Turn chat for Year 2113:
Couch Commander says: turn time people
Chairman Voltaire: Oh fun
Chairman Voltaire: Who wants to play this one
Couch Commander says: I am setting up
Couch Commander says: I will
Chairman Voltaire: K
Couch Commander says: we have everyone here yet?
Static Universe says: I'm in
Couch Commander says: SU and VEV I've invited as well
Comrade Tassadar has been added to the conversation.
Chairman Voltaire: K
Chairman Voltaire: i beleive that's everyone online
Comrade Tassadar says: Vev!
Chairman Voltaire: Well Comrade Marshal, please tell us when you're ready to go.
Comrade Tassadar says: Huh?
Chairman Voltaire: Turn time
Comrade Tassadar says: ah
Couch Commander says: we got information networks
Couch Commander says: what do we want as our next tech?
Chairman Voltaire: what are the avaliable options for research
Couch Commander says: I say applied pysics
Comrade Tassadar says: Applied
Comrade Tassadar says: Definately
Static Universe says: Agree
Couch Commander says: we have mobnilitary, progenitor psych, biogenetics, industrial base, social pysch, and applied
Static Universe says: applied
Comrade Tassadar says: Applied.
Couch Commander says: Lasers would be kewl Glorious OCmrade Chairmain
Chairman Voltaire: Applied it is then, the People have spoken.
Comrade Tassadar says: We need the military techs first, so we can extort money
Couch Commander says: yes
Couch Commander says: ok, we have a colony pod
Chairman Voltaire: How many years until completion?
Couch Commander says: where did we decide to move it?
Couch Commander says: it's done
Comrade Tassadar says: Found Tassagrad!
Couch Commander says: we putting it on that nutrient resources to the north west of The Hive?
Chairman Voltaire: What base is the colony pod in?
Couch Commander says: The Hive
Static Universe says: THe hive
Chairman Voltaire: any other suggestions for base sites?
Couch Commander says: that's the one that seems most popular on the forum
Static Universe says: Yes, there
Chairman Voltaire: Alright, go ahrad
Chairman Voltaire: *ahead
Chairman Voltaire: we won't worry about the name of the base until it's there
Comrade Tassadar says: Yeah. We'll just name it Tassagrad for now
Couch Commander says: ok, scout to the north west of fellowship city I am sending into fellowship city to regenerate it's heath, and I am dispatching the scout in fellowship city to the south to explore?
Couch Commander says: any objections?
Static Universe says: no
Comrade Tassadar says: Objection!!! We should rename Fellowship City to Kommunizma City immediately!
Couch Commander says: *nerve staples tass*
Chairman Voltaire: I agree a name change needs to take place
Chairman Voltaire: *place
Couch Commander says: lol
Comrade Tassadar says: lol
Couch Commander says: I say Rokossovkygrad
Comrade Tassadar says: I say Tassagrad.
Static Universe says: Honghu Konghu
Comrade Tassadar says: creative
Static Universe says: or Haonograd
Couch Commander says: Jamskigrad?
Chairman Voltaire: I'd say Honghu Konghu except that will be reserved for a costal base
Couch Commander says: I think he deserves a base...
Static Universe says: NO, make him wait.
Comrade Tassadar says: I'm the one typing up a 7 paged post for the Hive IC, I deserve a city
Static Universe says: Then I'll tell him I made him wait
Chairman Voltaire: I personaly like Kommunizma City...
Couch Commander says: right
Couch Commander says: commiesomething city it is
Comrade Tassadar says: Kommunizma is the Russian word for (you guessed it) Communism
Chairman VoltaireAny objections?
Static Universe says: no
Chairman Voltaire: Oh and Comrade Marshal, spell it correctly or there will be consequences...
Couch Commander says: lol
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Comrade Tassadar says: K for kommunizma
o for ommunizma
m for mmunizma
m for munizma
u for unizma
n for nizma
i for izma
z for zma
m for ma
a for a
Comrade Tassadar says: Just remember it like that
Chairman Voltaire: LOL
Chairman Voltaire: I also beleive we should name a few landmarks
Chairman Voltaire: to mark the passing of the 2109 constitution
Chairman Voltaire: Any suggestions for the name of the river Voltarograd is situated on?
Static Universe says: That valley could use a name NE of v-grad
Comrade Tassadar says: Volto River
Couch Commander says: ok I moved the units, we found a pod, and thus mind worms
Comrade Tassadar says: or Voltaro river...
Static Universe says: I like Voltaro river
Chairman Voltaire: Comrade Marshal, I'm dissapointed in you...
Couch Commander says: we have a new former
Chairman Voltaire: Mindworms just wont do.
Couch Commander says: mindworms are fine
Comrade Tassadar says:
Lets nerve staple him!
Couch Commander says: my glorious military units can handle them and we get more EC's
Comrade Tassadar says:
*Loads up the nerve staple*
Comrade Tassadar says:
Just say when, Glorious Comrade Chairman
Couch Commander says:
*takes nerve stapler from Tass and beats him with the bloody stump that was his arm before i ripped it from it's socket*
Chairman Voltaire:
One more mindworm out of the Marshal and he's all yours Comrade Tass...
Chairman Voltaire: Alright...
Comrade Tassadar says: TY CHAIRMAN
Chairman Voltaire: What do to with the former...
Comrade Tassadar says: Form, of course.
Chairman Voltaire: Suggestions ppl...
Chairman Voltaire: What do I pay you for
Chairman Voltaire: if not suggestions
Comrade Tassadar says: Pay us?? :| I haven't recieved any money.
Static Universe says: all unit are moved, yes
Couch Commander says: no
Comrade Tassadar says: We need to form either mines or farms
Comrade Tassadar says: or both
Chairman Voltaire: we have two viable options for the former
Couch Commander says: ok
Chairman Voltaire: mine, or forest
Chairman Voltaire: i say mine
Couch Commander says: the rover to the north found a monolith
Comrade Tassadar says: I say mine
Couch Commander says: I take it we investiage?
Static Universe says: mine, that's why we moved it there
Couch Commander says: yea
Chairman Voltaire: move northwest and mine
Comrade Tassadar says: Are we building any military units?
Couch Commander says: not presently
Couch Commander says: but we don't need too right now
Couch Commander says: no worries
Chairman Voltaire: what is being built in Kommunisma City?
Comrade Tassadar says: Why not?! When we encounter factions, we should not have to wait for them to give us tecfhs and money
Static Universe says: Former
Chairman Voltaire: Do we want to change that?
Comrade Tassadar says: Chairman, it is Kommunizma city. Not Kommunisma city.
Couch Commander says: the monolith to the north increased our rover to vetern status
Couch Commander says: the next monolith increased the rovers status to hardened (the very northern rover)
Comrade Tassadar says: Yay. CyCon and Uni should fear our hardened rover

Couch Commander says: turn complete
Couch Commander says: now
Chairman Voltaire: did you hit end turn?
Couch Commander says: for the naming
Couch Commander says: no
Chairman Voltaire: ok good
Static Universe says: keep building the former
Comrade Tassadar says: Name: Kommunizma. K for kommunizma, o for ommunizma, etc etc.
Couch Commander says: yes
Couch Commander says:
*shoots Tass*
Couch Commander says: it's already done
Couch Commander says: I mean other things
Chairman Voltaire: Oh right, the landmarks
Chairman Voltaire: so suggestions people
Comrade Tassadar says: Voltaro River
Couch Commander says: the valley
Couch Commander says: I suggest "Rokossovky Valley"
Static Universe says: Voltaro River, as tass suggests
Couch Commander says: or something along those lines
Couch Commander says: yes
Comrade Tassadar says: Valley of the Communists
Chairman Voltaire: Voltaro River it is
Comrade Tassadar says: or we could, of course, do "Valley of the Damned"
Chairman Voltaire: put it two squares northwest of the city
Chairman Voltaire: lol
Couch Commander says: what?
Comrade Tassadar says: to quote myself: or we could, of course, do "Valley of the Damned"
Couch Commander says: not you
Couch Commander says: the chairman
Chairman Voltaire: We're naming the river "Voltaro River"...
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Chairman Voltaire: i beleive that concludes this turn
Chairman Voltaire: unless anyone has any other suggestions
Static Universe says: Not I.
Chairman Voltaire: anyone else?
Chairman Voltaire: no
Chairman Voltaire: i guess we're done
Chairman Voltaire: if you would please post the turn Comrade Marshal
Chairman Voltaire: and the pics
Static Universe says: We should post the turn chats to the forum. Agree/Disagree?
Chairman Voltaire: agree
Couch Commander: disagree
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Chairman Voltaire: comrade SU
Chairman Voltaire: i trust you will archive this
Chairman Voltaire: and post it for all the people to see
Static Universe says: Chairman, I will comply!
Comrade Tassadar says:
Yes! All the peoples shall support me in my attempt to rid the hive of COUNTER-REVOLUTIONARIES!
Comrade Tassadar says:
Static Universe says: Any more good stuff?
Static Universe says: Or is that the end?
Comrade Tassadar says:
Comrade Tassadar says:
Couch Commander says: as least I get EC's for the hive
Static Universe says: I'll bold this part: BOLD THIS PART
Comrade Tassadar says:
Further evidence of Couch Commanders capitalist tendencies!
Chairman Voltaire: alright
Chairman Voltaire: everyone stop talking
Chairman Voltaire: except comrade SU
Static Universe says: And that comrades, is the end.
Comrade Tassadar says: nd-ay at-thay omrades-cay, siay e-thay d-enay.