, but we are blasting those barricades and the Koreans, with our Tank shells.
Unfortunately, every time we brake through, a squad of Korean Mechanized Infantry appears, and puts the hurt in us. They fire from all directions, leaving us motionless and paralyzed. It is and ugly sight as the French Tanks get blown up in rapid succession, leaving a rail of death. One of the Colonels screams through his radio, “I’ve lost 3 Tank companies already and f-ing district is no where near taken.” Charlemagne answers back, “FIGHT ON!!!, we will take the district by sunrise.”
"The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
Read the Story of La Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum
July 6, 2003, 17:24
Local Time: 20:40
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Location: beautiful coastal city of... Que te Importa
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“In ancient times, those skilled in warfare were able to prevent the unity of the enemy's front and back, the many and the few, the noble and the peasants, and the superiors and the subordinates. Have the enemy be separated and unable to assemble; if the enemy is assembled, it should not be organized. Move when advantageous, stop when not advantageous.” (tzu)
From the East
In the east side of Seoul, is where the poor residential neighborhoods are located. But from there, we can get quick access to the Ma Po Boulevard, the heart of Seoul. This section contains, the main Seoul railroad station, the different embassies, City Hall, the Duk Soo Palace, and the Museum of Art. We advance quickly into the museum district and quickly learn, the Korean M.I.’s are heavily defending the area, by placing several M.I.’s, in defensive fighting positions, inside the buildings and firing from doors and windows. These positions offer excellent cover and concealment. They are degrading our Tanks by the loads. We can hear the calls in radio communications, “Every damn building has a sniper on it. This is hell.”
Our Tanks here, also run into the same barricades, as the Tanks in the south. In front of these barricades are rows of anti-tank mines. Covering this kill zone, are interlocking fires, from towed 45mm antitank guns, individual self-propelled guns, antitank rifles, and heavy machine guns. We fight back however, with heavy fire of our own and effectively take the museum district, killing an M.I. Brigade and suffering only 1 lost Tank company.
Next we make our way to the railway station, a huge battle begins there, as the Koreans open up with mortar fire. Snipers on the roof take aim with RPG’s and our Tanks begin to incinerate. A captain speaks up, “the air is whipping with everything from flying stones, to big antitank shells. We ain’t going to make it, AAAAAAAAAAAAAH.” He is subsequently shot in the head, by an enemy sniper. The battle continues out into the morning, where we begin to take the initiative. Using fast quick maneuvers, we surround the railway complex and fire on it, till the buildings collapse. The Korean M.I. Brigade, is crushed under our tank shells and the structure. The battle however, caused us to lose 2 more Tank companies.
From the West
These guys are the ones who took out the Radio Tower and they were itching, for some more action. Their task is to move in from the northwestern part of the city, and control the area, which includes the Government House, Sodaemun Prison, Changdok Palace, and the Royal Gardens. Unlike our other 2 task forces, these guys move in hard and fast.
Our Tanks approach the barricades firing into them and leaving them in shreds. Our Tanks, also destroy the Korean machine guns, vehicles, and antitank guns, while engineers breach the minefields. After a breach lane is created, tanks roll forward and demolish the barricade. Then our infantry, following behind the tanks to take advantage of their armor protection, enter the surrounding buildings and complete the destruction of the enemy. On the average, this whole process takes about an hour, per barricade. But it is very effective.
The Sodaemun Prison and the Government House is quickly overrun, sending to hell, a Korean MI brigade, with no significant losses. However, the Changdok Palace is proving to be much tougher to take. In fact, almost impossible. Anti-tank missiles from within the large complex and surrounding neighborhood is intense, the colonel in the area screams in the radio, “I have seen a lot of men get hit in this war, but I think, I have never seen so many men get hit, so fast, in such a small area.” Right after this message, the troops got so much fire of all kinds, that I have lost count. There is more mortar shells, more antitank stuff, and more small-arms fire, and then it starts all over again and again, throughout the night.
In the morning, the Palace still stood in enemy hands and we had lost 2 more Tank companies in the assault. Richelieu from his posh Palace in Cheju, demands that, “Changdok be taken, by whatever means necessary”, as he spoke with Charlemagne, whom is now speaking, from the secured district of Yongdunp’o.
“You’re insane, you don’t know what it’s like up here. It’s as if we have entered the Gates of Hell and meeting the devil himself”, answers back Charlemagne.
“BAAH, I’ve been in many city battles before. Do not stop, ADVANCE!!! You will lose everything , if you stop.”
“I’m not stopping, I’m regrouping. The Changdok Palace will be taken, but only after we regroup. The men have to rest. We‘re getting beaten the f. back, with many losses. I fear, we may not have much of an Army left, after this battle.”
“Screw it, I’m going. That’s all there is too it. I’m going”, says Richelieu, as if he were the second coming.
“Going where?”, asks Charlemagne.
“To Seoul, we’ll see, if I can’t light a fire, onto ya’ll a****. I’ll be there soon, I’m coming, via a shiny new Mirage Jet.”
“Fine, and by the way,………………..BIENVENUE Ŕ L'ENFER.”
TO BE CONTINUED, with part 2:
"The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
Read the Story of La Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum
July 7, 2003, 10:02
Local Time: 17:40
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: of the barbarian tribes near your capital.
Posts: 123
I don't conquer -
I obliterate
July 7, 2003, 13:11
Local Time: 02:40
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Staffordshire England
Posts: 8,321
Yeah I think its a shame poor old Jeanne took a bullet too but nonetheless an excelklent story through and through.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
July 7, 2003, 21:59
Local Time: 10:40
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Location: Love me tender. Love me sweet.
Posts: 839
I hope Richelieu's jet has a fire light up in it alright. Then he bails out over Korean territory to be captured and worked over by the koreans. Then Chowmein, or whatever his name is, takes his time about arranging for his return because he's too busy fighting in Seoul and he has the prison compound reportedly holding Rich 'accidentally bombed' but misses his target. Chowmein gets captured by the koreans in Seoul also to be worked over in a bad way, finally leaving de Gaulle and Napolean to properly handle the armed forces. Rich and Chow are thrown into the same prison where they engage in fistcuffs in bitter animosity. Nap & de Gaulle "neglect" to arrange for the 2 buffoons' transfer, preferring to leave them rot.
 Sorry, just some dumb ideas that popped up just as I finished reading this publication.
July 8, 2003, 17:28
Local Time: 20:40
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Location: beautiful coastal city of... Que te Importa
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Chowmein!  Your ideas are cool, but unfortunately, I had already written the next installment, before reading your post.
Hey Chrisius and Cavalier, I’d forgotten all about Jeanne, she is after all, sooooooooooooo last week.
In the district of Yongdunp’o, is where Charlemagne stood in the southern part of Seoul. It is daybreak and the only action taking place is probing missions. The probings are occurring on both sides. We will send in several tanks, to demolish potential sniper hideouts, while at the same time, engaging the enemy. The Koreans will send, suicidal fanatics across our lines, to destroy some tanks. Throughout the city, our army is now using the barricades, to defend their newly conquered, urban terrain. As soon, as the sun sets however, the push to the center will begin once again.
As night fall arrives, the troops prepare for what is to be, another tough night of fighting. It didn’t rain all day and everything is very dry, but the air still feels humid. With the sun fully gone now, Charlemagne leads the charge into the University and the bridges. “Clear a path mo’ fo’s, we’re coming through”, is the cry from our men, as the excitement reaches it’s peak. We reach the University and sure enough, we encounter enemy M.I.’s.
The battle erupts in a rage of gunfire. Our tanks are extremely effective here, in the middle of the night, as we generate large amounts of accurate and deadly fire-power. “VENEZ MEURTRIERS”, yells Charlemagne, as the war takes a toll on him, mentally. “We’re on a rampage”, scream our troops, as 1 Korean M.I. brigade is defeated. Now we move to the bridges, over the Han River. All are intact and abandoned. Some of the citizens attempt to cross, but we stop them, as the orders are to divide and isolate the city. The city of Seoul, south of the Han River, is now completely in French hands.
In the West
Richelieu is para-dropped near the hot zone, in the west. Waiting there for him are several of the best troops, as we don’t want nothing to happen to our Major General. However, the drop zone is missed and Richelieu lands in a small patch of trees. When our troops cut him down, he falls to the ground, landing on his back. He is unconscious for a minute, but in the end, suffers only a few bumps and scratches.
The Changdok Palace is still the scene of fierce fighting, as our troops now refer to the area, as “le voisinage de sang et os.” Richelieu is taken to the area, in a fast moving jeep. Once Richelieu arrives, he begins to take command. “Hit them with the mortars! Start rotating the Tanks! FORWARD!, let’s ROLL!!!” The men respond and advance without care. Explosions and gun-fire, among the shrieks of pain, is all that can be heard. Smoke covers the entire area, in the dark.
Then in the moment of the most heated fight, the Koreans pull back. We spot their M.I. roaring into the CBD, it appears that the last stand, will be made among the skyscrapers. “RUN you little punks. We’ll kill every last one of you”, says Richelieu proudly, as he doesn’t take into consideration, the loss of another Tank company. The Royal Gardens are also left for the taking, but Richelieu says, “screw the Gardens, let’s move to the Ma Po Boulevard. The Mother of all Battles will happen there, and I’m not missing it.” “Yeah!!!”, scream the troops, when the announcement is made, that they will partake, in the last battle for it all. Others however, are now restless and wary of more war, as our losses have been gigantic.
In the East
The troops in the east now know that Richelieu will be joining them in the Ma Po Boulevard. On the boulevard and in the near-by streets, is where all the government buildings are located, including the “White Fortress.” It is rumored that Wang Kôn himself, is holed up in there, but still, it is most likely that he has escaped further north. After the battle in the rail station, the troops set their eyes on the Duk Soo Palace. The eastern troops advance through the battered city and reach a expansive complex with high walls, the colonel, talks with the Generals, through the radio,
“We’re here, in the Duk Soo Palace, but it appears that it is abandoned.”
“Move in and clear it, we’re also nearing the Boulevard. So get moving to the Ma Po”, says Richelieu.
“Fine, but before continuing on the boulevard, I’m going to need some Artillery help. I think there are heavy defenders in our way”, says the Colonel, as gunfire can be heard in the background.
“Give me your coordinates!”, says Charlemagne, I’ll give it to the Artillery guys.
“Well, we’re just north of the Duk Soo Palace. And the defenders I believe, are a half a click to the west. Fire with everything you have!”
The message is relayed to the artillery batteries, stationed outside the city. The barrage begins and the artillery soldiers yell, “MANGEZ-LE”, as the shells begin to fly into the city. After a few minutes however, the voice of the Colonel is once again heard in the radio, “FFFFFF****, we’re getting hit!!! Call the f-ing artillery off! They’re killing us!” The artillery is called off, but the artillery battery responds, “we got the right coordinate, a half-click west from the Duk Soo Palace!” Then the Colonel says, “OH SHI’ITE! We’re not at the Duk Soo Palace, but rather at some fancy girl’s school.” An entire Tank company was lost, in the friendly fire incident.
"The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
Read the Story of La Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum
July 8, 2003, 17:29
Local Time: 20:40
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Location: beautiful coastal city of... Que te Importa
Posts: 255
“If he speaks humbly, but increases warfare readiness, he will advance. If he speaks belligerently and advances aggressively, he will retreat. If he speaks apologetically, he needs a rest. If his light chariots move first and take position on the flanks, he is setting up for battle. If he seeks peace without a treaty, he
is calculating. If he sets up his troops rapidly, he is expecting reinforcements.” (tzu)
CBD, Ma Po Boulevard, and “The Mother of all Battles”
From the east and west we approached the main artery of Seoul. The night has passed now, so the final decisive battle will be fought in the morning. Richelieu aggressively pushes forward, blasting through the barricades, but paying a heavy price, as the Koreans showed no mercy cutting us down. There in the CBD, we also encountered enemy Tanks for the first time. On every street the Tanks and the MI’s exchange a barrage of heavy rounds. From the east, the Duk Soo Palace is guarded by an M.I. brigade. The tanks trade round for round, with the heavily-armed, barricaded enemy in the Palace. Chunks of armor and bits of barricade are blowing high into the air. The fierce fighting continues until the M.I. is defeated, our losses totaled to 1 tank company.
The Battle for Seoul begun with 18 Tank companies roaring in, but now there are only 7 companies left. The enemy numbers remaining are unknown. Richelieu calls Charlemagne, “Forget the bridges, we got them, right where we want them. Bring your tanks to the CBD, it’s going to be a slaughter, we have them surrounded.” “I’m sure you do”, thought Charlemagne sarcastically. He precedes. to bring in his tanks into the fray. From behind the barricades and the many high-rises, the Koreans spray an endless amount of rounds and RPG’s at our troops.
The Ma Po Boulevard is more like the, “Boulevard of Death“, as men from both sides, give their lives to the cause. The Korean Tanks know the area well, and use it to their advantage, as tank after tank is blown right out of the street. Richelieu says, “DAMN IT, we just lost another company.” Throughout the morning, we get beaten back on the CBD, but by afternoon our fire power begins to take a toll on the defenders. Also a new tactic is employed by the French Army. Detonation charges are placed on the structural columns of the many high-rises. The following collapse, of these massive buildings, is followed by an unbelievable plume of smoke. The smoke in turn gives us more cover, to move through the CBD. One by one, the many hiding places of the Koreans, are being demolished.
White Fortress
By sunset, we have lost another Tank company, but the CBD is virtually secured. Now the only task remaining is the White Fortress, Wang‘s personal home. We approached the large complex from all sides, Napoleon had decreed earlier that, “the building not be destroyed, since there could be valuable information inside.” Wang’s Palace is heavily guarded by Korean tanks and M.I’s their last defenders and the most loyal to the regime. We move in, pummeling through the outer walls and entering the plaza. There the Koreans open with everything they have. Our troops dare not raise their heads, for the crack of bullets overhead is close and constant, and meant for them.
Once we moved onto the plaza, in front of the palace, the Korean tanks go on the offensive. They catch us by surprise, as they were waiting for us, to be in the open. Early on our losses are big, and 1 tank company is lost. Our Tanks get within 20 feet of each other, some of the troops leave the vehicles and begin throwing grenades. Others still, commence to go hand to hand, the way real men fought back in the olden days. It’s a scene, straight out of the ancient Carthaginian War, where the fighters would look at each other in the eye before killing. We however, outmaneuver them and destroy their tank company, with our fire-power and grenades, but we also lose another tank company.
The final battle scene now reaches the walls, of the White Fortress Palace, the ground shiveres at the sound of our roaring tanks. The growling noise reaches a feverish peak, as the men face off with the last Korean M.I. in the city, head on. The Koreans are fighting for their lives and our turrets are getting blown off. Several of our Tanks get trapped, Charlemagne sees this and rapidly. dashes 25 yards through withering enemy fire, to reach them before more casualties were inflicted on the platoon. Grabbing the external
interphone system, the phones on the rear of the “buttoned-up” lead tank, he yells directions, “to commence firing immediately, into the enemy-held positions.”
Our Tanks, begin to rapidly destroy the enemy strong-points and create breach holes for our infantry assault, while using the armor protection to survive. The battle rages for hours and the next morning, only the sounds of the dying Koreans can be heard, “I DON”T WANT TO DIE! AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!” But their fate was sealed, the moment the Koreans, decided to betray our ROP agreement. As the remaining Koreans begin to surrender, Richelieu enters the battered palace and says, “ALL YOUR SEOUL ARE BELONG TO US!!!”
The final battle came at a cost, of 1 more tank company, but now the Battle for Seoul is over. Our troops now begin to ransack the place grounds. Troops are running around everywhere, with paintings, dinnerware, statues, and plenty of booze. It’s a crazy party. During the ransacking however, a bunker is discovered, 20 meters under the earth. The engineers blow the 2 meter thick steel doors, with tons of C-4. Upon opening the door, the troops begin to scream, “IT’S HIM.” Richelieu and Charlemagne are informed of the bunker, and of the find, inside;
“We got Wang! The bastard was hiding in an underground bunker. But we got him now!”, screamed the excited soldiers into the radio, as if they would get some reward.
“Marvelous, what is his condition?”, asks Charlemagne.
“He looks, as if he hasn’t eaten in several weeks”, respond the troops.
“HA HA, now that old fart is going to feel the wrath, of the French nation”, says Richelieu.
“Old Fart? Hmm, he doesn’t look that old.”
“What?”, yells Charlemagne.
“I would say, he is about 35 years old”, says one of the troops.
“You idiots, that’s not Wang. Wang is over 90 years old!!!”, says Richelieu, quite disappointed.
“Oh Shi’ite, I guess it’s not Wang.”
The guy inside is actually Wang’s personal secretary. Napoleon demands, “get to work on him. I want to know where Wang is.” We begin to torture him and infor……errrrr, what I mean is, We begin to interrogate him and he reveals that Wang has escaped to Namp’o. There in Namp’o, the new government would be formed. However, he also says, “Wang left Seoul in tears. His personal belongings had to be left behind, as the war approached rather quickly and unexpectedly. Even his mistresses couldn’t make it.” Through the same “interrogations”, we are able to find other government officials, whom did not make it out. The people include, the Information Minister, 3 Generals, and the head of the Korean Navy. We arrest all of them and place them in a secured location.
Now that Seoul is taken, the promise of Napoleon, has to come into fruition, the “Destruction of Seoul.” And our troops were ready to hand out some punishment to the Koreans. We had killed 6 MI brigades and a Tank company, but we lost 15 Tank companies in the process.
All of the media is kept out of Seoul, as our intentions must not be made public. The Noire Pluie had instead began using the media to publish reports, of; “Koreans begin to torch own city”, “Battle inflicting much damage to enemy capital”, “Mass evacuations in Seoul.” Now the time was here, to begin the razing of a 2.5 million size metropolis. “God, I wish I were there”, says Napoleon, with a huge grin on his face.
"The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
Read the Story of La Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum
July 8, 2003, 19:41
Local Time: 17:40
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: of the barbarian tribes near your capital.
Posts: 123
that was  ...
Excellent story!
I don't conquer -
I obliterate
July 10, 2003, 13:45
Local Time: 20:40
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: May 2003
Location: beautiful coastal city of... Que te Importa
Posts: 255
Heres a short installment, but plenty of screenies!!!
Richelieu and Charlemagne are both aware of the coming destruction. Richelieu passes word to all the remaining troops in the city, that Seoul will be declared “opened”, for 24 hours. This means our troops are given free reign, to run around the city, with no prohibitions. The troops hear the news, with much satisfaction, the coming 24 hours shall see an army angered and battered, releasing their stress, among the populace.
Many buildings are looted, including the banks and schools. Civilians are shot on the street, with no provocation. Statues of Wang are defaced and people’s homes are ransacked and stripped clean of anything valuable. A lot of other stuff, I can’t even write about, let’s just say it is like the Russians in Germany, at the end of WWII. For the Koreans in Seoul, the day is known as, “the sad times.” Finally, when the 24 hours are up, every building in the city is devastated. Richelieu and Charlemagne now plan, for the official “Destruction of Seoul.”
“This is going to be quite crazy”, says Richelieu.
“It certainly is. How can a city of over 2 million be destroyed.”
“Well, it almost is already destroyed. I don’t think we are going to have to do much to finish the job.”
“What about the people?”, asks Charlemagne.
“Who cares about them”, responds Richelieu callously.
“I don’t think it’s right, they’ll have no place to go.”
“OK what do you propose, Mr. Morality”, says Richelieu condescendingly.
“We should evacuate them. And send them to work in our newly conquered territories.”
“Sounds like a good idea. They can work the land and live happy doing so”, says Richelieu, satisfied.
The decision is made, to start a mass evacuation of Seoul. Over 2 million people (14 Workers), are forced to walk out of their homes. Each person is allowed only one suitcase, to fill their belongings. But a little more than half, refuse to leave. They are left behind with a warning, about the upcoming destruction. The streets of Seoul are filled, with all of the Koreans walking and running out of the city. Our troops stand by and watch closely, for any disturbances. The mass evacuation, can only be compared to the Khmer Rouge in Phnom Phen.
Once the civilians are out of the city the troops also begin to pull out, but not before setting up detonations in most of the few standing buildings. The explosions are then set to coincide with our Air Force’s pummeling of the entire city. The process is brutal, as we know there are over 1 million people, still holed up inside. Once the bombings are over, fire is set to the many wooden structures, so it can burn for all eternity.
The civilians who got out, are “allowed” to enter into work camps. There they will be “allowed”, to work the land in our newly conquered territory, now named Lower Biscay. It’s a lot of land and not very well kept, by the previous owners. Also, Napoleon begins negotiations with Wang Kôn, to end this despicable war. A delegation, lead by Charlemagne and Richelieu, travel to Namp’o to meet with Wang.
“Wang, I’m so glad you made it out. Hmmph.”, says Richelieu as he tries to contain his laughter.
“I’m ready for peace. There is no need to humiliate me, I still am the leader of Korea.”
“Of course you are, Woong Kans”, says Charlemagne.
“It’s WANG KôN, you know that”, says Wang angrily.
“Sorry about that, let’s get down to business. We just want 231 Gold, for reparations. Can you agree to that”, says Charlemagne.
“Reparations, reparations for what, it is my country and my capital, which have been ruined and battered.”
“Well all of the C-4 and bombs dropped on Seoul, didn’t come cheap….”, speaks Richelieu.
“HA……….oh sorry, continue”, says Charlemagne as he laughs.
“I’m just saying, this payment will go along way to healing the Franco-Korean relationship”, says Richelieu.
“Fine, take my gold”, an angry Wang says.
Peace with Korea is achieved. However, they have an MPP with China, which means that any attack on China, will once again bring in the Koreans. Napoleon decides, that now is the time for peace with China. Mao is contacted, on a private phone in Beijing;
“What is it you want, Napo? Don’t think that Beijing, will burn like Seoul”, says Mao.
“Of course not. In fact, I seek a peace treaty with you commies.”
“A peace treaty huh. Well get ready to pay a heavy price. Peace, don’t come cheap around here”, says Mao, trying to act tough.
“It better not be too heavy, or else you’ll be getting g a visit from one of my new Generals, a certain fellow by the name of De Gaulle.”
“De Gaulle, I’ve heard about that war criminal. It is said, that he would kill Korean soldiers and then feed their remains to his troops.”
“Damn straight, and I won’t mention how much he loooooooves, Chinese food”, says Napoleon.
“Fine, I demand 37 Gold for peace. I have to show my people, that it is France that paid in the end.”
“Whatever, I’ll tell my people, we paid you because we felt sorry for you”, says Napoleon in response.
The peace with China is signed and our Embassy is opened, once again in Beijing. Moving in with the embassy staff, are DGSE officials ready to begin espionage operations.
area now known as "Lower Biscay" Look at the ruined Seoul, it had no G.W.!!!
OUR POWER!!! We're numero uno!
Korean War - Operation Seoul Destruction (Final Casualty Report)
26 Tanks
2 Infantry
5 Guerrillas
7 Cavalries
1 Battleships
1 Submarines
1 Ironclads
Civilians: 0
1 Workers
9 Mech. Inf.
1 Tanks
18 Infantry
5 Marines
7 Guerrillas
8 Cavalries
1 Riflemen
1 Knights
2 Med. Inf.
11 Spearmen
8 Longbowmen
2 Archers
1 Warriors
2 Submarines
2 Ironclads
Civilians: 2,782,000
16 Workers
Chinese War - Operation Invasion Denial (Final Casualty Report)
1 Battleships
1 Submarines
3 Guerrillas
1 Cavalries
2 Med. Inf.
1 Destroyers
3 Ironclads
1 Assault Ships (transports)
We are still at war with the Iroquois, English, Japanese and Egyptians and our army can now concentrate on them more. This is also a good opportunity to create a footprint in the Feminin Continent, where all these nations were at. In fact, the Greeks are the only nation in that continent, which we are not at war with. The most backward civs there, are the Iroquois and the Japanese. The closest nation to us however, are the Iroquois. Too bad for them. Since the beginning of time we have expanded North, South and West, but now it‘s time to move EAST. And Napoleon knows, it‘s a good time to send in our borderline, psychopathic, General De Gaulle into some action. The Iroquois are next on our list.
time to move EAST! No major changes elsewhere, well except Korea!, ha ha
"The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
Read the Story of La Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum
July 10, 2003, 16:44
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Go get them Iroquois scum yee ha!!
Good stuff Kaos
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
July 10, 2003, 20:12
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Originally posted by Kaos XIII
“Reparations, reparations for what, it is my country and my capital, which have been ruined and battered.”
“Well all of the C-4 and bombs dropped on Seoul, didn’t come cheap….”, speaks Richelieu.
This is an excellent bit of dialogue. I like how you rub burning napalm into an already painful wound.
The part about how de Gaulle feeds the remains of soldiers to his troops was cool too.
Looking forward to more goods. Let's see you "leave a footprint" on the little girly island.
July 12, 2003, 17:14
Local Time: 20:40
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Another small installment:
The Korean Victory Parade, is set on a warm summer day. Richelieu and Charlemagne are both there, along with all, of their battle-hardened troops. Well, not all of them, as many are still left, to take care of the resistors. On this cloudless day, the sun shines brighter than it ever has. Millions on the Champs-Élysées and millions more on TV, watch our high-powered Tanks and Mechanized Infantry, roll under the Arc de Triomphe, with French flags, draped over the side of them.
Our Artillery batteries, are brought in by trucks and displayed for all to see. The Noire Pluie Guerrillas march, with their heads covered in black silk towels, so their identities are kept secret. Also there, are Korean captured prisoners. They march down our beautiful avenues, with their hands tied behind their back. The people all take their turn, spitting on them and beating them with their shoes.
But neither Napoleon and De Gaulle are present. Instead, Napoleon and De Gaulle meet in the governor’s palace in the coastal metropolis in Chartres. Napoleon looks out the window and oversees the calm waters of the Iroquois Ocean, and says;
“Just across these waters, lie the Iroquois, we’ve shared a long friendly history, but now it’s time to get bloody”, says Napoleon.
“Riiiiiight, I just want to go to Salamanca and march victoriously under the Hanging Gardens.”
“And you will. We have two small forces assembled. One is here in Chartres, and the other is in Theveste.”
“How many troops will I have, to make the invasion of the Iroquois Nation?”, asks an eager De Gaulle.
“You have in total 5 Tank companies, 3 Marine, and 4 M.I brigades.”
“Sweet! But what about the Air Force?”
“Oh yeah! I forgot about them. Oui, Adm. Resnais, and the Navy have 2 Carriers in the area, pretty soon they’ll be loaded up with aircraft. Now, everyone will be shipping, first thing in the morning. You will be going in one of our Destroyer. Are you ready?”
“Damn right, I’m ready. I was born ready. I’ve got my ‘war face’ on and everything”, says De Gaulle.
“Good, now these are the protocols, take them and don’t return to Gaule until, they are complete. One more thing, Objective 4 is not necessary but, it would be nice to have it.”
The Iroquois War’s name is now changed to OPERATION FEMININ FOOTPRINT and the objectives are:
OBJECTIVE 1: Capture St. Regis, closest city and establish a beach head.
OBJECTIVE 2: Capture Oil Springs, brings me closer to the capital.
OBJECTIVE 3: Capture Salamanca, capital of Iroquois.
OBJECTIVE 4: Capture Akwesane, seaport town, very close to the capitol.
the plan for the iroquoian war. this time, we want all their cities, no destruction
Espionage Mission
Before this action is to take place, Napoleon wants to get a spy in the Iroquoian government. DGSE Director, Bonnard gets to work on the mission. Working from Athens, Greece, DGSE officials gather information on the French community, within the Iroquoian Six Nation League. One of the most prominent of the expatriated, is an important business man named Jacque. Jacque is actually a top executive, for a major arms supplier, to the Iroquoian military. Even better is, he still has family in France.
We send in one of our top agents, known only as “Thierry“, along with 4 others, across the Greek-Iroquois border and into Salamanca. Once in Salamanca, they hide out in a safe house, in “Little Paris.” They obtain assault rifles, from local shady gun dealers and prepare for an important mission, a home invasion and kidnapping, by doing stakeouts and surveillance.
On a Wednesday, well after midnight, Thierry and his crew, drive into Salamanca’s most affluent community, where Jacque lives. There, they begin cutting the phone lines and the electricity. Through surveillance work, they had learned the alarm code on Jacques house. Very easily, they open the front door and attack. Jacque and his Iroquoian wife, are rounded up and blindfolded. Immediately, they are thrown into a van and driven back to the safe-house, in Little Paris. They are separated and Jacque is thrown into the dark basement, where the interrogation begins.
“Do you know who we are?”, asks Thierry, in French, as Jacque is woken up, with a sharp kick to his ribs.
Blindfolded and hungry, Jacque responds, “No. What do you want? Where is my wife, you bastard?”
“Safe. We are looking for info regarding the Iroquoian military, I think you can help us.”, says Thierry, as he grabs Jacque and slams him against the concrete wall.
“Why would I help you, I have long, forgotten about my ancestors in France. I AM IROQUOIS!!!”
Thierry then grabs a cup of hot water and throws it at his face. “We know you still have family in France and surely, you wouldn’t want something terrible, to happen to them, would you?”
“F*** YOU!”, yells back Jacque.
“OK then, how about, if something happened to your, pretty little wife? Ha Ha!”, Thierry says, as he slaps Jacque around.
“STOP IT! I’LL DO IT! Just don‘t harm my wife!”, says the now bruised and bloodied Jacque.
“Excellent, you have 48 hours to complete your mission.”
“What is it that you want?”, asks Jacque.
Thierry now grabs Jacque and begins to pour olive based, cooking oil, down his throat. “YOUKNOW! Don’t act dumb. I want the Iroquoian military numbers. And I know you can get them.”
Gagging, Jacque musters up a few words, “Just don’t harm my wife!”
“Grab all of the important documents and send them on a private courier, to an address in Athens. If I don’t receive your documents within 48 hours, then consider your wife dead!”
Jacque is dropped off, back at his house and he prepares to betray his country. Thierry on the other hand, returns back to Athens, where he waits for the documents. The address is actually an abandoned home, but Thierry and his crew are staying across the street, where they can see when the courier arrives. Hours go by, and nothing. The first day goes by, and nothing. There are now 12 hours left, and nothing. 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and nothing.
“Damn, if that courier doesn’t get here I’m personally going to kill that f-er”, says Thierry to one of the crew members.
“LOOK!!! THERE IT IS!!!”, yells one of the boys. A van with the name, “HELLINIC COURIERS” on the side, drives up slowly on the street. The time is now, about 2300 hours and nobody is out in the street.
“All right, get into your positions, as I go check it out”, says Thierry, as he stops the van and pulls the driver out, on gunpoint.
“WHAT’S YOUR NAME!!!”, asks Thierry, as the driver’s eyes are wide open, with fear.
“I….I….A DELIVERY!!! I just delivery man”, says the driver, as he stares into Thierry’s rifle.
“Who’s it for?”
“It is…….ummm…..ummm…it’s for Mr. Mikos, at this address!”, says the driver, barely able to compose himself.
“OHH, good. I’m Mikos”, Thierry says, as he puts his rifle down. “And I see my mail is here.”
“Yes, yes…here take it”, the delivery guy pulls out a cardboard box, about 10” squared and about a foot deep.
“Nice, now get the HELL out of here!”, says Thierry, as the driver peels out in his van.
Thierry now gets back to his hide-out house and the other crew members join him. They gather around in the living room, with anticipation.
“So was that driver some Iroquoian agent, or what?”, asks one of the boys.
“NAHHH, just some scared driver. I think we’re all good”, says Thierry, as he pulls out a switch blade and he begins opening the box.
“Why is the box so big, if it’s just papers?”, asks one of the boys.
Thierry continues, ignoring the question. Then suddenly, a liquid substance, begins pouring from the box. But the lights, inside the house are dim and nobody can tell what it is exactly.
“IT’S A F-ING BOMB!!!”, screams one of the guys.
“SHUT THE F. UP! It ain’t no bomb.”, says Thierry, as he now opens the flaps and a plastic material is revealed.
“PULL IT OUT! PULL IT OUT!”, demand the crew members and Thierry agrees. He pulls out the bag, only to have the content, roll out onto the floor.
“WHAT THE F. IS THAT!!!!!!!!!”
“IS IT A………IS IT A…………….”
Quickly, the men grab their weapons and check for any kind of intruders, as hey think they’ve been had. Next, they get into their vehicle and high tail it out of there, as they think the Iroquoian intelligence officials, are onto them. But there is no sight of the Iroquoians, anywhere. As they drive around Athens in their car, Thierry can only say;
“Shi’ite, I though we we’re going to have a spy in Salamanca.”
“That sucks, but how the hell did Jacque‘s head, get into the freaking box?”, asks one of the boys.
“Who cares! The important thing, is that I now have to report to Director Bonnard, about our failed mission”, says Thierry, quite upset.
“Hey, what about his wife? Is she going to be killed now?”, asks one of the guys, almost worried.
“HA HA! I thought y’all knew! She was in on it, from the start”, says Thierry.
“WHAT???”, they all say, stunned. Even the driver, almost slams on the brakes of the car.
“Yeah, she was cheating on Jacque, with some poor dude. We used this against her, and she helped us, in exchange for some big money”, replies Thierry, with the anger now subsiding.
“Damn, now that’s sad. Didn’t Jacque risk his lie for her?”, asks one guy.
“Yup, and now he’s dead. What a f-ing idiot!”, says Thierry, as he is now smiling, almost laughing.
“HA HA.”
“HA HA.”
IBT: In international news, war breaks out all over;
Arabs declare war on Zulus. Germans declare war on Carthage. Germans declare war on Babylon. Egypt declares war on Greece. Celts declare war on America. Carthage declares war on America. Germans declare war on Japan. Finally, the Persians declare war on China. This is what happens, when 24 civs get MPP’s and alliances. KAOS!!! Yeah, I know it’s, “chaos.”
"The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
Read the Story of La Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum
July 12, 2003, 18:06
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A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
July 12, 2003, 19:46
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Location: Love me tender. Love me sweet.
Posts: 839
Excellent as per usual.
July 14, 2003, 16:58
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C'est le quatorze juillet!!!
Joyeux 14 juillet ŕ tous les français et vive la France!!!
Bastille Day or French National Day is coming to a close and I couldn’t end this story today, like I wanted to. Oh well, here’s the next installment. Let me just say, this post “might not” be, all that good,  but there is still plenty of action.  I promise to up the quality next post.
Back in France, Richelieu has been given the task of securing the mainland, Gaule. Charlemagne is kept back in the Biscay Territories, to administer the newly conquered area. But in Gaule, Napoleon doesn’t allow any tanks, since he’s scared of an imposing military. Richelieu is upset and begins to stir up trouble in Paris;
“Why the HELL, are there no Tank companies in Gaule. How am I supposed to protect this vast land, without any Tanks”, he explains angrily, to Napoleon.
“Don’t you know, we sent all of them to the Iroquoian front. We’re fighting a war, after all.”
“You leave us all vulnerable, Napoleon. VERY, vulnerable”, says Richelieu, as he storms off.
Assault on St. Regis
Patiently aboard a Destroyer, De Gaulle waits as the marines make their final preparations for the amphibious assault on St. Regis. De Gaulle is confident about the mission, but unsure about the Special Ops commanders, leading the marines. But he has to trust the marines, since that is not, his expertise.
It is early in the morning, on an overcast day, filled with fog. This fog shall help us. Our Assault Ships approach the coastal city of, St. Regis and 3 Marine brigades begin loading into the landing crafts. Our Battleships and Destroyers, have completely taken control of the seas and they begin a barrage on the town. Our landing crafts approach, but something is wrong…. the Iroquois are ready and waiting for us.
As soon, as the doors opened on our landing crafts, the buzzing noise of the bullets can be heard. The marines have a tough go at it, at the beaches of St. Regis. Many landing crafts are destroyed, before our marines can even jump out. Many burn to death, from the fires, in the crafts. But alas, enough make it to the beach. The enemy is situated on top of a coastal fortress, from which, they can see every inch of the beach.
More harrowing are the many obstacles and land mines, on the beach. Our numbers are begin to be, significantly cut down. Machine gun positions, on top the large sea-walls of the fortress, rip us apart. The ocean water on this day, is blood red. De Gaulle aboard the Destroyer can only bite his nails, as the first reports come in. It is a slaughterhouse and the blood in the ocean, belongs to the soldiers of the French nation. The catastrophic amphibious assault ends, with 3 Marine brigades completely lost.
During the disaster at St. Regis, De Gaulle had ordered the rest of the force to land outside of St. Regis. The location is halfway between St. Regis and the town of Oil Springs, which is east of St. Regis. The total number of troops are; 5 Tank companies, 3 M.I. brigades.
Back in France, Napoleon is made aware of a new technology, which has been discovered by the Vikings, Fission. With this, the Vikings are able to enrich a material called uranium. Napoleon, quickly assembles a package of Gold and luxuries, in a hope that Ragnor, will share this new technology. A team of Viking scientist, as well as official Scandi government officials, gather in Napoleon’s vacation mansion, in the resort city of Poitiers, in the South Bleu Island.
The meeting goes well and the friendly encounter ends, with us gaining Fission and the Vikings gaining, a whole lot of money, as well as luxuries, including Incense (Zulu and Korean Wars), Dyes, and Spices (Celtic, Babylonian Wars). When we learn of the secret of Fission, we discover 2 deposits of uranium within our territory, including one, right outside of Paris.
Espionage Mission
There is however, another technology, which we do not know. It is Ecology, and only the Chinese are aware of the secrets. Our embassy in Beijing is up and running, with several DGSE agents. Napoleon instructs Bonnard, to get this tech. After the debacle in Salamanca, Bonnard is feeling the pressure to succeed, his job is on the line. Bonnard brings in a group of eves-dropping experts, know only as “Team Vert”, he explains their goal and dubs the mission, “Operation Farceur.”
Operation Farceur begins in a hotel room, very near the Chinese Ecological Research Facility. Inside the room, are various listening devices. We pick up valuable info, but it’s not enough. Next, a Team Vert agent gets a job, as a janitor within the building. This proves a stroke of genius, as the agent, begins pulling out important research studies, out of the building and into the embassy. Within weeks, our own French scientist break down the research and announce, “we too, know the secrets of Ecology.” The DGSE does it again, this time without much flair. Our 2 new techs are then sold around the world, for much money.
A Japanese delegation arrives in Istanbul, and they announce, “we are ready for peace with France.” Napoleon, is only too happy to oblige. He sends a group of diplomats, to the Ottoman capital, to sign what is to be known, as the Treaty of Istanbul. The treaty dictates, that no reparations shall be made and that all aggrieved parties agree, to peaceful resolutions of any future conflict. After the treaty is signed, Napoleon goes on TV, to give a speech. Millions in France gather in their homes and on the streets to listen to the President speak;
“Today, the people and France and Japan have showed the rest of the world, what it is to make amends and end hostilities. Together, we hope, that we can be an example, to the rest of the world, to end this Unholy World War. We must think about the consequences, of going to war after war. We are a nation of peace, as Jeanne said, a long time ago, and we wish to remain so.”
Sadly, the world pays no attention to the President’s call, for world peace. Instead, the largest World War ever known to man, now boils over in an orgy, of pure madness. Look at what’s going on now; Vikings declare war on America. (Across the South Iroquois Ocean, could be trouble for weaker Americans) Japanese declare war on Babylon. (Too far) Japanese declare war on America. (Both too weak for anything) English declare war on Carthage. (Too far) English declare war on Ottomans. (Too far) English declare war on Persians. (Too far) Greeks declare war on Americans. (Too far) Greeks declare war on Persians. (Too far) Germans declare war on Ottomans. (Too far)
Intermediary: Catch your breath, there’s still some more.
Egypt declare war on Chinese. (Across some water, might be trouble for Egypt) Iroquois declare war on Vikings. (Nice) Aztecs declare war on Carthage. (Stuuuuuuuuuuupid, they share a large border in the Northern Masculin Continent, just north of France. Carthage is waaaay stronger than the Aztecs, will they hold on???) Aztecs declare war on Japanese. (Too far) Egypt declares war on Russia. (Too far) English declare war on Babylon. (Too far) Ottoman declares war on America. (Close, but the Ottomans don’t seem strong enough to travel across the seas.) Celts declare war on England. (Too far) Arabs declare war on Iroquois. (Too far) Egypt declare war on Aztecs. (Too far)
In Lyon, France
Lyon is our metropolis, on the Ottoman border. Over 2.5 million people call this South Atlantique, port city their home. Much like everyone else in Gaule, the war seems distant and they feel very safe. Outside Lyon, in the irrigated farms along the Ottoman border, are many families, who have been farming the land for years and helping Lyon grow. But then something horrible happened on the night of October 12. They were awoken, to the sounds of gunfire and yelling. The yelling, was foreign. The border is largely undefended and many of the farmers ran for their lives screaming; “The OTTOMANS have crossed the border. IT’S AN INVASION.”
The farmers reached the safety of Lyon and began to tell of the coming invasion. The siren was sounded in the middle of the night, and in one night the feeling of safety, went away in a flash. Quickly the many MI brigades in Lyon, were put on full alert. The enemy kept approaching, there were about 43 different units which crossed into Gaule, but they were not Ottomans.
They were from the evil scum of Persia. It appears that the dim-witted, brainless Persians, allied with the Iroquois to declare war, on FRANCE. These bastards are on the same continent as us, and share ROP’s with the Ottomans, which are between us. (They are in their classic blue-green color, and are smashed in between the Ottomans and Vikings. South of the French mainland, Gaule.) The Persians are made up of, about 6 huge metropolises. It appears that their whole military, is being sent across, into our precious Gaule. 4 Grl, 4 Cavs, 7 Horsemen, 5 MI, 6 Inf, 7 Spearmen, 4 Immortals, 2 Marines, 4 Longbow are all in Gaule around Lyon, to the south and west. This is the first time, since the Carthaginian War, that enemy mongrels are inside our Holy Gaule. Napoleon calls an emergency session with Richelieu;
“Damn it, the Persians have crossed into Gaule and are right outside Lyon.”
“Smart move”, replies Richelieu.
“Excuse me?”
“It’s what I would have done, go after the weak points. Seeing as we have no Tanks in the area, the Persians made the smart move”, says Richelieu, insinuating something else.
“Whatever, just get some payback on them!”, demands Napoleon.
“What about the Ottomans?”
“They claim they are neutral, which means, that we are also allowed to cross, through the Turkish country.”
“Well then, let’s hit them everywhere, fast and hard!”, says Richelieu, not showing any signs of weariness, from the Korean War.
“Nonsense, every Persian city is a metropolis. Way bigger than Seoul! And you know how many troops we lost in Seoul. I want to punish them, but not commit suicide while doing it.”
“Got you, then I propose, we siege their capital. Close it off, and pillage the surrounding country side”, says Richelieu.
“You’ll starve hundreds of thousands in the city.”
“Exactly, we‘ll bring them to their knees and end the war, with minimal casualties.”
“Errr, we’re not having this meeting, and I didn’t hear anything about starving”, says Napoleon, as he gives Richelieu a wink.
grrrrrr persians, this shows the persian capital across Ottoman territory, that's where we're going!
Japanese War - Operation Invasion Denial II (Final Casualty Report)
1 Ironclads
1 Frigates
2 Submarines
Iroquoian War - Operation Feminin Footprint
3 Marines
1 Ironclads
3 Galleons
Civilians: 90,000
"The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
Read the Story of La Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum
July 14, 2003, 17:04
Local Time: 20:40
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Location: beautiful coastal city of... Que te Importa
Posts: 255
Battle for St. Regis and Oil Springs
In the evening of a windy, autumn day, our jets take off for the cities of St. Regis and Oil Springs, from our aircraft carriers. The exhaust fumes of the jets, smells great to us. We own the skies over the Iroquoian nation and in St. Regis, our Mirage jets pound the daylights out of the defenders. Specifically taking out their barracks. In Oil Springs we also target the barracks, as well as the temple and marketplace. All are hit and destroyed.
With our Air Force providing cover, De Gaulle orders our Tanks and MI’s, “to move in.” We roar through St. Regis, defeating the enemy, in the town square and in front of the Governor’s Palace. In Oil Springs the enemy is riding around in pick-up trucks, shooting at us, while pretending to be civilians. It don’t matter, we start taking out, all pick-up trucks in the area. In Oil Springs we also battle Iroquoian Cavalry, which only makes our troops in our Tanks laugh. In the end St. Regis and Oil Springs are captured, without losing a single company. The casualties on the enemies side were, 8 total brigades killed (2 Cav, 6 Rfm). We also capture 3 Workers battalions, whom we have persuaded to work in our effort.
The Destroyer at sea, now pulls into the port of St. Regis and out comes De Gaulle. His eyes, gazing at the newly captured city and civilians. The civilians there, are mostly homeless and care nothing about this war. For them, everyday is a battle to survive on the streets. De Gaulle sympathizes with them, as he too, was once was once living on the streets, before turning hard-core. In a friendly gesture, De Gaulle hands out food aid to the poor beggars, in a show of compassion, unseen by anybody before. Could it be, De Gaulle is getting softer?
*Edited part begins*
La Défense de Lyon - “Qu'un sang impur, abreuve nos sillons.”
La Marseillaise’s meaning, is now remembered more than ever in Lyon, as the enemy is occupying our farmland. The markets have run out of food, as the enemy pillages the countryside. The streets in this ancient city plunge into anarchy. But everything calms down, as Maj. Gen. Richelieu and a throng, of Tanks and MI, arrive in the metropolis. Richelieu prepares to give a much anticipated speech to the people, through the radio, in an effort the sooth, the people’s nerves.
“Mon poeple de France , soyez ferme. Le jour de gloire est arrivé. The enemy, has deceitfully, crossed into our holy nation. They have come, to slit the throats of our woman and children. But this, I will never let happen! Not one single Persian soldier, will step foot in this city! Not one single child, will see the sight of that, cretin scum, pillaging our nation and her resources.
So I will make these promise to the people of Lyon today. And I leave you with one final promise; Malgre tout……..qu'un sang impur, abreuve nos sillons. Rien de moins” (their impure blood, will water our fields)
The rousing speech, strikes at the heart and soul of all the citizens, as they watch an endless parade of military hardware, stroll down the many wide, beautiful avenues of Lyon. At sunset, the earth shakes to its core, at the resounding rumble of our artilleries. In the sky, our Jets roar through the air at lightning speed, as they begin giving the enemy, an un-ending pain.
In the middle of the night, our Tanks move out, to the sounds of our war-like trumpets. For glorious France, has called them out to fight. We confront the foe, and engage in a fierce battle. The largest ever fought in Gaule. Death, in the grasslands, and in the forests is all that we hand out. With horrid clamor, 8 Persian brigades (4 Cavs, 4 Grll) are met and laid to waste, under our mighty fire power. Richelieu receives word of the good news and says, “may they tread upon blood.”
*Edited part ends*
At sea
On our way to bombard Persian cities, our troops aboard the Battleship MN Paul Cézanne spot a Persian Submarine and engage them. We are able to unload on them, so much that we blow them up. However, they managed to unleash some torpedoes, which nearly finished us off. Now we are at sea, badly injured.
To Persepolis
The Persian War has been named Operation Barbarian Mode, by Richelieu. In public however, it is known as Operation Justice. Using the same rails, in the Ottoman territory, the Persians used, we send 8 MI, 2 Cavs, 2 Grl brigades to surround the Persian capital and destroy their roads, rails, and irrigation. “We will starve them to death.”, says Richelieu to his soldiers. It is a brilliant ploy, which could bring a quick end to the war.
"Start the PILLAGING", let's see how long, they want to continue this war, now!!!
In the seas, our injured Battleship MN Paul Cézanne is attacked by a Submarine. This time, there is nothing they can do, as the torpedoes slam into our sides exploding on impact. Our first loss against the Persians.
In Oil Springs, the Iroquois launch a raid, using Cavalry. Needless to say they don’t get to far.
More war, Germans declares war on America. (Both are too weak) Aztecs declares war on England. (Too far) Koreans declares war on Greeks. (Too far) Japan declares war on Iroquois. (Interesting, the Japanese are also still fighting the English) Germans declares war on Iroquois. (Too far) Arabs declares war on Japan. (Too far) Ottomans declares war on Babylon. (On the same continent, but the Babs are very busy) Aztecs declares war on Germans. (Too far, too weak)
Iroquoian War - Operation Feminin Footprint
3 Marines
1 Ironclads
6 Riflemen
3 Cavalries
3 Galleons
Civilians: 180,000
3 Workers
Persian War - Operation Barbarian Mode
1 Battleships
4 Guerrilla
4 Cavalries
1 Submarines
"The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
Read the Story of La Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum
Last edited by Kaos XIII; July 19, 2003 at 12:54.
July 15, 2003, 12:54
Local Time: 02:40
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Location: Staffordshire England
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So much war, so much pain and suffering! Oh well who cares much more interesting to write about war than peacetime.
Yet another quality installment looking forward to more.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
July 19, 2003, 12:58
Local Time: 20:40
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Location: beautiful coastal city of... Que te Importa
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WOW! I’m actually posting at this time of the day.
“War, war without truce to any who dare
to tarnish the country's coat-of-arms!
War, war! Take the national pennants
and soak them in waves of blood.
War, war! In the mountain, in the valley,
the cannons thunder in horrid unison” (Bocanegra)
Anyway, I have redone the one part concerning, “Lyon” in the year 1300, on my last post. It is now named, “La Défense de Lyon.” With the Persians crossing into our ancient lands, I don’t think I placed enough importance to that.  I thought it also lacked a little…………je ne sais quoi. So, if you read that part before, re-read it. ^ ^ It’s not long.
However, for those of you, who are in the future. And read for the first time, that last post, after 19-7-03, 12:55 pm Puerto Rican time. Ignore this post and continue reading below. \/ \/
"The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
Read the Story of La Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum
July 19, 2003, 13:05
Local Time: 20:40
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Location: beautiful coastal city of... Que te Importa
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For the duration of this story, the IBT’s will be gone. I think the story will flow much better this way. I hope you understand.
La Défense de Lyon
The situation in Lyon takes a turn for the worse, as the lack of food, takes it’s toll on the population. 218,000 people have suffered, the insufferable………starvation. Death, after death, our cemeteries are being filled to capacity. In beautiful, spacious parks, where our children used to play, is where our precious children are now being buried.
But we shall prevail, and unleash a vengeance on the murdering hoard. The only consolation for the grieving, is the continued sound of our roaring Mirages overhead, and the thundering sounds of our artilleries. This ensures our people, that payback is under way. Like clockwork, in the wee hours of the night, Richelieu sends out more Tanks to batter the enemy.
This time however, we are going up against Mechanized Infantry brigades. The enemy gives out as much, as they take in. In the flat, coastal grasslands, and between where many of our farmer’s, had made their lives, the war ignites. The dark night is lit up, by our powerful Tanks and machine gunners. The enemy, equally returns fire and severely deals a deathblow, to many of our tank crews.
The fight seems over, as 1 Inf, 2 MI enemy brigades are eliminated. Many of the Persian brigades, also begin to head home, as our Artillery and Jets, have made them useless, in the battle. But suddenly, the Persian military sends in 2 Marine brigades, to attack the city of Lyon itself.
The defenders of Lyon are ready, as the fight ensues, in the suburbs of our sprawling metropolis. The French Army has been well-trained for urban warfare, and sophisticated killing channels, have been prepared throughout the city’s perimeter. One by one, the Persian marines are led through a maze of destruction. The killing zones prove effective, as both marine brigades are left to die in Lyon.
The entire battle, leaves many of our troops wounded. Richelieu orders them all back to Lyon, to recover and to repair some of our tanks. But sadly, 2 tank companies, do not make it home. Richelieu has only kind words for the troops; “they have honored France, by passing away in battle, defending their beloved nation.”
At Sea
One of our Destroyers, spots an enemy Sub, in the Southern Atlantique near Lyon. We begin to tail them, as they intend to escape back to Persian waters, where other Persian ships lay waiting. We follow them using our sonar, but then the diesel-run Sub, turns their engines off. We turn off ours, as well. And we both lay there, quietly, silently, inaudibly, waiting for one mistake to pounce. Then in the midst of the silence, one of our guys working the sonar picks something up;
“I got something”, he says in a whispering manner.
“What is it? Are you sure it’s the enemy Sub?”, says the captain of the ship.
“I don’t know what it is yet. But there is something there. Let me try to isolate the sound”, he says, as he begins to work the sonar. “I’ve got it!”, he says, forgetting about the silence.
“Shut up, you fool.”, responds the captain.
“I’m sorry. But I think it’s them.”
“Are you sure?”
“Definitely. It’s singing. Their actually singing.”
“Then, they will sing their way into death”, speaks the Ship’s captain. Moments later, that is exactly what happens, as the Persian Submariners are dealt a swift death.
Outside Persepolis, our MI brigades and others come under attack, from Persian terrorists, suicide squads. But that will not, deter us. The pillaging continues and word from our insiders in Persepolis, shows that, so far, 280,000 people have died. The news reaches Paris, and in a press conference in the Asssemblée Nationale, Napoleon responds to accusations from the far-left.
He reiterates, “the Persians themselves, are responsible for the starvation in Persepolis. They are starving their populace, in order to feed their war machine.” He also reminds them, “What about the citizens in Lyon, who have also perished. And those citizens, are dying in a deliberate attempt by the Persians, to declare a TOTAL WAR!” But the leftist media doesn’t buy it. They reply back, “We are not them. France should be an example, for the rest of the world, by refraining from such atrocities.” Napoleon can only think to himself, “damn hippies.”
"The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
Read the Story of La Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum
July 19, 2003, 13:07
Local Time: 20:40
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Location: beautiful coastal city of... Que te Importa
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In the Iroquoian War front
Charles De Gaulle settles into the Governor’s Palace, in St. Regis, as he prepares to take on Objective 3 and possibly 4. There, in the Governor’s office, De Gaulle goes through all of the Iroquoian Governor’s personal belongings and documents. In one of the drawers, he discovers a bag of hydro. Now De Gaulle ain’t no drug addict, but come on, he isn’t about to pass up, on some hydro. He calls in his Colonels and Captains, with some local girls, to share in the upcoming, kick-a** party. For a moment and just a moment, De Gaulle forgets about the cruel, unjust world, as he puffs, puffs away.
The troops are happy with De Gaulle, as the stories of his campaign in Korea, have been so far unproven. He is not the barbarian, they have been made to believe. But at the same time, it appears, that De Gaulle has lost, a bit of his edge. Maybe it was the “Marine Slaughter”, earlier in St. Regis, or maybe just the carnage of never-ending war, has finally broken his hard-core exterior. Nonetheless, many of the troops openly say, “that De Gaulle ain’t all that. I can whoop his a** myself.” In other matters, Napoleon orders De Gaulle to, “get our marines’ bodies back, for proper burial.”
“I’ve already got people on it. But it seems that the locals do not want to tell us where the bodies are”, says De Gaulle.
“Savages, get them to respond, by whatever means necessary!”, responds Napoleon.
“Well, I don’t know about that. We have to work with these people, so that they can later contribute to Greater France.”
“Work with these people? Man, what the hell is happening to you over there?”, asks De Gaulle, as he thinks to himself, ‘damn, he sounds p---y whooped.,
“Nothing is happening to me. I am Charles De Gaulle, the same and only.”
“Well, you sure sound differently. Just remember, we need those bodies to comfort the grieving families.”
“I’m doing all I can, but I guess can work harder at it”, says De Gaulle, not once raising his voice.
While De Gaulle discovers who he is, the mighty French military goes on the offensive. Flying from 2 Carriers in the ocean, our Mirage Jets pound the Iroquoian cities of Akwesane and Salamanca. Both of the barracks are destroyed, in the bombing raids. Also in Salamanca, 185,000 civilians died in an error bombing. Napoleon on TV offers regrets for the mistake, but many people are beginning to wonder, if he means it.
In the front-line city of Oil Springs, there are 2 enemy Cav brigades., waiting for the order to attack. But instead of any order, they get a fistful of steel. We roll out with our Tanks and tear their horses to shreds. Then the Iroquois send 2 more Cav brigades to attack Oil Springs. But their fate has been written, long ago. In total 4 Cav brigades are taken care of, by our Tanks.
After the battle, our troops, as well as some civilians, begin to dig graves for the enemy. The Army Chaplains, pray over their remains, even though they are from a heathenish society. Back in St. Regis, De Gaulle is met by an excited lieutenant, who says;
“I know where our marine’s bodies are located.”
“How do you know?”, asks De Gaulle.
“This girl told me, but she was scared to come forward, with the news.”
“Well, where are they?”, asks De Gaulle, wondering, ‘is this good news, or bad.’
“They’re near the beach, where they perished”, says the young lieutenant.
De Gaulle gathers a large group of soldiers, and the lieutenant leads them to the area. With shovels in their hands, they begin to dig. Local civilians are spotted near there, and they are also forced to dig. Then one young soldier screams;
“It’s a body! And it appears, they are wearing our uniforms!”
“Yep. That’s them all right”, says De Gaulle, as he quickly looks away. The sight of the dead body, makes this warrior, queasy. “Dig them out, and prepare the body bags, for shipment back to France”, he says. But once the first body is dug up, a harsh, cruel realization unfolds. Like a spear, piercing through our hearts, everyone notices, the unthinkable…………..
“They’ve been SCALPED!!!”, screams one group of soldiers.
“F. them, F. them all to HELL!!!”, the soldiers all scream, in a rage.
De Gaulle on the other hand, stands perfectly quiet, immersed in his own thoughts. But somewhere deep inside, a murderous rage is building, and building. Finally, he grabs one of the Iroquoian guys, whom were digging and yells;
“Did you know about this?”, De Gaulle asks, with a cold nasty look in his eye, as he grabs the guy by his collar.
“I know, no nothing!”, says the guy, about 30 years old and standing at only 5’-6.” His knees bending and shaking uncontrollably, as he answers. Standing next to De Gaulle’s immense, muscular structure, the man looks quite small. All of the troops, have now stopped yelling, as they watch in anticipation, of what De Gaulle will do. Most of these guys, have never seen De Gaulle upset.
“LIAR!!! Tell me the truth, or I’ll blow your F-ING HEAD off!”, says De Gaulle, as he pulls out his side arm, and leans it up, against the man’s temple.
“I’m sorry, it is an old custom. Our Mohawk tradition”, says the man, as he begins to cry. “Please don’t kill me”, he says.
“Don’t worry, I won’t kill you”, says De Gaulle, calmly, as he puts his side-arm away. “But I will teach you, about my own traditions.” De Gaulle, reaches to his back, and brings around a long, sharp, shiny bayonet.
“What, what is it?”, asks the man, quite worried, about the situation. But before he can speak another word, De Gaulle, with his big hands, strongly grabs the man’s tongue and swipes it, clean off. The blood pours endlessly, from the man’s mouth, as he keeps his mouth wide open, stunned and in everlasting, throbbing, pain. De Gaulle, holding the bloody piece of meat, takes a bite out of it, raises his right fist, and with blood pouring out of his mouth, yells from the top of his lungs, “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH,…………. MASSACRE,…………. TOUS!!!”
“OH F*CK!!!, MERDE!!!, Did he just f-ing DO THAT?!?!”, is heard among the troops, as most just stay in stunned, shocked silence. All yeah! It’s time to get wicked!!!
Iroquoian War - Operation Feminin Footprint
3 Marines
1 Ironclads
6 Riflemen
7 Cavalries
3 Galleons
Civilians: 365,000
3 Workers
Persian War - Operation Barbarian Mode
2 Tanks
1 Battleships
Casualties: 218,000
2 Mech. Inf.
1 Inf.
2 Marines
4 Guerrilla
4 Cavalries
2 Submarines
Casualties: 280,000
"The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
Read the Story of La Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum
July 19, 2003, 19:37
Local Time: 10:40
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Location: Love me tender. Love me sweet.
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Uh oh, now them mohawks are really gonna get their just desserts. Would anyone care for a dish of fresh out of the mouth human tongue?
July 30, 2003, 14:39
Local Time: 20:40
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Location: beautiful coastal city of... Que te Importa
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My bad, for the delay, but I have been feeling the effects of a sickness, known only as “flojera.”  I’m only in the recovering stages, so this will only be a short post.  More to follow, as I begin to crank it up to full production.
1310 State of the Union
Before our nation and our people, Napoleon announced;
“Today, La Grande Nation is the most technologically, culturally, economically, and militarily advanced country, that has ever existed, on the face of this earth. But with this power, comes great responsibility. France has always stood for freedom and peace. Those who will attempt to destroy this, will be met by a sea of fire, in their capitals.”
But the people are now, WARY of war. It’s been going on for years and the mess, seems like it will go on forever. Mass demonstrations, from the university students, are rampant throughout France. Many of the union laborers, have also begun striking, due to the fact that Napoleon cut their pensions, to keep the war machine rolling. For Napoleon the political situation looks grim.
Pop. 36,118,000 2nd
Land 96,800 sq. m. 1st
Military 256:
Armée de Terre: (Army)
5 E.E.A. Officers
23 Tanks
78 Mechanized Infantry
21 Artillery
Paramilitaire - Noire Pluie: (Paramilitary)
10 Guerrillas
Operations Speciales: (Special Ops)
4 Marines
Marine Nationale: (Navy)
9 Battleships
5 Aircraft Carriers
14 Submarines
6 Destroyers
5 Ironclads
13 Assault Ships (transports)
Armée de l’Air: (Air Force)
24 Bombers
3 Jet Fighters
5 Cruise Missiles
Right after the State of the Union speech is given, cabinet members rush in to tell Napoleon of the breaking news. “The Romans have signed an alliance with the Persians, sir we are now at war with the Romans.” (The Romans are the RED country in the lower left part of the World Map of 1290.) The Romans are very weak and Charlemagne, is responsible for the entire Biscay Territories. But the problem for Napoleon is, “Charlemagne is responsible for the entire Biscay Territories, a Roman.”
Carolus Magnus was Charlemagne’s old name, when he lived in Lutetia. Even though he’d sworn allegiance to Jeanne and France, he’ll still have to prove that he can do battle, against his own people. But Napoleon isn’t interested in war with Rome, he wants peace with everyone. For now and forever. And, as if a miracle from God, the English announce they wish to end hostilities. Images of Elizabeth and Napoleon, shaking hands, are beamed throughout the nation. There wasn’t a single shot fired in the conflict. And the people dub this the “Faux Guerre.”
However, the war does prove to be very rewarding for France. The Japanese and the English are still fighting it out. The Japanese city of Izumo was captured, early on, by the English. But now the Japanese are on an all out assault to take it back. Elizabeth, rather than seeing Japan take back the city, offers it up to Napoleon. Napoleon gladly accepts. Izumo’s location, puts us right in the neighborhood of China. With this strategic town, if we are to come to blows again, this time China will get hit.
The Iroquoian Front
Back in Oil Springs, the men are nervous, as they now have heard that De Gaulle is coming to town. Rumors of the “Tongue Incident” are rampant, but not believed by all. De Gaulle arrives in Oil Springs, in the afternoon, distributing many shovels to the soldiers. De Gaulle orders them, “I want the dead Iroquian soldiers dug out of their graves.” By sunset, them Iroquoian soldier’s bodies, have been dug up. They are mostly rotting corpses now, and each of our soldiers are told by De Gaulle, “grab a piece of bone and wear it on your chain around your neck. With this, you will fight with the power of your enemies.”
While all that is going on, the cities of Salamanca and Akwesane are getting bombed, by our Air Force. In Salamanca, the Marketplace and Temple are destroyed. In Akwesane, 50,000 citizens are left to burn, inside the town. De Gaulle, has made up his mind, he is going to go after both cities.
While 250,000 more people starve in Persepolis, the massive Persian force is slowly being destroyed, and their blood flows, like a river in our lands. Their main defense is just 1 Inf., 2 M.I. Brigades, and Richelieu waste no time in sending out our Tanks. After being “softened up”, by our Air Force, our Tanks move in for the slaughter. The enemy puts up a tough fight, taking out 2 Tank brigades, but they are still soundly defeated. With them gone, only very lightly armed soldiers remain (7 Horsemen, 2 Spearmen). They are all vanished, in a quick strike.
Many of the Persians, now begin to realize their mistake, in coming into Gaule and they begin to run back to their country. But before they get there, something incredible happens. Actually, it is incredibly stupid; the Persians declare WAR on the Ottomans. A huge fight now begins along the Franco-Ottoman border. But it’s not really a fight, it’s more like a beat down. The entire Persian force is subsequently WIPED OUT, by the Ottomans. I guess them Turks are a whole lot stronger, than any of us thought.
In more international news, the Japanese declare war on the Greeks. (Same continent, Japan is also fighting the English, the Greeks are now free to join in.) Aztecs declare war on Ottomans. (Also, same continent, we have an ROP with the Ottomans. I think I’ll be seeing their army march through our railroads, on their way to Aztlan.) Zulus declare war on Greece. (too far.) Germans declare war on Greece. (too far, too weak.) Zulus declare war on Iroquois. (too far.) Mongols declare war on Iroquois. (too far.)
Iroquoian War - Operation Feminin Footprint
3 Marines
1 Ironclads
6 Riflemen
7 Cavalries
3 Galleons
Civilians: 415,000
3 Workers
Persian War - Operation Barbarian Mode
4 Tanks
1 Battleships
Casualties: 218,000
4 Mech. Inf.
2 Inf.
2 Marines
4 Guerrilla
4 Cavalries
2 Spearmen
7 Horsemen
2 Submarines
Casualties: 530,000
"The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
Read the Story of La Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum
July 30, 2003, 16:13
Local Time: 02:40
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Location: Staffordshire England
Posts: 8,321
Glad to see you back and hope you get well soon, in fact its good to see anybody posting updates its been awfully slow here this past few weeks. Must be the Summer Holidays.
Good stuff and waiting to see some more.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
July 30, 2003, 17:08
Local Time: 20:40
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Location: beautiful coastal city of... Que te Importa
Posts: 255
Yes, everyone it seems, is suffering from "flojera."  Anyway, I'm back, sooner than I thought, with some more, including screenies. YAY!
1315 The Persian military has been beaten down to a pulp. Persepolis starves and now the Ottomans are breathing down their necks. Xerses wants no more, and offers what little gold he has, to Napoleon, in exchange for a peace treaty. Napoleon the Merciful, accepts the offer and begins the presidential election campaign, as a “Man with a vision for Peace.”
OOOOOH!, It's going to take the Persians a while, to repair all of that pillaging.
Persian War - Operation Barbarian Mode (Final Casualty Report)
4 Tanks
1 Battleships
Casualties: 218,000
4 Mech. Inf.
2 Inf.
2 Marines
4 Guerrilla
4 Cavalries
2 Spearmen
7 Horsemen
2 Submarines
Casualties: 530,000
In international news; the Romans declare war on Babylon. (again) Russia declares war on India. (close, with India being stronger) Russians declare war on the Iroquois. (too far) Persians declare war on the Iroquois. (both are too busy) Vikings declare war on Babylon. (too busy) Persians declare war on America. (too weak) Mongols declare war on Greece. (too far) Mongols declare war on China. (way too far) Indians declare war on Greece. (too far)
The Iroquois War
The Battle for Akwesane
The battle begins, with our Jets, flying overhead, pounding the remaining defenders. Our tank companies then storm into this small town, blasting the enemy out of their positions. The little resistance is squashed, under our rolling machines. 2 enemy brigades (1 Rfm, 1 Spear) are taken out and the town square is adorned with a giant waving, flag of France.
The Battle for Salamanca
In Salamanca the city takes a pounding, through the night, as the University, Library, and Bank are destroyed. Also some 125,000 civilians are caught under our wave of bombs. At sunrise, our troops look upon the burning city, with hate. They grab their “souvenirs”, hanging from their necks and get ready to battle for the Iroquoian capital. De Gaulle yells out, “ADVANCE, FOR OUR NATION, ADVANCE!!!”
We drive through the capital’s streets, facing only undisciplined troops. Mostly old men and young boys. The fires in the city rage on, as our shells, unveil no mercy on the Iroquois. Building after building falls, as the Iroquois have no choice but to retreat. The capital is abandoned for De Gaulle, as 3 enemy brigades (3 Rfm.) are left dead in Salamanca. Left behind are also some 1 Workers, and 2 Catapults.
The Iroquois are left in a state of shock, as their forces have been defeated, by a small contingent of the French military. They agree to end the war and the Treaty of Grand Rivers is signed in their new capital, whose name inspired the treaty’s name.
Iroquoian War - Operation Feminin Footprint (Final Casualty Report)
3 Marines
1 Ironclads
6 Riflemen
7 Cavalries
3 Galleons
Civilians: 645,000
3 Workers
With the war over, Napoleon flies to Salamanca to congratulate De Gaulle. De Gaulle awaits his arrival in the historical Haudenosaunee Palace. In the late afternoon of September 12, Napoleon’s motorcade makes it’s way, through the narrow streets of Salamanca, on his way to the Palace. He finally arrives at the huge complex, before a huge crowd of thousands, who have come to protest the occupation. Many have chained themselves to the front gates, to not allow the motorcade to pass through. The guards forcibly remove the protestors and Napoleon passes through the chaotic scene.
Napoleon steps out of his bullet proofed limo and sees De Gaulle smiling. They approach each other, along with all of their guards and shake hands. But before a word can be spoken, a group of about 15 students, storm the Palace complex. They shout, “DEATH TO THE DICTATOR!!!” and open up with small arms fire. Most are gunned down by the French Presidential Guards. Napoleon quickly dashes to the limo, but then yells, “MERDE” as he realizes, that he had locked the doors from the inside, earlier. De Gaulle, on the other hand, pulls out a .9 mm and fires back, as the thousands outside the gates, scream and run panic-stricken.
The chaos lasts less than 5 seconds, and it appears a disaster has been avoided. When out of nowhere, a grenade is lobed in the direction of Napoleon and De Gaulle. A 4 second charge, but how many seconds have already gone by. The grenade bounces, mere feet away from Napoleon, whom is so shocked, that he freezes for the first time in his life. De Gaulle however, takes action. The only action that can be taken………………..he pounces on it and takes the full brunt of the force.
De Gaulle is treated immediately, but it is a lost cause, the General is dead. A few of the guards, were also killed, as well as many civilians whom were caught in the crossfire. All of the perpetrators are also dead, with repercussions being felt by their families. Napoleon suffers only slight bruise and cuts, but the nation now mourns the loss of one of our Great Leaders, Charles De Gaulle from Lille.
Keep scrolling down, I'll tell you what the numbers mean.
1 - Roman city of Ravenna. (Important for later)
2 - Koreans built Suwon, in ruins of Seoul. Our culture is improving.
3 - Babs also built in former ruins.
4 - Aztecs are crumbling under the pressure of the Carthaginian Army.
5 - 4 Iroquois cities, now a part of France.
6 - Izumo, our new city, within striking distance of China.
7 - American city of Detroit (north part of island) is captured by Chinese.
Viking city of Farsund (south part) is captured by Americans.
8 - American city of Philadelphia, is captured by the Vikings.
"The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
Read the Story of La Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum
July 30, 2003, 21:15
Local Time: 10:40
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Location: Love me tender. Love me sweet.
Posts: 839
 The loss will be mourned by all. I shall fire a shotgun salute from my living room window as a sign of respect.
Looking at your map, you sure got a lot of countries to impress your footprints upon and Korea still looks quite healthy despite the rumble you had with them. Are you gonna go to work on Korea again or let bygones be bygones?
July 31, 2003, 03:44
Local Time: 02:40
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Location: Staffordshire England
Posts: 8,321
Watch where youre pointing that shotgun Scratchy!!
Nice addittion Kaos keep it coming
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
August 4, 2003, 18:43
Local Time: 20:40
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Umm, war with Korea is war with China. (MPP)  War with China, is war with everybody else.  The last offensive war, was the Zulu War. since then, France has only been involved in "revenge wars." Of course, if Korea wants more, we are always willing to dish it out.
De Gaulle’s body is brought back to France. Hundreds of thousands flock to the newly named Charles De Gaulle airport in Paris, to see the casket brought out. Millions cry and mourn, the loss of our great hero. He was a player, and a baller, but foremost, a General of the French Army. His final resting place, shall be next to Jeanne, in Notre-Dame de-Paris, on the Île de la Cité.
On this somber day however, there is actually good news for Napoleon and France, as the Egyptians agree to a peace treaty, on the eve of the Presidential elections. The war with Egypt never even started. Nonetheless, Napoleon rides his efforts of peace to a new term. Only the war with Rome remains.
In Biscay
Recon flights over Zulu territory uncover a group of 4 Cav brigades, heading toward the city of Ulsan. Charlemagne forces have now been upgraded to Modern Armor and Radar Artillery companies. He is somewhat eager to see what these new toys can do. From our positions in Ulsan, our RA’s send a rain of steel onto the unsuspecting Roman Cavs. They get hit hard, and scramble to get out of the area. Unfortunately for them, they run right into our fast approaching MA’s. We crush them like little cockroaches. Charlemagne excited from the victory, request permission, to take Ravenna. He communicates, with Commander in Chief Napoleon, and says;
“I’m taking our MA’s to Ravenna, I’m going to gets mine. There is no justification, to just keep waiting for the Romans, here in Ulsan.”
“Do it, the elections are over anyway and I‘ve won again. When you get to Ravenna, show the citizens, how a Roman in France, can be successful. They will after all become French citizens”, responds back Napoleon.
“I will. By the way, are you promoting a new General, after that f-ed up ish, that happened to De Gaulle?”
“I think you and Richelieu can handle things, for now. But why do you say, De Gaulle died in a f-ed up way? He died saving my life, the popularly elected President of France. Wouldn’t you do the same, in his shoes???”
“Well yeah!, you know me”, says Charlemagne, as in his mind he thinks ‘F*CK NO!!!’
“Glad to hear it”, answers back Napoleon, thinking to himself, ‘lying beeyotch.’
Charlemagne sends out 3 MA companies to take the city of Ravenna. It’s a bit of a risk, sending so few troops, but Charlemagne is confident in our technological superiority. The road to Ravenna goes through Zulu territory, which have very few roads, and even less rail lines. Along the way however, we encounter Roman troops heading in our direction. (1 MusketMen) They look malnutritioned and sorely lacking, any kind of will to fight. We make quick work of their soldiers, as they scatter in all directions. The road to Ravenna is long, but not very hairy. Back in France, the Roman War is received with little attention. In fact, hardly no attention. The main battlefields are so far away, that the few people care. It is mostly referred to as, “The Forgotten War.”
Roman War - The Forgotten War
4 Cavalries
1 MusketMen
In the international front; More war but, some peace. Germans declare war on Spanish. (too far) Persians declare war on Babylon. (too far) Koreans declare war on Aztecs. (Aztecs are almost dead) Spain and America sign peace treaty. Arabia and India sign peace treaty. Babylon and Aztecs sign peace treaty.
"The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
Read the Story of La Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum
August 4, 2003, 18:46
Local Time: 20:40
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: May 2003
Location: beautiful coastal city of... Que te Importa
Posts: 255
Walking at dusk, through the gardens of Versailles, Napoleon, notices that the leaves are beginning to fall. It’s the autumn season, Napoleon’s favorite time of the year. He looks up and notices the back-light sky. It doesn’t happen often, that the sky is turned into a beautiful pinkish color. It looks like a Rembrandt painting, but something is wrong. Napoleon is usually accompanied by his grandchildren, on his sun-setting walks through the gardens. But on this beautiful dusk, he is all alone.
He hadn’t noticed before, but now he realizes that his body-guards are also, nowhere to be seen. He is completely alone. Napoleon begins to worry as he thinks “what‘s going on!” He picks up his pace, looking for anybody, anywhere, but there isn’t even a hint of another living soul. Almost out of breath he approaches, “le bassin d'Apollon”, (the central fountain) he looks in the direction of the fountain and through a branch he spots, what looks like another person there.
He gets goose-bumps on the back of his neck as a cold wind, rushes in unexpectedly. The colorful leaves fly high in the air and disperse, all around him. He thinks to himself, “who the f. is that?” The person is turned around, so Napoleon cannot make out a face. The person seems short and thin. Napoleon knows it’s not his wife, since Mrs. Bonaparte had put on some weight.
He takes closer steps and realizes it’s a female, because of the long blond hair, however, he thinks, “it could also be some hippie who broke in, trying to kill me.” Taking precaution he moves in closer, but now he realizes, that it’s just his son’s wife (a.k.a. his daughter-in-law). Relaxed and reassured he says out loud, “Hey Bernadette, what are you doing at the fountain?” The female then slowly turns around, to reveal herself.
Like a bath of ice-cold water, Napoleon begins to quiver, at the sight. His heart begins to beat, like an automatic-rifle, his intestines begin to turn every which way, and his body completely freezes. Unable to move, he thinks to himself, “it cannot be, IT CAN’T BE, IT SHOULDN’T BE!!! OH GOD, IT IS!!!”
Napoleon immediately recognized the female. It was none other than Jeanne d’Arc. She looked like, what she always looked like, an eternal 20 year old. Brushing her hair aside, she spoke in her soft, gentle voice of always;
“N‘ayez pas peur, Napoleon. Have I ever done any harm to you before?”
“n - n - n - non”, a stuttering Napoleon is able to eek out, just one word.
“Écoutez soigneusement, I have one message for you. Very soon, you will be given an opportunity, to save France, from this wretched warmongering world. Don’t waste it!”
Napoleon, now more calm and relaxed responds, “what opportunity? OŮ, QUAND?”
Jeanne d’Arc doesn’t answer his question, instead she says, “do you know what it’s like to be shot?” She then quickly pulls out a revolver, with an ancient design, similar to the one used in her assassination. She aims it at Napoleon, as he can barely believe what is happening. Napoleon’s only response is to smile, as he knows, she isn’t about to pull the trigger.
Jeanne smiles back, and suddenly “BANG”, Napoleon’s next vision is simply the exploding gunpowder and smoke, as the bullet comes in at high-velocity aimed, straight for his heart. Napoleon closes his eyes and screams, “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!”……………………...Everythin g fades to black.
But he feels nothing, nothing at all. He opens his eyes, only to see he is back in his bed, in the middle of the night, with his wife telling him, “would you shut up already, I’m trying to go to sleep.” “What the f. was that”, thinks Napoleon, as he wipes the sweat off his face. His entire body is actually moist and shivering in the cold night. His mind is racing with all kinds of thoughts, but he says to himself, “it was just a f-ing dream. Merde, it was all a simple little dream,……………….……or was it.”
"The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
Read the Story of La Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum
August 7, 2003, 02:11
Local Time: 20:40
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: May 2003
Location: beautiful coastal city of... Que te Importa
Posts: 255
The World War has no end in sight and on a hot summer day in the 4th of August, everything got a little hotter. The Chinese communist dictator, Mao, rushed in the ultimate, madness of destruction, a NUCLEAR WEAPON. Deep in the Chinese countryside, the evil empire had tested, the first such weapon of ultimate death. On this day the world shook and cried, for the possibilities of a DOOMSDAY were very much real.
Years went by and Napoleon refused to share his strange and wicked dream with anyone else. But it was always deep inside him, haunting and taunting him. But everything changed the day, several top scientists were detained, for espionage. These guys were working with the Air Force and had even helped develop our new arsenal of Cruise Missiles. The DGSE discovered, that several important documents, about our missiles, had been taken by the scientist, outside of their high-security building.
The scandal is intense, as the tabloids run stories about their private lives. The politicians in the Assemblée all want a piece of them, to further their career. All over France, the people want their heads on a platter, figuratively of course. Napoleon desperately wants to find out, to whom they were selling our technology to.
Kept in a secret location, without lawyers, members of the Noire Pluie and DGSE, both interrogate the 8 disgraced scientist. The scientist’s only defense, is “we were just working from home.” The searches in their homes, however, reveal even more plans for missiles. Missiles, which are not even part of our arsenal. Nobody has a clue about these new missile technologies, but with the advent of nuclear weapons, the stakes are raised to a feverish pitch. A worried Napoleon talks with the DGSE Director Bonnard, to increase the pressure on his organization;
“I NEED results from this investigation. The mob…..err, the people are getting restless.”
“We are doing the best we can. But so far they (the scientist) are sticking to their ridiculous story”, responds Bonnard.
“What story, tell me!”, demands Napoleon.
“Well, they say that they’ve been working by themselves, on ways to get a rocket out into space. It’s obviously B.S.”
“Ha ha, it gets even funnier”, laughingly Bonnard adds.
“Tell me, I want to hear everything.”
“Well, they say that they have dreams of sending humans into space, to the moon, even. And that someday, there wish to see French colonies in far off galaxies. Stupid ain’t it. Who would believe such lies?”
“Not me. But, umm, why do they want to go to space so bad?”, asks an intrigue Napoleon.
“Well, they say, get this. They want to save France, from this wretched warmongering world.”
“WAIT, WHAT???”, says Napoleon, as he if has been struck by lighting.
“What did you last say?”, asks Napoleon, only to confirm, what he thought he heard.
“Oh, the scientist said that, they want to save France, from this wretched warmongering world.”
It was all coming back to Napoleon. The dream, the message, his opportunity that he could not waste. These scientist are not lying, they are telling the truth. The moment had arrived for Napoleon, he needs to save those scientist, from the politics, DGSE, and the Noire Pluie. But the only way to do it is to reveal his dream to the rest of the nation.
"The Pershing Gulf War began when Satan Husane invaided Kiwi and Sandy Arabia. This was an act of premedication."
Read the Story of La Grande Nation , Sieg oder Tod and others, in the Stories Forum
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