October 4, 2003, 01:40
Local Time: 11:49
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Posts: 3,347
To do list
* Finish pirate negotiations
* Write pact poll
* Write trading poll
* check on ambassador exchange - Redo ambassador exchange poll
* check the foil and probe build - seems to be okay
* check the Bdrone levels
* confirm with drones on foil chassis trading
* run simulator to see which directions the mindworms might move
* Inform the rest of the Hive on the changed date on the CN build
* play the turn
* inform the university
* turn chat
* turn update
* update turn simulator
* See if zero is interested in taking any responsibilities
* Prompt for peace diplomatic messages for the period between 17th September to the 5th
* catch up on sleep
Last edited by Kody; October 5, 2003 at 00:46.
October 4, 2003, 01:54
Local Time: 19:49
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Location: falling, once again
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Report 2140:
Teams | Haves | Have Nots | Votes |
Univ | BioGen, IN, CE, PN, IE, IA, Mob | AP, Loyalty | 13 |
CC | BioGen, IN, CE, PN, IE, IA, AP, Mob | Loyalty | 19 |
PEACE | IN, CE, PN, IE, IA, AP, Mob | BioGen, Loyalty | 18 |
Drones' production
base 1: Former 1 turns
base 2: CP 2 turns
base 3: SC 0 turns
base 4: SC 0 turns
base 5: CP 3 turns
base 6: SC 2 turns
base 7: DP 2 turns
base 8: NN 0 turns
base 9: SC 5 turn
Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski
Grapefruit Garden
October 4, 2003, 19:31
Local Time: 11:49
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Turn 2140
We're being invaded!
October 5, 2003, 09:46
Local Time: 01:49
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YAY! Free energy credits  And the rover is in the right area already! What a stroke of luck, eh?
October 6, 2003, 05:58
Local Time: 11:49
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Preturn Turn 2141
Non-Military Units
(Vevtopia) Colony pod - cancel move west
(14,22) Former - build sensor
(14,22) Former - build sensor
(9,17) Former - build road
(9,17) Former - build road
(26,30) Former - build sensor, cancel, turn 2142 [move (26,26), build sensor, rehome Kommuniza City]
(26,30) Former - build sensor, cancel, turn 2142 [move (26,26), build sensor, rehome Kommuniza City]
(18,28) Former - move Michanapolis, rehome, build Forest (18,28)
Military Units
Turn 2142 [(New Moscow) scout - rehome New Moscow (from Rokossovkygrad, hold]
(9,19) rover - move to (9,27), mindworm hunting!
(23,29) rover - move according to where mindworms are
Central Planning - no change (next turn rush for 18 ECs)
Rehome Notes
Former- HongHu KongHu -> Michanapolis
(Turn 2142)Former- rokossovkygrad -> Kommuniza City
(Turn 2142)Former- rokossovkygrad -> Kommuniza City
(Turn 2142)scout - rokossovkygrad -> New Moscow
Last edited by Kody; October 6, 2003 at 18:59.
October 6, 2003, 08:44
Local Time: 11:49
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Location: Purpose drives life
Posts: 3,347
Important notes:
* "The Hive" rebuild
* rush build foil for drones
* speed probe for transport foil after drones send it back to us.
* golden age, network node, children's creche in rokossovkygrad, michanapolis and central planning.
* foil probe in new moscow
* new headquarters in voltariograd
* CN in 2144
October 6, 2003, 17:44
Local Time: 02:49
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Location: Technical University of Ilmenau, Germany
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The Hive - Colony pod (stockpile energy)
Kommunizma City - Colony pod (stockpile energy)
Vevtopia - Colony pod (stockpile energy)
New Moscow - Former (stockpile energy)
Utopia Base - Former (stockpile energy)
HongHu KongHu - Scout Patrol (stockpile energy)
Michanapolis - * not planned yet * (former / recycling tank?)
Googliegrad - * not planned yet * (CN? Crimson Guard? Recycling Tanks?)
Voltairograd - Former (stockpile energy)
St. Octaviansburg - Former (stockpile energy)
Jamski Clove - Colony pod (stockpile energy)
Central Planning - rushbuy Recycling Tank (28 ecs) *?*
Rokossovkygrad - *not planned yet * (Network Node? Crawler?)
Military Units
Scout (Voltairograd) - move Central Planning, rehome
Scout (Central Planning) - move Voltairograd
Kommunizma City - change worker from energy bonus to forest
Rokossovkygrad - change northern worker to energy bonus
HongHu KongHu - change forest worker to river-forest
Crawler (18,18) - move (20,14) - crawl minerals
Crawler (18,20) - move (18,18) - crawl minerals
Crawler (Vevtopia) - move (18,20) - crawl minerals
next turn we need to switch back to 50% 50%
next turn you need to move jamski crawler back to the forest it was crawling this turn
and googliegrad crawler to the forest jamski crawler was moved to
Last edited by Micha; October 6, 2003 at 17:50.
October 7, 2003, 07:38
Local Time: 11:49
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Location: Purpose drives life
Posts: 3,347
Preturn 2141
Simulator Notes
Things not completed
Need to make sure there's enough money to pay for all the facilities for the next 5 years.
Other details
* Don't use Goto. This is because it gives coordinates that can be viewed by a infiltrating faction.
Switch Energy allocation back to 50% 50%
Base1 - Vanderburg
Base2 - Static University
Non-Military Units
(Utopia Base) Colony pod - cancel move west
(Jamski Clove) Colony pod - move (22,16), build Vanderburg
(14,22) Former - build sensor
(14,22) Former - build sensor
(6,18) Former - build road
(6,18) Former - build road
(28,28) Former - build sensor, cancel, turn 2142 [move (26,26), build sensor, rehome Kommuniza City]
(28,28) Former - build sensor, cancel, turn 2142 [move (26,26), build sensor, rehome Kommuniza City]
(23,9) Former - build forest (23,9), ctrl-move north
(24,8) Former - build forest (23,9), ctrl-move north
(17,15) Former - build road (13,15)
(15,15) Former - build road (13,15)
(18,28) Former - move Michanapolis, rehome, build farm (18,28)
(Michanapolis) Former - build road (17,25)
(18,28) Former - build road (17,25)
(23,21) Former - level rocky, then build forest
(23,21) Former - level rocky, then build forest
(23,29) Former - build sensor (22,30)
(23,29) Former - build sensor (22,30)
(22,18) Former - build forest
(22,18) Former - build forest
(30,22) Former - build mine
(30,22) Former - build mine
(HongHu-KongHu) Former - build forest (15,15)
(Utopia Base) Former - build road (7,17)
(Voltairograd) Former - remove fungus (24,22)
(New Moscow) Former - build forest (23,29)
(Googliegrad) Former - build forest (23,29)
Military Units
(Voltairograd) Scout - move Central Planning, rehome
(Central Planning) Scout - move Voltairograd
(9,19) rover - move (9,27), mindworm hunting
(23,29) rover - UNKNOWN, react to mindworm movement
(The Hive) Crimson Guard - hold
(Rokossvokygrad) Crimson Guard - move to Kommuniza City, turn 2142 move "New Moscow" hold.
(Kommuniza City) scout - hold
(St Octaviansburg) scout - hold
(Jamski Clove) scout - move Vanderburg, hold
Crawler allocation
(18,18) Crawler - move (20,14), crawl 2 minerals, turn 2142 [(20,14) Crawler - move (18,18), crawl 2 minerals]
(18,20) Crawler - move (18,18), crawl 2 minerals, turn 2142 [(18,18) Crawler - move (20,14), crawl 2 minerals]
(Vevtopia) Crawler - move (18,20), crawl 7 minerals
Worker reallocation
Kommunizma City - change worker from energy bonus to forest
Rokossovkygrad - change northern worker to energy bonus
HongHu-KongHu - change forest worker to river-forest
St Octaviansburg - change river-forest to forest
Jamski Clove - change energy-bonus to river-forest
Voltariograd - change east-forest to energy-bonus
HongHu-KongHu - change nutrient-forest to river-forest
Vanderburg - change rolling-river to nutrient-forest
The Hive - Colony pod, stockpile energy
Kommunizma City - Colony pod, stockpile energy
Vevtopia - Colony pod, stockpile energy
New Moscow - Former, stockpile energy
Utopia Base - Former, stockpile energy
HongHu KongHu - Scout Patrol, stockpile energy
Voltairograd - Former, stockpile energy
St. Octaviansburg - Former, stockpile energy
Jamski Clove - Colony pod, stockpile energy
Vanderburg - Former, rush buy 8ECs, stockpile energy
Rehome Notes
Scout - Voltariograd -> Central Planning
Former - HongHu KongHu -> Michanapolis
Support reallocation notes
*Turn 2142 Scout - Rokossovkygrad -> New Moscow
*Turn 2142 Former - Jamski Clove -> Kommuniza City
*Turn 2142 Former - Rokossovkygrad -> Kommuniza City
*Turn 2142 Former - Voltariograd -> Static University
Central Planning - rush buy 28ECs
Rokossovkygrad - Network Node, rush buy 92ECs
Michanapolis - Recycling Tank
Googliegrad - Command Nexus, followed by recycling tank (or Crimson Guard?)
Central Planning - may need to rush less
Rokossovkygrad - check if there is enough minerals
Michanapolis - check enough energy for recycling tank
Googliegrad - May build Crimson Guard probe or crawler instead
The Hive - May need rush 5 ECs (depends on crawlers)
Important notes:
* "The Hive" rebuild
* rush build foil for drones
* speeder probe for transport foil after drones send it back to us.
* golden age, network node, children's creche in rokossovkygrad, michanapolis and central planning.
* foil probe in new moscow
* new headquarters in voltariograd
* CN in 2144
* Need to ensure that there will be enough ECs to rush buy the network nodes the recycling tanks, and the new headquarters. We will have to spend most of our money on rushing the facilities in the upcoming turns.
* Replanting Bases
- Replanting Vevtopia for more population
- Disbanding Jamski Clove and moving to New Jamski (This will be delayed)
- Replanting Kommuniza City and The Hive with sensors underneath.
* May be delaying Command Nexus for 2144. This is because it's a real pain building the SP at the same time as organising the two science cities, headquarter move, and base rebuilds.
* Also use the Crawler rehome effect to get double crawled minerals during the replant.
* In Central Planning and Rokossovkygrad build recycling tank and network node, grow those bases to size four and use colony pod from The Hive disbanding to increase to size 5. Set 1 librarian in Rokossvokygrad, 2 librarians in Central Planning.
* New Jamski and Michanapolis can be made into science cities as well.
Last edited by Kody; October 8, 2003 at 10:07.
October 8, 2003, 07:31
Local Time: 02:49
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Location: Technical University of Ilmenau, Germany
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Looks good.  Just one thing: It´s the 2141 update, not 2140..
October 8, 2003, 10:07
Local Time: 11:49
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Heh yeah it's meant to be 2141.
I've managed to get Rokossovkygrad pop boomed up to 7 by turn 2146.
Now I just have to figure out if I can do the same with Central Planning.
Also I still haven't fully balanced the EC budget for the next 5 years.
When the next turn comes along someone should do the infiltration of the pirates. Also they need to share the information gathered to the drones.
October 8, 2003, 16:44
Local Time: 01:49
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OK, I'll look at the Pirates when the turn comes around again, OK?
October 8, 2003, 17:02
Local Time: 19:49
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Location: falling, once again
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The turn is here now. Buster also attached it in the embassy if you can't get it downloaded it here.
Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski
Grapefruit Garden
Last edited by Snowflake; October 8, 2003 at 17:16.
October 8, 2003, 17:26
Local Time: 11:49
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Someone inform buster and also tell the chairman to tell the pirates that we've got gene splicing and will be putting it into the diplomancy window.
"want pirates to know they're going to get gene splicing"
"want buster to know our gene splicing trade was successful"
October 8, 2003, 17:34
Local Time: 11:49
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Things to do
* Go through the Bdrones and double check all that.
* Pirates infiltration make sure someone gives all that information to drones.
* balance ECs
* take care of mindworms
* information pirates and drones of gene splicing
* check that transport transfer works (I know I should have added a drone base to the simulator!)
October 9, 2003, 06:42
Local Time: 11:49
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Moves are completed, I had to replan alot of it and I only planned 2 turns ahead. I have some real work that needs to be finished tomorrow.
All the other jazz that takes me another 7 hours after doing the moves isn't done.
Eg checking infiltration, informing everyone, updating simulator, updating update thread, updating drones, talking to pirates, screenshots, turnchat, informing archaic etc etc etc.
October 9, 2003, 06:48
Local Time: 11:49
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CN build next turn is all set (cause of all the replanning), the CN build delays our base rebuilds by about 2 turns. Still iffy about alot of things, but we can recover I think.
October 9, 2003, 11:15
Local Time: 18:49
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Turn posted.
October 9, 2003, 18:50
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I was hoping someone would have the iniative to actually do more than just post the file. Linking the file in our private forum actually takes me longer than posting it in the public forum.
Anyway I'll be busy until Monday. Maybe by then someone would have realised there's a major issue that's not being done at all, or at least recongised a couple of minor ones.
October 10, 2003, 11:33
Local Time: 18:49
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HongHu might want to start a thread called Covert Operations report - or something like that - for her infiltration reports.
and HH, you might already be doing this, but note that you can pick up useful information re the other factions thru the Pirates knowledge of them
Open the commlinks box, and e.g. right click on the Archaic, then "faction profile"
That brings up your own basic info on the PUT
Now click on the PEACE icon underneath, and your info base is slightly expanded
Same with the CyCon
(also, from these screens, the asterisked techs listed are techs that you do not yet have - quite useful in the later game when you are looking for trade opportunities)
October 10, 2003, 12:50
Local Time: 19:49
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Thanks for the tip GooglieGod!
Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski
Grapefruit Garden
October 10, 2003, 17:54
Local Time: 11:49
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Googlie knows how to spy better than I do.
October 10, 2003, 18:04
Local Time: 01:49
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OK, I'm looking forward to seeing what HH can come up with now Googlie's shown her the evil tricks of the spying game
October 10, 2003, 18:22
Local Time: 18:49
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Here's the Hive own data on the PUT:
and now here's the info when the PEACE logo is clicked:
So no big deal, but better info nonetheless (energy reserves, techs researcxhed )with asterisks on those that you don't currently have) current research and names of bases plus population per base)
Last edited by Googlie; October 10, 2003 at 18:33.
October 10, 2003, 18:25
Local Time: 01:49
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Energy Reserves, current tech, all techs learnt, and a list of bases is NOTHING?
Now we can tell if we want to probe them or not.
October 10, 2003, 18:31
Local Time: 18:49
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Well, yes, I guess it is a big deal. And you'll get the same for the Cycon as well (or for any pacted member of the PEACE, including the AI, after you have met them - currently they don't appear on your "profile" list)
October 10, 2003, 18:32
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Yah, that means the hive rebuild would cause "university base" to riot!
Darn it I delayed that rebuild at least a year.
October 10, 2003, 19:00
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But remember - just as you have that datapage on the PUT, they also have yours, as does the CyCon, virtue of your pact with PEACE
October 10, 2003, 19:04
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This I why I was against making a pact with those untrustworthy pirates. Lets make the tech deal and cancel as soon as possible, eh?
October 11, 2003, 02:03
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Well, just as long as Googlie doesn't spill that info to Uni or Cycon...
*Octavian offers up a sacrafice of xenodoughnuts to the Great GooglieGod.
October 12, 2003, 18:35
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Can someone give me a screenie and a quick who's who in the zoo.... (also what year we are in... etc.)(sorry)(thanks)
- Rokossovky
- Comrade Marshal Rokossovky
Marshal of the Revolutionary Army of the Socialist People of the Human Hive
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