May 20, 2003, 19:48
Local Time: 21:01
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2001
Location: Capitol Hill, Colony of DC
Posts: 2,108
Turns: 2104 thru 2110 - Currently 2105
Rather than continue using the 2102 thread, I thought we could have one a little more aptly named (I hope that isn't too left (or is that right?)-brained for our culture  ). I picked this time period, because I originally volunteered to pilot our vessels thru 2110, by which time we may have gotten more organized (within our cultural limits, of course) and have some kind of a formal system for rotating responsibilities. I think the traditional method of choosing leaders is Cutlasses on the foredeck (with the hook hand tied behind your back) after chugging a bottle of rum. At present, and I presume also thru MY 2110, Cap'n Maki is the Base Operations Captain, whose responsibilities include Base production, terraforming and Research. As things get more complicated, we may wish to split up these responsibilities among more Cap'ns, but there isn't that much to do at the moment.
In case you don't have the starting postition, this: is a pointer to the save file just before the end of the last turn (2103). Below is my attempt to copy the link:
| |
(plus a -Question Mark- run together with this:
| |
(I'm sure there's a better way to do this, but it gave me a lot fo grief dropping various parts or abbreviating)
I think the question mark is actually something else, cause if I put this together manually from the above, it doesn't work, byt it might be enough of a clue to construct a pointer if you could copy the beginning part of the link yourself including the psuedo question mark from a link you have on your screen and then just add the second part of it to point to the correct file. I'm giving up for now so I can look at the new turn. Perhaps someone else has some other ideas - if it comes to it, we can always email the turns and/or complain to Markos.
The Plan for 2104:
The Fleet: The current proposal for the fleet is for the remaining SCP to move SW toward the presumed landmass that was its original target in conjucntion with the Glorious Flagship, which will move West to assist in recon of the area. The hope is that there will be a good colony site in the vicinity. It is possible, but hopefully unlikely, that this area is part of someone elses continent. (If so, things will get "interesting" right away, especially if we manage to plant a land colony and establish territorial rights before we encounter the residents or before their boundary reaches us.) In any event, if sufficient info is available to select and plant the colony, we will do so; if inadequate sites or info, we will forego; and if ambiguous circumstances prevail, we will pause the move and ask for help. If movement remains for the Glorious Flagship, the plan is to begin to circle around our territory on the South, and continue exploring a ring around the core bases.
The Bases: Cap'n Maki has established a production Queue in each base. Base number 2 (Margaritaville) is building a Transport first, but the general plan is:
- Scout,
- (Glorious) GunSloop,
- (Former, if CE researched), and
- Colony.
Whether the Formers and CP's are Sea or Land is to be decided. If a 3rd base is founded this turn, I plan to start it off in the same fashion, although we may wish to have another Transport instead of the Gunsloop.
Research: Cap'n Maki has indicated that Centauri Ecology will be our first target; in the unlikely event that it is not offered, I plan to select Social Psych instead.
Please sing out with your comments and critiques. The traditional method of submittal is to attach the note to the point of your dirk and throw it over to the 'bulletin board' behind the helm. Suggestions coming closest to my head (without hitting me) will be weighted highest. If your throw damages the feathers on my hat, your parrot will be tonight's entre at the Cap'n's Table.
Cuspidore BrownBeard out.
Edit: put link info to save file in clear text to see if it helps those having trouble with accessing the files.
Last edited by johndmuller; May 25, 2003 at 16:59.
May 20, 2003, 23:04
Local Time: 03:01
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Location: On a Board Walk
Posts: 11,565
Whizzzzz thud, quivvvver. Sounds fine with me.
"Four things come not back: the spoken word, the sped arrow, the past life and the neglected opportunity."
May 21, 2003, 11:36
Local Time: 20:01
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Location: Minnesota, USA
Posts: 6,454
Are we going to have fortifications for our bases or is that scout going to be for that?
I'm not conceited, conceit is a fault and I have no faults...
As always, will play after work. I wonder if I'll ever be able to turn that the other way...
May 21, 2003, 17:05
Local Time: 21:01
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Location: Capitol Hill, Colony of DC
Posts: 2,108
Turn message - 2104
Maties, we are researching Centauri Ecology, a present scheduled to be finished in 2110, but will probably be a little sooner when we get our third base up and maybe an extra baby freebooter or two. Also, the tech cost sometimes changes during the period before completing the first research project, seemingly depending on whether we or the others get an extra tech or two (since Goog's said there are no techs in pods; that means we are probably more likely to get a lower tech cost as those with only 1 initial tech (and correspondingly lower tech cost) get their early techs. For your information, the choices offered were: CentEcology, ProgenPsych, BioGenetics, IndustBase, SocialPsych and AppliedPhysics.
We haav a new scout at Tripoli and the base is now producing another gun foil (scheduled in 4 more turns). The scout is looking eagerly around at the monolith and the pod and the special resource tiles, and is especially pining for the sea, but he is not going anywhere until Margaritaville sends over its transport, at which point it will probably drop in on the pod and finish off the exploration of the base area. It looks like we would have to rush the transport next turn in order to be able to get it to Tripoli in time for the scout to return to base before the new citizen arrives and it is needed for police duty.
The base exploration project in the west was not terribly rewarding, although there is a decent site or two in view, just too far away for next turn, so we won't be able to found the next base until 2106 unless we settle for an inferior site. The landmass looks like it is part of the mainland, so there is probably another faction on it somewhere, do if we want to stake a claim on it, it would be more politically correct if we are already there before we meet the neighbors and have to justify our intrusion. I am now thinking of planting an early land colony on the presumed mainland at (40,66), a river tile with a Nut Special adjacent (shared with the proposed new sea base below), and 2 unity pods all within the base area. I would rate that mainland colony as a priority item in order to steal a march on whomever is the local landluber faction.
The leading candidate for the final Sea base seems to be at (45,67), adjacent to Treasure Islet and with 2 min specials within the base area (1 fungussed), as well as a unity pod on Treasure Islet and a Nut special on the mainland, all within the proposed base area. That would conflict with putting a land Colony at (47,65), which I was recommending last year, but you know, that was last year, and our map has grown since then. There are other possible locations in that general area for our sea base, but none of them seem as attractive; even if we lose the territorial rights to the Nut Special due to landlubbers, it will probably have already seerved us well helping us grow the sea base. The only possible location I could see that would let us establish the sea base next turn is at (44,64), which has 2 unity pods and that same Nut special and makes a bridge between two islets and the mainland, but waiting another turn puts the min specials into play and that seems worth it.
Things to think aboiut for next turn are:
1-immediate base next turn at (44,64) or the following turn at (45,67) - Cap'n BB recommends the latter;
2-whether or not to pop the pod at (40,70) - BB recommends popping as it is the preferred direction to sail anyway and the nearest base's accumulated production will still be under 10 and so can be temporarily switched to something expensive (Command Center?) in case the booty is completing its production;
3-where to go with the gun foil - BB is assuming that the current plan to circle back east under known territory is still in effect;
4- do we want to partly or fully rush the transport at M'Ville so as to be able to get to Tripoli soon enough to allow the scout to pop the pod at (54,70) and return to Trip before it is needed as a cop; cost would be 13 or 25 - BB is leaning against this, but not by a lot either way.
Longer term ponderables:
A-whether to prioritize building a land colony on the probable mainland at (40,66), presumably at Tripoli when its gun foil is finished (building it before the gun foil finished would make it be ready before our population was big enough - BB recommends this;
B-what kind of formers do we want to start building - BB recommends land formers in the short run;
C-I renamed our official leader Cap'n Hook; nothing personal w/r Cap'n Hercules, it just seemed more appropriate for a rotating Cap'nship - BB is not terribly wedded to this name so other suggestions would be welcomed, perhaps even a poll.
Since there was nothing controversal and no new base and the old ones were already programmed, I'm just going to post this version on the Demo Forum, instead of sending it off to Cap'n Maki. In case anyone has any serious issues, I will delay that post a few hours, say no earlier than 7PM Eastern (US) time (it is now about 5PM). Meanwhile I am posting the temporary save here: .
Those of you having troubles with the downloading, please look at my comments in the first post and see if that helps. Post here if you want an emailed copy.
I replaced the .sav file with the .zip one to save space (not that it should make any difference with the download. It worked for me either right or left clicking on it, so go figure.
Last edited by johndmuller; May 21, 2003 at 19:34.
May 21, 2003, 18:14
Local Time: 03:01
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Location: On a Board Walk
Posts: 11,565
Couldn't download temp sav. Please forward. yours demoted Cap'n Hercules
"Four things come not back: the spoken word, the sped arrow, the past life and the neglected opportunity."
May 21, 2003, 19:40
Local Time: 21:01
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Location: Capitol Hill, Colony of DC
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I emailed the turn to those on Cap'n Herc's email message to me that said he couldn't download the upload  .
I'll hold of submitting the turn to the Drones till about 10PM EDT to give you'all time to look at it in case you have any comments.
Maybe we should all practice using the upload service to establish what works and doesn't work. If we continue to have trouble, we should try to document it to Markos. For example, is the Mac/Not-Mac thing a consistent link?
May 21, 2003, 20:14
Local Time: 20:01
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Location: Minnesota, USA
Posts: 6,454
We haav a new scout at Tripoli and the base is now producing another gun foil (scheduled in 4 more turns). The scout is looking eagerly around at the monolith and the pod and the special resource tiles, and is especially pining for the sea, but he is not going anywhere until Margaritaville sends over its transport, at which point it will probably drop in on the pod and finish off the exploration of the base area. It looks like we would have to rush the transport next turn in order to be able to get it to Tripoli in time for the scout to return to base before the new citizen arrives and it is needed for police duty.
I'm fine with rushing it next turn.
The base exploration project in the west was not terribly rewarding, although there is a decent site or two in view, just too far away for next turn, so we won't be able to found the next base until 2106 unless we settle for an inferior site. The landmass looks like it is part of the mainland, so there is probably another faction on it somewhere, do if we want to stake a claim on it, it would be more politically correct if we are already there before we meet the neighbors and have to justify our intrusion. I am now thinking of planting an early land colony on the presumed mainland at (40,66), a river tile with a Nut Special adjacent (shared with the proposed new sea base below), and 2 unity pods all within the base area. I would rate that mainland colony as a priority item in order to steal a march on whomever is the local landluber faction.
Agree on the high priority landlubber base and the location
Good work Cap'n!
immediate base next turn at (44,64) or the following turn at (45,67) - Cap'n BB recommends the latter
Following turn  The dead space we can later fill with supply foils.
whether or not to pop the pod at (40,70) - BB recommends popping as it is the preferred direction to sail anyway and the nearest base's accumulated production will still be under 10 and so can be temporarily switched to something expensive (Command Center?) in case the booty is completing its production
/me nods...
Just be sure to switch it to a Command Center (is that all we have right now available?) prior... though will one of those types of pods really finish off something that much in need of minerals?
where to go with the gun foil - BB is assuming that the current plan to circle back east under known territory is still in effect
/me nods...
Just explore in an expanding circle around our home area.
As far as the rushing the transport... how likely is it that we'll really need that cop for the one or two turns it may be missing?
whether to prioritize building a land colony on the probable mainland at (40,66), presumably at Tripoli when its gun foil is finished (building it before the gun foil finished would make it be ready before our population was big enough - BB recommends this
I'll second it... go ahead and slip it into the build Q probably.
Short run land formers? I suppose... especially since none of the restrictions have been lifted yet... though starting a few kelp farms now in the hopes that they bloom and spread might be wise too.
And yes, the Mac/nonmac thing is probably consistent as I refuse to use another browser than Safari (made by Apple.)
I'm not conceited, conceit is a fault and I have no faults...
As always, will play after work. I wonder if I'll ever be able to turn that the other way...
May 21, 2003, 22:26
Local Time: 19:01
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Location: Too close to the sea
Posts: 1,827
The save is for SMAX with the patch, right?
Cuspidore BrownBeard Here ??? (what am I doing Here?)
It seems to be letting me edit your post for some reason. I think I hit edit by mistake (I'm a little out of it today and wasn't thinking too clearly) and for some reason it opened this edit window even though it isn't my post - It is my thread though.
Anyway, as long as I'm here, the answer to the question is "Yes", at least that is what I'm using - SMAX patch 2)
Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.
Last edited by johndmuller; May 22, 2003 at 00:18.
May 24, 2003, 00:47
Local Time: 02:01
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Under Water Base near North Pole of Chiron
Posts: 112
I missed your hate, but you may want to pull your bird down for the wall.
Can I have my nife back while your at it?
GG here - anyone can edit anyone's posts in these sub-threads
"War forced us into the seas. When we came back upon the surface, it was a ruined and desolate place. We knew that it was not long before even the most secluded spot in the seas of Earth was polluted, so we left to the the sea of stars. That is how we came to be on Chiron."
-Dameon McPherson, Leader of the Atlantians, "The Exodus"
Last edited by Googlie; May 24, 2003 at 01:48.
May 25, 2003, 18:03
Local Time: 21:01
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: Capitol Hill, Colony of DC
Posts: 2,108
Turn Message - 2105
Ahoy Maties, the turn went pretty much as would be expected; we got a sonar pod   (or   if you're half empty today) which shows us a possibly boot-like shape to the west (if it is connected to a larger landmass, it is a dangling peninsula a la Italy, so we may have a chance to get established there even if it is attached to someone elses contintnt. It let me put a name on the land area ((Henry) Morgan's Boot), but I don't know if that conveys any insight as to whether or not we have company attatched. In case you haven't noticed, Cap'n BrownBeard is very fond of the idea of starting a quick land colony over there; (39,67) still looks like a good place.
I emailed the turn out to Cap'n Hercules mailing list a while ago and didn't get any responses, so I am going to post it here, then close it and post it on the main thread - since you already have copies from earlier today, I won't bother sending another email; I think the only thing I did was to add the landmark name and change Tripoli's production queue to have a regular CP instead of a Sea CP.
The 3rd SCP is in position at (45,67) to found the last of the original 3 sea bases next turn.
Margaritaville is rushing its Transport - I looked into the crystal ball and decided that rushing it will allow us to send it over to Tripoli so that the Scout can hop over and pop the pod next door at (54,70) and get pack in time to be a cop when the next citizen is born (those pirate babies need tough babysitters right from their first day).
The current plan is to build a land colony pod next at Tripoli and take it over to Henry Morgan's Boot in that Transport, probably with the new Gun Foil along to protect the new colony until it can build its own unit. The Transport can then go back east to service the original two bases.
Our existing gun foil is considering popping the pod in the fungus @(44,76) and BB is in favor of that, as it will be closest to the new base assuming that base is founded before the pod is popped and so could finish production of whatever it's build is set to if we got that kind of pod.
We will digress the next turn to Cap'n Maki after making the initial moves in order that Cap'n Maki may oversee the various production changes that will occur then.
Suggestions (please make some if you have any ideas) for the new base name and production and any other things will be fed to 'Baretta' (BrownBeard's Parrot) for digestion - we'll see what she recommends.
Last edited by johndmuller; May 25, 2003 at 18:18.
May 25, 2003, 21:29
Local Time: 03:01
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Location: On a Board Walk
Posts: 11,565
I didn't comment because we had more or less agreed the course of action for that turn. Lets hope we have better fortune with those pods. Not exactly, the cloning bonus we might have expected.
Note we have a new pirate joining us. One Mr ThePlagueRat, who has spent some time in the Civ3 and Civ PTW DGs.
"Four things come not back: the spoken word, the sped arrow, the past life and the neglected opportunity."
May 27, 2003, 15:37
Local Time: 21:01
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Location: Capitol Hill, Colony of DC
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Turn Message - 2106 - Part 1
We founded the base at (45,67) - Liar's Lair - and popped the pod at (44,76) - whoopee, another sonar pod. We primed the production with a transport, but that is just holding the space for Cap'n Maki, to whom we are forwarding the turn to change or ratify that build and set the queue. When we start building facilities, we should probably leave empty queues behind facilities to avoid penalizing ourselves viz a viz the stockpile energy bug.
We anted up a dozen pieces of eight to partly rush Tripoli's gun foil so that we can temporarily change the buile so as to be able to maximize the gain should the land pod give us a free production completion.
Next turn we plan to move the gun foil over to become adjacent to the pod at (50,78) so as to have movement left after popping it on the following turn (in case it harbors an IoD).
Intermediate file sent to Cap'n Maki and Uploaded here .
Should Cap'n Maki be unavailable, I will play out the turn (possibly reconsidering the Transport build) and send it on - probably around 6PM EDT as I will be unavailable later on today/tonight, so will need to get the turn going by then.
May 27, 2003, 16:20
Local Time: 19:01
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: Palm Springs, California
Posts: 9,541
Weren't you going to move the trannie from Margaritaville to Tripoli so as to let the scout there jump on to the pod at 54:70?
And don't forget to experiment with the energy allocation sliders - ec's are not your problem - you'll be popping 100's and 200's at a time with the sloops. But you can improve your research rate.
And stockpile energy at the beginning of the Q when building a unit gives you both the minerals left over plus the ec equivalent of them - putting another unit or facility in the Q (instead of stockpile energy) just gives you the leftover minerals carryforward applied to the next item in the Q without the energy addition
(and if you have rushed to completion with the "hurry cost - ( 2 * basemins)" formula, you'll have no minerals carryforward - either with or without another unit or facility in the Q - but will still get the ec equivalent if you have stockpile energy in the Q)
May 27, 2003, 18:38
Local Time: 21:01
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Didn't hear from Cap'n Maki so ended turn as above (changed Tport bulid to scout - vacillated back wioll try to make do with 1 fort a while).
Goog, FYI, the tport is on the way.
Personally, I'm not too fond of inefficiency, so I don't get into messing with the sliders too much.
May 27, 2003, 19:14
Local Time: 19:01
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Posts: 9,541
Re: 2106 TURN - FINAL
Originally posted by johndmuller
Personally, I'm not too fond of inefficiency, so I don't get into messing with the sliders too much.
I agree when you are 50+ turns into the game, with oodles of lab points and ec's to lose, but this early, especially with the way the game engine rounds, your 7 years to next tech could become 6 (or even 5 with favorable rounding) and that's significant in these first few years
May 27, 2003, 20:22
Local Time: 03:01
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Posts: 11,565
Obviously just missed the post. Anyhow was going to echo G's thoughts on stockpile and also moving the transport to HQ. As it (the transport) is not going to reach HQ in one turn. I was going to suggest use some of the surplus move points to explore. BUt I guess the gunsloop will do that for us soon enough.
"Four things come not back: the spoken word, the sped arrow, the past life and the neglected opportunity."
May 28, 2003, 03:07
Local Time: 21:01
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Location: State of Insanity (aka Texas)
Posts: 2,242
Sorry I was away from the computer this evening!  For next turn, add sloop, 'sport & CP. I would've said a CP second, but the base won't grow fast enough - you might want bring the 'sport over from HQ to pop the pod on Treasue Islet in the meantime.
G - are you saying we should stick Stockpile in the Q between each and evey item, then to get carry over energy from everything? (if that's so, I'm gonna have to start doing that in my SP games  ) And I played with the sliders this turn - nothing faster than 7 turns ATM...maybe after the next base?
CP#2 would probably be great on the isle S of Tripoli & LL - if we put it on the peninsula by the bulk of the isle we can grab both energy spots & a nutrient! Provided the pink stuff doesn't interfere  And might I suggest Botany Bay for the boot colony?
But there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
PolyCast | Girl playing Civ + extra added babble! | Yo voté en 2008!
Last edited by Makahlua; May 28, 2003 at 03:20.
May 28, 2003, 09:38
Local Time: 19:01
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Location: Palm Springs, California
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M - when you put stockpile energy at the top of the Q, you can't add anything below it
But yes, you are correct. Only after a unit (including mindworms and probes) you get the completion minerals value, any minerals carryover (losing what you'd normally lose, ie any excess over the first row, max ten) plus you get credited the stockpile energy value for that base
Deosn't apply to faciltiies being built.
And it's in most generally accepted buglists 9as the AI doesn't do it)
May 28, 2003, 09:56
Local Time: 19:01
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Location: Palm Springs, California
Posts: 9,541
Originally posted by Makahlua
And I played with the sliders this turn - nothing faster than 7 turns ATM...maybe after the next base?
Open 2106.
currently (at 50/0/50) you get 3ec's per turn and a new tech in 7 turns
set to 30/10/60
it drops to 2 and 6
Found new seabase
it goes to 3 ec's and next tech in 5 turns
reset sliders to 50/0/50
ec's go up to 4 perturn but the next tech goes out to 6 turns
Sure, at 30/10/60 you have a - 10% labs and a -20% econ penalty, but at 50/0/50 your labpoints are 6 per turn, and energy is 4 per year
move the research allocation from 50 to 60, and even with the 10% penalty the labpoints increase to 7 per turn (90% of 60% is greater than 100% of 50%)
ec's do drop, with the 20% penalty, and a lower allocation, but rounding (up) takes some of the sting away in those early turns
And as I've said, ec's are never a problem for the Pirates as you'll get numerous podpops that will deliver up to 200 ec's at times
Plus the impact for the pirates is marginally not so great as for the other factions, as you are starting with a -1 efficiency rating anyway, so all the penalties are being applied on a smaller base number
May 28, 2003, 10:09
Local Time: 21:01
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Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: State of Insanity (aka Texas)
Posts: 2,242
 Ooops, I didn't think of playing with the -psych- slider ....
#1 best thing about demo game - learning new tricks!
But there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
PolyCast | Girl playing Civ + extra added babble! | Yo voté en 2008!
May 28, 2003, 14:01
Local Time: 21:01
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Location: Capitol Hill, Colony of DC
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It's tough to coordinate these turns given the uncertainty of when they will arrive and dealing with RL at the same time. I don't like putting out arbitrary deadlines like 'I'm gonna do x, ,y, z unless I hear otherwise by xx o'clock', but when the turn pops up on my radar, possibly after having been out there for some hours already, then . . . I have just been trying to work it into my RL schedule as smoothly as possible and and give you'all as reasonable a time as possible to send feedback. As you will no doubt discover when you have the helm, the turn always seems to arrive at inconsiderate times.
Anyway, I've been trying to allow enough time for meaningful dialog during turns, but it ain't easy. Hopefully, nobody's felt left out of the action too much; if so, please pick one:
-(a)- I'm sorry, I'll try to do better  ;
-(b)- The complaint department is right at the other end of this plank here  .
May 28, 2003, 15:16
Local Time: 21:01
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from Googlie
. . . And stockpile energy at the beginning of the Q when building a unit gives you both the minerals left over plus the ec equivalent of them - putting another unit or facility in the Q (instead of stockpile energy) just gives you the leftover minerals carryforward applied to the next item in the Q without the energy addition . . .
I'm under the impression that this is against the rules (at least it is for other PBEMs AFAIK).
Regretably, this falls under the category of '. . . Don't get me started' - this 'feature' is the one I most wish I never heard of; it's almost enough to give me a MariOne style vendetta on the Firaxis programmers.
The other side of this coin is that if the queue is Empty after a build of a Facility, the "feature" kicks in; AFAIK, this occurs in the version we are playing (SMAX v2), although possibly not in the Mac and/or Unix/Linux versions. This approach is considered Legal and consequently is effectively Mandatory because if the other people are doing it, we'd be giving them a handicap if we don't. I think I suggested somewhere a little while ago that we might have to forego the queue when we start building facilities - assuming I did that, this was what I was about.
On the assumption that the rules are as in normal PBEMs (as I know them, where you can't intentionally put a Stockpile Energy into the queue after units), the use of the queue is somewhat limited, as you want to always leave the queue Empty after Facilities. I generally don't use the queue at all in PBEMs (I keep track of my future plans for each base in a game-notes file), rather than half relying on it and having to treat those bases producing facilities differently than those producing units (and remember which bases I am currently treating specially).
Of course, if the rules for this game are different - and manually adding the Stockpile Energy after Units is Legal - it would then become Mandatory to add the Stockpile Energy after Units for the same reason as leaving it Empty after Facilities above became necessary if everyone else is presumed to be doing it.
I poked around in the main Demo thread for the rules and didn't find anything beyond the Startup Parameters in the Game Parameters thread and some procedural stuff in the FAQ thread - I thought I remembered something more pertinent, but couldn't find it.
Ordinarily, I would assume that the rules are the standard ones, but since Googs all but suggested that we apply that Stockpile-Energy-after-Units gambit, right here in our private forum, he quite possibly did the same in others' private forums too. Whether he did or not, I think that there are a number of players here who have little or no PBEM experience, so this rule (and perhaps some others as well) are not necessarily familiar to them, so maybe I will start a thread in the main Democracy forum just to make sure everyone is on the same page.
Apparently I didn't look to hard, I looked again and voila - or should I say '&^*%$@!'
from Googlie in FAQ thread
Cheats and Exploits
Allow the Stockpile Energy Bug: YES!
Allow upgrading crawlers for rush purposes: YES!
Allow retro-engineering: YES!
Allow upgrading with the Unit Workshop: YES!
Use the Googlie probe cruiser tweak: YES!
So apparently we were supposed to be using the bug; grrrrr. I guess I'll modify the build queues next time to use the exploit (i.e. put stockpile energy in the queue instead of our build list) and start a thread where we can keep track of what we think we want to do. Meanwhile, since I have issues with using this exploit, I guess I'll definitely start that thread in the main Demo forum with banning the exploit in mind (so it will be consistent with PBEM usage).
Last edited by johndmuller; May 28, 2003 at 15:49.
May 28, 2003, 15:38
Local Time: 03:01
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Very important point.
I was under the impression that 'stockpile' was acceptable after facilities build, in most games but was up for discussion in games whether a stockpile entry, after a military unit unit build, was allowed. I'm going back to check the rules. My impression was that 'Stockpile' was allowed ebvery build.
going to check
(JDM/BrownBeard here) Apparently we cross posted here on that bit - I just checked it out and found it in the FAQ thread and edited my post above.
"Four things come not back: the spoken word, the sped arrow, the past life and the neglected opportunity."
Last edited by johndmuller; May 28, 2003 at 15:47.
May 30, 2003, 19:38
Local Time: 21:01
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Turn message - 2107
OK, I put "Stockpile Energy" at the end of all the queues as it looks like my campaign to roll back the rules has not gone anywhere real fast; AFAIK, it is only strictly necessary after units, an empty queue after facilities does not need it to trigger the bug (but I don't think it hurts either, and that is easier to remember). I also created a new thread ( - Please look into that thread - with what the Cuspidore believes the 'Official Plan' to be. Since everyone can edit any post in our private forum, the idea is for us to just edit the first post in that thread as appropriate to reflect the 'Official Position' in the "Current" and "Future Build" lines if you are the Cap'n in charge of builds (currently Cap'n Maki), or if you are not the Cap'n in charge of builds, to just add a comment bulow the official position with which you disagree (I added a sample or two of that mostly for example). The Cap'n in charge of Operations (currently yours truly Cuspidore BrownBeard, should follow the plan (assuming it remains appropriate in light of whatever may develop during play of the turn) and edit the "Official" info to reflect reality like when a build is completed. One drawback to repeatedly editing the same post is that the 'last post' thing doesn't get updated, so maybe someone can "top" that thread, and we can all try to look at it despite the posting date/time (otherwise someone will have to make dummy posts just to update the date/time).
I edited the first post of the "Terraforming" thread to suggest a similar vehicle for keeping track of terraforming operations / plans. We should probably also have a similar thread indicating what our Research priorities are going to be [b](That isssue will be coming up in 2 turns, BTW). Of course, if this approach isn't agreeable to everyone, then we can 'deep six' this mechanism and someone can develop another one. I'm not terribly fond of the color scheme, but I'm using that A/C style, so my browser's window background is black and some colors are too dark to see very well against it. The time to make style changes is sooner rather than later, as the amount of editing necessary change everything just gets greater the more bases we have.
Concerning this turn, I put temporary builds into the bases, intending to replace them after pods have been popped nearest the affected bases and/or we have the Cent Ecology tech and can build Formers - please see the Build Thread for details. I also switched the production at Liar's Lair to favor nuts over mins so it will still be possible to switch builds withouit penalty in 2109, when the CE is scheduled to arrive.
The pod adjacent to Tripoli at (54,70) yielded another min special (flat, rainy, river; worth 2-2-1 undeveloped); it looks like Tripoli is going to be a heavy duty base, with 3 min specials, a nut special and a monolith. Popping the pod revealed a landmark called "The Southern Marshes" (named by Googlie presumably, the rest of the landmarks have pirate names); one supposes that there is some significance to the name.
End-turn Save here and emailed - please tell me if you are not on the distribution list, I haven't looked at the membership lately - I am just using the last list from Cap'n Hercules.
And a "Yo Ho Ho" to you'all Maties.
Last edited by johndmuller; May 30, 2003 at 21:20.
May 30, 2003, 20:14
Local Time: 19:01
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Originally posted by johndmuller
but since Googs all but suggested that we apply that Stockpile-Energy-after-Units gambit, right here in our private forum, he quite possibly did the same in others' private forums too.
No - Only one other faction wasn't using it - the other 3 were right from the beginning, so I brought it to your - and the other's - attention in order to establish a level playing field
Last edited by johndmuller; May 30, 2003 at 20:31.
May 30, 2003, 21:46
Local Time: 21:01
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Uh, Cuspidore? You should pu the note -in- the bottle before you toss it... The new xenoquila should be sipped not guzzled, ye know? ^_^
(the save was empty in the email and here)
But there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
PolyCast | Girl playing Civ + extra added babble! | Yo voté en 2008!
May 30, 2003, 22:01
Local Time: 21:01
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Location: Capitol Hill, Colony of DC
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Originally posted by Makahlua
Uh, Cuspidore? You should pu the note -in- the bottle before you toss it... The new xenoquila should be sipped not guzzled, ye know? ^_^
(the save was empty in the email and here)
Just who has been guzzling what Matie? I can download the turn from Poly (even opened it to be sure), although depending on how you access it you might get less joy. I don't know whether you are supposed to right click the link and say 'save to disk' or just left click it and wait for it to ask you - it seems that sometimes one works and sometimes the other - I'm not seeing double though.
As for the email, I don't know what happened to that, if I open it in my sent mail folder, the turn is there (I also opened and checked to see if I could play from that too - hopefully I kept everything straight enough to avoid a reload message). Perhaps the attatchment didn't go out for some reason; I'll resend it (blaming you if people are getting it twice)  .
Oops, I blamed Cap'n Hercules for the resend in my email - Sorry Cap'n  .
Last edited by johndmuller; May 30, 2003 at 22:13.
May 30, 2003, 22:08
Local Time: 21:01
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: State of Insanity (aka Texas)
Posts: 2,242
Honestly - my computer & email didn't see it  Let me try again here (BRB!)
Back - nope, tried again with both Opera and IE, I get the zip and it says it's a size grater than 0, but when I open it, no files are listed  Could be XP hates me today  If you wouldn't mind just sliding the .SAV this way -unzipped-, I'd appreciate it  (with my luck everyone else probably got it fine ..  )
But there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
PolyCast | Girl playing Civ + extra added babble! | Yo voté en 2008!
Last edited by Makahlua; May 30, 2003 at 22:13.
May 30, 2003, 22:33
Local Time: 21:01
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Location: Capitol Hill, Colony of DC
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I emailed the .sav file to you.
I have several different versions of WinZip, one on the machine I used to play the turn, version 8.0 - and perhaps a different version on the machine I use for email, although looking at it, it seems to also be version 8.0, so I guess I don't have to try to remember which machine I zipped the file on. Ah well, those machines also have other partitions with different OS's on them, maybe that's where the other versions of WinZip are. Anyway, the OS is another possibility for dysconnection - today both of those machines were running Win2K for what that's worth.
Perhaps we should lobby for allowing attachments in this forum, there seems to be less trouble accessing them than there is accessing the stuff in the upload area.
June 1, 2003, 23:41
Local Time: 21:01
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: Capitol Hill, Colony of DC
Posts: 2,108
There've been some troubles here with Poly seemingly being down and/or uncooperative on and off, for me at least, so while it is smooth sailing, I'll throw out this bottle.
I have the turn and intend to play it as suggested in the last turn message, i.e. to pop a pod or two, return the Tripoli scout to Tripoli, and send the transport on its way to Liar's Lair to assist that scout in popping the pod on Treasure Islet. If Poly is cooperating, I will post the almost-ending turn later on and post the official turn on the main forum tomorrow morning (EDT) sometime - unless of course, someone has some problems with the proposed course and pipes up about it.
If I have more problems communicating with Poly (have we thought of asking Buster for a private pirate space on CGN?), I may end up skipping some of the steps, but I will take care of it somehow, barring really bad troubles, like losing my internet connection altogether. Anyway, all that is pretty unlikely as there was a "red sky at night".
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