It's about time I made this public...
I am involved in many PBEMs and other competition games. In order not to mix up the saves, I make a folder in the PTWDG/Saves for each game I am playing, for example, PTWDG/Saves/AU302 where I save the files from my AU302 game.
What really
PISSES ME OFF is Civ3's nasty habit of not keeping the default name of a save game once you switch to a new folder.
Say my save game is by default "Alexander of the Greeks, 110 BC" once I change to the AU302 folder, the name of the save game switches to the first one in the directory. Why can't the game keep the default name no matter what folder you switch to? I hate having to manually type the year of the game just because of this problem.
This is especially nasty with PBEM games as you have both the saves you receive as the ones you will send and each has different naming.
Also, have you people noticed that Civ3 orders the saves wrong? If you have 90 AD, 900 AD and 100 AD saves, Windows will order them like this:
90 AD
100 AD
900 AD
however, Civ3 will order them like this:
100 AD
90 AD
900 AD
i.e. no matter how many digits the number has, Civ3 will consider the first digit first, rather than the number as a whole. That sometimes makes finding numbers a chore as you will have to scroll down a lot to find the save which in theory whould be next.
Oh, one more gripe (as if I hadn't whined enough already

) : the save game window should be wider so that even long save names show up on one line...
I hope Firaxis takes this into account. It may not sound like a big deal but it tends to get very obnoxious the more you play...