It looks like Pavlov was the big winner this turn (congratulations, guy

). Money was a bit tight this turn, but take heart! Next turn we will be able to cash in 4-5 new convoys!!
However, I find it deeply troubling that only two people posted speedbuy-wishlists in the econ thread. I tried my best to accomdate our brave commanders at the front, but without formal requisitions, I am acting in the dark, and without knowledge of your long term plans/aspirations. Please make sure you post whatever it is your heart most desires
before I get to the turn.
Marshal Part 1 (HTower) Done
Murmansk Front: (Yop73) Done
Baltic Front: (Henrik) Done
NorthWest Front (The ANZAC) Done
Belorussian Front: (Colwyn) Done
1st Ukranian Front: (Shaka Naldur) Done
2nd Ukranian Front: (FiGu) Done
Armaments Commisar: (greeny) Done
NKVD check: (Xenozod) Done
Economic Commisar: (EZrhino) Done! Hit it Comrade Sorokin