June 18, 2003, 21:09
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Originally posted by Arthedain
what is the "DV2-Europa.scn" for?
Some playtesters indicated a desire for some cities to have their native names.
So in order to keep all parties happy I made two different scn files...
One with normal names, and another with native names.
June 19, 2003, 02:33
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Curt, just spotted you posted the scenario on page 1. Looks fantastic, as ever.
The title screen is a corker. If I ever release a scenario, would you do me one? For a small fee, obviously
June 19, 2003, 03:02
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Originally posted by curtsibling
Dude, check the first post!
Thanks Curt! I guess we can get going with the playtest then correct?
*"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta
June 19, 2003, 07:17
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Originally posted by fairline
Curt, just spotted you posted the scenario on page 1. Looks fantastic, as ever. 
The title screen is a corker. If I ever release a scenario, would you do me one? For a small fee, obviously
It would be my pleasure!
June 19, 2003, 07:18
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Originally posted by conmcb25
Thanks Curt! I guess we can get going with the playtest then correct?
This is the actual release, but any pointers or features you want to see;
I can see about making them happen!
June 19, 2003, 09:58
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uhm, one thing that I come to think about.. shouldn't Addis Abeba belon to the axis, since Ethiopia belonged to Italy back then?
June 19, 2003, 10:44
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Great work Curt (as it ever is) the map is better than the smaller ones and also the city management is more realistic (and balanced) now. No more 110 shields production.
Just a few first remarks: Why have Prag(ue) and Breslau Oil Ressources? A #55 Commerce is a little high for those - isnt it? Again Königsberg has a really high production (48 shileds or else) I guess 19 would be enough. But dont forget to balance Production. I mean: If you edit the Axis Production then also look at the UK , e.g., and compare if there also aren´t some city-productions overdone.
PS: The last step into the right direction: Its always been just this one really critical point at your scenarios, which are superb in every other category: The overdone "Arcade" - element: To high citysizes Production, Commerce and stuff: Also look at London - in your last versions it always had about #150 Commerce...
The other thing is that Food is absolutely uniteresting. Cause you dont need food: There are often 1 or 2 "Super - terrains" which give the city everything it needs. There is no need to grow larger. In my opinion you should try to minimize and balance (so that every citysquare has its importance).
Bye, Cifer
June 19, 2003, 13:40
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I was given a bit of problem with the food aspect.
I don't really want all cities with mega-surpluses,
but when I skimped on food production, Euro cities were starving
as they were all wanting each other's food and they are so tightly packed together.
Keep in mind that London was the hub of a worldwide empire in 1939.
And did control a lot of the world's commerce.
Only in the wake of WW2 did the Americans take up the mantle as the leading economic superpower.
The mega commerce makes london a good prize too.
And by jingo, you'll need that cash!
Also, if you take a little look at your commerce in DV2,
you will notice hideous costs that are ALWAYS eating your finances.
I had to uber-up a few cities to make your civ stay afloat...
I am going to take a look at this food thing though...
It's true, cities don't really have to grow much.
Not when there's a war on!
June 19, 2003, 14:06
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Yes I know... it´s really hard to find a way - but I swear: Soon I´ll find it! 
"The ultimate balanced not (too much) surplus way"
June 22, 2003, 08:20
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For anyone who is interested:
Today I sucessfully converted DV2 to ToT format, using an amazing tool by Angelo Scotto!
This has saved me WEEKS of work!
Now all I have to do is make new rules and events for ToT and this uber version of DV2 will be done!
This will be Dictator III on ToT.
I can now use all the endless, excellent ToT events that MGE restricts me from doing!
I'm talking a PROPER barbarossa and Pearl harbour, and also Normandy, the Soviet summer 1943 attack and Avalanche!
Meaning = Battles between dozens of units being spawned every turn!
Oh yeah, baby!
Last edited by curtsibling; June 22, 2003 at 08:30.
June 22, 2003, 09:03
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Great work Curt. Can't wait to try Dictator III on TOT. Really enjoyed I and II. Keep up the good work.
June 22, 2003, 11:25
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We've started the playtest now: http://apolyton.net/forums/showthrea...0&goto=newpost
One thing FiGu noticed was that the Japanese could research US Heavy Tanks  . Anyway it's your turn now Curt.
Grenski Timyfovich Sladkov, People's Armaments Commisar of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and winner of the Valient Labor Medal.
June 22, 2003, 15:38
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That would be impossible!
The advance line for US heavy tanks is this:
American Military, 1, 0, E2, nil, 2, 0 ; Aut
US Armour Research, 1, 0, Aut, nil, 1, 4 ; Cur
US Medium Tank, 1, 0, Cur, nil, 1, 4 ; Wri
Pratt-Whitney Engine, 1, 0, Wri, nil, 0, 4 ; AFl
90mm T7 Tank Gun, 1, 0, AFl, nil, 2, 4 ; Alp
US Heavy Tank, 1, 0, Alp, nil, 1, 4 ; Tac
Unless Japan has somehow starting with a US tech...
I'll check this, so please put the game on hold till I do some research here.
If I have to, I will post a new link to the zip...!
Have delevent ready just in case!
June 22, 2003, 19:13
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Yes it is true.
The problem is that the Japs start already possesing the "90mm T7 tank Gun" tech and hence they are able to research "US heavy tank" from the start.
June 22, 2003, 22:19
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I noticed that and made a quick fix in my own game by making the prerequisite for US Heavy Tank to not only be the 90mm gun, but the American Military tech also.
June 23, 2003, 05:52
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Thanx for pointing that one out guys!
The glitch is fixed!
When I began a new map to make the scn, the CIV2 game allocates a few spare techs to the civs.
I must have missed that one tech the Japanese had!
A new zip is up on the 1st page!
(I have also made some changes to the tech tree proper, and added the Me264 Amerika instead of the Me163.
I think Germany lacked a decent 'what-if' bomber weapon....
June 23, 2003, 10:13
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June 23, 2003, 14:49
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I just want to make a quick mention of how amazing Civ-Converter is!
Angelo Scotto deserves some kind of CIV medal for his work.
This program also saves games/events/rules.txt files into a ToT friendly, but mega-adapatable format!
It means you can create a rules file for ToT, based on MGE.
But you can add the ToT special flags: (like custom sounds for every unit and special unit powers)
Simply superb!
June 23, 2003, 17:57
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Curt, I've been playing Dictador 2, and I think that the Japanese infantry is way too powerful. Using Infantry (specially the Anfibious hability), with only one or two artillery and many bomb and figthers, I've been able to conquer all Asia, plus Egypt and the middle of America without any single problem...
Trying to rehabilitateh and contribuing again to the civ-community
June 24, 2003, 11:12
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Maybe you are just very good at civ!
I'll give it a test tonight, and if I find it too easy, I'll scale the sons of the emperor back a bit.
Or pehaps make the US troops tougher....
Cheers, Yaroslav!
June 25, 2003, 13:59
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Another tech. issue: one of the prerequisites for "Heavy Panzer Design I" is "Henschel Turret Armour" for which one of the prerequisites is "Heavy Panzer Design I"  So doesn't that mean that it is impossible for Germany to research this?
Grenski Timyfovich Sladkov, People's Armaments Commisar of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and winner of the Valient Labor Medal.
June 26, 2003, 04:47
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I'll check that out!
If a new tech tree edit is needed, I'll post a new zip!
June 26, 2003, 04:55
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Actually, after checking:
I found that you are referring to 'Heavy Panzer II'
The turret amrour tech leads on from researching the Tiger I.
You can't begin to research the Tiger II, unitl you create the Tiger I!
The heavy panzer line begins, thus:
Electro-Welded Armour, 1, 0, Fun, nil, 1, 3 ; Met
Heavy Panzer Design I, 1, 0, Met, Las, 1, 3 ; Eng 25
Then onto:
Henschel Turret Armour, 1, 0, Eng, nil, 2, 3 ; Las
Olvar Hydraulic System, 1, 0, Las, nil, 1, 3 ; Env
Heavy Panzer Design II, 1, 0, Env, nil, 1, 3 ; Phy
Hope this clarifies!
(had me worried for a minute there!)
June 26, 2003, 13:33
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I'm not totaly au fait with rules.txt notation, but if I'm reading it right then my original problem still stands:
Heavy Panzer Design I, 1, 0, Met, Las, 1, 3 ; Eng 25
So one of the prerequisites of Heavy Panzer Design I (Engineering) is Henschel Turret Armour (Laser).
Henschel Turret Armour, 1, 0, Eng, nil, 2, 3 ; Las
And Henschel Turret Armour's prerequisite is Heavy Panzer Design I (Engineering).
the "Heavy Panzer Design I" line should read:
Heavy Panzer Design I, 1, 0, Met, nil, 1, 3 ; Eng 25
Should it not?
Grenski Timyfovich Sladkov, People's Armaments Commisar of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and winner of the Valient Labor Medal.
June 27, 2003, 07:28
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I have the rules in front of me dude, they read the way I posted them!
Tell ya what,
perhaps you have an outdated version, so I will repost the zip and you grab the latest build!
Should solve this little glitch!
June 27, 2003, 07:38
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Curt, greeny is absolutely correct.
June 27, 2003, 08:21
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Bug spotted!
Las was a 2nd preq of the tech!
This one had me scratching my head!
For I quick fix copy this line over the line for the tech - 'Eng'
Heavy Panzer Design I, 1, 0, Met, nil, 1, 3 ; Eng 25
Thanks for hunting that one down for me, chaps!
Meanwhile, I'll fix that zip!
Pericles I'm still on the case with your icons!
(Just had a 45 page comic novella to re-pencil this week!)
June 27, 2003, 08:23
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A New zip is uploaded!
Contains fixed rules.
June 27, 2003, 13:16
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Glad I could help
Grenski Timyfovich Sladkov, People's Armaments Commisar of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and winner of the Valient Labor Medal.
June 27, 2003, 13:42
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Your welcome, dude!
Sometimes the scenario business boggles the mind, and you overlook the simple fixes!
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