March 17, 2001, 19:14
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3 turns in I got a very bad message.The Chinese were about to complete Cope's.We didn't have Astronomy.Now we have a challenge.All hope is not lost.Our side of the world seems to be lagging behind.We still were not able to contact others.The Indians have been located but getting to them is a problem with a trireme.I bribed an explorer from Egypt.Hopefully this will help.Cept our trireme now has 3 units to deal with trying to island hop.
We are now size 12.Built Shakes,a bank,university and harbor.We need Sanitation and best get after Gravity after that I think.
Egypt just picked up Navigation Mr Successor.
500ad-Disband 1 warrior.
Set taxes to induce “we love” days
trade Egypt for Banking,which we just happen to be researching.Share maps and sign an alliance(2 tech gift).We receive 125 gold as a gift.
Share maps with Romans
520-caravan-”we love” begins
540-hut-non legion
A disturbing moment in the game.The Chinese are about to finish Cope’s.This is not good.We don’t even have Astronomy.This will be challenging
560-aquaduct-disband warrior
580-Beijing builds Cope’s.
620-Astronomy-too late
end “we love” size 12
disband warrior
sell colliseum
share maps with Egypt
700-sell temple
740-Egypt gifts Polytheism
780-build bank
bribe Egyptian explorer-127-NON
880-build university
900-barb leader 150
hut-The Wheel-We were researching it-luck turning?
980-cloth caravan
1000-Engineering-select Sanitation
[This message has been edited by Smash (edited March 17, 2001).]
March 17, 2001, 20:55
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Ribannah …
Is this what they mean by a "RIBbing"!! - You moan better than I do!
My apologies if I got some research in the wrong order. I have learnt for next time.
Now I'll have my moan!
I know you are very competitive, probably we all are to some degree on this site. Anybody who writes a quote like this is playing to win:-
"Fortunately the rival team seems to have disappeared into thin air so the shame is still over the horizon." Ribannah, 11 March
For an OCC champion to give on-line tutorials during a competitive game is a little stupid. The only people to benefit are the other side. Can you see any of them making my mistake? Email us or tell us at the end of the game. Does the Pentagon intentionally broadcast its secrets to the Kremlin during a Space Race ... ?
You are a great player, but have something to learn before you can become a George Smiley.
March 18, 2001, 01:51
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As Roman is away I have played the years allotted to him
1850 - Status - Size 27  and researching Conscription.
The next big landmark is Computers.
Talk to Chinese and exchange knowledge for:
Chivalry, Leadership, Tactics, Conscription
1851 - Build Hides Freight and aim research at Machine Tools
1852 - Hides Freight & Pollution
1853 - Hides Freight & Pollution
1854 - Machine Tools > Miniaturization - Hides freight
1855 - Hides Freight
1856 - Hides Freight & Pollution
1857 - Hides Freight & Pollution
1858 - Hides Freight & Pollution ; Transport sees Japanese dragoon land to our South East
1859 - Miniaturization > Computers - Hides Freight & Pollution; Hides to Lindholm (d) 408g. Vikings want 250 of our Gold! (wish there was a two finger smiley) - so we continue the war status.
I cannot see much point in bulding an Offshore Platform at present. We already have 54 production, enough for a Freight a turn. Do we need extra pollution and overheads right now?
1860 - Hides Freight
1861 - Hides Freight & Pollution; Japanese Dragoon appears and demands 750g Tribute. It dies attacking our Legion!
1862 - Hides freight
1863 - Computers > Mobile Warfare; Indian Engineer to our South-West demands 250g but then backs down when refused.
1864 - Research Lab Hides to Delhi 600g
1866 - Mobile Warfare > Robotics - Hides Freight and Pollution - Hides to Delhi 612g x 3 
1867 - Robotics > Nuclear Fission ; Hides Freight; Hides to Bombay 663g x 3.
Indians have built the City of Bengal to our South West.
1868 - Nuclear Fission > Nuclear Power ; Transport #2 built. Pollution.
1869 - Hides Freight
1870 - Hides Freight - Pollution
1871 - Hides Freight - Pollution - Hides to Lindholm (d) 402g
1872 - Nuclear Power > Flight (Yuk - No Laser!)  Hides Freight
1873 - Hides Freight - Pollution (Romans build Hoover Dam)
1874 - City Walls 
1875 - Hides Freight - Pollution
Game sent to Ribannah with a copy to Paul.
March 18, 2001, 02:47
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Originally posted by Scouse Gits on 03-17-2001 07:55 PM
For an OCC champion to give on-line tutorials during a competitive game is a little stupid. The only people to benefit are the other side. Can you see any of them making my mistake?
Yes, I can  .
After all, they missed Cope's just like we did  and are having a hard time, they deserve some foreign aid  .

Email us or tell us at the end of the game. Does the Pentagon intentionally broadcast its secrets to the Kremlin during a Space Race ... ?
Actually, yes, but only what they wanted them to know ....
I'll have lots more to tell after the game. And I don't WANT to be a Smiley
P.S. I'm halfway my turns now, the spaceship is under construction! 
P.P.S.S.: I'm replaying this one solo, starting from my own 2750 BC save, in the year 1 AD I have: Hanging Gardens, Colossus, and I'm about to complete .... The Oracle!! Something new for me to learn every time as well.
If you have no feet, don't walk on fire
[This message has been edited by Ribannah (edited March 18, 2001).]
March 18, 2001, 08:36
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Don't underestimate the players on either team.
I am looking forward to reading your new ideas about OCC play.
March 18, 2001, 11:36
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Scouse Gits, I agree with you. There is no mean in critizicing everything or everyone and for the tips, it is better not to post them in front of the other team.
Ribannah, I don’t blame you at all, for we (or at least I) make mistakes and because I used to be and still am for a few things a big competitor. I’ve broken some material while playing sports and missing easy shots and I’ve shouted things at people you were my teamates but had the disgrace of being less focused or less skilled or less trained than I was.
What I suggest is that you also try to see the positive points. I think that my last reign was a rather good one. I traded with caravans, rushbuild Darwin because we needed explosive badly (and because my predecessor had forgotten, but I don’t blame him at all), and terraformed wisely and have been doing a rather good tech exchange. Not that bad. That said (in fewer words maybe), you can then underline what I had missed.
But I had already noticed the problem and Paul had already answered.
Being a good player on a team gives more responsabilities than playing well. Sad but true !
March 18, 2001, 11:39
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All of that is of course said in good fun and good friendship!
What we all like in sucession games is that it is tougher to win than when we play SP. Look at some other sucession games (my invasion earth for example) and you’ll have a good laugh at how we can mix plans and people of different level of experiences.
Ah and oh yes, I hope we’re going to win !
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
March 18, 2001, 11:42
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Originally posted by skrobism on 03-16-2001 11:33 AM
This is the History of Carthage through the Skrobism Era:
Skrobism, I don’t know which team is going to win the space race, but on the narrative side, your last one gives your team a definitive edge !
March 18, 2001, 15:34
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In the year of the lord 1875, Santa Ribannah takes over and starts gifting
1875 10 techs to the Indians, traded for Communism to make Radio available next turn
---- Exchanged maps with the Indians and the Indians became our ally 
---- 300 gold to the Vikings for a Cease Fire, gave them 27 techs, exchanged maps
---- 450 gold to the Japanese for a Cease Fire, gave them 27 techs too, exchanged maps
---- 1000 gold and 13 techs to the Romans, exchanged maps
---- 150 gold and 12 techs to the Chinese, exchanged maps
---- 900 gold and 10 techs to the Egyptians, exchanged maps
---- Discoveries now come some 20% faster 
---- Not without risk, but we needed to speed things up or we could have bigger problems when the AI's start swapping tech
1876 Hides produced, Flight discovered -> Radio
---- 4 Hides to Bombay (4x372) and sold Research Lab
1877 SETI PROGRAM built, Radio discovered -> Advanced Flight
1878 Hides produced
1879 Oil produced, Hides to Bombay (368), Romans: CURE FOR CANCER
1880 Hides produced, Advanced Flight discovered -> Rocketry
---- 3 Hides to Karachi (3x306), 2 Hides to Bombay (2x372)
---- Traded Radio for Espionage (Indians) to make Space Flight available
1881 Manufacturing Plant built, Rocketry discovered -> Space Flight
---- 5 Hides to Bombay (5x372)
1882 Offshore Platform built, Space Flight discovered -> The Laser
---- We now make more than 80 shields
1886 The Laser discovered -> Plastics
1887 Roman Engineers settle nearby Palmyra
---- Gave Advanced Flight to the Indians to maintain alliance, get Labor Union
1890 Hut: 100  , Indians discover The Laser
1891 Plastics discovered -> Superconductor
1892 Indians have Rocketry
1893 150 gold to Chinese, Hides to Beijing (662)
1894 Superconductor discovered -> Fusion Power
---- Oil and Hides to Beijing (2x540)
1895 Egyptians: J.S. BACH'S CATHEDRAL
1897 Component #6 built, Fusion Power discovered -> Guerilla Warfare
1898 Bribed Indian Spy for 342 gold, gave 1000 gold to Romans
---- Indians end alliance  as we won't join their war with the Romans
1899 Embassy with Romans, we steal Theology (Palmyra), disbanded both transports
---- Indians start Spaceship
1900 Module #3 built, bribed Roman Diplomat (292) and Indian->None Marines (669)
That's it, we should launch in 1907 and land in 1922 probably just a couple of years ahead of, hmmm, the Romans or the Japanses I guess. Keep bribing all the troops that show up and don't gift any vital techs!
Edit: zipped save sent to kcbob and Paul
If you have no feet, don't walk on fire
[This message has been edited by Ribannah (edited March 18, 2001).]
March 18, 2001, 17:56
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Nice job Ribannah. It's going to be a close run, but we should prevail.
March 18, 2001, 20:37
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Originally posted by Julius Brenzaida on 03-18-2001 10:39 AM
Look at some other sucession games (my invasion earth for example) and you’ll have a good laugh at how we can mix plans and people of different level of experiences.
I know 
In Lightning Strikes I had rush-built lots of granaries only to see them sold by my successor
I gave you a hint about the happiness button because I've been there, too, believe me. Breaking an alliance just to get your troops home can sometimes win the game for you
IMHO everybody is allowed to make lots of mistakes, and I won't think less of anyone who does. Both teams are making a terrific effort, btw. But I also want to learn all the time. That's part of the fun for me: to do a better job next game. (Did I say I am a perfectionist?  )
So don't hesitate if you want to question my decisions! For all I know, the Japanese will be the first on AC now ....
If you have no feet, don't walk on fire
March 19, 2001, 09:18
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Game received. I'll try to get to it tonight.
Frodo lives!
March 19, 2001, 09:36
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Originally posted by kcbob on 03-19-2001 08:18 AM
Game received. I'll try to get to it tonight.
Good luck Kcbob. Carthago was beaten by the Romans, NOT the Japanese ! And our Carthago should reach the stars.
March 19, 2001, 09:47
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Originally posted by Ribannah on 03-18-2001 07:37 PM
I know 
In Lightning Strikes I had rush-built lots of granaries only to see them sold by my successor 
I gave you a hint about the happiness button because I've been there, too, believe me. Breaking an alliance just to get your troops home can sometimes win the game for you 
IMHO everybody is allowed to make lots of mistakes, and I won't think less of anyone who does. Both teams are making a terrific effort, btw. But I also want to learn all the time. That's part of the fun for me: to do a better job next game. (Did I say I am a perfectionist? )
So don't hesitate if you want to question my decisions! For all I know, the Japanese will be the first on AC now ....
Yeah, I'm a perfectionnist, too. But what I like about civ is that I can enjoy it fully without hating myself. Once I won a chessgame but couldn't sleep for 2 days because I missed some beautiful rook sacrifice. But, I had won the game against that strong opponent !
For the happiness button, I knew of it. That only makes my mistake look worst. But it was only 3-4 turns before the end of my reign.
I've got a question. Not a reproach, but a question. Was it wise to give those 27 techs to the Japanese in 1875 ? It speeded up a bit our research but it looks like it helped them quite a lot. Not that I would have done better ...
March 19, 2001, 10:53
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Originally posted by Julius Brenzaida on 03-19-2001 08:47 AM
Once I won a chessgame but couldn't sleep for 2 days because I missed some beautiful rook sacrifice. But, I had won the game against that strong opponent !
I know the feeling. Fortunately, I also played that beautiful rook sacrifice a couple of times

Was it wise to give those 27 techs to the Japanese in 1875 ? It speeded up a bit our research but it looks like it helped them quite a lot.
That is a key question, indeed. On the pro side, this speeded up our own research because we lost the being-ahead penalty. We may have gained some 4 turns with regard to our landing date. On the con side, the Japanese have a large empire and should be able to build a spaceship in just a couple of years (taking the AI cheat of cheap rush-building into account). I felt that we were in peril anyway. Often the AI tribes find a way to get all the necessary tech til spaceflight within a few years after human launch; in this case the Japanese would probably have got them all from the Indians. The danger of the Japanese or the Romans beating us to AC was already there and the 4 turn accelleration may prove vital - not to mention that we want to beat the 2.42 team!
There is a little more to this, but I won't go into that at this time
If you have no feet, don't walk on fire
March 19, 2001, 11:00
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Originally posted by kcbob on 03-19-2001 08:18 AM
Game received. I'll try to get to it tonight.
just got the 242 game from smash and will also try to get to it today
March 20, 2001, 15:25
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Does the Pentagon intentionally broadcast its secrets to the Kremlin during a Space Race ... ?
No, but it seems that Los Alamos will sell a hard drive or two to the Chinese for Campaign funds.
Please use this email: or
"Bonjour, you cheese-eatin' surrender-monkeys."
March 20, 2001, 18:47
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Originally posted by Ribannah on 03-19-2001 09:53 AM
The danger of the Japanese or the Romans beating us to AC was already there and the 4 turn accelleration may prove vital - not to mention that we want to beat the 2.42 team! 
Ribannah, you might then be interested in the Apolyton World Chess Championship … See this thread :
Yes, I did see the sacrifices sometimes …
For the given techs, it sure helped against the 2.42 team.
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
March 21, 2001, 09:29
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I'm still around. Sorry for the delay. If I can't get to it tonight, I'll notify you all to pass me.
Frodo lives!
March 22, 2001, 09:13
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 I'm having trouble finding time for this game amongst the "honey do" lists at home. Please forgive me but could Julius take over? I'll send it to him momentarily. Again, sorry.
Frodo lives!
March 22, 2001, 18:07
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Originally posted by kcbob on 03-22-2001 08:13 AM
I'm having trouble finding time for this game amongst the "honey do" lists at home. Please forgive me but could Julius take over? I'll send it to him momentarily. Again, sorry. 
Game received. I'm going to play it saturday morning, if everything goes well ...
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
March 22, 2001, 18:14
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by kcbob on 03-22-2001 08:13 AM
ooups ! Double post won't get us faster to AC
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
[This message has been edited by Julius Brenzaida (edited March 23, 2001).]
March 23, 2001, 15:03
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Team 242. Gee that awful site I picked at the start has turned into a 4 special. Cool. Sorry about sinking all ours boats, but they were getting in the way of our WLTPDs.
1000AD - Egyptians - Navigation, 150 gold
1020AD - built salt caravan
1040AD - built caravel
Egyptians - 125 gold
1060AD - Egyptians - 75 gold
Knights (NONE)
1100AD - meet Japanese, diplomat expelled
1120AD - Japanese - share maps
1140AD - Egyptians - 150 gold
1160AD - Sanitation, start Theory of Gravity
cloth to Carthage - 102 gold
Egyptians - 50 gold
1180AD - built sewer system, begin WLTCD (pop is 12)
1200AD - disband trireme (to keep WLTCDs going with caravel at sea)
1220AD - troops that were with trireme have been expelled by Japanese
1240AD - Egyptians - 100 gold
1300AD - Theory of Gravity
meet Indians,
Indians - Feudalism
1340AD - Indians - share maps
Egyptians - Physics
1360AD - meet Vikings, share maps
Vikings - Chivalry
end WLTCD ( pop is now 21)
1420AD - Invention
alliance with Indians, war with japanese
1440AD - cease fire with Japanese
salt to Delhi - 704 gold
1460AD - Democracy, revolution (sorry, I didn't bother with Odeo's table  )
1480AD - built Isaac Newton's College
disband caravel
interestingly carthage grew to size 22, and then famine hit (because of anarchy) and it returned to 21
1500AD - switched to Democracy, begin WLTPD (size 21)
March 24, 2001, 16:49
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We of course keep on building the Structurals and keep the Romans diplo at bay. 1902 We bribe Roman Engineer (none). 1903 We bribe Roman Howitzer (none too). 1907 we launch (as predicted by Ribannah). Arrival 1922. 1907 too, we bribe Roman Helicopter (none). 1908 we bribe 2 Roman Diplos. Transport build in hope of transfering some spy to other continent for sabotage duty. Hmm, Chinese and Egyptians are building quite fast ! S*** we are sneak attacked by Egyptians. Goodbye to any sabotage plan. We build 3 mech infantry in a row. 1912 2 Roman spies manage to break our 1st line of defense. We have to revolt to kill them and declare war on the Romans. We felt compelled to do so, as no civ had discovered superconductors yet. S*** again ! in 1913 the Romans discover superconductors by themselves. 1915 we’re again a democracy. We give 1000 gold to the Romans and are again at peace. 1917 nobody has launched. We’ve won ! We’ve kept on building military units, just in case. 1918 build mass transit. 1919 build nuclear plant. Luxuries to 100% to maximize score. 1920 Japanese launch a 5 years spaceship. Too late ! 1921 we’re sneak attacked by the Romans. Too late, too ! we defend well …
1922 We have won ! Final score 37%
March 24, 2001, 16:51
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Game sent to Paul for the archives. It was quite fun to play. Let’s see if team 2.42 can improve on our result.
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
March 28, 2001, 14:25
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Website updated.
March 29, 2001, 03:22
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Ground control to SG1.Ground control to SG1.What is your status?..over
the hiss of empty airwaves
SG1, this is ground control, please acknowledge..over
We may have problem.Begin abort checklist
March 29, 2001, 08:34
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hiss - scratch
Am I up?? where is the save??
sounds of total confusion in the background ....
seriously - please resend the game to me - I seem to have misplaced / forgotten / lost / never received it .....
sorry guys - and I have been checking the thread too ....
Scouse Git[1]
"Staring at your screen in horror and disbelief when you open a saved game is one of the fun things of a succession game " - Hueij
"The Great Library must be built!"
"A short cut has to be challenging,
were it not so it would be 'the way'." - Paul Craven
March 29, 2001, 09:09
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I'll send it to you when I get home. Or you can go here and download the zip with all the 2.42 saves. I updated it yesterday, so it should contain Tom's 1500 AD save.
March 29, 2001, 16:52
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Team 2.42 OCC Succession ...
1500 AD We have an odd mix of techs, but here we go ...
1510 AD WLPD starts @ 21
1520 AD
1530 AD 300g gift from Egyptians
1540 AD Economics -> Steam Engine
1550 AD WLPD stops @ 25 - one food deficit; Establish embassy with Rome
1560 AD
1570 AD Egyptian Diplo expelled; Embassy with Egypt established
1580 AD Steam Engine -> Railroad; Stock Exchange built
1590 AD
1600 AD
1610 AD Magnetism & 100g from Egyptians
1620 AD RailRoad
1630 AD Darwin's; Gunpowder, Chemistry -> Explosives; 100g from Egyptians
1640 AD Cloth to Antium 53g - increases trade by 1 arrow
1650 AD 100g from Indians
1660 AD Explosives -> Metalurgy; 75g from Egyptians; 100g from Indians
1670 AD
1680 AD
1690 AD
1700 AD Metalurgy -> Industrialisation; Buffalo to Pheasant - food deficit eliminated with just enough in the box to allow the eventual deployment of engineers once we get Refridgeration.
Good luck ...
Scouse Git[1]
"Staring at your screen in horror and disbelief when you open a saved game is one of the fun things of a succession game " - Hueij
"The Great Library must be built!"
"A short cut has to be challenging,
were it not so it would be 'the way'." - Paul Craven
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