June 2, 2003, 02:28
Local Time: 19:39
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as for selling stuff. I did find out your car trunk can fill up with crap. I'm a pack rat, what can i say.
In New Reno I can sell stuff for drugs. I have over 100 doses of Jet. I also sell stuff for stuff with a weight of 0. Usually meds like psycho, rad away, buffout, rad pills, stim packs etc. I have way over 100 stim packs too.
never pay with cash if you don't have to. Use that cash when you have to, like upgrading weapons/armour which you can't use bartered items for.
In San Fransisco you can also buy lighter stuff and get rid of your heavier stuff. They have lots of ammo, cool guns, and meds.
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Barack Obama- the antichrist
June 2, 2003, 03:06
Local Time: 14:39
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I got an idea while playing today thats worked pretty well so far. buy all that you want with cash, then sell all your junk to them and get your money back. Only do it if you think you have enough junk to get most of your money back. Ive ended up with more money and less junk by doing this.
June 2, 2003, 04:32
Local Time: 19:39
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I also forgot to mention that when my weight allowance prevents me from carrying enough heavy junk to sell to buy something expensive- like power armour. I will sell them my meds. And then later sell more heavy junk to get my meds back. Yes I lose money in the process. But at a 60% barter skill I'm rolling in money. My main concern is converting the heavy weapons into weightless meds and drugs and cash.
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Barack Obama- the antichrist
June 2, 2003, 06:00
Local Time: 14:39
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lets talk weapons!
my favorite so far is the .44 mag revolver, I can fire off three shots in a row which is enough to lay most people flat on thier back in one round. however I know there are more powerful enemies that require more firepower. so what kind of weapons are the best choices?
the only other weapon that I deem worthy of my wielding thus far is the .223 pistol, but I can only get two shots off per round with that.
so lets hear it, what are the cool weapons worthy of your great hands?
June 2, 2003, 08:45
Local Time: 05:39
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The .223 pistol is my favourite sidearm. Near end-game I tend to use the Gauss Rifle since it's bloody accurate and fun to blind people with. Oh, and it doesn't require that much strength, IIRC. Plus it's easy to come up with ammunition in SF. The Pancor Jackhammer works for close encounters and shotgun ammo is abundant.
The YK Pulse Rifle is a pretty fancy piece of work, but I always seem to run out of ammunition for it, and it's not *that* powerful when compared to the Gauss Rifle.
For hand-to-hand the powered fists are pretty fun, but I usually play low-strength characters so I haven't used them much.
Explosives like bazookas and grenades are a bit too, well, "risky" for me to handle, I always fear I'll **** something up and blow my own arm off.
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June 2, 2003, 09:13
Local Time: 04:39
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The gun that uses "caseless" ammo is a great "small gun" early in the game...unfortunately ammo is scarce for that one. Can't remember where to get it though.
<Kassiopeia> you don't keep the virgins in your lair at a sodomising distance from your beasts or male prisoners. If you devirginised them yourself, though, that's another story. If they devirginised each other, then, I hope you had that webcam running.
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June 2, 2003, 09:47
Local Time: 05:39
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YK pulse rifle is ok, but you better save the ammo to power the car with it ( And don't forget to install that upgrade thingee from Klamath!!! It will save you a fortune of m. Fusion cells. )
June 2, 2003, 18:07
Local Time: 14:39
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anyone know where to get .45 cal ammo in abundance? Ive taking a liking to the M3A1 "Grease Gun" it only uses 3 AP for me to shoot, like the .44 mag, but also has better features. it has a larger clip, its damage range is about the same as the mag (m3a1 10-20 : mag 12-18), and it has a burst fire mode.
how do th modifiers on the ammo work? for example on the .44 JHP:
AC mod: 0
DR mod: 20
DMG mod: 2/1
and on the .44 FMJ;
AC mod: 0
DR mod: -20
DMG mod: 1/1
what does this all mean?
June 2, 2003, 21:52
Local Time: 05:39
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AC mod: Armour Class modifier. This adds, if positive, or subtracts, if negative, from the target's armour class to determine if the shot will hit. (so negative = good)
DR mod: Damage Resistance modifier. Determines how much damage is absorbed by the target's armour. In other words, if this is positive, it adds to the target armour's DR mod and more damage is absorbed, if it's negative, it subracts from the target armour's DR mod and less damage is absorbed. (so negative = good)
DMG mod: A fraction that determines how much more or less damage the ammo does than the base damage range of the weapon that fires the said ammo. (so > 1/1 = good)
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June 2, 2003, 22:40
Local Time: 14:39
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wonderful, Ive been hording all the wrong types of ammo
oh well, I have lots of money to buy more.
June 3, 2003, 01:15
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I liked the Alien Blaster best. with 12 aps i could fire that thing 6 times per round. Fighting the mercs around san fran it was pretty easy to turn 6 mercs to dust per combat round. . .
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June 3, 2003, 04:12
Local Time: 19:39
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The .44 revolver is a bad ass gun. get the speed loader for even more fun. It was only my last game have I discovered the joys of this weapons. I used to use the magnum, but the revolver does more damage (a little bit less range though). Use the JHP for best results. Although enemies with metal armour you may want to use FMJ rounds.
Then I eventually graduate to the .223 pistol. And amazing weapons. Massive damage, and good for doing critical hits.
Actually my last game I gave Sulik the .223. I used the Red Ryder BB gun myself. you guys should check that out. It is a great weapons. Not as good as a gauss rifle, and it sounds wimpy, but packs quite a punch.
The Fn Fal is a pretty cool weapon (in SF there is a better verion of the Fn Fal). I give this weapon to Vic- he does pretty well with it. The ammo can be a little bit scarce until you get to SF though.
The G11 is a great weapon to battle the wannamangos (aliens) with. It comes at just the right time after you kill Frog Morton. The aliens were a breeze by taking single shots to the eyes with the G11 4.7mm caseless assault rifle.
I've heard good things about the bozar, but that is a heavy weapons and Marcus cannot use it. Marcus does pretty good with the minigun- as long as you aren't in the way. But sometimes I want him to use it, and he won't. So usually I just give him a plasma rifle.
but the ultimate weapons has to be the pip rifle
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Barack Obama- the antichrist
June 3, 2003, 05:08
Local Time: 14:39
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Sulik died
oh well he outlived his usefullness. I now have Myron!!! he cant hit the broad side of a barn unless I was standing behind it.
extra party members arent much use. maybe when I find a real warrior I'll change my mind.
June 3, 2003, 16:25
Local Time: 19:39
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What I find strange in my current game that in normal shooting (with no criticals to the eyes) my party members do more damage than I did with the same gun. I had the .44 revolver (w/ speed loader) for a long time. I give it to Vic and he does more damage to it than I did.
And Sulik can be very useful if you can get him to go up in levels. They can level 5 times (or is it 4?). Put some power armour on him and give him a .223 pistol. He does good consistant damage and doesn't run up to the guys and get shredded alive.
I'm disappointed in Skynet though. Everyone says how great he is. I got my science up to 130% to get the best brain for him. Maybe I'm not giving him the right weapon. He's using the P90C smg right now ( I think that is the correct name). I've heard good things about that gun and skynet. He does OK, but nothing special. He sometimes uses the sniper rifle, but he doesn't do targetted shots, so I don't like the results of that weapons as well. Maybe I'll just give him a jackhammer.
I wish there was an NPC that can use the bozar. I meant to go through the game with a heavy weapons guy, but I abandoned that game. I just don't find them as fun. It takes waaaaay too long to find heavy weapons. And I have to sacrifice other things in order to get a decent strength to use most of those weapons. I need the points for Intelligence and Agility. I put the rest into perception.
Focus, discipline
Barack Obama- the antichrist
Last edited by Dis; June 3, 2003 at 16:30.
June 3, 2003, 16:42
Local Time: 22:39
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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The Bozar is a kick-ass gun. It takes the same ammo as the Hunting Rifle, which means that you can carry both around (one for sniping turrets, one for fighting aliens and mutants) and don't need to weigh yourself down with too much ammo. Bozars are difficult to find, though, unless you're a fantastic pickpocket.
It's questionable as to which is better -- the Bozar or the Vindicator. The Vindicator deals significantly more damage in my experience (it uses ammo with a 3/2 DMG mod and IIRC negative values in both the AC and DR mod slots), but its ammo is difficult to acquire (though there is a vendor in San Fran who has an unlimited supply of the stuff -- stop by his shop, buy all the ammo, and when you come back awhile later he's got his ammo back) and the Bozar has a better range. I tend to switch to the Vindicator once I've got enough crap to barter away for ammo, since you're mostly doing close-quarters combat in the last quarter of the game anyway. I'm not sure if Marcus can use the Vindicator or not.
But without doubt the best weapon is your own severed toe.
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June 3, 2003, 17:42
Local Time: 14:39
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Posts: 2,709
I now have the bonus rate of fire perk, that along with my fast shot trait, the action bot perk, and the speed loader on the .44 mag makes it possible for me to get 4-5 round off every round. I can also get off three rounds with the .223 handgun but it doesnt usually do as much damage(oddly enough).
oh and I also have the uber armor.
unfortunatly Myron died liberating slaves in the NCR, but I went back to Den and picked up Vic. Hes wearing the normal power armor, and wields a .44 mag with speed loader. Hes a decent shot and hasnt hit me yet which I really appreciate. after having him in the gang Im really beginning to appreciate the npcs.
I have a crap load of 12 guage shot(1580), and the pancor jackhammer. but I havent used it once 
Im content with the .44 mag with a .223 pistol or a FN FAL HPFA.
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