Hi there
Welcome to Apolyton
There are no ladder's to join, but you do have to join a team to play in either one of the 2 DG's. One is underway(PTWDG) and one is getting set-up(PTWDG II). Both of these are Play By Email Games(PBEM.) The Single Player Democracy Game(SPDG) is open to all member's of Apolyton to join, in that game we play a regular Single Player game against AI Civ's. In all three games the member's elect leaders and basically decide what do do among themselves. Each team has it's own rules and functions independently.
To join a team in the PTWDG you need to apply to a team by clicking on the 'civgroups' link here:
That will show you a listing of all teams and a link to apply for membership for that team. It is up to each team to admit new member's.
To join a team in the PTWDG II just find a thread with a name of the team you would like to join and state so in that thread that you would like to join that team and you will likely be accepted.
To join the SPDG go to this link:
That is the forum where all the players talk about what is going on. You must also use the 'civgroups' link to join that game, but all who join are accepted, no matter what. Join the "Civilization III Democracy Game." You will then get a little nifty icon next to your name that shows you belong to that team/game.
We are currently playing all of the games with patch 1.14f since the 1.21f is not available to the European players.
Have a look around, but most of all, remeber to have fun.