June 10, 2003, 14:14
Local Time: 03:14
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Originally posted by Master Zen
Aqui en Puebla en invierno hace un frio de la chingada. Me acuerdo que el primer año en la uni tenia clases a las 7am y me tenia que llevar guantes a clase porque se me partian los nudillos del frio....
Y ahorita esta lloviendo y lloviendo y lloviendo....
pues aqui en Monterrey no cantamos mal las rancheras, una vez hubo tormenta electrica, lluvia torrencial y granizada el mismo dia
de hecho, hay una toma que hizo un camarografo de canal 2 donde un rayo surge detras del cerro de la silla (  ) de abajo hacia arriba
June 10, 2003, 14:17
Local Time: 03:14
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Posts: 78
Originally posted by HsFB
we don't use insane literally translated (inano), and i think that the phrase "this is insane" is used much either...
when replying to someone's suggestion/other, (like: -will you do this for me? -no! you're insane") it's estás loco (you're mad)
otherwise, we just put in a swear or something (eg, puta! ni me podrría imaginar tanto calor! )
Oh ok, yea i wasn't sure if that was correct or not, I was going for a "Thats insane/crazy" type of thing.
Thanks for the advice, i'll remember that next time it comes up.
By the way, I couldn't find a translation for Podrria (I don't know how to make the unique "I" you used)
Ha I should find some way to get ahold of some spanish swear words  , haven't had any practice with them at all. my school won't teach them
Carlos - Huh, didn't know that. Do those stretch pretty far inland? Where I'am we don't get any ocean related storms, too far inland, they all die out far befor they get close.
Edit -----
so does it get the whole spinning affect monsoons have? How big of tides does it create? seen home videos (We got shows named "You gotta see this" etc where they show home video footage of cool stuff people caught on tape, and I seem to remember watching one with a huge title wave crashing down due some sort of storm near a hispanic city.
June 10, 2003, 14:28
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HsFB, it´s the biggest thing I could think of
 no tidal waves here... at least for now
podrria = podría  "be able to, can, may" From Babylon translator.
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June 10, 2003, 14:52
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Well thats good to hear, lol, but yea when higher tides was mentioned that video just poped into my head, so I had to ask
Babylon translator? Do you have a link to that? I don't think i've tried that one yet.
Last edited by Poogas; June 10, 2003 at 15:04.
June 10, 2003, 15:18
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sorry, my typo on podría/podrría...
and as for the sudestada, nah no tidal waves, but the wind will increase the tide level by about 5 meters per two knots of wind (if blowing from the correct direction)...
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June 10, 2003, 17:31
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El truco para (sobre)vivir en verano en Sevilla es aprovechar las noches: yo duermo 4 horas, y despues de comer me pego unas siestas monumentales...
Ufff, Dentro de quince dias playita: Cádiz, Roche, Los C@ños de Meca.......
June 10, 2003, 17:49
Local Time: 03:14
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HsFB - thats ok  for life of me I couldn't figure out what that word ment! and since the double rr is common in spanish I didn't even think about it being a typo.
Ha, i know what it means now though!
Niessuh - ¿ Durante el verano Ud duerme durante 4 horas?
Durante el verano básicamente entro en la hibernación y duermo todo el día... por lo menos la mayor parte de ello
June 10, 2003, 17:53
Local Time: 04:14
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Bienvenido, Poogas
Tu español es bueno (mejor que mi inglés), y aquí mejorarás mucho
BTW, a Spanish trick: the 'rr' could only appear between vowels like in
perro (dog) or carro (car in South American)
Don't confuss the words with rr with the words with a single r
- perro (dog), pero (but)
- carro (car in South American), caro (expensive)
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June 10, 2003, 17:57
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Re: Hola Todos
Originally posted by Poogas
En cortocircuito hola
Linea clasica de clasicos!
Bienvenido, Poogas.
June 10, 2003, 18:02
Local Time: 03:14
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Thanks Yaroslav , yea I think going to this forum will improve my spanish too. So far so good
Thanks for the spelling rule about the double r words. That will definitly come in handy.
Originally posted by yaroslav
(mejor que mi inglés)
Tu inglés es perfecto
El Awrence - Gracias
¡¡Sí no mi momento mejor!!  Esto era antes hasta Me molesté a en comprobar si el traductor lo hiciera correctamente (doblo la comprobación ahora)
Mi español es todavía bastante pobre aunque
¡¿Ah bien, whats un extranjero (para???) hacer?!?!
Last edited by Poogas; June 10, 2003 at 18:14.
June 10, 2003, 18:15
Local Time: 03:14
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WTF???  what are you guys doing???
ignore them poogas, the first and most important thing you must learn if you are trying to talk in spanish is:
learn bad words
once you master this keys of comunication you're done, the rest is piece of cake
June 10, 2003, 18:35
Local Time: 03:14
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Posts: 78
Lol!!!! ha thats great
Same thing with English, well atleast if you live in a big city, seeing how in public areas thats all that is spoken
But I agree, learning swear words is a must!
 Anyone know if the Moderator(s) of the forum would mind a discussion of the fine art of Swearing in Spanish?
June 10, 2003, 18:38
Local Time: 04:14
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No creo que le importe. El cerrará la thread si lo cree conveniente...
[In English: I think that he has no complains. He will close the thread if he don't want the topic]
Do you want the English translations or prefer all-in-Spanish messages?
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June 10, 2003, 19:20
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It´s a program that runs in windows taskbar. Very useful if you want to translate words, but not full paragraphs.
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June 10, 2003, 19:28
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Either is fine, if its all in Spanish I can figure it out maybe not all the way but I understand most of what is being said, which is pretty fun, I don't get the opportunity often, But if it goes into something complicated, a English translation would be nice  , but not a must by any means.
All in all, Either is fine, I'm a guest on your board / forum so don't do any more work than you want to on my behalf  You guys trying to read my attempts at spanish is work enough i'm guessing
¿y usted? ¿qué lengua usted preferiría?
Carlos - Thanks, i'll give it a try. Quick translations are always a pleasure
June 10, 2003, 19:31
Local Time: 04:14
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Me da igual, la que tu prefieras
Trying to rehabilitateh and contribuing again to the civ-community
June 10, 2003, 20:08
Local Time: 03:14
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Bastante bueno, Si Ud no hace caso de mi español Nosotros no deberíamos tener ningunos problemas!
Tan, yo supongo Vaya con Cualquier un Ud prefiere en aquel tiempo
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