Learned 4 Lessons this weekend
Lesson 1: If you want a mainly military experience, don't set the world to random because you'll usually get that mostly water island map. Lost 9 galleys before reaching the next island and it was A VACANT landmass!!! Started a new game...
Lesson 2: Military games are much more interesting than the entirely peaceful games - my peaceful game left me with nothing to build and cities full of military guys with nothing for me to do except push enter at the end of every turn.
Lesson 3: If you plan on keeping 2 games running, make sure you give them sensible names so you don't accidently save your military game over your peaceful game because you're in the habit of using the same name for your end-of-day saves. (But if it was as boring as Lesson 2 indicated, perhaps this isn't such a bad thing.)
Lesson 4: Do the things you have to get done over the weekend before you sit down to play... especially if the things you have to do involve not sitting at the computer.
If pigs could fly we'd all have to wear helmets.
Please don't be envious of my little girlie brain.