June 4, 2003, 11:36
Local Time: 03:58
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A sad day for Wine.
A very sad day today for Wine, the Royal Ship where King Giovanni and Queen Valentina, together with the Prime Minister of Wine, the Grand Duke Francesco Morelli, was attacked by a fleet of gunboat full of explosives similar to the ones we saw in the Elethar War.
A small fleet of 4 destroyers was escorting the Royal Ship to the Flower's Palace in the island of Capraia (one of the many islands you may see along the Wine coastline).
According to some local fishermen the 5 ships were almost arrived at Capraia once the attack started, a fleet consisting of something between 20-30 gunboats attacked the Royal Escort, the WS Cortona was taken by surprise and one of the gunboats managed to crush into it, causing a huge fire on the deck, the WS Cortona will sink 2 hours later.
The other 3 destroyers (the WS Isonzo, the WS Belluno and the WS Albisola) immediatly opened fire, destroyng a large number of gunboats, but the little and fast boats used by the terrorists and their numerical advantage eventualy prevailed, and all 3 destroyers were taken out.
The Royal Ship was not taken out immediatly, the fishermen declared they saw some movements of men going in and out the ship, and after a while there was a huge explosion.
When the Battleship WG Livorno arrived to the area it was too late, the terrorists were gone, and they could only take on board the survivors of this experience.
After a few hours of research in the area the coastal guards counted about 34 bodies, in between them the one of the Grand Duke Francesco Morelli. The bodies of King Giovanni and Queen Valentina were not found yet, and it is believed that the terrorists probably kidnapped them.
It is still obscure who is really behind this, and why did this happened to Wine, considering that we are one of the few nations that did not partake in the Elethar war. It is also important to underline that King Giovanni is heirless, and in case of his disappearance the actual Prince of Savoia, Prince Amedeo will be the next in line to the Wine's throne.
On a related news:
The vice prime minister of Wine, the Baronet Girolamo Savonarola of the Green Party, will take his new office as Prime Minister next week, rumors say that the Count Tito Livio will become the new vice-Prime Minister.
"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
June 4, 2003, 19:57
Local Time: 02:58
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Ours and the coalitions armed forces has secured the islands of Elethar, and have explored all its military potential, these ships must have remained at sea while their island was being invaded.
Our navy is currently restricted to patrolling our waters, due to another situation, but we will share all satellite surveillance with wine, and divert two spy satellites to look for other ships. Our air force will patrol further afield.
It is possible that the fleet was composed of various vessels that broke off the eight main formations that Elethar launched just prior to the war. We assumed that they were low on fuel or supplies so had to turn back, thus we maintained most of our attention on the ships heading our way. If this is the case, then there could be up to 50 ships wandering, probably undercover.
"I work in IT so I'd be buggered without a computer" - Words of wisdom from Provost Harrison
"You can be wrong AND jewish" - Wiglaf :love:
June 4, 2003, 20:18
Local Time: 12:58
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How long ago did this happen? It should be possible to estimate how far the kidnappers could have travelled in that time.
Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.
June 4, 2003, 20:26
Local Time: 02:58
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ooc: Oh god don't get me into timelines
This occured just before the start of the Elethar conflict when eight fleets were headed towards various nations, including three to Marijuania. A number of these vessels peeled off en-route, our satellites didnt follow them, although we are searcing through the airborne recon data.
The fleets were of course, subsequently decimated.
"I work in IT so I'd be buggered without a computer" - Words of wisdom from Provost Harrison
"You can be wrong AND jewish" - Wiglaf :love:
June 4, 2003, 20:30
Local Time: 02:58
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The people of Akiria, as well as myself personally, are deeply saddened by the loss of 3 great friends to our nation, and our thoughts are with the families of all those that are missing. We will give a full run of all Zetarian and Akirian facilities to the Wine Government, and will do all we can to bring the perpetrators to justice.
We wish there was more we could do, and we are gravely upset by this most personal of losses.
For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
But he would think of something
"Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker
June 4, 2003, 20:32
Local Time: 12:58
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Originally posted by elijah
ooc: Oh god don't get me into timelines 
OOC: I didn't mean to!  /OOC
Most of the Karakasian navy is still out at sea as a result of regional tensions. The fleet commanders will be ordered to watch for any activity that might be the kidnappers.
Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.
June 4, 2003, 20:40
Local Time: 12:58
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I've marked the positions of Karakas's four carrier groups as blue dots on this map.
If the kidnappers move south-west towards Karakas and Zetaris, they'll probably be spotted. If they go the other way . . .
Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.
June 5, 2003, 08:11
Local Time: 03:58
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Location: of Italian Red Wine
Posts: 1,296
Nice idea with the map Mr President
I have added also the Wine fleet positions after the kidnapping
The little red dot is the Island of Capraia, where the kidnapping happened.
The Dark Green Dots are the positions of the Winian Fleets
The Light Green Dots are the positions of the Winian Coast Guard (as you can see most are moving toward the Western Sea)
"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
June 5, 2003, 08:32
Local Time: 03:58
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Location: of Italian Red Wine
Posts: 1,296
And here is, according to the fishermen words and the police experts, the reconstruction of what happened.
- 14:00 The Royal Ship and his escort (light green arrow) left the Harbor of Freisa (yellow dot in mainland Wine) at 14:00 PM, destination the Flower's Palace in Capraia (the other yellow dot). Estimated time 1:45 hours
- 15:08 When the Royals had almost arrived at Capraia a fleet of something between 20-30 gunboats full of explosives arrive from the west (purple arrows), the WS Cortona is the first to go, the others will follow after a fiercy battle (the coast guard will count 17 destroyed gunboats in the area)
- The terrorists kidnapp King Giovanni and Queen Valentina, and destroy the Royal Ship with the Prime Minister the Grand Duke Francesco Morelli still in it.
- The terrorist leave but it is not possible to know which direction they took
- 15:24 The WN Livorno (dark green) arrive to the area, but it's too late.
As you can see the terrorist had about 16 minutes to kidnapp the Royals, destroy the ship and disappear, it is unlikely that they went too far away, and it is believed by Wine authorities that the kidnappers may still be in Wine waters, or that they may have confused themselves with the local fishermen and reached either the Wine coast, the Athkalan coast or the Jacksonian coast.
The new Prime Minister of Wine, the Count Girolamo Savonarola, thanks all the nations that have promised their help in this matter, or that have stated their support to Wine.
He had also added that even if he is now happy to be the Prime Minister, he have always hoped to reach that position through an election, and not because of the death of the old Prime Minister.
"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
June 5, 2003, 09:53
Local Time: 10:58
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Who in the government has knowledge of this journey beforehand?
(\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
(='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
(")_(") "Starting the fire from within."
June 7, 2003, 21:19
Local Time: 18:58
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The USJ wishes to provide all assitance with the search for the King of Wine. All avaible naval assits are now under way looking for them and we will give any assitance to the Wine government in this time of need.
June 8, 2003, 05:14
Local Time: 10:58
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Noosland forwards the sat feeds of the area during this particular timeframe to Wine.
(\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
(='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
(")_(") "Starting the fire from within."
June 8, 2003, 15:58
Local Time: 03:58
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Location: of Italian Red Wine
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To: Chief Agent 000 of RIAW
*Royal Intelligence Agency of Wine
After more investigation into the areas new evidences are coming out.
At first it seems that this little trip over the Flower's Palace was not exactly a normal trip, but it was meant to be the starting of a secret diplomatic talking between Wine and the supposed leader of the CFLA (Catholic Fundamentalist Liberation Army), the Prince of Savoia: Prince Amedeo, due to the fact that Catholicism is Savoia's official and only recognized religion, and because of his parental ties with the Wine royal family, was invited as moderator as well, and was expected to go reach the Flower's Palace just 2 hours later.
The RIAW was not informed of this, and between the Cabinet only the Actual Minister of Defence: The Marquis Leone Tigrotti, together with the Foreign Minister, the Count Davide Pianola were informed of said dealings.
The crew of the WS Cortona did not fired as soon as they daw the gunboats, because they did not expected to be attacked by them, but thought they were only escorting the (still without identity) leader of the CFLA.
RIAW Agents found documents at the Royal Palace of Nebbiolo about this secret meeting, apparently the CFLA contacted the Royal Family via Mr. Gabiadini, which after the Lambrusco Bombing was convicted of many years of working in the Barolo Community Camps.
In the documents we can read:
- Meeting 16:00 at Capraia Island: Me, You, the Queen and the Prime Minister, we need to talk because the Kingdom of Wine citizens are for 95% following the Catholic Religion, we can't war our own people. We want Amedeo of Savoia as moderator.
Signed: Mister X, leader of the CFLA
The document is of extreme important, and was found in a closet near the King's desk, also it is important because it finally give us the name of the organization we are fighting against.
Luckily we managed to find this before the military, or worse, the press we need to keep this secret and try to save not only the King in itself, but also the King's reputation, as it might be harmed by the fact he accepted to open diplomatic talkings with terrorists.
Also if I'm allowed to, the speed those terrorist attacked the Royal Escort and disappeared lead me to think that they may have a base in the vicinity, maybe in Sardinia Island. Probably Count Gabiadini was not the only CFLA cell in Wine, I'm afraid that there might be many other cells around, and maybe real CFLA bases inside our borders.
Signed: Agent 001
From: Chief Agent 000
To: Agent 001
Good Job Agent, I want you now to go further on your invistigation about possible other CFLA cells in Wine, get some of your best men and go search every inch of this country. You have full powers in doing whatever is necessary for your achievment, we will cover you in anything.
From: Chief Agent 000
To: Agent 002
I want to know everything about Prince Amedeo of Savoia, even how many times he go to the bathroom everyday, and most of all, get me all possible informations about Prince Amedeo involvment in the Capraia meeting, and why was he expected 2 hours later.
From: Chief Agent 000
To: Agent 003
I want you to check the new Prime Minister, the Count Girolamo Savonarola night and day, the way he is conducting this crisis is laughable, it seems he is actually happy that King and Queen are gone. Luckily he doesn't know everything about the RIAW yet, he only think of us ad a little secret agency good only in getting little infos about other states, and most of all he doesn't know that we are loyal only to the Royal Family.
From: Chief Agent 000
To: Press Agency
Hand out some false infos to the press, I'm getting tired of all those journalists making questions to anyone they see. Get them as farther away from the truth as possible.
From: Chief Agent 000
To: Agent 016
Give me some more details about those fishermen the coast guard interrogated, I want to be sure they are not really CFLA Agents under cover.
"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
June 8, 2003, 22:17
Local Time: 10:58
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Location: The City State of Noosphere, CPA special envoy
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It is highly suspect that the CFLA would have that many naval crafts, leading Noosland intelligence to believe that it is just a mere front for foreign forces.
(\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
(='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
(")_(") "Starting the fire from within."
June 12, 2003, 12:26
Local Time: 03:58
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Location: of Italian Red Wine
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From: Agent 001
To: Chief Agent 000
Our suspects were right, me and my men discovered several little CFLA bases in Sardinia and Sicily islands, and we have even been able to indentify what we believe could be the CFLA HQ in Wine. We noticed a big movement in the old abandoned Cathedral of Gelso, as you know the cathedral was abandoned almost a century ago, and since then no one ever went there, due to the fact that the Cathedral is covered by the vegetation of the Dolcetto Forest, and is completely isolated.
We will keep doing some reasearch in this area, and will give you some more information about it as soon as we will be able to obtein them.
From: Agent 002
To: Chief Agent 000
Apparently Prince Amedeo car was locked by an avalanche that happened of the Mount Rosa, near the Wine-Savoia border, but we were not able to find any signs of said avalanche. We are sorry to say this, but it could be possible that Prince Amedeo is involved as well in this mess, especially due to the fact that King Giovanni is heirless, and in case of his disapperance Prince Amedeo would be the one with strongest claim on the Wine's throne.
From: Agent 003
To: Chief Agent 000
Still nothing, the Count Savonarola is simply doing nothing at all, he is leaving all the issues to the senate, and is not doing anything to try to find King Giovanni, the Defense Minister, Leone Tigrotti is getting annoyed of this situation and he is acting on his own in order to find the King.
We are glad the Marquis Tigrotti is showing such a great loyality toward King Giovanni, but if the Prime Minister will keep doing nothing at all, other members of the cabinet will start to think they can do whatever they want, and Wine may find itself in a dangerous state of anarchy.
From: Agent 016
To: Chief Agent 000
No, the fishermen were not CFLA agents, they were just normal fishermen which happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
June 12, 2003, 12:39
Local Time: 03:58
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Location: of Italian Red Wine
Posts: 1,296
Wine Today
Bringing you home the truth
Still nothing about King Giovanni
Despite the great mobilization of forces, there are still no news about the disappearance of King Giovanni and Queen Valentina. The Defence Minister, the Marquis Leone Tigrotti declared that they are doing everything in their power in order to find the Royal Family and rescue them. When asked of why it is taking them such a long time to do it he simply said "No Comment" and left.
Protest marches all around in Wine
Yerstuday in the main squares of Nebbiolo, Dolcetto, Barolo, Lambrusco, Grignolino and Moscato, over 15 milion people start a protest march against the Savonarola government, the people are claiming that Savonarola is nothing but an inept, and are asking for new elections for a new Prime Minister to be held.
Some protestors even went further, and asked for a Repubblican government to be installed, they said "if the King is dead, let him rest in peace, it is time for us to become a modern country, we should have a repubblic"
The Internal Minister ordered an immediate arresting of those people, but his orders were overruled by the Parliament which claimed that in the name of Free Speech they can not be arrested simply for stating their ideas.
Economic growth slowing down
After the kidnapping of King Giovanni, many industries are fearing the low stability this event caused, and are moving their companies out of Wine, this is causing a great increase of the unemployment population, the worker unions are protesting against this and are asking the government to do something about it.
"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
June 14, 2003, 03:57
Local Time: 03:58
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Location: of Italian Red Wine
Posts: 1,296
The Nebbiolo Times
The free voice of democracy
Sheepstan crisis increase government one
With the news of an upcoming war against the military regime of Field Marshall Dunning, the Defence Minister, the Marquis Leone Tigrotti have asked for permission to the senate and the prime minister to send forces in the area, to be part of the coalition forces.
The senate approved it with 56% of the votes, but the Prime Minister refused to sign, the only way the senate may override a Prime Minister decision over a war is if it obtain the King's approval (which is impossible), or if it passes with 75%+1 of the votes in the senate.
The Marquis Tigrotti have declared himself astonished by the decision of the Prime Minister Savonarola and said that since he feels he no longer fit with the government positions he will resign by his own will from the position of Minister of the Defence.
This declaration have caused much unhappiness among the military, many famous and important generals and admirals declared that they agree 100% with the Marquis Tigrotti disgust in the Savonarola's administration.
The Marquis Leone Tigrotti is very popular among the military, because of his past as an helicopter pilot, and because he is recognized as an hero, when, only 26 years old, he managed to save alone all the crew members of the WS Loano, whose destroyer had been destroyed by an inside explosion.
Protest marches on a new height
Today the number of people protesting against the poor government effort in trying to rescue the royal family, and in not taking a clear position in the Sheepstan conflict reached a new height, especially after the resignation from office of the Marquis Leone Tigrotti.
Unfortunatly some of this protests turned on violence after some protester destroyed some stores in Barolo, and were later charged by the police.
Many people are asking for Savonarola to resign and to proclaim the Repubblic of Wine, claiming that Savonarola is no better than Field Marshall Dunning.
"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
June 14, 2003, 13:07
Local Time: 18:58
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Location: Southern California
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To Wine Government:
The Nation of Jackson would like to extend any assitance to your nation. We also have been looking our intelligence sources and we may believe we know what course the terrorist that kidnaped your King and Queen. We are still trying to track all the information down but we believe we have found the location that they held the King of Wine for sometime before moving again.
June 16, 2003, 05:30
Local Time: 03:58
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Location: of Italian Red Wine
Posts: 1,296
From: Agent 001
To: Chief Agent 000
We managed to infiltrate some of our men into the CFLA HeadQuarter, it seems that they keep moving King Giovanni and Queen Valentina every three days. They are smart, also they have been ordered to kill them both if something go wrong.
Currently they are held in the old prison in Stromboli Island, it is a too risky to act now, we will have to try to liberate them when they are moved to a better place for us.
From: Agent 002
To: Chief Agent 000
Nothing new about Savoia, it seems that their secret services are actually trying to discover where King Giovanni is as well, maybe we were wrong about Prince Amedeo.
From: Agent 003
To: Chief Agent 000
Horrible news, we managed to discover, thanks to some infos given us by Agent 001, that many relatives or close friends of the Prime Minister Count Savonarola are members of the CFLA.
We need to act now to prevent the worse, we await your order.
From: Chief Agent 000
To: Agent 003
No, we can't take Savonarola out like that, as it may hurt the position of the King and the Queen, we must think of their safety first, and than we may act to destroy the CFLA once and for all.
Reach Agent 001 and await new orders there.
"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
June 16, 2003, 05:50
Local Time: 03:58
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Location: of Italian Red Wine
Posts: 1,296
To: Jackson
From: Wine
We thank you for your help but we must ask you not to interfere in Wine's internal problems anymore.
Good day
Wine Today
Bringing you home the truth
Savonarola refuse Jackson's help
The new Prime Minister refused the help of what can be considered the closest ally of Wine, it seems that Jackson had offered many informations gathered by their intelligence agency about the kidnapping of the Royal Family. This refusal created many concerns on many cabinet members, and have caused the resignation from office of the old Foreign Minister, the Count Davide Pianola. Which later gave us those information commenting "Wine need to know the truth: the Prime Minister is a madman"
Earthquake in the cabinet
The resignation of the Defense Minister Leone Tigrotti and the Foreign Minister Davide Pianola, have caused a major earthquake in the cabinet, several other ministers that were working under the Grand Duke Francesco Morelli's government also resigned from their offices, in between them there are the ministers of Education, of the Enviroment, and of Security (police, firefighters etc...).
This news caused a big turmoil in the senate as well, which have claimed that Savonarola needs to step down from his office, or this will mean the death for Wine. Despite that Savonarola refuse to resign from his position.
Protest marches, or revolts?
The number of people protesting against the poor government policies increase day by day, and in many cases those protest end up in violence, over 90 milions people all over Wine joined the protests, ans that accounts for about 9% of the Wine population. But it seems that ther are many more people who support the protests. In Nebbiolo there were some fights between the Police forces and the protester, which ended up in several people wounded and even 3 people being killed: one policeman and two protester.
Many politicians blame this on the poor Savonarola administration of the crisis.
"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
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