Originally posted by DinoDoc
When you get back can you give us a little info on the the pre-con decks?
Unfortunately I didn't see any pre-con decks for sale at the event. And I checked the Mtgnews.com site for any spoilers, but there were none. However the Rumour Mill does have
this thread on the subject. It also warns that Wizards probably won't release the official set spoiler and pre-con decklists on May 26th when the set is released.
Anyway, I've had a really good day
There were 150 people at the event, so we played eight rounds. Started at 11am and finished at 9:45pm. Ouch! This is me at the moment
Most people were playing the best cards from three colours. On balance all my good cards were in Green and Black, and too many were double casting cost (where the card requires more than one "coloured" mana to cast), so I couldn't splash a third colour. I did have quite a few black removal spells which made it all worthwhile
Lost the first match(oppo played White-Green-Red). In the first game my oppo had Silver Knight, and Daru Lancer (both First Strike guys), which was very problematic. Then Forgotten Ancient came out which allowed him to slowly add counters to his two flying guys, which I couldn't block. And that killed me. Second game I got a much better start, and a four to one creature advantage, when he brought out Wirewood Guardian (a 6/6), closely followed by Krosan Tusker (a 6/5) and proceeded to beat me up with them

Second match I won (oppo played Red-Blue-Black). First game my oppo had a nasty combo using 2 creature enchantments: Lavamancer's Skill from Onslaught, and Pemmin's Aura from Scourge. I did draw a Cruel Revival but he never completly tapped out of blue mana, so I could never target this. Again:

Second game I won without life loss, and the third game I brought out Centaur Glade quite early and proceeded to make 3/3 Centaurs to beat him up. Yay!
Third match I lost both games thanks to my oppo getting Silent Spectre (Onslaught) very early on in both games (he played White-Black). First game I was able to destroy it, but in the second it was too little too late.
Fourth match I won easily against a much younger oppo, though I tried to be gentle about it (he played White-Green). My winning combo in the second game was Severed Legion (a 2/2 Zombie with Fear), enchanted with Clutch of Undead (which gave him +3/+3).
Round five I won again using the Severed Legion combo in both games (oppo played Red-Black).
Round six I won (oppo played Red-White), again using the Severed Legion and also Elvish Aberration pumped up with Accelerated Mutation (making him 10/11). The second game my opponent managed to cast his 6/6 Dragon: "Dragon Tyrant" (for {8}{R}{R}), so at least he lost happily.
Round seven I lost (oppo played Green-Red). We had a mirror match in the first game, him using Contested Cliffs and a couple of big beasts to control the board, and me pumping out 2 3/3 Centaurs every turn. We spent 35 minutes on that single game as I hunted desperately for some removal, but his own Centaur Glade sealed my doom.
The second game I won quite easily, and the third game I took mana screw for the first time and couldn't get past four lands until it was too late.
Round eight (oppo played White-Red) was my most enjoyable pairing. Won the second game, but lost the second against his Aven Farseer (mainly). Third game he again got the Aven Farseer out quite early and dropped Improvised Armour on it, making it a 3/6 flier. Got me down to 3 life before casting Searing Flesh for 7 damage.
Overall I think Scourge is a damn good set, and restores a nice balance to the block after the all-creature Legions (Scourge even has a few multicoloured "gold" cards). The new "Storm" ability didn't see much play, but everyone was using landcycling, and that really helped make so many decks viable.
Anybody else got stories?