HongHu, well that's a good try but not quite.
The main flaw is rushed minerals don't carry over. Only production minerals carry over. That was a mistake I made while figuring this stuff out.
Yep the hive is energy short. That means we may have to decide which ones to rush.
Basically, the step to go from here is convert the numbers into how many minerals remaining.
The hive - 5 minerals left till completion (rate 7)
Jamski Clove - 5 minerals left till completion (rate 9)
HongHu-KongHu - 6 minerals left till completion (rate 7)
So we convert this into what range of minerals we can have remaining with prudent rush buying.
turn 2132
The hive - 2 to 7 minerals (rate 7) (cost 11 ECs full rush)
Jamski Clove - 4 to 9 minerals (rate 9) (cost 11 ECs full rush)
HongHu-KongHu - 1 to 7 minerals (rate 7) (cost 13 ECs full rush)
It seems that all of the productions are 6 or less to rush. This means we're getting 2.20 or less ECs per mineral rates. I normally would rush buy all of them as this is usually a very cheap rate for rush buying.
However if we didn't have enough energy or the rush buying was at a more expensive rate. Then you have to consider doing the following.
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Now calculate if the 2nd crawler will be finished a turn earlier with rush buying. That means first adding the additional bonus of the new crawler.
For the hive there is a monolith the crawler can crawl. For Jamski some planned crawler movement will allow for an extra forest for the new crawler to crawl.
For HongHu-KongHu there are no free forests available, whether a forest will be available from terraforming will require pre-mircomanging the 2nd turn into the future. So it'll be better to make the assumption KongHu will be using a rolling.
That gives the new rates.
The hive - 2 to 7 minerals (rate 9)
Jamski Clove - 4 to 9 minerals (rate 11)
HongHu-KongHu - 1 to 7 minerals (rate 8)
Now find out many turns the crawler will finish with rush buying and without rush buying
The hive is actually building a scout patrol as a police unit in the following turn. So subtract 7 minerals from the scout.
For the hive
Full rush = (21+7-7)/9 = 2.333 = 3 turns
No rush = (21+7-2)/9 = 2.888 = 3 turns
So rush buying at the hive doesn't increase crawler production speed.
For Jamski Clove
Full rush = (21-9)/11 = 1.09 = 2 turns
No rush = (21-4)/11 = 1.55 = 2 turns
So rush buying at the Jamski doesn't increase crawler production speed.
For HongHu-KongHu
Full rush = (21-1)/8 = 2.5 = 3 turns
No rush = (21-7)/8 = 1.75 = 2 turns
So from this we know that rush buying at HongHu gets us the 2nd crawler 1 turn earlier.
The turn over from 3 to 2 turns is at. 21 - 2*8 = 5 minerals.
This makes rushing at HongHu our first priority.
For our second priority we look at how rushes will effect continued rush buying in future. Rush buying 4-6 minerals is far cheaper than rushing 7-8 minerals, and rushing 1-3 you don't get as much benifit as there are less minerals to rush.
(Now I remember why the productions for those 3 cities just happen to have 5-6 minerals remaining

, 2 or 3 turns ago I specifically rushed them so they would end up on those values.)
Anyway this means that you want 21 - (4 to 6) to get optimial rush buy in future. That's between 15 to 17 minerals
For Jamski Clove
Know previously that it finished in 2 turns, so look at turn before it finishes.
4 to 9 minerals (rate 11)
Full rush = 9+11 = 20 minerals
No rush = 4+11 = 15 minerals
This makes it optimal for rush buying in the future. If we don't rush buy now. That means if we're strapped for cash we can delay the rush buying at this city for another turn.
For the hive
Know previously that it finished in 3 turns, so look at turn before it finishes.
2 to 7 minerals (rate 9)
Full rush = 7 - 7 + 2*9 = 18 minerals in 2 turns time.
No rush = 2 - 7 + 2*9 = 13 minerals in 2 turns time.
If we did not have enough cash I would only rush this between 2 to 4 minerals (depending on how much spare cash). As the rest of it can be rushed efficiently later.
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In the case of the 5 to 6 mineral situation the rush buys are fairly cheap. However, between 11 to 7 minerals for partial rush buys, the ECs per mineral can vary. (see rush buying table)
That means you want to choose a cheaper rush buy for your particular mineral amount. Specifically look at every entry which is an increment of 2 and changes to a increment of 3. When it changes to a increment of 3 you're losing out on an EC.
So from your chosen amount of minerals that you need rush buy then choose the first efficient entry from the table (namely the first entry that increments 2ECs followed by a increment of 3ECs).