-=PART 1=-
Tassadar awoken......Was is 0300 already? It seemed like only a few seconds ago he went to sleep.......He looked over at his clock which was ringing in a low volume. It was 0315!!!! His clock woke him up late!!! This meant he only had five minutes......Not enough time to get dressed or ready.......He quickly put some shoes on, and got his weapon, a small disc, and a large stack of papers......And left his room for the last time. Only four minutes remained until the secuirty net would be back up.....And he will have missed his oppritunity to escape.
He began to walk through the corridors.....Normally it would be marginally acceptable if a civilian saw him, but considering he was still in his nighttime clothing (or lack thereof

)...it would not be acceptable.
He continued walking through the corridor until he reached the main centre of the building. The main center had electronic road branching everywhere including to the exit, which is where he had to go. He began walking towards it when he heard footsteps.
".....e have to patrol the area. Engineering reports that the secuirty network had been shut down somehow. Theyre tracing the error and repairing the network, so we should be able to retire in about 5 to ten minutes." Said one soldier to another. They were coming closer. Tassadar had to hide!!! He found a bathroom stall and hid in there....The soldiers walked by without ever turning a head. Tassadar exited the bathroom and went towards the exit. Suddenly alarms began to go off.
"****!!! I shouldve had more time!" Tassadar yelled. He looked at the large clock in the middle of the room......He had 1 minute left. What was going on? The lasers protecting the exit door were still off......
"Now or never." Tassadar said as he ran towards the exit. he opened the door, and walked out. Just as he walked out however, he heard a soldier say something about,
"....traced it to CyCon spies!"
Finally......outside the base. Now, what, only a few hundred miles till hive territory? Tassadar parked a small rover at the edge of University territory, only about 10 miles away. Further still, Tassadar had a small scooter-vehicle about 1 mile away. It was so small that unless they were running a deep scan, it would not be detected.
Tassadar began to run towards it.....
As he ran, he heard and saw many frightening things. Large fundicidal towers, animals howling.....And he even heard what seemed to be people screaming as mindworms infested their brains. The mindworms would go in, began burrowing and laying eggs....And the victim would hallucinate his worst fears coming true all the while. Sometimes death could take hours.....Hours of pain, torture, and horror.......
No! Tassadar shook his head. He musn't dwell on what could be out there, for anything is better than the death the University had planned for him........
Within about 13 minutes he got to his little scooter. It was a pretty fast for its size....about 20 miles per hour. Tassadar got on it an activated it's shields and internal stabilizers which would keep him in one position even if it ran into rocks, etc....The power it consumed would be huge, enough so that the University Base could detect it, but they would dare not send another team into the xenofungus.....The thing began to speed up, and within thirty minutes, he was to his rover...
Unfortunately, as he turned on his rover, he learned a startling fact.....There is xenofungus nearly everywhere and if he were to attempt to go around it....He would go into uncharted territory.
He turned on the gas to go THROUGH the Xenofungus. The ride began without a hitch.....The autopilot charted the course, so all Tassadar had to do was sit and wait.
(25 Minutes later)
"Hmm....Well.....Wasn't that shortly after Bush the Horrible invaded Canada on the premise of 'ridding the world of stinky cheese'?" Tassadar asked the computer.
"I see.....So this is when China tried invading Russia?"
"CORRECT. 1 POINT. TOTAL: 4 POINTS." the computer said. Tassadar was getting quite bored of this game....Nothing much to it at all.
"WARNING. UNKNOWN ENTITY CLOSING IN ON VEHICLE." The computer said suddenly. This surprised Tassadar, but he was ready. The rover's autodefenses began to fire, and soon the mindworm was killed. But more were coming! Larger ones!
"WARNING. 3 ENTITIES CLOSING IN ON VEHICLE." The computer yelled. The autodefenses kept firing, but more and more were coming.....Tassadar closed his eyes and began to meditate. The mindworms were quickly overwhelming the defenses, and Tassadar was convinced he would have to rely on his psychic training for this one...
He began to feel his etheric body seperate from his physical one.....The mindworms exist here too.
Go away....leave me be....I am no harm to you...
They seemed like they had partial control of what they were doing....Some stopped, some kept attacking. Tassadar watched as the mindworms ripped through the vehicle and began to mindrape Tassadar.....
Tassadars etheric body slammed right back into his physical one, and he lost conciousness.......
* * * * *
"Wake up man!!!!"
".....Come on, wake up!!!"
Tassadar felt someone slap his face.
"Wha...?" He asked, getting up. He noticed his arms and face were covered in blood.....The strange man picked him up and carried him into a hive holding cell.........
-=PART 2=-
Comrade Jianx began walking down the corridor......He was sweating heavily, both from the psychical exercise his commander put him through as punishment for not being "communist enough", and anticipation of meeting with the Deputy Chairman. The Chairman was busy, so the chain of command dictated that the second in command be contacted in case of minor emergencies. But as Jianx would find out, this would not be a "minor" emergency....
He walked down the hall, coming closer to Jamski's office. He had just taken a University scientist prisoner and was going to request further instructions. He finally got to the door....
"SIR, Comrade Jianx of the First Glorious Infantry divion requests permission to enter SIR!!!" he yelled. Even though he was physically exahusted, his yell boomed with machismo and power.
Jamski turned and pressed the door-open knob inthe arm of his swivel chair.
"Hello Comrade Jianx" he said without turning "I highly recommend that you do not come any closer for if you do, the next breath you take will be your last."
"Yes SIR!" Comrade Jianx yelled.
"Good....," Jamski said in an authoritarian voice. "Now....What is it?" he asked calmly.
Jianx inhaled. "SIR, we have captured a prisoner from the Looniversity SIR!" He yelled.
"A prisoner?" Jamski asked, rising out of his seat. It was a rare sight to see him openly show his interest toward any subject at all.
"What kind of prisoner?"
"SIR, he claims to be a scientist SIR! My superiors have ordered me to classify him as a spy SIR!" Jianx yelled.
A prisoner from the University.....This could have massive political consequences.....But it could be useful as well." Jamski thought. He looked at Jianx.
"Who else knows about this?" He asked.
"SIR, Holding Cell Commander Mao and Commanding Officer Kozlov SIR!" he yelled.
"Hmm....." Jamski said, getting out a small memo-tablet. He put the two names onto the pad.
"Who found the prisoner?"
"SIR, this soldier found the prisoner SIR!" Jianx yelled.
"Really? Where?" Jamski inquired.
"SIR, the prisonder was found inside Xenofungus Area #21 SIR!"
"What?!" Jamski yelled. "What in Lenin's name were you doing inside a XENOFUNGUS AREA?!" Jamski yelled.
"SIR, Commanding Officer Kozlov ordered me to do drills inside the xenofungus as punishment for counter-revolutionary thought SIR!!!" Jianx yelled. He began to sweat a little bit more and to the trained eye one could see he was definately getting nervous.
"Pah..." Jamski said. He sat down again. "Why do you decieve me? Nobody can survive outside the base for more than an hour or two." Jamski said, his voice growing louder.
"SIR, this........" Jianx began, but was interrupted by a fist slamming onto a desk.
"WHY DO YOU FEED ME SUCH CAPITALIST LIES?!" Jamski yelled, so loud that one could actually feel the vibrations in the room. "I COULD NERVESTAPLE YOU FOR SUCH DECEPTIVE INSOLENCE!!!!" he yelled, his voice continuting to climb in decibles.
"SIR, THIS SOLDIER SWEARS ON COMMUNISMS NAME THAT THIS SOLDIER FOUND THE PRISONER IN XENOFUNGUS AREA #21!!!!" Jianx yelled in a loud but quivering voice. Jamski looked away from Jianx. He could tell that Jianx was telling the truth.
What would a scientist be doing such a long way from home?" Jamski thought.
"SIR, this soldier begs forgiveness from the Glorious Deputy Chairman!" Jianx said, as he bowed down.
"All is forgiven, Comrade." Jamski said. "Did the pigdog give any explanation for his presence in Hive territory?"
"No SIR, he demanded to speak with higher officials SIR!"
"And you accept
demands from a prisoner? Hardly something a communist would do....." Jamski said. The room fell silent.
"What was your rank again, soldier?" Jasmki asked, though he knew full well the answer to his question.
"This soldier is LOWER-COMRADE RANK 1 SIR!" Jianx said, with a bit of humbleness in his voice. Jamski got up from his chair, and walked over to Jianx. They were seperated by only an inch.
"How would you like to be a Peoples Example.....First class?" Jamski asked. Jianxs' face began beaming.
"YES SIR, this soldier would DEFINATELY like to be a PEFC!" Jianx yelled. Jamski let out a small snicker.
"Then you will do three things." Jamski said.
"YES SIR, anything SIR!"
"First, you must bring me the prisoner." Jamski said. "Second, you will reassign Holding Cell Commander Mao AND Commanding Officer Kozlov to the recycling tanks PERSONALLY." Jianxs' face began to beam even more as Jamski mentioned 'assign' 'recycling tanks' and 'Command Officer Kozlov' in the same sentence.
"YES SIR!!!" Jianx yelled. Jamski's smile grew larger.
"And you must never speak to ANYONE about this event, not even the Chairman. If you do......Well, let us say it would be unfortunate if you were to disappear." Jamski said. "Do you understand what I am saying?"
The room yet again fell quiet......
"SOLDIER, DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT I AM SAYING?!" Jamski yelled, becoming angry.
"Sir, I apologize however I am not in this room, and I have never been in this room today." Jianx said. Jamski smiled and calmed down.
"You learn quickly, Peoples Example." Jamski said. Jianx began to turn around when Jamski stopped him.
"Wait......Did you pass a guard perhaps being with a young lady?" Jamski asked.
"NO SIR! I did not pass a guard carrying a young lady who appeared to be unconcious SIR! I have no memory of such an event SIR!" Jianx yelled.
"Good." Jamski said, putting another name on the list in his memo-pad. He looked up. There was Jianx....and right below him was a small little puddle.
"Your still here?! You're sweating on my carpet. Go NOW!" He yelled. Jianx quickly left.....
-=PART 3=-
Yet only thirty seconds later, there was a knock on the door...
"This had better be good Comrade!" Jamski yelled, opening the door. It was Jianx again.
"SIR, here is the prisoner that does not exist SIR!" He yelled, as he threw Tassadar into the room. Jianx quickly left and the door closed.
Tassadar looked up to Jamski.....His face and arms had massive injuries. It was a gruesome sight. Jamski pulled a silver salt shaker out of a drawer, poured some salt into his hand, and threw it at Tassadar.
"Pigdog! Your spying days are now coming to an end!" Jamski said. Tassadar resisted the pain.
"Tell me what you are doing here now or else......" Jasmki opened a small drawer, filled with things such as a manhood-ripper, needles filled with nervestapling fluid, and other torture devices.
"You need not show me such imagery, for I know what will happen if I do not divulge all information..." Tassadar said in a humbled voice.
"Then you should tell me RIGHT NOW, for I have other business to attend to." Jamski said in a very stern voice. Tassadar began struggling to get up.
"I....I wish to defect." Tassadar said.
Jamski began laughing, and his laughter reverberated all around the room.
"YOU? You wish to join the glorious hive? HA!" Jamski said. "Why would we ever waste resources clothing you, feeding you....taking you in?"
"Because! I have....." Tassadar took in a deep breath. "I have information, knowledge, and intellect that will benefit the hive and more importantly, COMMUNISM." Tassadar said.
"Really? Well, tell me the information." Jamski said, suddenly changing into a serious tone of voice.
"The University...." Tassadar began.
"Looniversity." Jamski corrected. Tassadar smiled.
"The UNIVERSITY......has been working on........" Tassadar turned his face away. He began thinking about all his comrades back at the University that he would be betraying......That he would be stabbing in the back...
"I don't have all day." Jamski broke into his thoughts.
".....A project." Tassadar completed.
"Really? And what KIND of project would that be?"
"We were attempting to unlock the hidden intellectual and psychic power held within the human brain.....It was code-named 'Psychosis Schizoaffective PD'. I was the lead scientist...." Tassadar said.
"What did you say your name was?" Jamski asked. He began to walk toward his console near the view screen.
"Oh, THE Professor Tassadar? Facinating...Very facinating." Jamski said as he began to type. Within seconds, a picture of Tassadar appeared on the screen. The difference between the picture of a healthy, fed man and the beaten, starving wretch on the floor was remarkable.
"You look.......quite different." Jamski said with a smile.
"They tried doing horrible things to me....and then the mindworms..." Tassadar began, attempting to justify the disparity between him and the person on the screen.
"Save me the sob story, pigdog." interrupted Jamski. "You want to come and
work here?"
"YES!" Tassadar said, almost jumping at the words.
"I'm sure you have your reasons........But I don't wish to hear them. The important thing is that I have you. I will have you know that some of our best scientists have been attempting to replicate your studies.....But now, we have the man himself. I shall give you a choice. Either you work for me under an alias, or you get to become soup d'jour in the communal kitchens. The choice is yours." Jamski said.
Tassadar thought for a moment about Jamskis words....
"How about this...Either you let me work for you under the same name, or you kill me and the University shall always be ahead of the Hive in terms of both psychic and intellectual capacity." Tassadar said. "The choice is not mine, but YOURS." he added, as a sly smile appeared on his face.
"DONT EVEN THINK......." Jamski burst out, but he began controlling himself.
"OK, call yourself what you like. You will be sealed in a seperate section of the base, so no one will care expect for the rest of the team. In return for doing you all these favors, the least of which being keeping the Crimson Guard off your back......I expect RESULTS."
"Sealed in a seperate section of the base? I do not think so!!!" Tassadar yelled. "I demand to be part of the general population of this base, do you understand me?" He boomed.
Jamski laughed.
"You're hardly in a position to be making demands." Jamski said, grabbing the salt-shaker again. "However.....I will grant you this wish. Only the scientists in your team even know who Professor Tassadar is, and they won't believe its really you. The common drones will have no idea at all who you are."
"Thats better..." Tassadar said. He reached into his pocket and removed a small disc.
"I'm surprised your thug didn't take it off me the second he snatched me. You really must train them a little more." Tassadar said, walking over to Jamski.
"This disk contains military data i was able to obtain from University Computers. I covered my tracks and tried to implicate CyCon." He said. Jamski reached to grab the disc, but Tassadar pulled away.
"However do not think by obtaining this disc that you can eliminate me....We both know I am far more valuable than your little drones that you control so 'benevolently'." Tassadar said. He smiled again. Jamski grabbed the disc and put it in his pocket.
"I'm very glad we could discuss this like gentlemen. Now, you will need these...." Jamski said pressing a few buttons on his computer. Within seconds a badge and a red form appeared. He handed them to Tassadar.
"The form will entitle you to a scientists cubicle on Level 18....That is the closest to the surface I can get you, as you will learn about soon enough.....The badge will grant you access to Lab25-75c. I've already cleared you to work with mindworms." Jamski said.
"You will be working under the direction of Comrade Doctor Wujiang - an excellent scientist with much experience in this field. He will give you a full briefing after you show him your form. Also, I'll TRY to keep the commissars off your back, but they will eventually ask questions especially if you flaunt yourself in public. Remember : This is the Hive. You are here to work. If you slip up once and betray my trust, you will die. Any questions, COMRADE?" Jamski asked.
"No COMRADE....However, I do have one more request. There is a person in the University named Natalia Slutskaya. I want you to make sure she is NEVER harmed by the Hive EVER." Tassadar said.
"Do not try my patience......Some things are beyond my power anyway." Jamski shrugged.
"If she is ever harmed, I will hold YOU personally responsible. Understand?" Tassadar said calmly, though on the inside he was both angry and depressed that he was away from her.
"As you wish....I am a very busy man, and I have a number of important things to attend to. A guard will escort you to your lab." Jamski said, as he pressed the button that would summon a guard.
"Introduce yourself to Comrade Doctor Wujiang... Goodbye Comrade Tassadar."
A guard entered the room, and began to escort Tassadar away.....
Tassadar entered the lab....It was much more modern than he was expecting. Expect for the computers. They were still using Windows 4000.
"Hello? Anyone here?" Tassadar asked, searching around. The lab was quite large, but nobody seemed to be in it?
"Hello?" Tassadar asked. Suddenly, someone came out from a corner.
"Uh.....Hi. I'm.....Wujiang." He said. Tassadar went over to shake his hand.
"I'm Tassadar. I am a scientist who will help you with the mindworms." Tassadar said....
OOC: Yay!

Finally finished, after 3 hours.
(some small editing from Jamski - good work Tass
