I think discussion should be started on how we are to structure our glorious society. I know we haven't been on our new planet for very long, but we need to organise our society before the rot of capitalism takes over. Here are my proposals for a Hive society:
All ministers/commissioners/(whatever the title may be, they all mean the same thing) including the Chairman are to be elected by a majority of the People
All decisions on the running of our glorious society are to be decided on by the People - the "ministers" will run polls or topics on our forum where the People will discuss how to run our society. After a set date discussion will be over and the "minister" will take the will of the people to the chairman
The chairman, who of course has near-infinite wisdom, should have a veto over any decision put forward by the ministers.
While the People will run their own society in an open environment, we must protect ourselves from deviants who would seek to undermine and destroy the goals and ideals of the Hive; we must institute a
police state People's Democracy as quickly as possible.
We have been given a new chance, a fresh start, for humanity. We are free from the established capitalist order of Earth and must quickly designate capitalism to the past. We are all truly equals on this new planet and we must stop any attempt to change this equilibrium of power - we must institute a centrally Planned economy as soon as possible.
In the true spirit of a people's democracy I welcome everyone here to comment on and further the suggestions I have made here