June 17, 2003, 02:29
Local Time: 20:05
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Location: Marshal of the Revolutionary Army of the Socialist People of the Human Hive
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MilNET Secure Communication
I've just had the most interesting chat with a certain someone you've been waiting for. Oh, and that little present you sent to me will be most useful. Meet me at my quaters immediately. With PRAVDA airing Jamski won't have time to try and find out what we are discussing.
...well, that explains a few things... The Marshal's "free drink" was starting to number in the tens. ...at least she wasn't with Jamski all this time...and, though HongHu isn't any Comrade Claire, that uniform is rather becoming of her...how dare Jamski cancel a meeting after requesting one not moments before? If he was only under my command he would find himself having the "glory" of being point man for that patrol I just sent out. But regardless, knocking off the Deputy Chairman isn't in my best interest at the present time... Rokossovky's MilCOS went off again. ...my god does this thing ever stop...
MilNET Secure Communication
From:18th Mobile Regiment
To:Marshal Rokossovky
Mind worms encountered in sector (27,23). Leading platoon decimated, no survivors. Two reserve battalions sent in, effective. Husks being brought in, please advise next patrol.
...at least one thing worked out... Marshal Rokossovky rose from his seat and headed for the exit, his honour guards following quickly behind. As he looked up he saw the beginnings of the PRAVDA broadcast. ...I'd better hurry to HongHu's...
(OCC: Take it HongHu!)
- Comrade Marshal Rokossovky
Marshal of the Revolutionary Army of the Socialist People of the Human Hive
Last edited by Rokossovky; June 17, 2003 at 02:40.
June 17, 2003, 06:01
Local Time: 03:05
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Jamski was everywhere in the studio.
Lights had to be just right, camera angles exactly so, the music volume perfect...
At least Claire was here, made-up and on-time.... that was one worry less... the show must be perfect, it must send the perfect message to the people of the Hive... So they would believe what HE wanted them to believe... and Claire was the tool he would use, to control the people's hearts...
"Camera one rolling..."
"Camera three rolling"
"Music up"
"Lights fade in on 3...2...1... Lights"
"We are live in 5...4...3...2...1...action"
"Comrades... welcome to "PRAVDA Tonight". May I have the great honour to introduce the new host of the show... MISS COMRADE CLAIRE FORLANI"
"Cue applause track"
Jamski relaxed...
The girl was a natural... but why would she only broadcast live...? I'd wanted to insist that this show be recorded in advance like all the others, so the Ministry of Information could check it over, but Claire had been very "persuasive"... Nice memories indeed...
* * * * *
"Thankyou for watching "PRAVDA Tonight" Comrades - Forward in Brotherhood, Industry and Solidarity for the Glory of the Hive!"
"And roll credits"
"Music up"
"Run applause track"
Jamski needed to ask Claire a few questions, but she was surrounded by the film crew... she would have to be dealt with later. Now the important thing was to locate Rokossovky, it didn't do to keep a Marshal waiting too long... He taps a few buttons on his pocket pad...
I hope he's still in the restaurant... no, he's moving... towards HongHu's private rooms...very interesting indeed... very interesting...
Jamski turned up the volume on the micro-bug the Marshal had washed down with his "free" drinks... and pressed record.
This could be of use....
June 17, 2003, 16:30
PolyCast Thread Necromancer
Local Time: 03:05
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OOC: I have to....well, hone my psychic abilities and perform an exorcism (Hi Jamski!  ) so, someone play my character till I get back.
June 17, 2003, 16:52
Local Time: 21:05
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Location: falling, once again
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“She really enjoys this, doesn’t she?” thought Comrade HongHu, a smile lingering at her lips while she watched the end of the “Pravada Tonight” show. “I wonder what is keeping the good Marshal. He should have been here at least 45 minutes ago.” Now the best timing for discussing anything meaningful had passed. HongHu didn’t want to let the Marshal in too deep of things anyway. Knowing him he would dash to the deputy chairman’s private quarters without a second thought, if he knew that Jamski is the man behind all these hush-hush, and blow up all the cushions that HongHu had built all these years. That Marshal Rokossovky was so anxious to get involved. In fact if it were not Comrade HongHu the Marshal would have had his own mindworm secret project.
But the old man, he must be dealt with in another way. He was not as simple as the good Marshal. Adamant as a stone and spoiled as a child, he was not one that could be persuaded. He didn’t need the Marshal to show him how his little secret was known to everybody under the sunshine. She needed to let him take the first steps. And who could that careless intruder be? There're not many people in this base that Claire didn't know ...
“Thump!” The slightly opened steel door flied open and a strong, tall figure in military uniform scuffled in, then collapsed on the floor. “Marshal!” Comrade HongHu let out a little cry while she hurried to drag the Marshall onto her loveseat. Rokossovky’s face was skewed in pain, but he felt much better under HongHu’s concerned and questioning gaze. “Must be those drinks!” His word squeezed out through tightened teeth. “Those bartenders! They want to murder everyone who has an appointment with Forlani so they’ll have a better chance to get to meet her. Like she’ll even lay an eye on those low-grade drones!”
“Here, take this energy drink. It’ll help you feel better.” Comrade HongHu passed a glass to the Marshal. “Or would you rather taste a sample of the whiskey that the Deputy Chairman send me on my birthday? It’s a rare vintage from the earth. Rather good quality I suppose.”
“No, my stomach hurts just hearing the word whiskey. Would you happen to have any of those delicious xenodoughnuts left by any chance though? I skipped my dinner for Forlani.” Marshal smiled rather sheepishly.
Deputy Chairman Jamski sat on his comfortable swivel chair. He adjusted the volume again by pressing a button on his pocket pad, which was now laying on his desk.
-- Looks like the Deputy Chairman is treating you pretty nicely!
Light-hearted laughs of Comrade HongHu filled the room again. Damn! This women laughs so much! Like everything is an amusement to her. Jamski secretly denied to himself that his heart had missed a beat.
-- The old man, I’m quite fond of him myself too.
-- So did you find out anything about him? Marshal Rokossovky’s voice sounded a little irritated.
-- Not much. Would you like another xenodoughnuts Marshal? You recovered so quick. This would have killed the old man if he were in your place.
-- Hahahaha … Rokossovky’s laugh was full of energy. I would take him any time and win him over like a child. Now let’s get back to the business. What did you learn?
-- Well, Claire seemed to have forg …
A deep, long, rumbling sound covered over the rest of her words.
-- Excuse me please, Comrade.
Static, rumbling, rumbling, static, static, rumbling …
-- Shuaaaa! Loud noise of flush.
Jamski tapped his pocket pad.
Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski
Grapefruit Garden
Last edited by Snowflake; June 19, 2003 at 10:18.
June 17, 2003, 17:30
Local Time: 21:05
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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OCC: Here, take it wherever you want, boys. On the other hand, I, am going to do some work, before they can fire me. Just be careful don't do anything naughty to Comrade HongHu would you?
Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski
Grapefruit Garden
Last edited by Snowflake; June 17, 2003 at 22:58.
June 17, 2003, 17:33
Local Time: 21:05
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(Sorry I'm hijacking one of your ooc posts for the operation. It fits best around here - Kody)
“Are you sure you know what you’re doing,” Wujiang asked with some trepidation.
“No,” Tassadar replied honestly. The mindworm continued to wriggle furiously in the forceps. “I told you, we were working on releasing the psychic and intellectual potential of humans. Not of mindworms.”
It was a simple plan. Overly simple in retrospect. Clamp a mindworm just above the test subjects head. The mindworm would automatically create a link between itself and the subject when it sensed a suitable host. Then it would be a matter of trying to manipulate the link.
“It’s not working,” Wujiang said, stating the obvious.
“Test 32 produced no result,” Vander spoke into the operation log. Vander removed the electrodes from the mindworm and waited for a decision to be made.
“A single mindworm may not be powerful enough to initiate contact,” Wujiang theorised.
“It would be dangerous for the subject.”
“Jamski expects results Tassadar,” Wujiang replied. He removed the psychic shielding from the container with their research worms. Then placed the container next to the woman’s head.
A few moments passed where nothing happened. “Vander lower the mindworm so it has physical contact with the subject’s head,” Tassadar finally said.
As soon as the mindworm touched the woman’s head she started convulsing. Inside the glass container the other mindworms were writhing in a large boil like mass.
“It worked!” Tassadar cheered excitedly. “Now we need to find out how to manipulate the link.”
“Oh my God! The mindworm has wriggled out of the forceps!”
Wujiang lunged for another set of forceps. “Grab it! It’s burrowing!” Blood started to spill across the floor. “Too much blood. Too slippery.” Tassadar grabbed at the retreating tail with his hand. Screams and Tassadar is on the floor. “Hold her down! She’s starting to knock the container off the table!” There’s the crash of shattering glass. “They’re all over me! They’re all over me!” Images bombarded Wujiang. Sickening images.
STOP! The shout blasted away all the hallucinations.
Somewhere to Wujiang’s right someone is gasping, and from far away he can hear Vander’s wavering voice. “We need to get out of this lab. We have a contamination leak.” He felt himself being dragged across the floor. After a short time there’s the sound of a muffled explosion and the floor shakes a little.
“The subject Comrade Claire Forlani has died,” Vander recorded into the operation logs. ”Time of death 18 25. Cause of death, burning during decontamination of lab.”
“Cause of death psychic shock,” Tassadar corrected.
“The patient isn’t Claire,” Wujiang said absentmindedly.
“There are fewer mindworm husks than the number of mindworms that we started with,” Vander observed looking into the burnt room they had vacated. “Where does that drain hole go?”
Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski
Grapefruit Garden
Last edited by Vev; June 27, 2003 at 02:23.
June 17, 2003, 20:39
Local Time: 13:05
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As Kelvin stood in the corridor something that had been skirting the edges of his mind made its move. An invisible wave of thoughts crashed through his mind bringing with it a horde of fragmented emotions and clamouring voices. It was controlled by something alien and beyond his understanding. He could feel the various clammy fingers of thoughts probing and reaching further, each of them either pleading demanding or questioning for something. There was no reasoning that he could discern. Kelvin tired to shout out in fear, but it when he opened his mouth it came out as a soft hiss.
The voices abated momentarily before mounting another assault. This time it was worse. Cold tendrils coiled up his legs and torso, Kelvin looked down but saw nothing. The tendrils were now crawling up his fingers, hands and arm and the sensation felt like mass of greasy larvae squirming ever upwards. They were up to his throat then crawled into his mouth. Kelvin was now choking for air and it felt there was something wiggling inside his head.
STOP! Silence echoed in his head after his cry. Whatever it was had retreated and somewhere in the vast darkness someone was crying. A human?
The security guard, Galus stepped onto the corridor and saw Kelvin standing there motionless. He was angered by the intrusion, but just before Galus shouted he realised the kid shouldn’t have past the perimeter. Anton wasn’t at his post and now Galus was seething. If the Crimson Guard caught this kid here not only would the kid will be sent to recycling tanks, but Galus too.
“Hey kid! SCRAT! Are you deaf? I said MOVE IT!”
Kelvin snapped out of his trance and ran the other way as fast as he could.
Galus now have to teach Anton a lesson for lack of commitment and discipline.
Last edited by Vev; June 27, 2003 at 02:30.
June 19, 2003, 00:51
Local Time: 17:05
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: Back in Hawaii... (CPA Member)
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Police Monitoring Headquarters
Comrade Frankychan leaned back in his chair, watching the numerous viewscreens on the wall opposite him. Each vidscreen showed some activity or another in the various bowels of The Hive. A viewscreen showed two unsuspecting citizens locked in a passionate embrace in a storage facility.
Naughty, Naughty.
Comrade Frankychan reached for his microphone and flipped the relevant switch
***Get back to work, lovebirds! You can fulfill the Chairman's need for more babies off-shift***
The two startled involuntarily and went back to their duties.
Comrade Frankychan grinned.
I love this work.
Despot-(1a) : a ruler with absolute power and authority (1b) : a person exercising power tyrannically
Beyond Alpha Centauri-Witness the glory of Sheng-ji Yang
***** Citizen of the Hive****
"...but what sane person would move from Hawaii to Indiana?" - Dis
June 19, 2003, 05:17
Local Time: 13:05
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Location: I am so out of touch
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(OOC: Time to introduce a bit of direction as I had been lazy  . Since the Hive haven't met any rival factions yet, we are all busy establishing a powerbase for ourselves, until the grand meeting which I will introduce  . Also there will be a back post saying that the mind altering operation worked as Claire never remembered the operation. Plus Jamski does not sound like the forgiving type  and will probably dispose of Wujiang, Tass and Vander in the lab if they fail to carry out their duties. It would be really great if two teams of people play off each other with Jamski and company on one side and Rosskosky the Marshall and company on the otherside. Meanwhile I'll introduce another pawn character to be pushed around by the millitary. Third parties are invited to side or hinder or form personal agendas. OOC: )
Comrade Kostya was in a Hive military buggy along with other members of his team, crusing on the rough bumpy surface performing routine patrols. He like many other join Hive soldiers joined the army to protect the civilians from the ever present dangers of mindworms.
"Hey Gavril, are you ready for another round of Hiveball tonight? Or are you still nursing your bruised ego?", said Kostya.
"Brusied ego? Hah! Kostya, you're the one with all the bruises and I am keen to give you more."
"True, but my team still won," said Kostya with a grin.
The radio crackled:
"Attention all units. Attention all units. All units to move to sector AH24 to combat mindworm outbreak. I repeat all units move to sector AH24 to combat mindworm outbreak. Over"
"I guess our Hiveball would have to wait," said Kostya before he swerved the buggy toward their new destination and accelerated like a demon.
Last edited by Vev; June 19, 2003 at 05:54.
June 19, 2003, 07:16
Local Time: 13:05
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Posts: 3,347
As far as weirdness went, the dream rated at least a nine out of ten. Maybe even a full ten. However, the strangest part was that he remembered every detail.
He had been standing on a plain of xenofungus that stretched as far as the eye could see. He had known it was a dream because he hadn’t been wearing an oxygen mask and he didn’t have any trouble breathing. The rust red fungus was ankle deep and when the wind blew, spores had twirled around his legs moving with the breeze. A circle of mindworms was surrounding him with their front segments raised above the ground and their three lipped mouths slowly opening and closing. They looked threatening yet they did not advance on him. Clouds had slowly skidded across the sky and sometimes the mindworms had swayed slightly in the wind. However, nothing had happened until he had woken.
Kelvin guessed it was an after effect of the mental attack he had suffered in sector N589. It had been secretly whispered that mindworm research had been occurring among the workers of the factory. However, until now he hadn’t believed it.
Kelvin got dressed and simply left the quarters he shared with his family. He had too many things on his mind to worry about breakfast or grooming. His parents said nothing. With nine siblings to look after they never bothered with the oldest anymore. So he stood outside in the corridor staring at the concrete opposite to the door.
It was a female he decided. The person he had heard crying after the attack was a human female.
He wondered if she was cute.
“Kell!” Radanr shouted, breaking him from his reverie. “You didn’t come to the speech yesterday, and people started asking questions.”
“Oh Zakharov!” Kelvin swore. He didn’t know why the guard in sector N589 had let him go, but he knew he was very lucky. However, he had been exhausted and gone home afterwards, completely forgetting about the speech. If anyone accused him of being a counter revolutionary the crimson guard would be paying him a visit.
“Kell you’ve gone as white as UOP professor’s backside!” Radanr giggled. “Don’t sweat it. I told everyone that you had an important meeting with Comrade Vev. Everyone didn’t want to know after I mentioned his name.”
Kelvin gaped a little.
“I know I’ve been nervestapled a lot but give me some credit,” Radanr said as he swung around and started marching off to work. “Don’t forget to drool a fair bit at work today,” he called back.
Kelvin spent a good second frowning before hurrying to catch up. He guessed being forced to drool like a retard for a day was far better than torture and the recycling tanks.
June 19, 2003, 10:32
Local Time: 21:05
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Location: falling, once again
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OCC: I changed my post so that Jamski will suspect that the operation worked. In addition, although act as if he was only an innocent scientist, Wujiang should be able to take care of himself not to become a victim of the evil deputy chairman. How else could he be a secret agent of the Commissionar Vev? Oh and we should really not be surprised if the real operation had a most unfortunete end. Scientific discovery is not obtained easily without sacrifice. The next one, could be quite successful, on ... Kevin maybe? And what would he become afte that ...
Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski
Grapefruit Garden
June 23, 2003, 02:40
Local Time: 20:05
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: Marshal of the Revolutionary Army of the Socialist People of the Human Hive
Posts: 348
"Pardon me my dear, I don't usually have quite that reaction to alcohol," the Marshal stated as he walked out of the washroom. His gate was more firm and in charge now that he had deposed of the offending substances and his eyes gave off the more characteristic alertness of a seasoned military officer. A quick tug on the bottom of his uniform smoothed out a crease. "Now, tell me about this little business with dearest Claire, she was rather absent from our dinner appointment, and I am sure you know something about it."
"Well, I am only one person Rokossovky, I can't be everywhere," HongHu's tone was playful, yet it had that "I know something that you would KILL to hear about" undertone she almost always possesed. "However, luckily for you I did have a chance to talk with her. She stopped by here on her way to the PRAVDA building, she needed some last minute support. Under that confidence is a layer of anxiety, but back onto topic. She actually told me to apologize to you, she had fallen asleep and didn't wake up until it was far too late."
Why am I being kept out of the loop...something is going on, I am sure of it... "And that was it? Well, I guess she can't be blamed for having a little nap. Oh, I just remembered, did you get the present I sent in with the last patrol?" The Marshal strode over to the fridge and found a bottle of water. I'd better start with the water now before my hangover makes life unbearable...
"Oh yes, the mindworms, live ones at that. I feel sorry for the fools you sent to get them for me, but, I think I may have a use for them." ...do I tell him about Jamski?... he is rather harsh...but his military connections are invaluable...if Jamski wants the project to succed he will need something that holds weight outside the political world...however... I will get the Marshal's attention...but I think I'd be better keep him leashed...save the cavalry for another time..."I have heard about a small group, independant I believe, who are trying to develop mind control using mind worms. They will appreciate these, and I may be able to find out more if I use them as currency for information."
"You will, of course, keep me informed of your progess?" The Marshal looked at HongHu with a surprisingly meancing tone, but it quickly faded. "What am I saying? Of course you will, you are my Director of Intelligence, if there is anyone who I can trust it is you. Not to mention you are a member of the CCC, also a very trustworthy position."
...ah yes, I do owe the Marshal my job in the CMC...my power...my security...no one dares touch me...they know if they did, it would be the last thing they ever thought about...the Marshal can be cruel and vengeful...best try and stay away from that side..."Yes, yes, yes, of course I will. You should go home and get some sleep, I hear there is another colony pod leaving tomorrow, you will want to be up to oversee the escort."
"Ah, yes. Thank you." Rokossovky hesitated for a moment. "We should meet again, over dinner,"
"Sounds good. Good night Marshal."
"Good night." Rokossovky's guard outside the door gave a crisp salute, and then something happened. A pad was handed to the Marshal and a look of horrible anger crossed his face. The door closed and all HongHu could make out was an inaudible barking of orders, something to do with "Jamski" and "missing men traced back to his quarters". She decided whatever it was it could wait till morning, acting care free for the Marshal for so long had worn her out, it was time to sleep.
- Comrade Marshal Rokossovky
Marshal of the Revolutionary Army of the Socialist People of the Human Hive
Last edited by Rokossovky; July 25, 2003 at 23:05.
June 23, 2003, 09:29
Local Time: 21:05
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Location: falling, once again
Posts: 8,823
Good piece Marshal!
Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski
Grapefruit Garden
June 23, 2003, 09:33
Local Time: 20:05
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Location: Marshal of the Revolutionary Army of the Socialist People of the Human Hive
Posts: 348
Good piece Marshal!
- Rokossovky
- Comrade Marshal Rokossovky
Marshal of the Revolutionary Army of the Socialist People of the Human Hive
June 25, 2003, 00:58
Local Time: 13:05
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This story seems very very disjointed. Maybe it would be helpful to have a seperate thread discussing ideas and plot. That way the story could actually have some long term planning and plot line and we wouldn't have as much of a mess.
June 25, 2003, 02:15
Local Time: 13:05
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Location: I am so out of touch
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( OOC: Wujiang does not know he is used by Vev, and nor does Vev wishes Wujiang to know. OOC )
It was a grand black tie ball with elegant ladies and well groomed gentleman waltzing to live music on floor. Many a lady wore magnificiant feathered hats while their partners dressed tuxedos.
But that was a long time ago, in a different world before the full horrors of humanities ingenuity was unleashed. Comrade Vev took off his private the mental projector and stopped replaying the memories of his parents. This piece of illegal equipment provided Vev one of the few reminders of a world long abandoned.
Vev returned to his desk and sifted through the long lists of reports. Most of the reports were little updates that Vev took note and sorted them for later reference. One report however, proved to be highly interesting, although alarming.
... mobile listening posts scanning the airwaves have detected multiple rhythmic wideband transmissions. The patterns detected most likely indicates other human faction or factions. Identity of sender remains unknown. A second station is requested help to pinpoint transmission location.
Those bickering children better finish their little games or else they will find their toys taken away.
Back in his single room housing, Wujiang, found an enveloped address to him, sealed in red wax with an impression of a star. He looked around nervously, but there is no hiding place in this small room. He broke the seal and read the short note in a matter of moments. Upon reading the note, Wujiang again looked worried and deeply in concentration deciding was to do. Meanwhile he destroyed the note by burning it.
In an hour's time Wujiang found himself alone in a bar, regretting why he is following the instructions. Fifteen minutes have passed and still no one is around, Wujiang decided to leave. As he was leaving, a man bumped into him and said "sorry".
After coming home, Wujiang removed his jacket and a small wrapped package slid out. Inside was an invitation to Marshal's birthday party and a security clearance card.
Last edited by Vev; June 25, 2003 at 19:16.
June 25, 2003, 03:58
Local Time: 13:05
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Last edited by Kody; June 27, 2003 at 03:47.
June 25, 2003, 14:16
Local Time: 20:05
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Location: Privateering in Idaho
Posts: 476
It's Claire that is on the table. It's just that Vander hasn't been able to see her on Pravada.
She cheats her lover of his due
but still contrives to keep him tied
by first deciding to refuse
and then refusing to decide
June 25, 2003, 17:14
Local Time: 21:05
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Location: falling, once again
Posts: 8,823
Originally posted by Kody
Good Grief!
I was attempting to do the back story for the mindworm operation, and I have figured out it's entirely impossible due to inconsistancy.
There are two possibilities that can be done with minimal changes to people's posts.
1. The operation went ahead and claire was forced to believe what is HongHu wrote.
2. The Claire actually left and the operation went ahead on some unknown girl.
The problems with the first option is according to HongHu Wujiang is in hand and glove with Claire. While there's a post by Vev contradicting that in Wujiang's meeting with Tassadar. Also the girl that appears on the table appears out of nowhere!!!! Furthermore, I thought Wujiang was realtively unpowerful. Why would Claire be interested in Wujiang when she's chasing after the big rollers.
The problem with the second option is firstly that Jamski confirms that Claire escaped and had a meeting with HongHu. So for the second option Jamski's post will have to be erased, and HongHu's second post rewritten to add in the time laspe of the operation.
Whatever happens at least two posts have to be adjusted.
Do people want to fix their posts? Or should I maybe adjust the posts myself.
Something really ought to be done, as things stand there's a girl (either Claire or a nameless girl) lying on the operation table. The operation really needs to be done as it will greatly effect what Wujiang, Tassadar and Vander do next. So basically they're limited in what can be written about them until that issue is figured out.
Vev's contradictory post about Wujiang's meeting with Tassadar can be easily adjusted to be more consistent with Tass and Vander's earlier posts (that Wujiang was in a corner of the lab and Vander was preparing the girl behind the emergency door) as well as the later posts from me and Jam. The major problem with the operation of the nameless girl seems to me is not where she came from, rather, is where she went after the operation. A possible answer to this is that the operation failed and evidences destroyed (as described in Vev's post). But lessons were learned and the second operation may be a success. This gives one potential plot that connects the deputy chairman, marshal, Tass and HongHu with some mutual interest and secret fighting for power. Another potential parallal scheme that would interact with the first one sometime in the future could be Vev the Commissioner of secret police controlling Wujiang and perhaps Kevin (he has to enter the story somehow) to achieve his own dark agenda.
Claire doesn't need to chase after Wujiang, she was simply flirting with him to get out of the operation bed. Plus she just enjoys to play around men, to be admired and desired. Wujiang, though, can't really resist to love such a beautiful girl. The Marshal is determined and ambitious. The deputy chairman is cruel and powerful. (But even him would not expect his scientist delivers result on one day. The previous scientist got in trouble because of their unsecrecy, not unproductiveness. ) The commissioner is dark and obscure.
So anyway, this is my view so far for the story. The fun to this kind of story jointly written by many people is that sometimes it develops its own life and does not go with anybody's plan. But this is exactly why I like it. You can be surprised many times. One thing I think we should all be careful is to follow the cues of previous posts. For example Marshal planned to meet HongHu when the pravda show started but Jamski detested that he was moving to HongHu's qauters when the show ended. That must mean that he was late. When Tass went to meet Wujiang Vander was with the subject and Wujiang was in another corner, he must be doing something else. There could be many possibilities after one person's post. And the next person's choice may fix one possibility and thus affact the direction of the story. Jamski wants to meet with the Marshal. Marshal wants to meet with HongHu again. Wujiang was invited to Marshal's birthday party. When is the party? What is Wujiang supposed to do there? Anybody could jump in and write something (which may turn the direction of the story) and others may choose to wait and see if there's a nice development that could fit what happened and what is going to happen. Vander was requested not to go back to his quaters until the end of the project. Wujiang had to return to his quaters to discover the note. Both Tass and Kevin survived some sort of mindworm attacks. Somebody would have to touch all these little details sometime, somewhere.
And this has made me kept coming back and check if something has happened in the world of the underground quarters and tunnels ...
Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski
Grapefruit Garden
June 25, 2003, 18:56
Local Time: 13:05
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Last edited by Kody; June 27, 2003 at 03:48.
June 25, 2003, 20:04
Local Time: 13:05
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Last edited by Kody; June 27, 2003 at 03:50.
June 25, 2003, 20:39
Local Time: 20:05
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Social experiments rarely if ever succeed, and at this moment as Voltaire observed his own experiment his opinion that of abysmal failure. The escapades of his governing class were akin to those of the detestable decedent Roman Republic; and he was the fool at the head of it all. His opinion of the situation grew more and more grim with each page of the report. This will not do, not at all...
He turned to the man standing patiently awaiting for the Chairman to fully absorb the information. "Is this all?" he waved the papers at the man.
"The report lacks some of this weeks developments, but other than that it is complete." The man responded with a relaxed tone of voice, an oddity for anyone addressing the Chairman.
Voltaire sighed, "Please keep me informed, I would have to miss any of the fun." The sarcasm in the Chairmans voice did not fail to escape the man.
"Oh... one more think..." Added the Chairman, "Give my regard to Comrade Claire."
With those words the man bowed in respect and exited, leaving Voltaire alone in his office to ponder the contents of the report, as well as his next move.
June 26, 2003, 01:37
Local Time: 13:05
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Location: I am so out of touch
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Comrade Marshal Rokossovky Grand Birthday Ball
Dear Comrade,
The Marshal cordially invites you to his grand birthday ball.
It will be held tomorrow at the Marshal Parade with festivities
starting at 6:00pm. Please dress in formal wear and be prepared
for delays due to security checks. Entertainment and food will
be provided with the event concluding in a specially arranged
event at 12:00pm.
The security card accompanying this letter will be required at
the gate.
Military escorts will be provided to those that are running late.
Comrade Marshal Rokossovky
You look thoughtfully at the invitation. So the Marshal's grand birthday party is going to be held tomorrow. If previous parties are anything to go by this event will be invitation only affair that is protected by an extensive and some say paranoid security. The security force is usually drawn from loyal members of the army to keep nosey intruders out. A person's career can be made or broken here, as there are opportunities to curry the favours of influential party members or be ruined by their humiliating remarks. While excessive display of wealth is frowned upon, a common practice by the ill-fated Morgan followers, the birthday bash most likely will be quite lavish by Hive standards. You idly wonder what the marshal is planning for the special event.
Last edited by Kody; June 26, 2003 at 02:40.
June 26, 2003, 11:07
Local Time: 21:05
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: falling, once again
Posts: 8,823
 I know all of your boys want to get your hands on dear Claire.  As she cannot speak for herself, her best and only friend, I, have to quard her from any evil intentions.
Originally posted by Kody
"A possible answer to this is that the operation failed and evidences destroyed (as described in Vev's post)"
Vev doesn't have a post that describes that. I reread this thread and there's nothing that says that.
Sorry I wasn't clear. I didn't mean that Vev said that the operation had failed. I meant that Vev has provided the means of destroying evidence:
In event of an accident heavy emergency doors will hermatically shut the room, sprinklers will be doused the room with flammable liquids that will be ignited to incinerate unwanted elements.
The line "Forlani knows Wujiang’s secret longing for her for a long time." seems to suggest that Claire was actually paying attention. I'm not suggesting that Claire is serious about her flirting, but I figured that Wujiang was not powerful enough to get noticed.
Dear Kody, females are much more complicated than computer codes.  You still need to learn more about them. Ask around, or read a couple romantic novels. You'll see the why.
Vev said he's expecting that the marshall is going to hold his birthday party. He was hoping everyone could attend and also that forcing everyone together would mean what exactly happened in the operation would be resolved in the talking that occurs.
Isn't it better if the truth is never leant by the people except a very few?
Kelvin was going to wander in get caught and become someone's pawn. But he ended up becoming some kind of empath with some kind of control over mindworms.
Exactly! And he actually may turn out to be very crucial to the mind control experiment.
Tassadar, Vev and I were trying to do a joint post earlier about the operation Claire, and the posts on Kelvin were edited because of something that happened in the experiment.
Btw, I liked that little detail.
Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski
Grapefruit Garden
June 26, 2003, 11:07
Local Time: 21:05
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: falling, once again
Posts: 8,823
Double post. Deleted.
Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski
Grapefruit Garden
Last edited by Snowflake; June 26, 2003 at 11:28.
June 26, 2003, 20:00
Local Time: 13:05
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Location: I am so out of touch
Posts: 1,660
Surface, near mindworm boil
The ride in the buggy was very rough, made even rougher due to the fact the buggy wasn't meant to cope with the high speed they are driving over the rocky terrain. In the few years since landfall, any salvagable parts left over from the landing pod have been converted into a host of essential equipment. The buggy was unfortunately constructed post landfall from various scraps of metals, so it lacked the various finer features found in Unity Rovers such as decent suspension, comfortable seating and seatbelts.
"Hey Kostya, can you drive it an-ny wo-OOORSE!" Gavril's speech was interrupted by a particular bad bone-jarring bump when the buggy hit a sizeable chunk of rock.
"Sure, no problem," replied Kostya.
Plumes of dark smoke rose above the horizon, hinting the scale of the battle they would be facing. Faint high pitched shrills and thuds of mortar fire can be heard above the rattling and whirring of the buggy, as they drew closer to the combat zone.
"Look at that," said Gavril in awe as the buggy cleared the final hill.
From the distance the mindworm boil appears as a gigantic pink mound that is constantly sliding forward using little avalanche waves. Like a landslide, little pink mindworms breaks off from the top of the mound and slides downwards collecting more mindworms resulting in a wave that swamps the area before them. As the mound disgorged mindworms, more mindworms crawled from the rear building up the mound again ready for the next wave. The consistent mortar hits send mindworms flying into air, as well as triggering another mini avalanche of mindworms.
"Patrol Team 112 reporting, sir" Kostya annouced over the radio.
“Patrol Team 112, I want you to support squad 56 over to the east and contain that line and cleanup any mindworms that breaks away from the main boil. Got it?”
“Yes, sir”
Last edited by Vev; June 27, 2003 at 01:12.
June 26, 2003, 20:41
Local Time: 20:05
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Marshal of the Revolutionary Army of the Socialist People of the Human Hive
Posts: 348
Yea, geeze, busy in RL. *sigh*. Ok, well, the birthday thingy sounds kewl. But....I have something planned to write about an encounter with Jamski that will add to the plot (see my last post), plus I can write a bit tying things together a bit.. (I can do that tonight as well... in a few hours). I am still confused as to what happened in the operating room? Could someone explain that in simple language? lol) As for birthday thingy.... yea, that would be a good idea... just wait a tad and see what i post in a bit, then I guess any one of you can do it (Vev, you seem the most enthuiastic). Ah, and back to RL. I am going backpacking (again) this weekend. I give my powers as Marshal to HongHu temporarily, starting friday morning, ending sunday evening. (GMT -7) Considering Jamski isn't back yet.... you will have to contact the chairman to get permission to run the turn. But yea, I will post again in a bit with an update.
- Rokossovky
- Comrade Marshal Rokossovky
Marshal of the Revolutionary Army of the Socialist People of the Human Hive
June 27, 2003, 02:03
Local Time: 13:05
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: Purpose drives life
Posts: 3,347
The two backposts can be found here and here. They should clear up all the issues people have been having with the operation.
Some of this post was adjusted slightly.
I've moved all my ooc comments that were longer than 6 lines to this place. This was in a effort to reduce spam and let people read the story easier.
Last edited by Kody; June 27, 2003 at 08:30.
June 28, 2003, 01:21
Local Time: 21:05
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: falling, once again
Posts: 8,823
Very nice work!  I really love this place. Who would have thought that you come to a forum for a game and find some fantastic real readings as a result!
Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski
Grapefruit Garden
June 29, 2003, 09:19
Local Time: 21:05
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: falling, once again
Posts: 8,823
Comrade HongHu stopped for a moment before she knocked on the door of the Chairman’s office. Why did the Chairman want to see her? Chairman Voltaire was the best friend of Yang Zi. Ever since her marriage to Yang, Voltaire had been taking care of HongHu like a big brother. And She had always admired Voltaire as a little girl. But he had been so busy ever since the landing. HongHu nearly never had any chance to even talk to him out of the official duties. HongHu sighed quietly to herself and raised her hand. The door opened before she started knocking.
“Comrade HongHu, would you like to stand out there for a couple of minutes more?” Voltaire’s voice was warm and jokingly.
“Chairman! Do you always surprise your guest like this?” HongHu entered the room with a smile that she couldn’t hold back.
Votaire’s voice became solemn after HongHu sat down in a chair that he gestured with.
“I wanted to let you know that there will be some changes going on with the CCC.”
Comrade HongHu became alerted at the Chairman’s voice as he went on.
“I will be resigning as Chairman... perhaps even at the end of this term...”
Smiles froze at HongHu’s face.
What?!!! She could not comprehend Voltaire’s words for a short moment.
“NO!!!” Comrade HongHu didn’t try to hide her astonishment.
Such a transparent heart, like a crystal. I really hate to drag her into this filthy world of politics. But she seemed to have managed to keep her innocence well from all the corruption.
The Chairman laughed out loudly.
“Not to worry...
“The changes I have in store to come in the next few weeks will ensure that I still keep the power. So I will be the head of government in all but name.”
HongHu felt relieved and started to become interested in what the Chairman has to tell her.
“I've been perhaps too liberal in my rule, and it has resulted in the decadence we see.
“Let me fill you in on the first two changes...
“I've spoken to the Commissioner of Public Safety, as well as our dear Marshal...”
“And each of them will soon introduce a bill before the Peoples' Assembly Council...
“The bill will be a simple one...”
“No chairman any more?” HongHu said half-jokingly, and bit her tongue at the Chairman’s half blaming glance.
“It would bestow upon me the titles of ‘Father of the State’ and ‘First Among Equals’...”
Chairman Voltaire continued,
“Now they're just honorary...
“But as Chairman in the CCC I plan to put in martial laws that will slowly transfer the real power from the Chairmanship, to the two titles I carry...
“Thus when I resign as Chairman, I will still keep absolute power...”
Comrade HongHu stared at the Chairman as she tried hard to capture every word of his. Chairman Voltaire always had a quality of deepness in his plan. Sometimes HongHu felt that she had to study for like ten years to gain a full comprehension of his words.
“And Comrade HongHu, you will be pleased to know that I am considering you to be my successor.”
“No!” HongHu’s abrupt exclaim interrupted the Chairman.
Chairman Voltaire was a little taken back. He looked at HongHu searchingly,
“You object...
“Why would this be?”
“HongHu's real dream is to sit quietly in her room and do some pottery and write her book ‘the daughter of the dragon’.”
HongHu’s words were fast and fervid.
“Remember she never volunteered for any posts?
“All her current ones are appointed.
“Two by the Chairman - You! One by the Marshal.”
It was true that Comrade HongHu never knew why Voltaire wanted her to hold those important positions. At first she believed that Voltaire wanted her to be in the CCC because she was the only family member of Chairman Yang that was left, and her being in the CCC could give it more validity and make Voltaire’s control more secure. But then later he gave her more and more tasks and power…
Voltaire agreed slowly,
“True, you were appointed by me personally to most of your posts. Well you should take that as evidence of your ability to govern.”
HongHu calmed herself down a little, and continued
“She doesn't want the control as others want.
“She doesn't want to be the mother of the state. She would rather be the daughter of the state.
“She wants to play, but doesn't want the responsibility.” Red clouds rose up to Comrade HongHu’s cheeks. She smiled again.
“If you say so, I will reconsider...” Chairman Voltaire’s words were thoughtful. “But that is your virtue, you don't want power...”
He paused for a minute and changed to a lighter tone.
“You are writing a book?”
“Yes. After Yang Zi passed away in the landing incident, I started to search for my root back in the earth, and studied a little about Chinese history. Thus the book … It hasn’t gone very far yet.” HongHu was a little embarrassed.
“Please inform me when you have completed the book, I will await with great anticipation.” Voltaire looked at HongHu adorably.
Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski
Grapefruit Garden
Last edited by Snowflake; July 1, 2003 at 11:38.
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