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Old May 16, 2003, 22:39   #1
Alpha Centauri PBEMNationStatesACDG Planet University of TechnologyACDG3 GaiansACDG The Human HiveACDG PeaceACDG3 SpartansACDG3 MorganACDG3 Data AngelsPolyCast TeamC4DG Team Alpha CentauriansCiv4 SP Democracy GameAlpha Centauri Democracy GameACDG3 CMNsACDG The Cybernetic Consciousness
Apolyton Knight (Off-Topic Co-Moderator)
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As you may know the 1st ACDG finished a little while ago, with victory. We wanted to do something different for the 2nd DG, and so this is a PBEM DG, run on SMAX (Alien Crossfire).

As Prime Function of The Cybernetic Consciousness, I come before you to ask if any of you will shed your irrational, emotional, human nature, and join us in our enormous rationality and intelligence. We are the most active faction (most spam posts in our forum), discussing everything from in-game strategy, RP philosophy and our news broadcast (3D) to the finer points of actually playing the game.

The ACDG PBEM has 5 factions, The Cybernetic Consciousness, The Hive, The University, The Pirates and The Drones, as well as 2 AI factions, The Believers and The Data Angels, and is CMNed by Googlie. You can join any of the 5 human factions, but posting in the Sign-up Thread in the ACDG Forum and appling to join the private forum.

We have just started, and have played the first turn, so if you want to come and shape a faction, learn different playstyles, or just and debate with us, join The Cybernetic Consciousness. It is the logical choice

- Prime Function Drogue Beta-8
For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
But he would think of something

"Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker
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Old May 17, 2003, 06:14   #2
Alpha Centauri Democracy GameAlpha Centauri PBEMNationStatesACDG The Cybernetic ConsciousnessACDG3 MorganACDG Planet University of Technology
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If on the other hand you'd prefer to come and shape a faction, learn different playstyles, just debate with us, and of course get your free genetically altered humanoid personal servant (Yes, we have Catgirls!), lodge your application to study at Planet University of Technology, where we take an.....*ahem*....hands on approach with studies. It's the rational choice. And the emotional choice. And the choice that'll put you on the Apolyton team most likely to win if the others don't gang up on us or the CivGaming team doesn't win. No, really.

PUoT Engineering Faculty Motto
"Honour thy tool, and keep it rigid"
Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos
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Old May 17, 2003, 12:22   #3
Alpha Centauri PBEMNationStatesACDG Planet University of TechnologyACDG3 GaiansACDG The Human HiveACDG PeaceACDG3 SpartansACDG3 MorganACDG3 Data AngelsPolyCast TeamC4DG Team Alpha CentauriansCiv4 SP Democracy GameAlpha Centauri Democracy GameACDG3 CMNsACDG The Cybernetic Consciousness
Apolyton Knight (Off-Topic Co-Moderator)
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Originally posted by Archaic
if the others don't gang up on us
Oh no, they're figured out our plan, must contact Comrade Chairman Voltaire of course that would never happen. The Hive and the CyCon together
For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
But he would think of something

"Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker
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Old May 17, 2003, 13:04   #4
ACDG The Free Drones
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And the choice that'll put you on the Apolyton team most likely to win if the others don't gang up on us or the CivGaming team doesn't win. No, really.
The CGN team will of course win, how ridiculous to suggest otherwise. Coincidentally, our motto is fairly similar to that of the Engineering Faculty...well, it allows for the odd pop-boom, doesn't it?

Anyway, come and join us, the Free Drones. We're only small, and we need the numbers
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