J_Bytheway: Right - we'll start with ending the turn...
Zaphod: am i still here?
Zaphod: ok, you shouldnt start with a question mark neither
Locutus: ..
Locutus: hmm... test
J_Bytheway: END TURN 152
J_Bytheway: The AI turns are taking forever these days...
J_Bytheway: Fortunately the German 12-stack vanished.
Zaphod: damn, seems i messed up with the files too much last time i was playing, just got a message "index variable out of bounds"
J_Bytheway: Sounds like a DebugSlic=Yes error
Zaphod: might be
J_Bytheway: Fortified new Hop in Pilsen.
Zaphod: nope (debugslic)
J_Bytheway: Moved settler E
Zaphod: ok
J_Bytheway: Hmm... I don't know, then.
J_Bytheway: Did you say you'd changed things?
J_Bytheway: Near Graz there's a German pikeman and a Barb catapult. Which do you think we should deal with first?..
J_Bytheway: ?testing
Tamerlin entered the room.
Zaphod: yes, i was actually trying to combine apolpack,gm,cx,nw and the colonization rules from aom
J_Bytheway: Starting with a question mark doesn't seem to do anything
Tamerlin: Hi folks
J_Bytheway: Hmm... And you didn't make a new modswapper option for this?
Zaphod: and some other things, before rl events forced me to stop spending time there
J_Bytheway: Hi Tamerlin.
J_Bytheway: If you grab the save from the turn chat thread, not much has happened yet.
Tamerlin: We are already 5... dance...
J_Bytheway: I can fill you in.
Zaphod: yes i did of course, but it seems i might have messed up with some files, the games still running, only wrong messages
J_Bytheway: Zephyr seems to say nothing, though...
Tamerlin: Sorry for the delay, have you started?
J_Bytheway: Yes, but only just
Zaphod: yup, but if you only type a question mark nothing happens, not even the question mark appears
J_Bytheway: Wrong messages are due to it being saved under the English language setup.
Tamerlin: OK, have you moved something or set something?
Zaphod: greetings comrade tamerlin
J_Bytheway: I ended the turn, and moved the settler E, so far/
J_Bytheway: If you reloadslic the messages will correct themselves.
J_Bytheway: Well, any other messages thereafter will be correct, anyway...
Zaphod: i have a barb catapult (badly damaged) a barb archer and a german pikeman there, but we should be able to deal with all of them in the same turn i guess
J_Bytheway: Everyone was being paranoid in the last turn chat and wouldn't let me attack with less than 3H/3A
Tamerlin: OK, I will wait the next save to play along then...
Zaphod: right, i forgot i had to do that anyway when opening a savegame from another machine
J_Bytheway: And I don't know how dead they are because I don't have enemy health bars on.
J_Bytheway: You can catch up, Tamerlin.
Tamerlin: Attack what John?
J_Bytheway: The barbs near Graz
Zaphod: well, except for the pikeman we cant attack any of them this turn at all, so lets just finish that guy off
J_Bytheway: I think so too.
J_Bytheway: I'll do that.
Zaphod: me too
J_Bytheway: Used the 6-stack outside of Graz. We win, no fatalities
Tamerlin: So what do I have to do to catch up John?
Tamerlin: OK...
Zaphod: he's dead jim
J_Bytheway: End the turn
J_Bytheway: Move the settler E, and do this attack
Zaphod: no hourlong discussion about sliders and entertainers? playstyle seems to have changed since my last visit
J_Bytheway: Where should we move Providence (Zaphod: he's the warrior by the South pole)? NE?
J_Bytheway: I'm trying to play faster.
Zaphod: ne
Tamerlin: My game is rather weird compared to yours, better wait for the next save and play...
J_Bytheway: We have too many units to move as it is.
J_Bytheway: OK, Tam.
J_Bytheway: Moving NE...
Tamerlin: I am finally OK, had some trouble to figure out the orders... moving what NE?
Zaphod: the lone warrior in the south
J_Bytheway: That was Providence NE. Also moved the Hop between Graz and Wien into Graz.
Tamerlin: OK
Zaphod: what about the archer between mapfipolis and colonia locuta?
J_Bytheway: He wants to head west towards the front, I think, but we might want to add some other units to go with him
J_Bytheway: We need to move something out of Mapfipolis anyway to free a space for production
Zaphod: to the front? theres a stack 7 2 fields away
J_Bytheway: Well, I guess so. But we're mostly ignoring the Germans at the moment
Tamerlin: I would send it to Maquiladad, I don't like the german army which has slipped into our territory...

Zaphod: if thats a mutual agreement it sounds ok to me
J_Bytheway: Well, they haven't attacked yet...
J_Bytheway: But they would attack a lone archer, I suspect
Tamerlin: Right, we should move an archer out of Mapfipolis...
Tamerlin: Have you asked for a cease fire again?
Zaphod: have we tried to make peace after we retook wombatoon?
J_Bytheway: Yes, several times, I had no luck (although Tamerlin did...)
J_Bytheway: I haven't asked again this chat
Tamerlin: Yes... they don't want to talk with anybody except me... we should ask again
J_Bytheway: Should we add a hop from CL too
J_Bytheway: ..?
Zaphod: thats the special relationship between germans and french i guess
Tamerlin: ... ask for a cease fire... add a Hoplite to what?
Zephyr has left the room.
J_Bytheway: Well, now we have a real MoDST here, I don't have to make the diplomatic decisions anymore, which is good
J_Bytheway: Add a hop to the 2 archers
Zephyr entered the room.
J_Bytheway: Rejected
Tamerlin: Would be a good idea to add a H
Zaphod: just looking into the old threads
J_Bytheway: And then send them all south across the mountains?
Zaphod: yup, as i thought, the people wanted peace, so ask the germans
J_Bytheway: I asked, we were rejected
Tamerlin: Rejected in my game also... yes for the H and 2A...
J_Bytheway: OK - moving another H and A to join the present A
Zaphod: we should threat to destroy nuremberg and do so if they still reject
J_Bytheway: Done
Tamerlin: Don't know if it will have any effect but we can ideed threaten them
Zaphod: i don't know neither, but i like the idea to make them now they can trust in our words, in peace as well as in war
J_Bytheway: Threatened.
J_Bytheway: Still rejecte
J_Bytheway d
J_Bytheway: ..d
Zaphod: i did mean to threaten when our army is in sight of their city
J_Bytheway: Oh well...
J_Bytheway: Sorry
J_Bytheway: Anything else this turn?
Zaphod: well, my fault, im just continuing discussions where they were a month ago
Tamerlin: Checking the cities...
Zephyr is away: eating
Tamerlin: Cities are OK, nothing more from me...
J_Bytheway: OK, ending turn...
Zaphod: ok
Tamerlin: Have we decided the next researched advance?
Zaphod: production halted in wells
Zaphod: iirc there wasnt a poll about it yet, but i gave a list in the orders about 6 weeks ago
J_Bytheway: What advance next? Shipbuilding or Masonry?
J_Bytheway: I'm guessing Masonry...
Zaphod: as shipbuilding needs more than one turn, yes
Tamerlin: We have no need for Shipbuilding, rafts are enough to go down the river...
Zaphod has left the room.
Tamerlin: Masonry...
J_Bytheway: OK, selected masonry
Tamerlin: We should then remove a H from Wels... and send it to Pilsen
J_Bytheway: That sounds good. Will do.
Tamerlin: Ok
Zaphod entered the room.
Zaphod: oops
J_Bytheway: Moved H from Wels along the road, also moved Settler through Pressburg towards H Town
Tamerlin: ... We should now attack the Catapult near Graz...
Zaphod: yup
J_Bytheway: Indeed.
J_Bytheway: Attacking...
Tamerlin: Go!
Zaphod: and we should also think about attacking that german stack in the south
J_Bytheway: Easy win
J_Bytheway: What should we do with the spare Hop in Graz?
Tamerlin: Strike!
Zaphod has left the room.
Tamerlin: Send it to Pilsen... Zaphod is playing with Locutus' shortcut...
FlyinZaphoooo___ entered the room.
J_Bytheway: I tried all the keys I could think of before the chat started - nothing closed the window.
Tamerlin: ...

FlyinZaphoooo___: the shame is i cant even remember which one it was
Tamerlin: All but one... ask Zaphod...
FlyinZaphoooo___: just noticed the window disappeared after alttabbing back from the game
J_Bytheway: Strange...
FlyinZaphoooo___: hm
J_Bytheway: Moved Hop in Graz towards Linz
Tamerlin: Done
J_Bytheway: Fortified archer in Wombatoon.
J_Bytheway: What do we do with Mapfipolis? Now we have another archer and we need to free up another space this turn or the next.
Locutus: back
J_Bytheway: Would you like a save?
FlyinZaphoooo___: wb loc
Locutus: would be nice
J_Bytheway: OK
Locutus: thx
Tamerlin: I would send back the H and turn around CL with the A
FlyinZaphoooo___: wb loc
Locutus: did anything significant happen?
FlyinZaphoooo___ has left the room.
Tamerlin: We took Berlin..
z2941 entered the room.
z2941: ok, now i know it
Tamerlin: And Zaphod is playing with your shortcut to quit the chat room
Locutus: hello, z2941
z2941: you have to type wb locutus to shut the window
Locutus: ah, it's zaph...
J_Bytheway: I'm sure you did that before by accident...
Tamerlin: How come you recognized him after just one sentence...
J_Bytheway: Because he talked about shutting the window...
Locutus: what John said :
Locutus )
Locutus: ..
Tamerlin: ...
z2941: and i wonder about the number behind my z
Locutus: plus, I noticed just before you posted that but after I said hello that zaph had left the room
z2941: i thought i would be wasted to use more letters given the time i seem to be able to stay here
Tamerlin: OK
J_Bytheway: Do we want Providence to avoid violating Indian territory (we have no non-trespassing agreement, but we do have a peace treaty)
Tamerlin: We should avoid another opponent at all cost...
Locutus: WE TOOK BERLIN??!!!

Locutus: are you messing with me?
J_Bytheway: ..

J_Bytheway: Yes, he was
z2941: lol
Locutus: thought so...
J_Bytheway: Save posted, incidentally
Locutus: k, thx
z2941: we should move along the border, not cross it
J_Bytheway: OK, moving providence N then...
Locutus: almost had me there
Tamerlin: And explore Wiener Aurstadt
z2941: neustadt
J_Bytheway: Done
Tamerlin: Neustadt, right...

J_Bytheway: The 3-stack we made last turn - S?
z2941: i really wonder who thought of that name
J_Bytheway: What does the "Wiener" bit mean?
Tamerlin: The little Wien?
J_Bytheway: That would be Wienchen, wouldn't it?..
z2941: wiener neustadt is the new part of vienna in contrast to wiener altstadt which would be the historic part of the city
z2941: its like having one city named paris, and one montmartre
J_Bytheway: I see. That is a little silly...
Tamerlin: Don't know a word of German to the exception of those learned looking at WW2 movies...

z2941: lol
Locutus: geez, those austrians are like rabbits, their citycount multiplies almost exponentially...
Locutus: the full name means so much as New Vienna.
J_Bytheway: I remember being really surprised when I watched Indiana Jones and realised I'd learnt enough German to understand the German in them...
z2941: joa geh, nu lass d'leut do schnackseln, wennsönixanners kennt
J_Bytheway: But I can hardly remember any now...
Tamerlin: ... same language as in WW2 movies... what Zaphod?
z2941: as i only know the dubbed version of indiana jones i never felt that
Locutus: even I don't understand that...
z2941: just trying to write something in austrian about their rate of reproduction
Locutus: was that Luxembourgian or something?
z2941: don't worry, i dont understand austrian neither
Tamerlin: I know how to order beer provided there is no more than five to order...
Locutus: well, you can always order 5 at a time until you meat the quorum
J_Bytheway: You can always ask for 5 beers, and then ask for 2
J_Bytheway: (Locutus said it better )
J_Bytheway: So... what about that 3-stack?
z2941: i recently saw big lebowski in the english version for the same time, and really loved the german accent of the nihilists
Locutus: yeah, that was nice
Tamerlin: Send a H to Mapfipolis (I don't like this German stack near the road) and turn around CL with the two archers... we should start gathering the armies to attack New Vienna...
Locutus: BTW, I don't think Neustadt is a suburb of Wien - I once looked it up and IIRC it's a completely different city
z2941: what about attacking the 7 stack with our stack 12 from cl and redistributing units in that area afterwards?
J_Bytheway: That could work... Anyone object to an attack?
Locutus: Activision made that mistake with Leiden en Leidschedorp for the Dutch list but the Austrian list was made by Harlan - and he actually knows what he's doing...
Tamerlin: There is another 12 units German stack in the wilds...

Locutus: not me...
z2941: you mean neustadt or wiener neustadt? there are dozens of neustadts in germany and i presume in austria as well
J_Bytheway: OK, I'll make the attack then. Wish me luck
Locutus: wiener neustadt: it's about 60 kms south of Wien
z2941: may the holy apolyton be with you
z2941: strange
J_Bytheway: We lost just 1 hop
z2941: well, maybe its something like bremerhaven and bremen
z2941: congrats general j
J_Bytheway: So we still have too many units to fit in mapfi and CL
Tamerlin: What did you attacked...
J_Bytheway: The German 7-stack sout of CL
J_Bytheway: sout->south
Locutus: (ve´ner noi´shtät) , city (1991 pop. 35,134), Lower Austria province, E Austria. It is an industrial and rail center. Manufactures include locomotives, heavy machinery, and textiles.
Locutus: Founded in 1192, Wiener Neustadt was the birthplace of Emperor Maximilian I (1459-1519). The city was severely damaged in World War II;
Tamerlin: With all the units from CL
Locutus: it has since been extensively reconstructed. The 12th-century castle of the Babenbergs, dukes of Austria, became a military academy in 1752.
J_Bytheway: Yes
Locutus: good one, John

z2941: though in my game we had no casualities
Locutus: strange how New Vienna is almost 1,000 years old...
J_Bytheway: How about we move those 10 back into CL, add a hop to the 3-stack from mapfi, and send the 4 units off to the Austrian front?
z2941: hm, that might explain it, i attacked with 12
Tamerlin: Didn't loose anything in the attack... you should send the 3 units stack to CL for the martial law
J_Bytheway: OK - will do that for this turn.
z2941: i think i need a savegame anyway
Tamerlin: We will distribute the units next turn... good idea the 2A and 2H
J_Bytheway: New archer in Wien - send it towards Graz?
J_Bytheway: If we're going to be adding a hop from mapfi next turn, we should move it now...
Tamerlin: I would rather send a H as it is the next unit produced
Tamerlin: Speaking about Wien... ok for the H from Mapfipolis
J_Bytheway: OK - sent H from Wien
J_Bytheway: ...and H from mapfi.
J_Bytheway: Anything else this turn?
z2941: not from me
Tamerlin: Add a H to Mpfipolis BQ just after the first one...
J_Bytheway: Added.
J_Bytheway: Ending turn...
Tamerlin: OK
J_Bytheway: END TURN 154
Tamerlin: Remove one entertainer in Pressburg...
J_Bytheway: H Town is rioting
J_Bytheway: an Austrian knight threatens Wien
z2941 has left the room.
Tamerlin: Sorry haven't seen that for H town, add an entertainer... we should attack it with units from Wien
guesswho entered the room.
guesswho: changing the size of the tv-cardwindow works as well
Tamerlin: One H between Graz and Linz has been killed by Barbarian Pikemen
J_Bytheway: How many H/A do we need to deal with a Knight on a hill?
J_Bytheway: I didn't get that H dead
Locutus: never a good idea to do 5 different things at once with your PC when you're using crappy chat software like this one...
guesswho: 3pairs if we dont mind heavy losses id say
Locutus: a good number...
Tamerlin: 3H and 3A would be safe IMO
J_Bytheway: OK, 3 pairs it is.
Locutus: could loose a unit there...
Tamerlin: ...
Tamerlin: Send 4A then
Tamerlin: 3H and 4A I mean
J_Bytheway: Victory. No losses
J_Bytheway: (with 3/3)
Locutus: 4A would be useless. you would need 4H, but you'd still loose 1H then. but it seems J was lucky...
Locutus: fortunate, rather
Tamerlin: In my game I can't attack this turn...
J_Bytheway: If we move the settler south there's a chance it might be attacked by a barb archer - but I think we could counter this with our 6-stack. Should I do that?
Tamerlin: yes
Tamerlin: 1H and 2A should be enough
J_Bytheway: The 6-stack can't block, but it can stand on the same square as the settler, will that do?
Tamerlin: yep
guesswho: yup
J_Bytheway: OK, done
J_Bytheway: Fortified Hop in Maquiladad
J_Bytheway: There's a German 12-stack by CL, now, so should we try to leave 12 units therein?
J_Bytheway: Or should we stick with 10, as I suggested before...
J_Bytheway: Or 11...
guesswho: 12
Tamerlin: 12
Tamerlin: We should ask for a cease fire again
Locutus: I haven't seen the reasoning for less then 12 but intuitively I'd say 12...
J_Bytheway: It will be building a hop next turn, if that makes you change your mind...
Tamerlin: 11 could be enough
Locutus: maybe we should consider peace with the Austrians? they're founding new cities a lot faster than we can conquer, so it'll be a while before that war is over...
guesswho: lets switch to ballista towers
Locutus: ah, in that case, 11
Tamerlin: We should first ask for a cease fire with the germans...
J_Bytheway: 5H/6A?
Locutus: yeah
Locutus: or were they walking straight to our city?
Tamerlin: Yes John... Wiener Neustadt is an old city... I don't think they have created many cities...
Locutus: (as apposed to wondering around, happening to end up next to our city)
guesswho: ask them for a cease fire
Tamerlin: I don't have any German stack near CL...
Locutus: Neustadt is an old city, but the already have 9 cities again,.I remember them being down to 5 or something...
J_Bytheway: That leaves 1H/2A. They're mostly wandering around, I think...
Locutus: okay, then I think removing 1 unit should be okay
J_Bytheway: Rejected.
Tamerlin: But these are small ones, we should first take Wiener Neustatdt... move them towards the Austrian front...
Tamerlin: Rejected...
Tamerlin: We could give the germans 100 gold again...
Locutus: agreed
J_Bytheway: OK, sending 1H/2A (healthy ones) westwards and fortifying the rest in CL.
Locutus: that was to taking neustadt
Tamerlin: OK
J_Bytheway: (I used the 1H/2A already in CL)
Locutus has left the room.
Locutus entered the room.
Tamerlin: Has Locutus typed "wb Locutus"?

J_Bytheway: Moved the H between Graz and Linz (Which Tam doesn't have) further towards Linz
Locutus: nope, I alt-tabbed...
guesswho: if he doesnt have a tv.crad
Tamerlin: I have a Barb Archer on the road next to Linz
J_Bytheway: Moved Providence along the border
J_Bytheway: I have no such archer.
J_Bytheway: I'll give you a save at the start of next turn.
guesswho )
Tamerlin: OK, may be is it time for a save...

guesswho )
Tamerlin: ...

J_Bytheway: Moved Hop near Wels towards H Town
J_Bytheway: Wels is full again, but no longer building units - should I just fortify the new Hop there?
Locutus: sounds good
Tamerlin: Yes
J_Bytheway: Done
J_Bytheway: Also moved the hop between Wien and Graz into Graz
J_Bytheway: And that's all the units
Tamerlin: OK
J_Bytheway: Anything else this turn?
Tamerlin: Have you added an Entertainer to H Town?
guesswho is currently away.
guesswho is back again.
J_Bytheway: Yes. Pressburg is on 75 happ, should I remove the entertainer?
Tamerlin: Yes
J_Bytheway: Done. Ending turn...
Tamerlin: I thought I gave the order at the beginning if the game???
J_Bytheway: END TURN 155