Sorry, finny, but you have it wrong ...
Single player Civ2 ships in various forms, but the latest release is as has been said v2.42 the patch is available from the Apolyton Data Base. This patch fixes a great many bugs in earlier versions that make the early versions sometimes unplayable - a must have!
There are two later variants of Civ2 (SP) called Conflicts in Civilization (CiC - can't recall the version) & Fantastic Worlds (FW v2.78 IIRC) these upgrades are simply about adding fascilities for Scenario playing and building and don't materially effect the game play.
The mulitplayer variant of Civ is Multiplayer Gold In the US Multiplayer Classic Collection in most of Europe or simply Multiplayer in the UK

all of these can and should be upgraded to v1.3 again available from here make sure you get the appropriate patch for your original - I personally would then recommend getting Julius' 'No Limits' patch and upgrading to that - also from here ....
Scouse Git[1]
"Staring at your screen in horror and disbelief when you open a saved game is one of the fun things of a succession game " - Hueij
"The Great Library must be built!"
"A short cut has to be challenging,
were it not so it would be 'the way'." - Paul Craven