June 13, 2003, 10:57
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To All SCENARIO LEAGUE Experts! - Map Check Needed!
Hi there!
I have made the city placements in my new world map for Dictator V2.
BUT I NEED HELP! (mental help and scenario help!  )
I need people to look through the map and see if the think the cities are placed correct/named correctly.
Ignore the size of cities, as they have still to be sized.
The patches of tundra are oil zones.
If you would like to suggest a city moves a square or two, that is the kind of advice I am looking for!
A want to get this aspect of the scenario fixed, before I go through the mega-process of placing units, etc.
So if you wish to leave any comments or advisory edit suggestions, I would be grateful!
June 13, 2003, 12:00
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Hi Curt, I´m looking at the map right now and thought about this:
* I would suggest to take the German/Italian names. In my opinion it would give the game additional flavour  (though I do not know if your keyboard supports these german ä´s, ö´s and ü´s)
instead of Schwerin I would call that city either Rostock or Stettin.
Cologne => Köln
Nuremberg => Nürnberg
Munich => München
Vienna => Wien
Prague => Prag
Konigsberg => Königsberg
Poznan => Posen
Warsaw => Warschau
Milan => Milano
Rome => Roma
* Helsinki should be moved to grid 145,45.
* I think to replace Warsaw with Brest-Litovsk owned by the USSR would also be acceptable but then you should rename Poznan to Cracow (Krakau in german).
[The citadel of Brest-Litovsk held out much longer than the city and the River Bug is a major obstacle ...]
* Kazan lies at the Volga. I suggest you move the city to grid 164,54.
* I would place Saratov at grid 163,57.
* Samara would I leave out and include Orenburg at grid 169,91 instead.
* Bandirma would also serve as Izmir
* Damascus is far too north, move it to 156,82 and Jerusalem to 155,85.
* It´s Addis Abeba, not Addis Ababa.
* Lhasa should be at 194,98 I think.
* Mandalay should be renamed to Imphal at least or left out.
* Rangoon should be at 197,103, Mandalay at 197,97.
* Kuala Lumpur is more south than you placed it. I suggest grid 201,117.
*Tarakan should be Brunei, Surabaya should have the name Bandjarmasin.
* If you want to include Java, then place a city called Jakarta at 204,130  .
* Shantou => Amoy
Xiamen => Fuzhou
I would move Anyang to 209,81 and call it Chengdu.
Peking => Beijing
Baotou is too far west for japanese conquest, IMHO.
Jinzhou => Shenyang ("your " Shenyang should be left out)
* Harbin should be moved to 217,67 and renamed to Changchung.
* Harbin should be at 219,63.
* Formosa should be Japanese (Japanese territory since 1894!)
* Okayama => Shimonoseki
Kagoshima => Mijsaki
Okinawa => Naha
* Truk should be Japanese too (main naval base!).
* Rabaul was British.
* Perth should be at 212,164.
Darwin at 223,139.
Sydney => Brisbane
Brisbane - should be erased
Syney should be at grid 235,167, IMHO.
Canberra => 232,168.
* Wellington should be at 251,177.
* Havana should be neutral (Cuba became independent in 1934).
* I would make the southern US border at the Rio Grande  .
* IMHO: Tampa => Tallahassee
Chicago => 65,71
Honolulu (NOT Pearl Harbor; Pearl Harbor is the naval base of Honolulu) => 13,99.
* Panama is far more in the South, I would suggest grid 73,133.
* Why is Quebec neutral? It should be british.
* Winnipeg => 56,60.
* Karachi => Carachi
Delhi => New Delhi
* Kandahar => Kabul
Kabul => Alma Ata (USSR!)
* Valletta => La Valletta
* Reikjavik should be at grid 114,42.
That´s all for now. I know it´s a long list. Hope I helped, good luck!
June 13, 2003, 12:03
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You should seriously go again after the shores of the Mediterranean and the rest of the shores too!
June 13, 2003, 12:52
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Jim, thanks a bunch! 
Excellent, just the kind of feedback I had hoped for!
I'll jump in and make the changes - I agree that national names add a lot of flavour!
So I will copy and paste what you have.
I'll your Idea about Brest-Litovsk, but I can't erase Warsaw from a WW2 sceanrio!
Everything else is do-able...
Thanks x100
June 13, 2003, 12:57
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Originally posted by jim panse
You should seriously go again after the shores of the Mediterranean and the rest of the shores too!
Not quite sure what you mean here, dude....
June 13, 2003, 13:07
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Does this looks like the same pic as your atlas displays? I guess not
June 13, 2003, 13:12
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Hmmm...It's a bit weird.
I will close that cap between Oran and Algiers...
And that odd incline near Tanger.
Would you agree that is correct?
I never noticed this madness in my mass-city building spree.
June 13, 2003, 13:34
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Maybe you should make sardinia smaller.
And Madrid also doesn't border the sea.
Alexandr Yopov, Commander of the Murmansk front in the Red Front democracy game. Fighting for the glory of our marchal and the Rodina.
June 13, 2003, 13:41
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Of these things I'm aware,
As I said, the map is a proto-type, and I expect to make many changes...
June 13, 2003, 13:46
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Couple of errors in Jim's mammoth correction list:
- Karachi is indeed spelt Karachi (in English) not Carachi
- I always thought it was Valletta not La Valletta
June 13, 2003, 14:46
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I knew 'Karachi' was correct, and it's Valletta:
So says my Geddes and Grosset atlas!
June 13, 2003, 15:02
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Couple of things:
* I would replace Schwerin with Danzig (141, 57)
* I'd rename Narbonne -> Perpignan
* Belfast should be moved to 124,54
* I'd replace Bandirma with Izmir (148, 74)
* I'd replace Formosa with Taipeh (215, 95)
* Havana can either be Neutral or under American control as it remained a vasal after Independance..
* my atlas also says 'Valletta'
June 13, 2003, 15:48
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Oddly, I was going to call Narbonne, 'Perpignan'...
I just thought it sounded silly... 
Instead of Schwerin, I might go with Stettin...
June 13, 2003, 16:36
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Originally posted by curtsibling
Oddly, I was going to call Narbonne, 'Perpignan'...
I just thought it sounded silly...
June 13, 2003, 18:03
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Originally posted by fairline
Couple of errors in Jim's mammoth correction list:
- Karachi is indeed spelt Karachi (in English) not Carachi
- I always thought it was Valletta not La Valletta
I did not know that Karachi is spelled that way also in English, sorry
My - german - atlas spells it La Valletta, but the CIA World Fact Book ( http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/...k/geos/mt.html) spells it also only "Valletta".  Name it that way.
June 13, 2003, 18:14
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My atlas -also a German one- says 'Valletta'.. However, I just checked my historical atlas and it says 'La Valletta'..
June 13, 2003, 19:41
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Originally posted by yop73
And Madrid also doesn't border the sea.
If you need to, there is a way that cities on the coast can be restricted from buliding ships and coastal improvements. I believe that when you save the scenario you place an extra land square in order to cut the city off from the ocean. Then after the file is saved you simply hex-edit that square out of existance. You may or may not have know about this, but it does come in handy when the limited engine forces you to place a non-port city on the coast. Carl Fritz used this in his excellent Struggle for Empire scenario.
"I would rather have a German division in front of me than a French one behind me." -- General George S. Patton
"Guinness sucks!" -- Me
June 13, 2003, 20:22
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'Civ city' program can also restrict a city's building options.
Cheersm guys.
I have now fixed Madrid.
June 14, 2003, 06:41
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Hello everybody!
I was reading this thread and...
...only to make a bit of noise...  :
Malta's capitol city was founded after the 'great siege' in 1565, in which the Hospitalier Order knigths defeated the overnumbering Turk attackers.
The Order's Great Master was Jean Parisot DE LA VALETTE (1494-1568, and look at his age during the siege...), who founded the new fortified city called "Civitas Humilissima Valettae" ('very humile Valette city'), later LA VALLETTA.
That's all.
I'm always ready if you or someone else need something about Italian names... (that I surely know better than Maltese...  )
by the way...
... someone interested to make a scenario on the Great Siege of Malta (1565) ???...
but this is another tale...
"Dilexi iustitiam, odivi iniquitatem, propterea morior in exilio" [PAPA GREGORIUS VII +1085] - ("He amado la justicia, he odiado la iniquidad, por eso muero en exilio") - ("I loved justice, I hated unfairness, that's why I die in exile") - (J'ai aimé la justice, j'ai détesté l'iniquité, c'est pourquoi je meurs en exil") - ("Ich liebte Gerechtigkeit und hasste Ungerechtigkeit, deshalb sterbe ich im Exil")
June 14, 2003, 07:19
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*I think that 211, 163 would be a better location for Perth
*You should include at least one New Zealand City. Auckland, the largest city, is at 252,172 and Wellington, the capital, is at 251,177
*Port Moresby should be at 233,135 (and New Guniea should have a lot more hills and mountains!
*Johannesburg should be at 148,158
*Durban should be at 149,163
*Capetown should be at 142,168
*Kagoshima should be at 223,85
*Kuala Lumpur should be at 201,177
*Surabaya should be at 209,131 (BTW, Batavia [204,130] was the main city in the Dutch East Indies)
*Jerusalem should be at 155,85
*Tripoli should be at 138, 84
*Tobruk should be at 146,85
*Alexandria should be at 149,87
(BTW, Libya seems to 'bulge' too much)
*Mecca should be at 159,97
*Riyadh was a tiny town and isn't worth including. If you must include it, it should be neutral.
*Likewise, Kuwait wasn't anything special
*Khartoum should be at 152,104
*Be careful with assigning Addis Ababa's starting ownership: from memory, the British captured it in late 1940. Just becuase Nemo got it wrong doesn't mean that you have to
*Guam and Saipan should be 3 spaces west of where they are now
*Davao should be at 218,114
*Northern Luzon should be mountaineous
*Truk was under Japanese control from 1919 onwards
'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
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June 14, 2003, 09:07
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That would be interesting for sure!!
June 14, 2003, 10:28
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Just something I quickly noticed: 'Praha' is the Czech spelling for Prague IIRC.
June 14, 2003, 11:19
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Hi Curt,
here is my suggestion. I raised several cities in Europa and replaced them. I focused on Central Europe (Germany and France) as well as on the Balcan (right word?). I also edited Turkey (cause you founded about three our four cities which had less the 100.000 citizens in 1938). I founded some new. The Balcan and Turkey were naturally low-populated in those times - so do not mind having low cities there! 
The map is not bad - but Italy and the Balcan aren´t well designed I guess. Italy is too small (theres not even space for Neaples, what should make me worry), also to small: The Balcan!
Its a pity but theres no space for Nürnberg. But Leipzig was more important in those times (economicly and for the army). It just had a cultural meaning for the Nazis. But perhaps you could create a wunder like the "German rallys" (dont really know about this but heard that several times) in Nürnberg and give it to München (Munich)!
The same thing about St. Nazazaire: The place where it stands should be represented with Nantes which is a lot larger than this village. Just use a wonder or stuff (the U-Boot harbour of St. Nazazaire) and place it in Nantes! (My opinion)
Ok ill just give you the save: I just looked at the regions I know about (cant really help you with Russia or else but there are others who told you some suggestions about it). Didnt focus at city sizes or names (like Praha - I just told it Prag) but the German citynames should be exact.
Ok, here is it:
June 14, 2003, 12:35
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Excellent info, thanks.
I will look through these and change what is needed.
Cheers for the suggestions, I am checking it out very soon.
Latest update about the map.
I am going to use a mixture of concepts suggested by your good selves.
Certain cities have 'WW2 appeal'...I must keep cities like Warsaw to maintain the feel of the affair.
I will use German names for German cities, as they do add flavour,
but I will keep the English names for Prague, Warsaw and Vienna, etc.
This is for the simple reason: UK, Russia or America would not call the city by it's German name.
I will agree that the map is sparse in space at some areas.
But it is good to show a fully global-scale conflict, and some strategic areas are represented by a single major city.
CIV2 is limited, basically. I can only squeeze in so much.
I would love to have unlimited map space, unit slots and events.
But this is not so...
There is only so much that can be represented...In this game anyway.
But I will try to find a good mix between fun and reality...
June 14, 2003, 13:40
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but I will keep the English names for [...] Vienna
Why? Vienna (and the rest of Austria too, of course) was a part of the German Reich from 1938 on. So this scenario is going to kick off in 1940 I suggest to call Vienna by its german name, Wien.
P.S. I know I´m a bit geeky on that, forgive me
June 14, 2003, 14:27
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Hmmm, I can see the the wisdom of what you say.
Would a Red Army trooper use the German name?
I will certainly keep the German nation names German.
But 'conquest' cities are bound to change hands some times.
I am sure there was a German name for Stalingrad, London or Washington.
But it would look weird to use them.
Firstly though, I must request some help!
Would anyone be kind enough to have a crack at re-shaping the N. African coastline on this map?
I never made the map, but I am having no luck on making it look OK.
Perhaps a different eye on it would help.
Any volunteers?
It is really the area around where Tripoli would be that is bugging me.
I have still to add some of Cifer/Case's additions, but I want to get this issue fixed first...
June 14, 2003, 14:29
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Originally posted by Case
*Be careful with assigning Addis Ababa's starting ownership: from memory, the British captured it in late 1940. Just becuase Nemo got it wrong doesn't mean that you have to
He is my hero!
June 14, 2003, 14:40
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one thing for names: Praha is Czech, Warszawa is Polish, Moskva is Russia. None of those are German. Maybe settle on the 'ethnic' name of the city?
June 14, 2003, 14:45
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First I want to fix North Africa!
June 14, 2003, 15:02
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Oh, as far as city sizes go Budapest has a larger population than Vienna.
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