Originally posted by BeBro
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Does the MAC trashcan delete files finally without a restore option?
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It ain't workin, is it?
Now, in all seriousness, does your friend have a a CD or 3.5" disk he can simply reinstall from? I've accidentally deleted important files from Civ II while editing it ("personalizing" as I like to call it), and I've always been able to simply pop in the the master CD and reinstall from there (the installer simply reinstalled the missing file) and go merrily along my way.
If it's a file from the "Systems" folder itself, your friend should have a "System Restore" disk that he can pop in, boot off of, and then do repair work from there. At least I think that's how it goes. Or am I thinking of "Software Restore"? Any other Macheads wanna help out here?