Per Googlie's suggestion putting up this thread for later use... I've got other stuff to get done this afternoon but later (if somebody doesn't beat me to it) a map would be helpful for around each of our bases as well as a general territory map for terraforming crawler places (crawlers are still far in our future, but if we have them prepared while bases are still growing that would be a great help.)
(by JDM/Brownbeard) Since we can all edit each other's posts, I would suggest a list, like so:
Crawler@(x1,y1): Current orders: Forest@(x1,y1) --- Then Sensor@(x1,y1)
Suggestion by JDM: Build Road first @(x,y) as it will be cheaper
Crawler@(x2,y2): Current orders: Solar@(x2,y2) --- Then Farm@(x2,y2) --- Then Road@(x2,y2)
I'm not conceited, conceit is a fault and I have no faults...
As always, will play after work. I wonder if I'll ever be able to turn that the other way...
Last edited by johndmuller; May 29, 2003 at 18:15.