June 4, 2003, 20:26
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Step into the confessional . . . . how irritable of a driver are you?
Ok people -- if you do NOT go at a green light quickly when there are no pedestrians to yield to, or if you're not yielding to turn left -- I WILL honk at ya!
G R E E N means go -- not sit there to reflect on your thoughts or pick your nose!
STFU and then GTFO!
June 4, 2003, 20:26
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I yell at other drivers. Irritable enough for ya?
June 4, 2003, 20:27
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Originally posted by JohnT
I yell at other drivers. Irritable enough for ya?
Wow -- you ARE an irritable driver.
STFU and then GTFO!
June 4, 2003, 20:28
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"Dammit, MOOOVE!!!! Don't act like you've got nowhere to go and all day to get there - some of us have lives, goddammit!!!"
June 4, 2003, 20:29
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I was going to start a thread about rage in everyday life. You know, things that make you go aaaarrrgghhh!
I don't consider myself to be an excellent driver, but I don't speed and I don't tailgate. I've often wished that I had an automatic rifle mounted on my car to shoot the stupid selfish idiots that seem to make up about 20% of all motorists.
So I guess I'm on the irritable side.
Only feebs vote.
June 4, 2003, 20:30
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Sometimes, I get pissed at stupid driving moves that in no way effect me at all.
June 4, 2003, 20:30
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Originally posted by Agathon
So I guess I'm on the irritable side.
STFU and then GTFO!
June 4, 2003, 20:31
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Originally posted by Agathon
I was going to start a thread about rage in everyday life. You know, things that make you go aaaarrrgghhh!
I don't consider myself to be an excellent driver, but I don't speed and I don't tailgate. I've often wished that I had an automatic rifle mounted on my car to shoot the stupid selfish idiots that seem to make up about 20% of all motorists.
So I guess I'm on the irritable side.
I'm more of the "Man, I just wish I was a cop so I could just bust their asses down!" type. No violence, I just want them to suffer and learn.
June 4, 2003, 21:07
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A couple of times I have rolled down the window and yelled "Are you still turning!?!?" when passing people that still have their indicator on.
June 4, 2003, 21:08
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Originally posted by dejon
A couple of times I have rolled down the window and yelled "Are you still turning!?!?" when passing people that still have their indicator on.
STFU and then GTFO!
June 4, 2003, 21:10
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That's hilarious!
“I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
- John 13:34-35 (NRSV)
June 4, 2003, 21:10
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I swear like a sailor when I drive. It's occasionally caused embarrassment when I've got a passenger who's never ridden with me before, but they get used to it quickly enough.
I'll honk at people if they're slow off the mark when the light turns green, or if they slow down to 5 MPH when making a turn, or if they're just jackasses in general (e.g. if they're about to merge into me or something). I'll also occasionally flash my lights at somebody who's driving too slow in the passing lane, but more often I'll just pass them on the right -- in my experience if they're too stupid to understand that the passing lane is for passing, then they're also too stupid to understand what it means when somebody flashes his lights at you.
"For just twenty cents a day, we'll moisten your dreams with man urine." -Space Ghost
June 4, 2003, 21:11
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Originally posted by loinburger
I swear like a sailor when I drive. It's occasionally caused embarrassment when I've got a passenger who's never ridden with me before, but they get used to it quickly enough.
I don't know whether to be scared or impressed.
STFU and then GTFO!
June 4, 2003, 21:13
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Originally posted by Imran Siddiqui

That's hilarious!
You can't step into the confessional and leave without giving a confession related to the topic.
STFU and then GTFO!
June 4, 2003, 21:15
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Originally posted by MrFun
I don't know whether to be scared or impressed.
It must be genetic -- my mom's one of the sweetest ladies I know, but if you put her in the driver's seat then you'd better cover your virgin ears...
Growing up, my brother and I learned more swears from our mom than from our dad (who'd typically only swear when he hit his thumb with a hammer), or, for that matter, than we did from the playground at school. She's pretty imaginative when she's driving.
"For just twenty cents a day, we'll moisten your dreams with man urine." -Space Ghost
June 4, 2003, 21:22
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I'm actually pretty passive when I'm driving, for the most part. There are always those days, though, when every idiot in the state of Colorado seems to be taking the same route that I am, at which point I manage to string together more four letter words than can possibly fit in a coherent sentence.
"Beauty is not in the face...Beauty is a light in the heart." - Kahlil Gibran
"The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved; loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves" - Victor Hugo
"It is noble to be good; it is still nobler to teach others to be good -- and less trouble." - Mark Twain
June 4, 2003, 21:25
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I'm the best driver there is, always right. Everyone else is just plain bad drivers with no skills. And that makes me irritable driver.
In da butt.
"Do not worry if others do not understand you. Instead worry if you do not understand others." - Confucius
"God is dead" - Nietzsche. "Nietzsche is dead" - God.
June 4, 2003, 21:32
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Originally posted by JohnT
I'm more of the "Man, I just wish I was a cop so I could just bust their asses down!" type. No violence, I just want them to suffer and learn.
I once advocated that the cops should stop and shoot people who don't indicate.
Actually, here's an old cop joke they tell when people quibble about the meaning of a "Stop" sign.
A cop stops a guy who runs slowly through a stop sign when nobody is coming. He asks the guy why he didn't stop. The guy says, "I slowed down, it's the same thing."
"Oh yeah?", says the cop who begins to administer a furious beating with his nightstick. After a couple of minutes the guy is a bloody blubbering wreck so the cop stops hitting him.
"Now", says the cop, "do you want me to stop, or slow down?"
Only feebs vote.
June 4, 2003, 21:35
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LOL I never get irritated behind the wheel. I rarely do mistakes and never get pissed at mistakes of others. Nobody dares/has a reason?/cares to yell at me and I don't yell at anyone.
and never drove drunk, except once
June 4, 2003, 21:36
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Note that I'm a veritable exception in my city in this regard.
June 4, 2003, 21:37
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Originally posted by dejon
A couple of times I have rolled down the window and yelled "Are you still turning!?!?" when passing people that still have their indicator on.
I hope they had their hearing aid on..
...people like to cry a lot... - Pekka
...we just argue without evidence, secure in our own superiority. - Snotty
June 4, 2003, 21:41
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"Beauty is not in the face...Beauty is a light in the heart." - Kahlil Gibran
"The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved; loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves" - Victor Hugo
"It is noble to be good; it is still nobler to teach others to be good -- and less trouble." - Mark Twain
June 4, 2003, 21:50
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Just started driving a few weeks ago (didn't need a car until then). I'm still in the 'new driver follow all the rules' groove.
There are lots of horrible drivers here in Texas -- too many aggressive drivers. Oh, and there's a reason cars have signaling lights.. maybe people should try SIGNALING. Lack of inter-driver communication leads to higher possibilities of accidents >(
June 4, 2003, 21:51
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You can't step into the confessional and leave without giving a confession related to the topic.
I thought I just did
“I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
- John 13:34-35 (NRSV)
June 4, 2003, 22:11
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I'm a M@$$hole...that should be self explanitory
"I predict your ignore will rival Ben's" - Ecofarm
^ The Poly equivalent of:
"I hope you can see this 'cause I'm [flipping you off] as hard as I can" - Ignignokt the Mooninite
June 4, 2003, 22:12
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Originally posted by Imran Siddiqui
You can't step into the confessional and leave without giving a confession related to the topic.
I thought I just did
STFU and then GTFO!
June 4, 2003, 22:13
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Nyah Nyah Nyah!
“I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
- John 13:34-35 (NRSV)
June 4, 2003, 22:20
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Thanks for the link! It cheered up my otherwise so grim day a little  . Certainly worth of few laughs!
In da butt.
"Do not worry if others do not understand you. Instead worry if you do not understand others." - Confucius
"God is dead" - Nietzsche. "Nietzsche is dead" - God.
June 4, 2003, 22:36
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I'd post, but it'd just be caught by the auto-censor, so there's no point to it  . But somewhat like JohnT, just a lot angrier, more violent and with lots more swearing...
You cheeky sod :p - Provost Harrison, Puegot Porsche Interface Specialist.
Don't take that attitude with me, bucksnort. :p - Slowwhand, Texas Style List Keeper.
This obviously proves that Coldwizard = sivistynyt - kassiopeia, Wise Finn.
CW: Sometimes you're even bigger weirdo than kass... - Jeki, Wiser Finn.
June 4, 2003, 23:29
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Well I know what I say when I get pulled over for speeding in the one 50km/h zone back home.
Especially the second time that it happens. 
I swear that they just wait for me to drive there...
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