May 17, 2003, 20:01
Local Time: 01:42
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Posts: 33
It seems that you have register today just to post your article.
So, let me guess:
you are an older member, and you created a news accompte just to publish this insanity.
What does it mean ?
You not enough brave to keep your usual nickname.
Why ?
Your article is not enough honourable for your usual nick?
Yeah ok. So why do you post it ?
Better would have been to say nothing.. panag
And the us flag you use say very much about your sad reality: another mask to give a justification isn't it ?
Good night
May 17, 2003, 20:03
Local Time: 02:42
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Hey TOUGHUSAGUY, you want to go to Off Topic and post this "only western countries count" crap as a thread?
I'd love to debate it with you, but there's a time (more important, a PLACE) for everything.
Or haven't you got the balls?
Some cry `Allah O Akbar` in the street. And some carry Allah in their heart.
"The CIA does nothing, says nothing, allows nothing, unless its own interests are served. They are the biggest assembly of liars and theives this country ever put under one roof and they are an abomination" Deputy COS (Intel) US Army 1981-84
May 17, 2003, 20:24
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Jobuck, there's a few people at 'poly that we call TROLLS. They say things to try to make people angry enough to respond. Just ignore them, they only want an argument, and to take the thread away from its topic. Welcome to 'poly
If you must respond, just type "TROLL" and press send message. That always is good
May 17, 2003, 20:33
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Jobuck the way you post seems very familiar to the idiot who kept reregistering and posting ridiculous pictures all over the place just recently, only now you have dropped the pictures.
I might be wrong but your choice of language seems very similar and you seem to me to be wanting to attract agravation.
I see that you have a low post count with this login and you already have a good knowledge of underhanded poly tactics by your suggestion that panag has aqquired a new login just to take a pop at you. By this I see no way that you yourself are so new to poly and would point out to you that TOUGHUSAGUY could be and IMO most likely is your own DL.
Like panag says if you dont like the game then get something new and quit coming here whining, furthermore stop trying to incite your own flame war and trying to conceal the fact that you started and engineered it for your own ends and amusement. Again I could be wrong but I dont care and I dont hide behind DL's !!.
If I am right I hope your account gets blocked but I suppose you will just open yet another one and off we will all go again until you get sniffed out.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
May 17, 2003, 21:54
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the admins could just chek the ips...presuming hes on a static ip (broadband, etc)
cant believe people take toughusaguy seriously, lol
hes clearly taking the piss out of someone for some reason and unfortunately without any actual humour
i dont think jobuck is an alias tho chris
May 17, 2003, 22:02
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Jobuck seems to be a French-speaking Swiss, and makes English mistakes only French-speakers would do, IMHO. I don't think he is a DL at all.
Toughsuaguy is an obvious one though.
"I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
"I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
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May 17, 2003, 22:07
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Originally posted by Spiffor
Jobuck seems to be a French-speaking Swiss, and makes English mistakes only French-speakers would do, IMHO. I don't think he is a DL at all.
Toughsuaguy is an obvious one though.
hi ,
well the Mods / Owners shall sort it out
have a nice day
May 17, 2003, 22:07
Local Time: 02:42
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Jo Buck seems genuine to me. Jo Buck seems willing to admit mistakes and oversights, which is not usual Troll behaviour.
Some cry `Allah O Akbar` in the street. And some carry Allah in their heart.
"The CIA does nothing, says nothing, allows nothing, unless its own interests are served. They are the biggest assembly of liars and theives this country ever put under one roof and they are an abomination" Deputy COS (Intel) US Army 1981-84
May 17, 2003, 23:21
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I wonder how his game went
Viva la Spam
May 17, 2003, 23:32
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Get back on topic... and toughguy is gone now, and he won't be coming back
Keep on Civin'
Civ V Civilization V Civ5 CivV Civilization 5 Civ 5 - Do your part!
May 18, 2003, 05:39
Local Time: 01:42
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Posts: 33
Hi guys,
Just to let you know that I had never visit this forum before my registration as jobuck, and that i have never use any other nick.
I'm also not aware on "TROLL" issue and so.
My life is quit simple and I have better to do than annoying peoples with my post or whatever you may think.
Okay. My first rts game were civ. I still have the package here, containing 2 x 5'1/2'' disks.
Two weeks ago, I went to the supermarket, and I saw civ3. I bought it, and I'm playing to it since.
While I was loosing some battles, I have look for a web site simply talking about this game. I found this one, and I have post an article just after loosing a game, because I was not very happy about some aspect, even if I realize today that I should now ensure to have mastered some important points on civ4 before posting flamming like article.
My initial disapointment can be summarized like this:
You spend time to construct your civilization. A minute after, you are involved in a war that you don't ask for, and you (me, okay) loose all what has take you hours to build. That were frustating for me, and thank's to this forum and people like spiffor, Louis XXIV and others who had help me to understand some important point that I have to say, I haven't understand.
Now, I can say, I like much more this game, and I will probably not write again words like "unfair" or "not good game".
I'm not here to justify myself, no body ask me that.
I'm a german guy, proud of my country, opinion and freedom, with some origin in switzerland.
I'm a peaceful guy, and nothing in what I have say is aggressive on my point of view. So I will certainly not regret anything about what I may have say. I just will not go out of the topic next time. Okay.
May 18, 2003, 06:11
Local Time: 01:42
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Posts: 33
I'm wondering what "poly", IMHO or DL means
May 18, 2003, 06:28
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IMHO=In My Humble Opinion
DL=Double Login
Abrreviations thread
"The only way to avoid being miserable is not to have enough leisure to wonder whether you are happy or not. "
--George Bernard Shaw
A fast word about oral contraception. I asked a girl to go to bed with me and she said "no".
--Woody Allen
May 18, 2003, 08:38
Local Time: 03:42
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Originally posted by jobuck
My initial disapointment can be summarized like this:
You spend time to construct your civilization. A minute after, you are involved in a war that you don't ask for, and you (me, okay) loose all what has take you hours to build. That were frustating for me, and thank's to this forum and people like spiffor, Louis XXIV and others who had help me to understand some important point that I have to say, I haven't understand.
Now, I can say, I like much more this game, and I will probably not write again words like "unfair" or "not good game".
Glad we could be of help
"I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
"I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
"I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis
May 18, 2003, 14:59
Local Time: 20:42
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Originally posted by Ming
Get back on topic... and toughguy is gone now, and he won't be coming back
Ming did u delete his OT thread, cause I was hoping to read all the replies later on.
Originally posted by jobuck
But you know, you can say what you want about the strategy, I don't believe my stategy (as it could be in a real life) is necessary a bad strategy.
I think that if you want win with this game, you have to understand the civ 3 strategy, and then you have some chances.
That's why, civ3 is not a good game for me !
 Every game(video game or not) requires you to learn the strategy of that particular game.  Otherwise whats the point of playing that game?
Some games have very simple rules and strategies. Others do not. I would have to say Civ III is on the complex side of the spectrum and therefore, if you arent interested in learning the aspects of the game and want to dive into to playing time right away, then I dont think its the right game for you.
I goto the arcades alot w/ my friends and theres always newbs that hangs around wit us trying to beat some of my real good friends. And they pretty much whine in the same way saying "Oh this doesnt work, but it should... the game is unfair and agst me etc." Its a basic newb mistakes. Once you get over the fact that the game isnt supposed to run the way you exactly plan cause ur opponent is trying to win the game as well, You'd be doing alot better.
May 18, 2003, 17:38
Local Time: 03:42
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Originally posted by panag
thats apolyton jobuck , .....
are you going to complain about everyones avatar that you dont like at poly , .... good luck
no "have a nice day"?
Last edited by statusperfect; May 18, 2003 at 17:55.
May 18, 2003, 18:16
Local Time: 01:42
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Posts: 33
Something not very clear:
I have a unit fighting another:
Sometime, it win against one other unit without loosing any health point, and sometime it loose all without the other loose anythink (the minute after).
Where come the ADM here ? Is there a random factor of success that have more importance than the ADM ?
May 18, 2003, 18:27
Local Time: 02:42
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Posts: 217
Here's how it goes on combat ;-
The Attack number of the attacker is added to the Defense number of the Defender.
This Total is used to work out each round of combat.
A random number is generated. If less or equal to the Attack number, the Defender will lose a health point. If more, the Attacker will lose a hit point.
The fight goes on until one side or the other is defeated (or a fast unit like a horse retreats from a slow unit like a spearman).
To me, if I win an attack with a Tank, the 2nd attack will probably not succeed (Tanks and Armies can BLITZ, that is attack as many times as they have movement poinrt).
So yes, every attack is random. But high value Attackers will USUALLY defeat low value Defenders.
Oh Jo Buck, you might like this thread on AI attitude - making friends and enemies.
Hope this helps
Some cry `Allah O Akbar` in the street. And some carry Allah in their heart.
"The CIA does nothing, says nothing, allows nothing, unless its own interests are served. They are the biggest assembly of liars and theives this country ever put under one roof and they are an abomination" Deputy COS (Intel) US Army 1981-84
May 18, 2003, 18:43
Local Time: 01:42
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Thank's cruddy-buddy
Very much to read, but we have nothing without some effort, and I want to win !!!! (one time will be enough. I can loose after that)
May 18, 2003, 19:02
Local Time: 02:42
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Posts: 217
One point I did not mention - there is an option to "SAVE RANDOM SEED". Some people save Preserve instead of Save, but it is the same thing.
With this option on, all battles will be played out with the random seed kept.
With it turned off, you can save your game and keep replaying the combat. If you lose, just reload and get a different random result.
MANY PEOPLE say this is cheating - but it can be useful to keep confidence when learning the game.
Also, as many other posters have said, start to learn on Chieftan difficulty. When you can beat that, go up to higher levels.
Some cry `Allah O Akbar` in the street. And some carry Allah in their heart.
"The CIA does nothing, says nothing, allows nothing, unless its own interests are served. They are the biggest assembly of liars and theives this country ever put under one roof and they are an abomination" Deputy COS (Intel) US Army 1981-84
May 18, 2003, 20:01
Local Time: 20:42
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Try this
That shows the chances of a unit winning
Every unit has a chance to beat another (However rare that might be)
the forumla is A/(A+D) A Warrior (1) attacking another Warrior (1) comes out to 1/2 or 50% chance. The Terrain a unit is on affects defense as well. Also, if a unit is fortified, it gets 1.5 (or is it 2?) x Defense
Viva la Spam
May 18, 2003, 20:23
Local Time: 01:42
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Posts: 33
It's still hard to accept to get 4 health point and loose againt the same unit having 3 health point.
As well as that there is no way to avoid a war when you start a game and that your territory become large.
I know, I know, I have to learn the best practice.
But I just mention that it's hard to accept.
So, I'm ready to start a new game *and this continu again and again..*
May 18, 2003, 20:52
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Hell, I was playing civ games for 10 years and I lost my first Civ3 game on Cheiftain. It takes about 4 or 5 games to get a handle on it. Don't give up !
May 18, 2003, 21:01
Local Time: 02:42
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Like Louis X1V says, the terrain the defender is in can make things very different.
Mountains are best to defend in - defense is doubled (100%). Hills are next best at (50%) and the same is given to rivers (50%).
A city with walls also gets 50%, as does a city with population 7-12. A population 13 or more city gets 100%! Pity you can't build cities on mountains....
DON'T DO THE FOLLOWING UNTIL YOU ARE HAPPY WITH THE GAME. I like Civ because if you are playing with the latest patch (1.29f), download from
You can add extra units (100s of different types) and mod ("modify") the game a lot with the editor. OK, there are limits - but it's a game you can play again and again and have a different game every time. Like I said, save this for when you start getting confident, and have lots of warriors and archers at the start to deal with the other civs.
If you are attacking a unit with the same kind of unit, wouldn't you expect to lose about half the time? Remember, in real life, the defender always gets the advantage. So having a large military is a good idea in Civ.
Also, do not confuse the barbs ("barbarians") with AI civs. They are kind of a random civ that springs up in unpopulated areas at the start of the game. As Civilisation spreads out, the barbs die out. That is why at the start, keep your military units checking out for barbs & barb camps. A barb camp, successfully attacked, gets you a gold bonus. MUCH better than waiting for the barbs to come to you.
Some cry `Allah O Akbar` in the street. And some carry Allah in their heart.
"The CIA does nothing, says nothing, allows nothing, unless its own interests are served. They are the biggest assembly of liars and theives this country ever put under one roof and they are an abomination" Deputy COS (Intel) US Army 1981-84
May 18, 2003, 21:05
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4 or 5 only ???
I have play around 40 games till now without any victory. I'm playing at the monarch level, a mistake for a beginner, but I won't abandon this level.
I start with, and I want a victory first !
The day I will win, I will only accept from my ennemies that they can manage 1 city, no more.
yek yek yek
May 18, 2003, 21:17
Local Time: 02:42
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Posts: 217
Jo Buck, one thing to remember;-
The map generator does not give the same kind of start every time.
Some starts for games are much more difficult than others - and it takes a lot of knowledge to spot a difficult start.
I wish you luck with your quest - but I think you are trying to run before you know how to walk.
Don't say we didn't warn you. Good luck!
Some cry `Allah O Akbar` in the street. And some carry Allah in their heart.
"The CIA does nothing, says nothing, allows nothing, unless its own interests are served. They are the biggest assembly of liars and theives this country ever put under one roof and they are an abomination" Deputy COS (Intel) US Army 1981-84
May 18, 2003, 21:31
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"yek yek yek"
which kind of Swiss are you, exactly?
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May 18, 2003, 21:38
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You warn me, but no way, I won't give up.
It's very frustrating already to loose, so go down to one level, I cannot.
yek yek yek is supposed to represent the cries of some unfair animal you may found in the fabulous and beautiful swiss mountain.
May 18, 2003, 21:38
Local Time: 02:42
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Posts: 217
Originally posted by bobbo008
"yek yek yek"
which kind of Swiss are you, exactly?
I have found that reading threads before posting often prevents embarrassment.
Some cry `Allah O Akbar` in the street. And some carry Allah in their heart.
"The CIA does nothing, says nothing, allows nothing, unless its own interests are served. They are the biggest assembly of liars and theives this country ever put under one roof and they are an abomination" Deputy COS (Intel) US Army 1981-84
May 18, 2003, 21:40
Local Time: 01:42
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Posts: 33
I would like also to mention that the day (or couple of hours) were I will win, I will also ask the others countries to give me the map of the world and 50 gold.
Something they seems to like to ask me very often.
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