Thanks and God bless, BandidoBlanco.
I have not been online due to ISP issues. Although these now appear to be resolved, NZ is facing a severe power shortage this winter and we may soon be experiencing enforced power outages. Furthermore, I will be out of the country for research from Sunday evening GMT/EST (25th May) for three weeks. Over this time I will be able to post, but not to view the save.
All this amounts to the fact that I am uncertain of being able to play for the remaining week of what I hoped Term I would stay for (Term 2 starting hopefully June 1), so I have to hope WhiteBandit is comfortable with handling all play until elections are over.
I will be here as much as I can until then to push debate and plans further. I also will be updating the reports and posting a screenshot of the world as I did for Chat #4.
Sorry guys - but I have every faith in the Vice president that he can handle the job smoothly.