View Poll Results: Are YOU glad that Big Brother is looking out for YOUR best interests?
YES - Because the State, Party and Chairman know what's best for me
12 |
63.16% |
YES - because the Crimson Guards have such GREAT uniforms, and I don't like fresh air.
7 |
36.84% |
May 22, 2003, 18:37
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PRAVDA SPECIAL EDITION #4 - 23rd May 2003 - A First Glorious Millitary Victory!
Lenin's Birthday Edition of the Russian Newspaper "Pravda" which means "The Truth"
Welcome comrades to the fourth special edition ot the offical newsletter of the Human Hive. As you may have noticed, all editions of PRAVDA are pretty special, and this one's no exception! All hail to the glorious Chairman Voltaire and the members of the Peoples' advisory council!
In This Issue : - PRAVDA reports on the glorious actions of the Hive's armed forces
- Everyday Hive life revealed for the first time!
- Big brother is looking out for your best interests!
- How to cook!
- What's on where - Hive entertainment!
- Public safety announcements
- All the news you'll ever need !
Victory against the forces of evil
While exploring in the fungus, looking for some escaped dissidents trying to locate and eliminate rescue any other survivors of the Unity breakup, one of the glorious hive scout patrols discovered a strange tower growing out of the fungus - covered in the evil known only as MIND WORMS. The scout patrol was luckily armed with experimental flamethrower weapons which quickly turned the disgusting alien growth into toast. Glory to the Hive Armed Forces and their glorious Marshal! The remains were discovered to contain "Planet Pearls" of great value wich were added to the People's general communual reserves. We will continue to ensure the safety of the people of the Hive from these monstrosities at all costs. Please stay below ground for your own good. (See safety announcments below)
New police force created
As our population continues to grow, you, the people of the Hive are being asked to share your apartments with other families. This is of course just a temporary measure untill more bases can be constructed when some of you can leave for new homes. Untill then, and to maintain maximum order, a new force called the Crimson Guard. This has all been paid for by YOU the people from the communal funds (recently enlarged by the "planetpearls") at a cost of about 40 standard energy credits. This statement was recieved from Chairman Voltaire on the subject:
Comrades rejoice, for our great faction has undertaken new measures for the security of her People. The CCC has appointed loyal Party members to the positions of Commissioner of Public Safety and Commissioner of General Security.
The CCC extends its welcome to the two new Commissioners of the Hive State Security Service, Comrade Frankychan and Comrade Vev.
Comrade Frankychan due to his dedicated hard years of service to the Party, People, and State has been appointed as the new Commissioner of Public Safety. Comrade Vev, likewise due to his loyal services to the Hive, has been appointed the Commissioner of General Security.
The role of the Hive State Security Service will be to monitor the People’s Ministers and other Party members to ensure that our glorious nation is free of enemy infiltrators. This will in no way disrupt the daily working of the Hiverian administration, it is simply an extra security measure for the protection of the interests of the People and Party of the Human Hive.
With this new appointed, the CCC would also like to announce the plans for the creation of a new elite guard unit of the motherland. The new unit, dubbed the ‘Crimson Guard’ (until an official name can be determined through consultations with the Peoples’ Advisory Council), will be under the command of the Hive State Security Service as a measure to ensure that the State Security Service can perform their duties.
-Chairman Voltaire
PRAVDA is grateful as always for these insights into the democratic affairs of the CCC.
An Ordinary Hivian’s Start of a Day
It is a suns shining, mindworms singing kind of day. I wake up to the glorious revolting music of our great national anthem. “…Through tempests the sunrays of freedom have cheered us along the new path …” I look at the wall. There the face of our great new leader Comrade Chairman Voltaire with his flouting hair and flashing eyes is smiling at me. His words in the grand opening at the great Unity Square yesterday is still hanging around my ears. “… With hard work, dedication and most of all, people willing to work a common cause, we can build ourselves a bloody and tyrannical great nation …” I sit down beside the table and read Pravda. It is reported that more comrades have joined us. This is such a great and glorious nation! I take a sip of the xeno-energy drink. Immediately I feel a wave of jubilance running through me. Strangely the drink gives me a little different feeling today. I feel my scientific productiveness is surging.
What am I going to work on today? I ask myself. To the north is the rich sea land that I worked on yesterday that has generated great amount of food that our people urgently need. To the south is the new found mineral resources. There are so many things to do! I really wish that the whispered cloning pod really does exist. But I decide that I will work on the Young’s Spirit Monolith today. The potential benefits it holds for the future expansion and development of our great nation are just too great to resist. With that thought, I finished my xeno-energy drink. Once again I feel a great wave of jubilance running through me. What a way to start a new day!
Stolen from the secrect diary of Comrade HongHu
Today's Communal Kitchen Menu
Soylent crispy flakes
Hanoi-styled Steamed Xenofungus and Soylent
Green Soylent with steamed xenofungus
Baked mince (with 50% meat/30% xenofungus/ 20% classified) and potato stew
Soylent Stew
Soylent Drink
Xenofungus beer
Coming Soon!
Xenofungus stew and quiche
Intercepted communication
"Comrade, why aren't our glorious party ministers eating the Baked mince stew?"
"Haven't your heard?"
"Heard what?"
"They used recycled humans as additives"
Communal Holovision Guide
Early Morning News
Uncle Mao's Children Corner
Krakov the Communist Ant
Stalin's Storytelling
Days of our Hive
Marx's Matchmaking
Hive News Network
People's Party of Hive
Crime Scene Interrogation
Movie Feature:
Red Poet's Society
Saturday Night Hive
Dr Lenin's Comrade Procreation Guide
The Hive Needs Talented Entertainers!
By popular the Chairman's demand, the PAP is recruiting talented not necessarily acting talent actors, actress, script writers, cinematographers and director for the filming of "Days of our Hive". Auditions will be held in Communal Hall 43B.
Entertainment News
The wildly popular Marxist musicians Rage Against The Chagrin will be doing a Human Hive-wide tour, performing songs from their latest album, Grenades of Funk! Look out for their hit singles Calm Like A Planet Buster, Know Your Enema, Re-educating In The Name Of, The Ghost Of Sheng-Ji, and many more! Free to everyone, and everyone can come as long as you haven't been scheduled to work when they've been scheduled to play.
Further evidence that nerve stapling is not harmful: in the month of Gloriousproleteriatrevolution there will be an abstract art exhibition showing the work of nerve-stapled re-educants! I've seen it myself and being a coinesseur(sp?) of abstract art I must say it's like nothing I've ever seen before.
We know that occasionally for reasons unknown our youth aren't interested in politics and the glory that is socialism, so the ministry of information has commissioned a series of books to indoctrinate strimulate the interests of our youth. If you are a parent, you will check out these books when we deliver them to you: Harry Potter and the People's Glorious Proleteriat Revolution, Harry Potter and the Reeducation of the Free Marketeering Heretic, Harry Potter and the Monolith of Socialist Enlightenment, Harry Potter and the Unfortunate Dissident-Recycling Tanks Incident, Harry Potter and the Vision of Glorious Communist Utopia, Harry Potter and the Revelation of Mao.
From the Promoter of Public Morale for the Hive, the Commissioner of Public Safety, and the Commissioner of General Security.
Nerve Stapling is 100% safe and is an acceptable form of personal persuasion. 9.9 out of 10 people prefer Nerve stapling than being executed recycled although 0.1 prefers punishment sphere Please stay below ground and obey the police forces at all times for your own safety. Thankyou for your comradely cooperation in these difficult times.
In other news :- The glorious forces of The Hive’s Ministry of Peace continue their exploration of Planet. They continue to seek out contact with our brother factions so that we may
annhilate them forcibly show them the ways of the Hive make fruitful peace with them.
- The latest reports indicate that the colony pods of Miriam Godwinson were
destroyed immediately upon contact, with all survivors of the crash executed found, though, sadly, all aboard had died
- The Hive musicians and artists continue their work for the good of their fellow comrades.
- I assume Rage Against The Chagrin will be covering Bob Dylan's "Subterranian Homesick Blues" as well.
- Comrade FrankyChan appointed as my Editorial Assistant Deputy to the Peoples' Advisory Council, and as the new Commissioner of Public Safety.
- Comrade Vev appointed as the Commissioner of General Security.
Onwards Comrades - the Future of Humanity lies in Cooperation, Brotherhood and Industry - Continue to Work for the Glory of the Human Hive
Editorial Deputy to the PAC - Comrade Jamski
May 22, 2003, 18:50
Local Time: 23:10
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Posts: 4,783
The latest reports indicate that the colony pods of Miriam Godwinson were found, though, sadly, all aboard had died

if it's in PRAVDA then it must be true
May 22, 2003, 18:55
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if it's in PRAVDA then it must be true
You read it here first.
May 22, 2003, 18:55
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You can't make this stuff up.
May 22, 2003, 19:15
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Posts: 861
Using people as food additives!? That's a waste of good fuel!
Comrade Corellion, Secretary of Science and Social Engineering for the Human Hive in the Alpha Centauri Police State Game (ACPSG).
Function Corelli Omega-9, Internal Affairs Function (Terms 110, 101, 100, 011, and 010) and Advisor on Foreign Affairs (Term 001) for the Cybernetic Consciousness in the Alpha Centauri Democracy Team Game (ACDTG).
The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or one.
May 22, 2003, 19:21
Local Time: 23:10
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Posts: 4,783
00101011001000110111101101110011000000111010000100 00001110111011011110111001001110010011110010010111 00010000001101111011011100110010100100000011001000 11000010111100100100000011101000110100001100101011 01001011100100010000001100101011011100111010001101 00101110010011001010010000001100110011000010110001 10111010001101001011011110110111000100000011000010 11011100110010000100000011010010111010001110011001 00000011100000111001001100101011000110110100101101 11101110101011100110010110000100000011100000111001 00110010101100011011010010110111101110101011100110 01000000110100001111001011001000111001001101111011 00111011001010110111000100000011101110110100101101 10001101100001000000110001001100101001000000110111 10111010101110010011100110010000100100000001110100 1000100
er, ooops. did i say 100101101000011010010111011001100101? because i meant 00110011101010110111001101001011101100110010101110 01001110011011010010111010001111001
May 22, 2003, 19:24
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Location: lol ED&D is officially full PvP LOL
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We WILL crack this code - if it's not just spam that is. Its just a matter of hours now... yes it says so in PRAVDA.... we can do it yes...
May 22, 2003, 19:24
Local Time: 20:10
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Location: Missouri
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I think the corpses of the dissidents give it an excellent tangy taste.
May 22, 2003, 19:35
Local Time: 19:10
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00110101001001001111010001100100110001001111010011 00
Last edited by Googlie; May 22, 2003 at 20:59.
May 22, 2003, 20:52
Local Time: 12:10
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Now we can have fun too!
May 22, 2003, 20:57
Local Time: 19:10
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Location: Palm Springs, California
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Hey - keep the language clean here
(Miriam's Believers cover their ears)
May 22, 2003, 23:00
Local Time: 12:10
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Location: You can be me when I'm gone
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You PRAVDA guys are really funny. Why don't you ever visit AC-Fiction?
Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.
May 23, 2003, 02:32
Local Time: 03:10
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Location: Technical University of Ilmenau, Germany
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originally posted by glorious Comrade Jamski
Free to everyone, and everyone can come as long as you haven't been scheduled to work when they've been scheduled to play.
 Great! Simply great!
originally posted by Googlie, our one and only god
(Miriam's Believers cover their ears)
 Didn´t the truth tell us they were all executed on contact found death?
May 23, 2003, 03:47
Local Time: 20:10
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2002
Posts: 811
Originally posted by Mr. President
You PRAVDA guys are really funny. Why don't you ever visit AC-Fiction?
You don't pay enough. You think genius comes cheap?
Sweeten the pot.
"We are living in the future, I'll tell you how I know, I read it in the paper, Fifteen years ago" - John Prine
May 23, 2003, 08:52
Local Time: 02:10
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Location: lol ED&D is officially full PvP LOL
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Is AC fiction still alive? I'll pop by.....
But of course PRAVDA contains only fact
May 23, 2003, 08:52
Local Time: 13:10
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Location: of Melbourne, Australia
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Is AC fiction still alive? I'll pop by.....
It's in hibernation currently...
May 23, 2003, 09:58
Local Time: 02:10
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Location: Oxford or Northampton, England
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Great issue Jam
Jam: 01001001011001100010000001111001011011110111010100 10000001100011011100100110000101100011011010110010 00000110100101110100001011000010000001101111011101 01001000000111011101101001011011100010000001100001 00101110001011100010111000100000011100000111001001 10100101111010011001010010000000111010011001010111 01100110100101101100011001110111001001101001011011 1000111010
Googlie: 01010101100101101111011101010010000001101110011001 01011001010110010001100101011001000010000001100001 01101110011011110111010001101000011001010111001000 10000001100011011010000110000101110010011000110111 01000110010101110010001011100010000000100000010010 01011001100010000001110100011010000110010100100000 00110011011100100110010000100000011010010111001100 10000001100001011011100010000000110001001011000010 00000110010001100101011011000110010101110100011001 01001000000011010100100000001110100110010001101111 01101001011101000110111001101111011101110010000100 11101000100000011001010111001000101110001011100010 11100010000001001001001000000110110101100101011000 01011011100010111000101110001011100010000001110000 01101100011001010110000101110011011001010010000001 10111101101000001000000110110101101111011100110111 01000010000001100111011100100110000101100011011010 01011011110111010101110011001000000100011101101111 01100100001000000011101001100011011101010111010001 10010100111010
For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
But he would think of something
"Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker
May 23, 2003, 10:44
Local Time: 20:10
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Location: falling, once again
Posts: 8,823
Originally posted by Vev
Now we can have fun too!
How about talking some Chinese: Wo Xi Huan Pravda! Zhen Shi Yi Ge Hao Bao Zhi. Zui Xi Huan Yi Ge Hivian De Yi Tian Zhe Pian Wen Zhang.
Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski
Grapefruit Garden
May 23, 2003, 11:04
Local Time: 19:10
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Location: Palm Springs, California
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01010111100101100101011000010110100000100000001011 01001000000100100100100000011101000110100001101111 01110101011001110110100001110100001000000111011101 10010100100000011101110110010101110010011001010010 00000110111101101110001000000110010001100001011110 01011100110010000001101111011001100010000001110100 01101000011001010010000001110111011001010110010101 10101100100000001010000111010001101000011101010111 00100111001101100100011000010111100100101100001000 00011001000110010101101100011001010111010001100101 001000000011010000101001
May 23, 2003, 11:16
Local Time: 02:10
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Drogue :
01110000011100100110100101111010011001010010000001 11000001101100011001010110000101110011011001010011 1010
May 23, 2003, 13:47
Local Time: 20:10
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Location: falling, once again
Posts: 8,823
Originally posted by Jamski
Drogue :
01110000011100100110100101111010011001010010000001 11000001101100011001010110000101110011011001010011 1010
It could be so much easier if they don't make "spelling mistakes", like "ou" ...
Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski
Grapefruit Garden
May 23, 2003, 14:10
Local Time: 02:10
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Location: Oxford or Northampton, England
Posts: 8,116
Jam, that was a completely uncoded, straight translation. It was intended for you to read  Try with the other messages
For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
But he would think of something
"Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker
May 23, 2003, 14:32
Local Time: 02:10
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Location: lol ED&D is officially full PvP LOL
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What day is it today Drogue?
May 23, 2003, 14:46
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Location: Oxford or Northampton, England
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Friday. However simple date coding will not get you far
For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
But he would think of something
"Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker
May 23, 2003, 14:50
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Location: lol ED&D is officially full PvP LOL
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Just don't you move the goalposts Function Drogue  ...and WHEN (not if) we crack it.... would we let you know? Would we?
May 23, 2003, 17:04
Local Time: 04:10
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01100010010000110111101110111001000000110010001101 11101100101011100110010000001001010011000010110110 10111001101101011011010010010000001101011011011100 11011110111011100100000011000010110001001101111011 10101011101000010000001100100011000010111010001100 10100100000011000110110111101100100011001010111001 10011111100100000001110100110001101101111011011100 11001100111010101110011011001010110010000111010001 00000010000010010000001110111011010010110110001100 10000100000011001110111010101100101011100110111001 100111111
Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)
May 23, 2003, 17:40
Local Time: 21:10
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Posts: 861
10010101100101011000000001010011001010010100010010 00101001000101001100101001000101001100101001010001 00101101110100001100010000000110000000110010000111 00010000001000011100110010110010011010010010001010 01111101001000111001100101001101001101000111001101 11100101001110100000000111010100001010100001000101 11001110111111110011101110010001110010001010011010 00001100000001110011001000011011100101001100000001 11001100101101110100000000111011101111111100101101 10001000010000000010000011011000011110010011010011 00011011111011001011001001110101001001011101010101 00110101001110000100000000000111101000111010100110 00110010111110011001110011000010000101110111100110 01001111001000000001100011011110101011111111001100 00000110111100110011100111000100100100110101100100 10000010000111110011100010111000010000011010111000 11011100011101000001000011101001110101001101001001 10001110100000100001001100101010100111100110100000 10000110011010101100011100010111101010011110010011 00001000011000001100011011110101001101011101010011 00101101110101111100100010000100000000110000100000 11110000101010011110110010100010010110011010110011 01010011001011101001100001000011001101010110001110 01100100110100111100100111101100101111100101111100 11110100010000010000100010011001010011101010011000 11011100000001110011001000100001000100110111111111 100010101
Comrade Corellion, Secretary of Science and Social Engineering for the Human Hive in the Alpha Centauri Police State Game (ACPSG).
Function Corelli Omega-9, Internal Affairs Function (Terms 110, 101, 100, 011, and 010) and Advisor on Foreign Affairs (Term 001) for the Cybernetic Consciousness in the Alpha Centauri Democracy Team Game (ACDTG).
The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or one.
Last edited by Corellion; May 26, 2003 at 17:32.
May 23, 2003, 18:58
Local Time: 18:10
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Posts: 80
01000001011100000110111101101100011110010111010001 10111101101110001000000110100101110011001000000110 11100110111101110100001000000110000101110011001000 00011001110110111101101111011001000010000001100001 011100110010000001000011010001100100001100100001
01010011011001010111001001101001011011110111010101 11001101101100011110010010000001110100011010000110 11110111010101100111011010000010110000100000010100 00011100100110000101110110011001000110000100100000 01101001011100110010000001010100011100100111010101 1101000110100000100001
May 24, 2003, 00:31
Local Time: 02:10
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Location: Under Water Base near North Pole of Chiron
Posts: 112
**** cyborgs speaking in "machine code" throught their evil devices. These Parts Should Stay Outside The Body!
(Though i would prefer to have a electronic device attached to my brain then be a communist  )
I hope your nerve staple gun backfires on you! (If that happens to anyone, plz tell me. I would like to laugh at you :P)
PS: PRAVDA reminds me of jayson blair!
"War forced us into the seas. When we came back upon the surface, it was a ruined and desolate place. We knew that it was not long before even the most secluded spot in the seas of Earth was polluted, so we left to the the sea of stars. That is how we came to be on Chiron."
-Dameon McPherson, Leader of the Atlantians, "The Exodus"
May 24, 2003, 03:03
Local Time: 16:10
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Location: Back in Hawaii... (CPA Member)
Posts: 2,612
(Future) citizen Atlantain,
Please meet me in Room 101 for.....uh......"counseling" in Hiverian etiquette.
Despot-(1a) : a ruler with absolute power and authority (1b) : a person exercising power tyrannically
Beyond Alpha Centauri-Witness the glory of Sheng-ji Yang
***** Citizen of the Hive****
"...but what sane person would move from Hawaii to Indiana?" - Dis
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