November 16, 2003, 13:09
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Originally posted by Harry Tuttle
Lieutenant Arthedain
I'm honoured. And I'm also looking forward to this scen. It seems great
November 16, 2003, 19:38
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Sure Curt, you got it. Arthedain I'm glad you like it.
November 17, 2003, 22:48
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o cmon, u gotta include lft marks sumwher, it wud be nice to include a REAL army officer.....
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November 22, 2003, 23:12
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Alright! Everyone gets included. Someone make a list...
Ok, I must have made a snafu somewhere. I remember this being a big problem with the event editor, but somehow I managed to trip over it. I have an event file that was made using Windows Notepad. Unfortunately, when I make it the only event file in the Atromic Eagle folder the scenario defaults to the original event file, even though the original has been deleted. And yes, I deleted the backup event file too.
Will I have to go back and redo the events using the event editor in-game, or is there some really neat way to fix all of my problems in one fell swoop?
Gurus, I need your help. I made a tremendous amount of headway today, but this event problem is putting a wrinkle in my natural designer high.
November 23, 2003, 06:42
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DO NOT use the events editor in-game!
Download PFE (programmer's file editor) and change the events manually.
The scenario editor is very sucky and ruins files.
I fear your events may be lost...I hope someone proves me wrong.
But I cannot stress the point enough, manually created file edits are far more reliable!
November 23, 2003, 07:41
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Harry, just use the Delevent.exe on your save file(drag your save over it).
It will clear any previous events.You can find it in the microprose CD.
November 23, 2003, 10:54
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Thanks guys, I got it working! Thank god I had the foresight to make a copy of my events file.
November 23, 2003, 13:12
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Smart man!
Backups are a must!!!
November 27, 2003, 01:17
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Update: Events for Chapter 1 complete. Next comes the fun part, building the tech tree and identifying unit parameters.
Is it bad when I spend three hours at work typing event files and plot twists?
Did I mention that no two games will be the same?
I plan to get a good dose done this weekend. Should be easy stuff...
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
November 27, 2003, 03:18
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 3 hours isnt bad if you can disguise it as some project related to your work
Anyway, happy thanksgiving to you too!
Que l’Univers n’est qu’un défaut dans la pureté de Non-être.
- Paul Valery
November 30, 2003, 10:12
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personally, I find the most intersting aprt of Alternative History about the Third Reich is one where Hitler survives, and begins his fanatical work on re-building Europe, from the new Hitleropolis he would have build in Linz, to the mighty Autobahn he would build stretching into the East...
"bear yourselves as Huns of Attila"
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November 30, 2003, 10:55
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Well I don't know. He really didn't really have many places to go after WW2. I mean, the guy was a fanatical dictator for sure, but his vision for a future reich was just one with big, plain buildings, a job for all the german folk, and crappy ones or death for the "undermenschen". Besides his obsession with hi-tech military machines and taking over the world his vision of the future was as sterile as can be. In fact, I just read Harry Turtledoves' "In the Presence of Mine Enemies" and I think that his portrayal of a world with Hitler is a good summation of what would have hapened - A police state, run by long viscious regimes, dependent on other countries for resources, too wound up in Nazi propaganda to have any real sort of society. Blah!
The only reason why WW2 and the Nazis were so different from other wars and other militaristic regimes was the fact that they were out to destroy the society as we know it - and almost succeeded. They used hi-tech weapons, new styles of warfare, and fought some of the most charismatic leaders our countries have ever known. Besides that, and the incredible death they left behind, there is nothing really all that special. Yes, I concur, the autobahn was an engineering marvel and looks, even today, like one hell of a fun ride, but after that, it's just a road. And, at least for me, big domes are only good for the Super Bowl and teams named after Blue Jays.
The only really interesting Nazis I know of are not really the "party-minded" ones. Take for instance Rommel, Mannheim, and Von Braun. Two generals and a scientist/engineer. Their careers were spent doing things we can look at and say: yes, I can admire that. With Hitler I can't do that. He was only good at politics and providing a vehicle for bad men to do bad things.
November 30, 2003, 14:47
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Well said, Harry!
Hitler took all the genius, manpower and potential of a great nation
and handed it over to maniacs who made a junk heap out of Europe.
December 2, 2003, 15:44
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Ok, this is a new one...
I have an event that creates two units when a "signal flare" is killed. Problem is that once these units are created they seem to be made out of the mythical element either, as they disappear as soon as I view another part of the map. If I do not move my view, the units remain intact and moveable. Keep in mind there is nothing special about these units. They are ground attack units.
What ze hell is going on?
Edit - Ok, now I can left click by the spot where they diappeared and they reappear, but only as long as I don't move my view again. There is some displacement of the terrain graphics behind the disappearing units. I do have an event that diplays two text files in the same turn... That may be screwing something up.
Last edited by Harry Tuttle; December 2, 2003 at 15:51.
December 2, 2003, 15:52
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I think that hapens when the square on wich the unit is created dose not exist. Im probobly wrong thow.
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December 2, 2003, 15:57
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Sounds like an odd-even co-ordinate error to me. Check your events.txt to make sure.
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December 2, 2003, 16:02
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Gerry was right! Thanks Gerry. The square I had the units created on did not exist... Now that's really odd, because I remember going through that event multiple times before and I had no problems... Hmmmm... Damn Gremlins.
December 2, 2003, 16:23
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The latest of many terrifying bugs that threaten to derail Atomic Eagle, then are conquered!
This thread is almost as exciting as the scenario's world!
December 8, 2003, 00:14
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-Tech Tree has been mapped and will be implemented tomorrow.
-Beginning synopsis written and built into game.txt and events.txt.
-Special opening storyline campaign completely finished and all bugs worked out.
-Half of the worlds cities have had improvements added, other half will be finished tomorow.
-Beginning units have had prereqs assigned.
-Barbarians have not been given the option to build units - to much concern over unit limit in game.
-A premium sound editor may be coming from a friend, so don't be surprised if there is a soundtrack included.
-City limit has been met.
-"City" units used to mimic random cities on map have been cut out over concern that the max unit limit will be reached. And no, the units aren't going to be wimpy defensive units. Think about controlling divisions on the scale of Barbarossa and you can start to see what could be.
That's it for now folks!
December 8, 2003, 00:51
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Sounds justgreat Harry!
A screenie maybe?
December 10, 2003, 20:05
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-Tech Tree finished
-All Wonders and Improvements given prereqs
-Terrain values given for all terrain + special resource tiles
-Food Routes started, 12 done, 36 when done.
-British Indian unit route laid, will be working out bugs.
-Icons completely done, finally.
-"Strategic units" to be given stats.
-Events for Strategic part of the game to be written.
-Improvements for most of Europe still need to be done.
And no, sorry, no new screenshots as of yet. The units have been almost completed anyways, so no new graphics to shock and amaze. The guts are being worked on right now.
December 11, 2003, 01:15
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Food Routes for Americans and British complete. Extra economic trade routes tying British Home Islands with territories in Middle East and India complete. Key American and British cities are now dependent on distant city resources (food, trade routes) adding a definate strategic balance. Nazi keystone trade regions will be added soon.
Off on a business trip for the next few days. So no new updates probably till next week.
December 16, 2003, 01:01
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Ok, improvements done across the board. Still need to put in Nazi and Soviet trade/food routes. I'm starting work on the second chapter where there will be war on a grander scale than the usual squads. Once I get the units figured out for the second chapter and then the final chapter I can start to playtest and tweak this monster. The second chapter events shouldn't be to hard as there will be a smaller quantity of selective unit triggers. Hope to be playtesting by Xmas. Wish me luck!
December 16, 2003, 01:37
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Hmmm, before I start getting into the nitty gritty of utter war I thought I'd get some help from the experts. I need a few tips on overall AI tenacity. Does anyone have any good "unit supply line" tips? As in getting one civ to funnel units toward another civ, over long distances.
For example:
American and British aircraft and ground units funneled over the Atlantic, preferably through Iceland or by transport.
British aircraft and ground units funneled from India to the Middle East.
I have the airfields and roads set up, but I'm just afraid that even with Vendetta turned on towards the Nazis and Axis, and the Edit Kings options all turned to their highest to generate the usual utter rage the Americans and Brits will just sit on their butts. How effective is the City Objective option? Any ideas?
December 18, 2003, 18:43
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Yet another Update...
Unit.gifs have been completed for the first 4 out of 5 chapters in the scenario. I had to make some minor cuts to some nice units, but they had to be made. Ah well.
To accompany the slight cut down in units I'm going to have to change the tech tree just a smidge.
I just have to do some trade routes for the Nazis and I can start writing the next couple of event files.
But hey, the beast is coming along nicely. After the events are done I can start playtesting to work out the major bugs and then realease it to you guys for the outside playtesting! Sound good? Alright!
December 18, 2003, 19:37
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Any chance of a late-war nightmare before xmas?
December 18, 2003, 23:25
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I'll give it a 75%, without the ending chapter being tagged on (No big loss, just something extra really). I should have some time this weekend to get some stuff done.
December 23, 2003, 01:26
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Second events file is done. A few more minor changes and I should be ready to playtest (by myself) in a day or two. Expect a belated Xmas gift for all those who wish to playtest!
December 24, 2003, 11:25
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There will be many with that wish!
Me included!!!!
December 25, 2003, 23:53
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The playtesting will be avaliable soon. I'm balancing right now.
One last thing. Remember how I found out that a civ could be created that has no cities? Well I realized that since they will cease to exist as soon as another civ is made the human player I can expand my unit #'s for that particular civ beyond what I would have available if I used the units.gif from the strategic part of the game... So yeah, this means more units to look at and play with early in the game. Neat-o.
Anyways, just thought I'd share. Playtest coming soon.
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