November 30, 2000, 08:38
Local Time: 23:56
Local Date: October 30, 2010
Join Date: Mar 2000
Location: Atlantis, Bermuda
Posts: 54
I hope I can post hear my Idears for all Programmers who programm a CIV game or like that:
I have added some more idears since i posted this the first time -12.10.2000-
Sorry for my bad english, because i have now my first english lessons. But please go on reading i think there are some
intresting things.
Please make a post or send a E-Mail. If you can't understand something.
These text is to change Call to Power 2 and all Civilizations in the future.
The map:
I think the map should be change so that we haven’t settlers and building troops like all Civilization games, it would be
better like Sim City because in Sim City you must make rasters when you want that there the people can built homes, industry
buildings, and to built there fields and channels for water or wells, and areas for streets, in such areas where is no water
channels there you can built colonies, and you must make current in areas, and places where the garbage comes, and boundary
base, military bases, castles......, all these thinks must be indicated in per cent in every area on the map. In such areas
where many people life, these areas you can make from colonies in to markets in to villages and then in to cities or more
steps. Or when you dont do the managment in per cent, only like the old way then it should be so that when a city or colony ect. has one field then for example the City Wall should cost one production points, but when you have two city fields it, than it should cost two production poinst, and so on,...... You only need building troops when you built military bases, castles, boundary bases, radar stations, ship defends,
air defends..... Buildings for the people like, air ports, police offices, banks, hospitals......, all these can built every
where in all areas on the map I think about area widows and ever city has an boundary line and for this are you have a window
to look after your city. The map areas without any modernisation should be indicated in per cent too how many woods are in this area and how many fields ..... All areas make minus or a plus in progressive movement they set in miles per hour or kilometres per hour like that in wild one soldiers get a minus because there is no water but tanks and other machines are faster because they have enough petrol and the land is free there are no Prevent-eats. The population is made out of the
gelled how many people can live on the gelled and how many food are here and how rich are the because when the people have
not much money they must have children to have people how help them when they are old. The players should can make protected
areals so, should can make things like UN or EU and so on....
The military:
All units must be indicated in solders and every land must have a number of solders but these solders haven’t any thinks and
haven’t learned no special fight types. Then when you want to make solders for example with spears then you must indicated
how many people you want to have for this job then you must pay for them, pay for the learning how to use the spear and you
must pay for the construction of the material ( you can construct new units when you give them the materials and the learn
materials because you add only new weapons to the units).When you pay not so much then they loos more peoples and loos speed
in such areas in jungle in wild one.... and they often loos in the war. You should make a in the warwindow a strategy window
and there are some strategy maybe the player can construct strategy and can save them and use them. In the solder widow when
they are in war then they should can built contactors ditches. An ideer: maybe you can make Terrorist defens troops or
spezail troops for kill the president of other civilizations.....
The time:
You schould make the time in little steps first 50 years after, 25 year, 20 years, 15 years, 10 years, 5 years when you have
indusrtie, 2 years when you have measured production, 6 month when you have computers, 3 month with Interntn,......
The money:
The players should can make in every area of your land and other lands advertisement for this advertisement you must pay some
money in the area where do you want to do it so your land and the industry of your land gets more money because more people
know about your industrie. When you pay more for your industrie you productions would get be better so more people buy it and
that can make every land. When you have many protected areas you get many or more tourists and so you get money from other
lands or you get from your land money.
The science:
More sciences.
When you are the first country with a new science than you should get better diplomatics (because the other govern ments want to get the science or they will be scared when you have better wapons than you, but not when you have for example only one solger and he has 10 or more solgers)
When you have invented a science than you should get a regulary status but when you have the science for 100 years the
science should learn better technike of making for example arrows or other things because all your scientist and the
scientisc of the economy (i mean these scientist who search for new products for Corporations)and so all should get with the
time better -but you should could invent these allready better science too ,but you could search after other things too and
in the meentime your old sciences get better alone ,but not so fast-.
The government:
First you should choose wich government do you want, then you have a list what you want in your land for example: I want a king and parlament and many equal rights.... And no absolutly control of the peoples......
And when you have a new science like the industrial revulution then you should have more unhappy people until you given to your government settings trade unions.
When your unhappines in a citty is near at the revultion then some times there should be destroit buildings by terrorist and the criminal rate should get higher with each unhappy guy.
The religion: You shoud can choos a religion for example: When 86% of your poulation are buddhism and 14% katholic and your neighbor country is 100% katholic than would grow your percentage of your katholic people (however depends on it neighbour the country is as powerful, and whether in your country censorship or the Kummunismmus prevails.
The Wonders:
Every country should can build in every city every Wonder, but than the broduction cost for every wonder should be a great number
The food:
The food system should be like in Master of Orion 2 all food what is produced in the country should given to every guy, i mean when a city produce 1 food but it needs 2 and a nother city produce 2 but needs only 1 than the second city should offer with caravans the first city their food, and you should be able to bye some food from other countrys.
The diplomatics:
When you captaired a howle land (for example the rome) then the romes's shuled be still written in your diplomatic option and in this option you should see how do they like you and when their happynes is as bad as they want war, all your citys were are rome people are living, make a revulution, but not these cities where you have spezial buildings, or buildings who make more happynes, or when you have units in there( but you need for example when you have a city of scieze 5 then you need 1 unit to controle the city, but the produktion is still bad). But when you have only angry people in the rome cities, not people who want war, then the production off each output (gold, industrial production , science, ect.) shued be worst. But maybe this all only then happen when you ,or the captured country have allready got the science "Nationalism".
In a captured city for example from the rome empire, the people in the city should be as happy as the people in the rome empire about you, and when you are in war with the main land then the cities of the rome empire wich you have captiored should make a revultuion but not when buildings in the city make the happynes better, or when you have other spezial buildings, or when you have units in this cities (because they kill the revultionary people, but you need for example when you have a city of scieze 5 then you need 1 unit to controle the city but the produktion is still bad).
Please contact me only over E-Mail.(
Please make a post or send a E-Mail when you can't understand something.
Keep Smile and keep cleare in your head.
Everyone is its fate - and its environment - blacksmith
December 2, 2000, 23:25
Local Time: 22:56
Local Date: October 30, 2010
Join Date: Jun 2000
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 1,597
Can I just put in a note of a work in progress: "My first OCC game". The outline is basically
Old civer takes a stab in the dark based on hazy ideas of the SSC
Finds out after 20 turns he's miles behind the worst recorded result in the comparison log
Learns the sad truth that to venture forth in OCC without the trusted Paulicy is tentamount to suicide.
December 8, 2000, 23:18
Local Time: 17:56
Local Date: October 30, 2010
Join Date: Jun 2000
Location: Massachusetts
Posts: 771
March 24, 2001, 01:09
Local Time: 15:56
Local Date: October 30, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2000
Location: My head stuck permanently in my civ
Posts: 1,703
I had thought to tell the story of the Forever War, if I ever finished the game.
But AOL deleted my hard drives and now my saved games are GONE!!
so stay tuned for The Forever War, appearing here soon.
soon as I get a word processor working...
April 2, 2001, 00:37
Local Time: 15:56
Local Date: October 30, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2000
Location: My head stuck permanently in my civ
Posts: 1,703
The Forever War
This game was Played at Warlord Level
It was Back in the mists of time that Horus rose to power among the Egyptians and commanded that our city be built - Heliopolis, the City Of The Sun.
Almost from it's founding, heliopolis was ranked as the greatest city in the world. The Collossus of Rah and Other Wondrous monuments were built to the glory of our cityWe sponsored great Scientists such as Copernicus, Darwin, and Newton, and we reaped the benefits of their knowledge. The great poet Shakespeare made our city content, and we Built the United Nations to sponsor peace in the world.
In 1950, Heliopolis pioneered space travel with the Apollo Program, and the view from space showed us the entire world. The Romans were the great superpower,while the Americans, Japanese, and Vikings held large areas. The Indians and - I think - the French were nations of few cities being pushed against the arctic by the Roman and American empires.
All this concerned us little.we refused to get involved in their wars, and we set ourselves to the task of sending the sons and daughters of Heliopolis to colonize another world!
In 2010, our glorious spaceship was launched, and we looked at our own world again. The Indians had fallen to the rapacious Americans, and the French were about to fall, but no nations had colonized in our part of the continent. For the First time, we sent engineers to found new cities and fill the land.
By 2050, there were 8 Egyptian cities, and we had run out of room. Our great treasury saw that our cities were built to greatness quickly, and our spies went forth to buy the alliegance of engineers who worked to transform our lands without support. Our treasury grew continuously, and we bought 2 of the Roman cities on our southwestern Border.
The Romans then inexplicably chaned to a democracy, and their cities and engineers would no longer be bought. Not to be deterred, we turned our buying efforts to the Vikings to our north.
The Vikings made many threatening moves, but would not declare war on us, which was just as well, since the Romans began soon to conquer them.
As the Vikings slowly fell before the Roman onslaught, we grabbed cities as fast as our budget would allow. Viking cities turned Egyptian in a line along the coast and put us in direct contact with the Japanese, who minded their own business and refused to war with anyone.
About 2100, the Romans slowed their advance on the Vikings because of a sudden war with the Americans. Suddenly, in 2118, the Americans took Rome, and the mighty empire went into civil war. The Roman cities near us became Carthaginian, who were a communism, not a democracy. Since their formerly Roman cities had been taking up the remainder of my subcontinent, Carthagian cities were soon bought for the Egyptians. Within 30 years. Egyptian treasury and Roman army had exterminated the Carthaginians.
in 2182, The American Army again took the Roman capital, and Civil war shhok the once mighty empire AGAIN. I think the rebels were the Incas, but I'm not sure and it doesn't matter much, since the Americans conquered both the last of the Romans and their rebels within 20 years. The Americans moved their capital to Rome and the finished off the Vikings, who had held out with a single city during the Roman Succession Wars. The world then held the mighty Americans covering half the world, with the Japanese and Egyptians covering the other half.
So began the 2200's
I immediately began shopping for Japanese cities and engineers (the Americans were an unbribable democracy), but found they were hideously expensive. To incite their cities would cost 20,000, and would cause my government to fall, which I didn't like. Bribing them for twice that was out of the question. How could I get the prices down? As a stopgap measure, my spies found undeveloped spots in Japanese lands and smuggled our engineers in to found cities there.
At this time, We discovered the magic of airbases, and my squadrons of NONE settlers transforming my landset to covering the land. having trouble seeing through farmland, we also detailed a few military units to pillaging everything except airbases and mining. The mark of Egyptian land became vast swaths of green with yellow 'A's covering it.
I suggested to the Americans that they declare war on the Japanese. they agreed for the price of 5,000 gold, which ws no problem to my treasury. Soon, the Japanese treasury was going down, and the city price became managable. Unfortunately, they made peace within 15 years. I spoke to the Americans again, and this time they only asked for 50 gold to cover expenses! I guess they liked the war business.
So I bought Japanese cities and engineers, and occaisionally talked the Americans into redeclaring war. I only had one setback when the Japanese detected my treachery and declared war on ME! at the same time, the scandal caused my government to fall. But we managed to survive that fiasco.
about 2400, the war started going badly for the Japanese, and the price of their cities fell dramatically. I went on a buying spree, buying sometimes 3 or 4 cities per turn. By 2430, the Japanese had been pushed back to the single city on their starting island, and I left them there.
Then I turned my eyes to the American lands. Their democracy was immune to my bribes,and the Japanes refused to go to war with them, stating they had "no contact with the Americans"!?! After some 10 years of considering I decided on invasion.
My goal was the city of Atlanta, which held the Statue of Oedo. Once I had that, I could go fundamentalist at will, and roll over the Americans with my war machine. With 2 carriers full of stealth bombers, and 2 transports filled with Mech inf., Howitzers, and a couple spies, I made my assault on Chicago, stepping stone to interior Atlanta. The Bombers reduced the defenses, and My troops landed in the city, ready to take atlanta the next turn.
BOOM! an American nuke fell on Cicago, wiping out the invasion force andmost of the support ships. As the cities that supported those troops celebrated, I gave up on invasion for the time being.
As I puzzled over how to deal with the Americans, My salvation came. The Americans turned fundamentaist and sneak attacked. for a turn at least, they were vulnerable to my spies!I had already chosen my target, should I get the chance. The city of Cumae held Michelangelo's Chapel, Bach's Cathedral, and the Cure For AH. I didn't think the Americans could effectively function as a democracy without it. My Spies went forth, buying the blocking units at chokepoints, and bought the city of Cumae in 2480. The Americans launched a massive counterattack on Cumae, but it held. Just barely, but it held by virtue of masses of reinforcements airlifted and smuggled by spies. for 6 years it held under assault, then the Americans offered peace and returned to democracy (with a 40% luxury rate)
The Americans switched governments and attacked a few times after that, but they became reluctant. Since every time they did, I would buy a couple more of their cities. A stalemate ensued which continued for years, until I decided to do something about it. If I could trigger a civil war, maybe one of the factions would give up democracy. I declared anarchy for a single turn (the correct turn), and took the American capital at Rome. It Didn't Work. For the next 10 years, I not only took, but destroyed the capitals at Ravenna, Bombay, Lutecia, and Holmgard. The SETI Program and Empress' Suffrage became lost then, too. The expected civil war never happened. My reputation was now atrocious, and I was tired of this fruitless campaign.
I tried talking to the Americans, but my wiping out several of their cities seemed to irritate them. They refused to talk to me, a condition that lasted the next 40 years. I discouraged their continued agression with a blitz of spies. 8 cities comissioned a spy each turn, and several American border cities lost their improvements and went into disorder.
Finally, in 2500, The Americans offered peace (thanks, UN) and we settled back to take stock. I reaized that I didn't need to invade, because I could encroach on their cities and take their production during peacetime. And during war, my huge spy corpscould make their cities masses of starving rioters.
The Americans took a dim view of my peacetime efforts and in 2520, they sneak attacked, remaining a democracy this time. In fact, in the 30 or 40 times they sneak attacked during the next 300 years, they never again changed from democracy and their government never collapsed. Wish I could do that.
Whenever they sneak attacked, several American cities lost their improvements and went into disorder, which they tried hard to repair in peacetime. After a while, I got tired of all those units pestering my cities and started poisoning them also, watching the huge army support evaporate.
In 2700 or thereabouts, my 3 greatest cities began a mutual trading program which promised to shoot their populations skyward with huge food caravans.
Also in 2700, I tired of this war never getting anywhere and set a single city to building howitzers. Those pathetic size 1 American cities were wiped from the map, and new Egyptian cities sprang up to take their place. Oddly, the naming had started over with Thebes and Memphis for some reason..
By 2800, the Egyptians held the greater half of the World, and The Americans never let eace last more than a turn, if that.
In 2830, the American cities between my main borders and Cumae were in disorder, ready to be knocked out and my lands connected with Cumae. Hieraconpolis had reached apopulation of 95 (about 42 million), future tech 87 had been discovered, and I was certain that it was only a matter of time befor the entire world was under my sway.
Then AOL deleted my hard drive, making the forever war a memory (sigh)
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