Originally posted by Jamski
Are we not still operating under the constitution of the old demo game which had 1 person, one vote, and which will require a TWO THIRDS majority to change? Also all official polls should run for a set time with a minimum of three days.
The constitution of the old demo game hardly seems applicable unless you plan to start electing all the folks like in the last game. This is NOT a single democracy game like the last one Constitutions such as that are relevant to the internal workings of each faction but hardly matter out here in the world government.
The only decisions that can happen out here are to do with the rules and I have stated my opinion many times that only factions should have a say on that issue.
Is this the constitution you were referring to ?? 99% of it seems inapplicable and you quite frankly don't need one.
This is the constitution that we, the people of the United Nations Peacekeepers, have decided upon. In it, we have declared that we shall form a government of the people, a Democracy, in which
we shall choose who leads us. Our faction will be let by the people and for the people.
ARTICLE I: Commission Structure
Executive Branch
This is the administrative section of our faction. The Executive branch is made up of the Commissioner and the Alpha Talent. These two are required to abide by the suggestions of the directors, who represent the will of the people.
Has the right of:
*Playing the game for the citizens
*Acting as he deems fit if there is an emergency
*Advising any other part of the government
Has the duties of:
*Following directors orders on there field of expertise
*Posting SAV`s and turnlogs on the forum
*Overall keeping the citizens aware of there situation.
*Holding turnchats (as long as possible) 2 times a week
*making turnthreads and keeping them updated
*Posting polls on how our bases should be named
*Serving his faction the best he can
The Commissioner shall physically play the game.
Has the right of:
*Acting as he deems fit if there is an emergency
*Taking over the Commissioners seat with its right and duties if the current Commissioner is somehow not available.
*Starting elections
*Advising any other part of the government
Has the duties of:
*Posting polls he hear the peoples voice
*Posting elections polls
*Posting cabinet threads for his term
*Posting nomination threads
*Being a substitute when a goverment official is impeached or has resigned
*Serving his faction the best he can
The alpha talent is the second of the commissioner and is responsible for elections, finding out what the people want and helping the commissioner as best as his abilities let him.
Director Branch
Directors make up the directorate. Directors are elected in the area they oversee, and they have the task of informing and advising the people on our situation. They are required to conduct polls in order to interpret the people’s will. They are then to carry out that will, by giving their orders to the Commissioner.
All Directors are allowed to advise and consult with each other. They are also granted the right to petition for changes or actions from other Directors that may be critical to the their department. Ultimately, however, it is the Director in charge of his/her section that has the final say in how things are handled.
All directors will have to post their general strategies in the 'office' thread. This will outline possible situations where the commissioner can not ask for orders from the directors but will have to act on the general orders.
Director of Science:
Has the right of:
*Starting polls to ask the people what there wishes are in his area
*Ordering the Commissioner what the next researched advancement is
*Advising any other part of the government
*Requesting buildings with the Director of buildings productions
Has the duties of:
*Starting polls to ask the people what there wishes are in his area
*Listing to the will of the people in his area
*Giving his opinion to the director of foreign affairs about any talks, which effect his area, with other factions
*Serving his faction the best he can
The director of Science shall choose the advancement to research.
Director of Peacekeeping Operations:
Has the right of:
*Starting polls to ask the people what there wishes are in his area
*Ordering the commissioner to move military units
*Ordering the commissioner to design military new units, disband old military units and upgrade current military units.
*Advising any other part of the government
*Requesting buildings and military units with the Director of buildings productions.
Has the duties of:
*Starting polls to ask the people what there wishes are in his area
*Listing to the will of the people in his area
*Giving his opinion to the director of foreign affairs about any talks, which effect his area, with other factions
*Designating a portion of his units as exploration units
*Serving his faction the best he can
May NOT:
Start wars if there hasn’t been official poll that says it is ok
The Director op Peacekeeping Operations has the control of all military units
Director of Foreign Affairs:
Has the right of:
*Starting polls to ask the people what there wishes are in his area
*Ordering the commissioner on talks with foreign factions
*Advising any other part of the government
Has the duties of:
*Starting polls to ask the people what there wishes are in his area
*Listing to the will of the people in his area
*Maintaining good foreign connections
*Giving his opinion to the director of Exploration and Intelligence on covert ops actions
*Consulting for advice any other director if his area is being discussed with foreign factions
*Serving his faction the best he can
May not:
Declare blood truce, peace, pacts if there hasn’t been a poll saying it is ok.
The Director of Foreign Affairs will do all foreign negotiations
Director of Energy and Industry:
Has the right of:
*Starting polls to ask the people what there wishes are in his area
*Ordering the commissioner to rushbuild, use money in trades, change worker placements, and move crawlers
*Advising any other part of the government
*Requesting crawlers and buildings with the Director of buildings productions.
Has the duties of:
*Starting polls to ask the people what there wishes are in his area
*Listing to the will of the people in his area
*Giving his opinion to the director of foreign affairs about any talks, which effect his area, with other factions
*Serving his faction the best he can
This Director is responsible of the treasury expenditures, worker placements, and crawlers.
Director of Terraforming and Colonisation:
Has the right of:
*Starting polls to ask the people what there wishes are in his area
*Ordering the commissioner to move terraformers and colony pods
*Ordering the commissioner to design new TC units, disband old TC units and upgrade current TC units
*Advising any other part of the government
*Requesting terraformers colony pods, and buildings with the Director of buildings productions.
Has the duties of:
*Starting polls to ask the people what there wishes are in his area
*Listing to the will of the people in his area
*Serving his faction the best he can
Director of Expansion and Terraforming commands all colony pods and terraformers
Director of Social Engineering:
Has the right of:
*Starting polls to ask the people what there wishes are in his area
*Ordering the commissioner to change the social engineering’s page
*Advising any other part of the government
Has the duties of:
*Starting polls to ask the people what there wishes are in his area
*Listing to the will of the people in his area
*Consulting for advice directors which are effected by changes made in the social engineering’s page
*Serving his faction the best he can
May NOT:
Change the social engineering settings if there hasn’t been a poll saying it is ok.
The Director of Social Engineering is responsible for the social engineering’s page
Director of Exploration and Intelligence:
Has the right of:
*Starting polls to ask the people what there wishes are in his area
*Ordering the commissioner to move any exploration units and covert ops units
*Asking the director of Peacekeeping Operations for exploration units
*Advising any other part of the government
Has the duties of:
*Starting polls to ask the people what there wishes are in his area
*Listing to the will of the people in his area
*Consulting the director of Foreign Affairs during covert ops actions
*Giving back control of exploration units to the director of Peacekeeping Operations when the situation asks for it
*Serving his faction the best he can
The Director Exploration and Intelligence is command of exploration units and covert ops units.
Director of Base production:
Has the right of:
*Ordering the commissioner to build buildings and units
*Advising any other part of the government
*Starting polls about Special Projects
Has the duties of:
*Choosing between various requests made by the directors
*Starting polls about Special Projects
*Listing to the will of the people about the Special Projects
*Serving his faction the best he can
ARTICLE II: Government policy
Amendments to the Constitution can be submitted by any member of our faction. First in a form of a thread where exact lines can be discussed and after that in a poll. An amendment is passed and made official by a 2/3 or greater vote on the amendment's inclusion.
Office Terms:
All office terms shall last one month. A member can run for a different office at the end of his term, but he cannot change offices during it. If a member is elected three times into any government office, that member may not run for any government office the fourth consecutive term. After the fourth term he may run for any government office that is available. If this rule let not have a fully seated government, the rule will be deemed invalid for that term.
Impeachment and Resignations:
Every member of our faction is recognised the right to bring foreword the issue of impeachment of any government official at any time. The constitutional court will look at the demand and determine if an impeachment progress has to be started within 48 hours of the impeachment demand
The rules for the poll:
*There has to be started a one-choice-poll with the options: YEA, NEA and ABSTAIN
*5 days open
* 2/3 YEA vote to pass the proposal or under 1/3 NEA vote to pass the proposal
the rules for the first post:
*The unbiased reason why the person in question could be impeached
*The job of the person in question
*The time when the poll ends
If impeachment happens the alpha talent takes his place until a new election has been held.
Every government official may resign from office the alpha talent will do the same as with impeachment. If the alpha talent has to take over 2 or more government places we will freeze the game until new elections are held.
Playing ahead:
No person is allowed to play ahead to:
*Gain information about foreign factions
Base Names:
The alpha talent or the commissioner will pick 5 names from the name thread and will put them in a poll where a name for a new city can be chosen. This poll has to be open for at least 2 days. The name with the most votes will be chosen for the base and will be scraped from the list. The same counts for landmarks. If someone wants to name a place without a landmark a poll has started about giving it a name or not. This poll will also have minimum of 2 days.
Article III: Polls
There will be 3 types of polls:
May only be started by the alpha talent. Must have election
in the subject line. They are purely decision-making polls.
*Office in question
*ONLY names candidates
*Abstain option (will Refrain from banana)
*3 days open
First post:
*ONLY names candidates
*Link to discussion thread
*Expire date
May only be started by a government official. Must have official in the subjectline, and must be used as information gathering or decision making
*Abstain (will Refrain from banana)
*Minimum of 3 days
*Maximum of 7 days
*Clear and not biased question and answers
First post:
*Further explanation of the questions and answers
*Link to discussion thread (if any)
*Expire date
*Stated: information gathering or decision making
May be started by all members of the faction. They are purely information gathering polls
*Minimum of 3 days
First Post:
*Expire date (if any)
*Link to discussion thread (if any)