Originally posted by Imran Siddiqui
So there is my crap summer... anyone else have a story to share?
My daughter's pseudo-boyfriend (he hasn't annoyed me yet, so he's still anatomically correct
) (actually, he's a nice kid, he's an exchange student in France) was driving up in LA when he was up there visiting his cousin a few days before the prom. The cousin was in the right front seat, and a drunk ran a red light and broadsided the car on the passenger side.
My daughter's pseudo-b/f took her to the prom with his arm in a cast, and then they had to leave early, when he got a family emergency call. The night of the prom, the docs treating his cousin determined that they couldn't save the leg, there was too much vascular damage and the leg wasn't responding to treatment, so they had to amputate his right leg at the hip.
Remember - if you can walk away from it, it ain't crap yet.