May 30, 2003, 22:12
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Completely New Maps in CTW...Help BHG
Hey guys, GREAT GAME!
I was looking through the files and I noticed that everything for Conquer the World seems very editable, I am wondering a couple of things...
1) Is it possible to add new territories by splitting up the existing territories and adding the new entries into the CTW_World_Map_01.xml file??
2) What exactly is the CTW_World_Map_01_strings.xml file?? It has what appear to be random numbers to me, but I am pretty sure they mean something fairly important.
3) Instead of having a map of the world, can I change the map completely to become a map of only Europe so I can create a WWII Campaign that allows the player to attack wherever they prefer. I know I would have to follow the way the original .XML file is set up, but after looking through it, it seems very easy to follow.
4) Is there a limit to the number of territories that are allowed on the CTW map? Looking through the files, it looks as though it is very easy to follow the previous examples by using the RGB color codes.
Thanks a lot for reading this, and any answers would be GREATLY appreciated.
June 1, 2003, 19:37
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Currently, the new map I've made has 130+ territories on it to conquer. I'll have to extend the time between turns for sure, but it should turn out very well.
June 1, 2003, 20:20
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Here is the map I made, it was designed with WWII in mind...135 Territories!
June 1, 2003, 23:07
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looks cool can't wait until your done with the other files
have you found out how to have nations have contries that are not there capital?
June 2, 2003, 01:18
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ya look great...i didnt like how North america was divided in CTW ...not enough territories
Are you down with ODV?
June 2, 2003, 01:25
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im trying to figure out how to mod the game so that we can have 7 levels of ww2 tanks etc...would be cool to have that with a ww2 ctw campaign with only modern age or something ...
Are you down with ODV?
June 2, 2003, 01:28
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Well, there is a way to make each civilization start with more than one territorry, but then each territory you give them becomes there capital, so they could have 10 territories at the start, but they would all be counted as capital territories.
I have run into a few problems trying to figure out the XML file that controls Conquer the World. There is a value for the width and height of the map which matches to the BHG map, but then there are 3 values after that, that I can't figure out exactly what they do, does anyone have any ideas???
Has anyone figured out anyway to make the countries start with more than one territory?? I would assume not, but if someone BHG? could let me know if it was possible, that would be great.
June 2, 2003, 03:53
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just try changung them to some wierd big number and then see if they do anything wierd
Are you down with ODV?
June 4, 2003, 21:21
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Alright guys, I'm getting very close to releasing this one, I have all of the .XML file done as far as the territories and what they are all linked to.
I need some help though, I was wondering what everyone's ideas were on what Rare Resources should be where, which territories should have cards, which bonus cards to have where, and where supply centers should be...
I've added the list of all of the territories in the mod, and it would be nice if you could comment on any of them.
June 4, 2003, 21:25
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Aleutian Islands
Bonin Islands
Caroline Islands
Central Africa
Central Britain
Central Canada
Central Germany
Cook Islands
East Prussia
Eastern Africa
Eastern Canada
Eastern Poland
Eastern US
Far East
Fiji Islands
Gilbert Islands
Great Plains
Mariana Islands
Marshall Islands
Midway Islands
New Guinea
New South Wales
New Zealand
Northern Britain
Northern France
Northern Germany
Northern Italy
Northern Territory
Northern US
Northwest Territories
Nothern Sakhalin
Palau Islands
Samoa Islands
Saudi Arabia
Soloman Islands
Southern Africa
Southern Australia
Southern Britain
Southern France
Southern Germany
Southern Italy
Southern Sakhalin
Southern US
Wake Island
Western Africa
Western Australia
Western Canada
Western Poland
Western USA
June 4, 2003, 22:04
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Hmm, looks good. I'd add Portugal to Spain though. As for resources, i'd just try to find regions famous for said resource and do it. Also don't add too many resources, part of the reason C:TW in SP is so easy is because you by the time you get going you have umpteen resources. For cards i'd just randomize it, besides for the cards that specifically belong somewhere(like a nations power card you get from cap).
As for supply centers maybe really populous areas only? Not really sure how it'd end up balanced properly. Its nice to hear you're getting it to work though.
"Every good communist should know political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." - Mao tse-Tung
June 5, 2003, 03:26
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go check out the online CIA fact book, they will give u an idea of the resources in different countries
Are you down with ODV?
June 5, 2003, 04:55
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Originally posted by One_Dead_Villy
just try changung them to some wierd big number and then see if they do anything wierd
Aah, spoken like a true modder.
You should add that to you sig.
If I'm posting here then Counterglow must be down.
June 5, 2003, 09:03
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Africa and South America (maybe Central America too?) could use some more provinces imho  And maybe split the Balkans in Balkans and Greece?
looking good otherwise. (eagerly anticipating this)
'Choose Again' by Aenea
June 5, 2003, 16:26
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Good job, but there are a few people around who might prefer you to relabel the north of England as Scotland
June 6, 2003, 13:00
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Hi All, New to RoN and the boards, just thought I would say Hi and add my 2¢
 Very Nice job so far Pap1723, I will be eagerly awaitng this!!!
Reminds me of my Axis & Allies Board Game Days
(My friends and I at the time figured there should be more areas so we recreated (painted) the map onto a 6'x3' table) with Many more areas.  Ya I know we were crazy addicted to that game!
OOOPPPSSS "Dahm the Boss almost caught me posting and not working LOL - If he only Knew!!
July 15, 2003, 10:28
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Very nice map. This is exactly what I've been looking for since the game was released.
However, a few suggestions:
- Separate Spain and Portugal
- Extend Finlands right "arm" into the sea. That would not only be historical, but it would also look better than the stubby one there is now.
- I don't quite like the way Germany is divided. How about using some historical method instead (eg. Ruhr, Saarland, Berlin...)
- I would also like to see Jugoslavia and Greece be split up in two, and maybe Western Africa as well.
Keep up the good work!
July 20, 2003, 14:37
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more suggestions
yeah germany divisions look kinda arbitrary.
for the u.k. instead of n, central and south, how about scotland, wales and england?
also, please give india's half of kashmir back. and if this is a ww2 map, there shouldn't be a pakistan (it didn't exist till 1947).
July 22, 2003, 23:16
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Just wondering what the status is of this CTW mod... it appears there has been no "creator" posts since 6/5/03.
This is all a great looking prospect btw.
July 25, 2003, 02:22
Local Time: 02:44
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Posts: 7
Errr I'm a dumbass, didn't see all those replies when I first clicked this post.
1) Is it possible to add new territories by splitting up the existing territories and adding the new entries into the CTW_World_Map_01.xml file??
Yes, but it is just as easy to make your own. I started off modding the original files, and by the time I was done, I had completely rewritten the xml file.
2) What exactly is the CTW_World_Map_01_strings.xml file?? It has what appear to be random numbers to me, but I am pretty sure they mean something fairly important.
Its nothing really. You don't need to pay any attention to it, as RoN automatically creates it for you. It basically holds all the translated strings and values for you. Don't worry about it.
3) Instead of having a map of the world, can I change the map completely to become a map of only Europe so I can create a WWII Campaign that allows the player to attack wherever they prefer. I know I would have to follow the way the original .XML file is set up, but after looking through it, it seems very easy to follow.
Yep, you can do that. I basically did that, and had the same intention as you (WWII Campaign). You can't really do WWII though, as you can't set the starting age, or starting diplomacy or anything.[/b]
4) Is there a limit to the number of territories that are allowed on the CTW map? Looking through the files, it looks as though it is very easy to follow the previous examples by using the RGB color codes
No limit as far as I know, and you would likely never encounter it.
August 3, 2003, 20:23
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I'm actually going to go against what most people here are saying. I think it would be better to consolidate alot of the territories (mainly the ones in mainland Asia), as having so many will undoubtedly make the game tedious... and historically it didn't really matter whether someone owned Afghanistan or Pakistan... so instead of just making the territories worthless, maybe just consolidate them and others? Also, maybe make Germany and the UK into just two territories each? When someone finallybreaks through one of the territories as the map is set up now, it won't matter much if they take two more or something... Map looks really good though; i'm also eagerly awaiting this mod!
August 4, 2003, 17:23
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I also urge you to modify the territory advantage. I think the difference between a level 2 and level 8 territory is simply too big when you play on hardest difficulty. For example, give the big territories 33% less bonuses
I would also like to see more overseas connections. for example, you could make small island in the middle of the great ocean could as little territories which allow you attack the other continents by different routes.
The whole ocean could be turned into small territories.
For example, both pearl harbour and Hawaii and midway could all be separate territories in the pacific ocean. During the second world war, the Americans conquested island by island until they finally reached Japan. (and nuked it). This could create those realy cool island hopping wars between nations. or
Also an idea is to increase the map size when the territory connections get longer. you could recreate some realy some cool maps like the great nothern ocean battles (on a huge map), where america and england are divided by a huge map
Last edited by Perfect General; August 4, 2003 at 17:28.
August 5, 2003, 05:30
Local Time: 02:44
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Posts: 6
Originally posted by SittingDuck
Just wondering what the status is of this CTW mod... it appears there has been no "creator" posts since 6/5/03.
This is all a great looking prospect btw.
meabee we could help if only people would share their modification knowledge.
The reason I say this is that often people with a lot of knowledge, start a project which they never complete due to other intrest or other private matters.
Therefore if we share our knowlegde, other people can pick up where others left.
September 2, 2003, 22:57
Local Time: 02:44
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Bump. This looks sweet. I IMed Pap to ask him about it... no reply so far.
September 4, 2003, 00:53
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I just made a custom real simple and easy i dont know why people havnt even made others because this is so easy, just find out the xy axis and the color code and there u got a new country
September 4, 2003, 01:35
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as u can see I edited autralia, its quite nice eh?
September 4, 2003, 01:37
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same as above just forgot to ad the image
September 4, 2003, 01:42
Local Time: 02:44
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Those images above will work for the texture and map so I might make an xml file for them  it might take a while lol
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