Nice, you've descended to libel...
I thought it was pretty funny
as of 22/12/02
Quite lately, I have been getting quite angry with a few people here and I really did not handle anything well when interacting with these people. I am tired. I am tired of it and don't want to hear any of it anymore. I have been for quite some time, I have had quite a history of problems here, but I will make this one statement. I am sorry for any ill-will I may have caused. If it comes to it, I leave. I did it before for nine months. And maybe next it will be longer. I don't think I should even be here. I am not welcomed here, I never was, I should of gone a long time ago. So? As of now I will be leaving for good. Many of you might say "he will be back" but just wait and see that I am being serious... I am not coming here ever again. I do not want to.
later that day, Stefu jests:
See you in two weeks!
your response the same day:
How about two years?
mere minutes later, you confirm yourself:
Two years it is. 24 months
I just wanted to let you know that I never found out about 6-8 months unless it was in another thread.

(no offense

And asher, be careful or I will run for another office until I have them all.
The question
was, "Whut position do you have?" The question now
is, "Do you have a designated driver?"