June 23, 2003, 16:55
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Originally posted by johncmcleod
If I did have PTW I'd name units obsessively. I'd name every unit, such as the 1st Spearman Regiment or the 3rd Royal Marines. (...)
I did so the first time I played PtW. But if I don't mind carrying out 30-hours games, I keep thinking that 60 hours are to much...
M. le Comte
June 23, 2003, 18:09
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My Capital is named Atlantis,
my second City often Hyperborea.
My Leader is either Called Proteus or Custodias.
My own Cities always get Custom Names, usually from some Mythology (for example I often use Asgard, Vanaheim and Valhalla), conquered Cities of other Civs remain under their old name.
Applications programming is a race between software engineers, who strive to produce idiot-proof programs, and the Universe which strives to produce bigger idiots. - software engineers' saying
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June 24, 2003, 02:01
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Use a modified list of city names (expanded to approx 125 for the United States) although I can always manage to sneak in a few custom cities like Harrisville, Bomber City or Hesterville it adds a spice to the game.
* A true libertarian is an anarchist in denial.
* If brute force isn't working you are not using enough.
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June 24, 2003, 02:19
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Originally posted by M. le Comte
I did so the first time I played PtW. But if I don't mind carrying out 30-hours games, I keep thinking that 60 hours are to much...
I, as mentioned elsewhere, have found naming each unit to keep the game fun, but with a few caveats:
1. I don't do it until Rep. Parts, Mil. Trad. at the VERY earliest. For some reason, having unnamed spearmen, riflemen or swords doesn't bother me nearly as much (maybe because I'm still at war with the game on the line at that point?  )
2. Once I do get RP, I know I have to bite the bullet, gather all my infantry units and name them.
3. It helps to keep the final unit type in mind if your names are going to reflect unit type. For instance, when I start making some cannons before RP, I may go ahead and name them __th Artillery. Same for the mech. infantry path. Any that get named get __th Infantry, so I never have to change it. Learned that one the hard way when I had over 100 MA's via upgrade that all of a sudden needed better names than __th Tank (now all tanks are, of course __th Armor).
Ships are where my naming fixation started, and even if you don't name you ground units, I highly recommend naming the ships for practical benefits (no more guessing which transport to load into in a ship chain; easier to keep track of battleships, etc.)
June 24, 2003, 02:38
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I usually use the regular names provided. One game I was feeling creative and named every city after myself. Mitchopolis, Mitch City, Mitchville, etc...there was at least 60 cities, all containing Mitch. It was difficult telling them apart
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June 24, 2003, 11:44
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Sometimes I name my capital "Nothing to see Here."
June 24, 2003, 16:50
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In SP games I usually use the default names for the civ. But in MP I like to be a bit more creative as it's more relaxed to play with people you know and get along with.
My capital is usually Zenophobia in MP. The rest of the cities are named depending on what civ I'm playing, my terrain, and who I'm against.
For example playing a game with some ISDG people, I got Korea (not my pic  ) and some of my cities were named:
Funk Seoul Brotha (capital)
Fuk-Yu City
World Cup Stadium
Kranky Koreans
Won Ton Town
I had a city which was separated by a 1 tile strait from another player, that city was called "Ha Ha! I see You!"
Oh well, enough rambling... just that it's pretty fun to be creative with these things (same as the units)
A true ally stabs you in the front.
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June 24, 2003, 20:36
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I just usually use the defaults, unless I'm playing a Succession Game or MP.
June 24, 2003, 23:41
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I usually use the default for the capital, sometimes I name it after my civ's leader (Xeres City) or sometimes I name it after my female celibrity of the week (Ville de Ming-Na).
For the rest I usually exhaust the defaults, but sometimes I change them. If Chengdu is to be built near a bunch of mountains I might name it Mount Chengdu. If Barcelona is on the coast then: Barcelona Beach.
After the defaults I sometimes get wierd; in my last game I started naming cities: Alpha Sector, Gamma Sector, Omega Sector....
June 25, 2003, 12:14
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Re: Wich name You usually give to your capital city?
Originally posted by Darth Balrog
Wich name You usually give to your capital city?
Cities are either named according to whim or function, Westport, Eastport, Gemsville, etc, unless I get real minimalist and name them a, b, c, d....aa, bb, cc...
It takes a bit of getting used to, but it tracks the relative founding order of the cities. Then, when I sort the city list by production or commerce, I see which cities have surpassed each other and the capitol.
And wich name have Your digital alterego?
Default name, "nobody". (The other leaders get to talk to nobody.) Default adjective "non-existent" (Wierd messages come up about the non-existent people.) Default title: "Fool" ("We love the Fool day" all over my maps!)
Unless I am playing Cleopatra.
If you aren't confused,
You don't understand.
June 26, 2003, 00:31
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I used to have the capital be default and I'd name the other cities after cities from LOTR such as Minas Tirith, Rivendell, Hobbiton, Bree, Lothlorien, Moria (if it was by a mountain) etc. If I had a city that was about to get captured I named it Isengard or Mount Doom.
"The first man who, having fenced off a plot of land, thought of saying, 'This is mine' and found people simple enough to believe him was the real founder of civil society. How many crimes, wars, murders, how many miseries and horrors might the human race had been spared by the one who, upon pulling up the stakes or filling in the ditch, had shouted to his fellow men: 'Beware of listening to this imposter; you are lost if you forget the fruits of the earth belong to all and that the earth belongs to no one." - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
June 26, 2003, 00:53
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Re: Wich name You usually give to your capital city?
Originally posted by Darth Balrog
Wich name You usually give to your capital city?
And wich name have Your digital alterego?
Often use my hometown (Lancaster, PA) as capital and suburbs as city names. The familiarity makes it easier to keep track. For ruler name I often use my name followed by a royal number (ie. Vincent I).
June 27, 2003, 10:52
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Default. I never change city names. However, once in Civ2 I named a city "I smell ass!" It was hilarious when the advisor-pop-up informed me that "I smell ass!" was in need of a sewage system. Juvenile, I know.
"What did you learn in school today, dear little boy of mine?
I learned our government must be strong. It's always right and never wrong,.....that's what I learned in school."
--- Tom Paxton song ('63)
June 27, 2003, 19:58
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Originally posted by Darth Balrog
Wich name You usually give to your capital city?
And wich name have Your digital alterego?
I usually play with the Chileans (  ) so my capital city is Santiago de Chile.
And my digital alterego is my real name
(not to creative sorry  )
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June 30, 2003, 05:58
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I often play the French  and I my leader name is either Jeanne d'Arc (Joan of Arc ?? Why did Firaxis chose an english name for a French leader  ) or Napoléon, and my capital is Paris (and I also edited the cities list to have French names... no more Marseilles or Rheims  ).
I name my naval units after real French ships or submarines (or in the same "spirit" when all the real names have been used, i.e. all my nuclear submarines names come from jewels like Émeraude, Rubis, etc). When a unit produces a leader, I name it something like #ème DB (it isn't a problem since I almost never get leaders before tanks...), but I don't usually name the other units.
When I play the Germans, my leader name is always SeeSchloss (my nickname almost everywhere else than on Apolyton and Civfanatics), and my capital is Berlin with the others cities from the list, but I manage to build a city named SeeStadt near a lake  (and I also edited the names to have Köln instead of Cologne etc).
And I hate having a New Paris etc, so I always use different names after some names that I like in books that I have read, like Arkkande, Æqualis, les Skandes... (no matter the civ I am playing).
July 1, 2003, 00:10
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Utopia (then I use the regular city list)
Alfapolis (then I go Bravopolis, Charliepolis, etc)
Alphapolis (then Betapolis, Gammapolis, etc)
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July 1, 2003, 08:04
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Pretty weird thread...
I have two daughters: Erin and Roxane.
I always name the Capitol for one of my daughters and the second city for my second.
The next game, I do the reverse.
This keeps my daughters' bickering about 'I have a bigger city' and 'I have more wonders' at a minimum.
I tried once to name a city after my wife. A few minutes later, one of my daughters ran to her screaming 'papa captured you but after a while he was fed up with you and you got abandoned'.
I'm still paying for it...
The Mountain Sage of the Swiss Alps
July 1, 2003, 10:22
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i rarely rename my capitol city, however if i play as japan i will change tokyo to Neo-Tokyo by the industrial age...
what i liked is in civ2 (at least i think it was 2, might have been ctp) how you could rename you're opponents cities if you had a spy in it. i used names like "scum on the bottom of my shoe". that was very fun.
with units, i only rename units that make leaders and ships.
July 1, 2003, 10:47
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Originally posted by Mountain Sage
I tried once to name a city after my wife. A few minutes later, one of my daughters ran to her screaming 'papa captured you but after a while he was fed up with you and you got abandoned'.
I'm still paying for it...
I rarely rename my cities. I like to use the default names provided, except when they are too silly and/or make no sense at all. And even then I sometimes don't change the names.
As for the leader name, sometimes I change it, sometimes not. Ok, I'm pretty boring. I know.
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July 1, 2003, 12:44
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I don't typically rename things, just not my style. Besides it is widely known I suck at naming.
I did once rename a sword Lucky Bast@rd when he spawned a leader...he was my first battle with an elite in that game. Ironically, he was attacked and killed by a regular warrior 2 turns later despite being fortified on a hill...
July 1, 2003, 12:56
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This keeps my daughters' bickering about 'I have a bigger city' and 'I have more wonders' at a minimum.
That's hilarious!!!
no more Marseilles or Rheims
??? I've never heard of Rheims before, but Marseilles? Isn't that the way you spell it?
I used to be the Persians but I'd change everything about the names. I'd call the civ Tercomia, I'd call the leader Juventus (that's before I knew there was an Italian football club with that name), name the capital Isartec and name other cities more made up names such Lokken-Korbet etc. I forgot the other names I always named cities. Problem was I'd have a hard time thinking of what to name the cities and I had a hard time remembering the city names and stuff (that's why it's good to be a civ you know a ton about, such as America).
"The first man who, having fenced off a plot of land, thought of saying, 'This is mine' and found people simple enough to believe him was the real founder of civil society. How many crimes, wars, murders, how many miseries and horrors might the human race had been spared by the one who, upon pulling up the stakes or filling in the ditch, had shouted to his fellow men: 'Beware of listening to this imposter; you are lost if you forget the fruits of the earth belong to all and that the earth belongs to no one." - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
July 1, 2003, 13:09
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Marseille s is Marseille in French, and R heims is Reims, Lyon s is Lyon, etc.
Maybe these are small details, but I really don't like having these names and if I rename Marseilles to Marseille the game keeps asking me to name the next city Marseilles...
I think the names should appear only once (I know, in Civ2 they did appear only once and I thought it was a bad thing  ).
July 1, 2003, 16:15
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"Maybe these are small details, but I really don't like having these names and if I rename Marseilles to Marseille the game keeps asking me to name the next city Marseilles...
I think the names should appear only once (I know, in Civ2 they did appear only once and I thought it was a bad thing )."
in the editor you can change/add/remove the names of cities and in the order you choose. although i think that may count as an 'edited' game and i dont think those appear in the highscore screen, if that matters to someone.
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July 1, 2003, 17:13
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That's what I did :
and I also edited the cities list to have French names... no more Marseilles or Rheims
(and of course I changed our pink to the german blue)
And you're right, the scores are not shown anymore in the highscore screen (but that's not very important).
July 1, 2003, 17:50
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"(and of course I changed our pink to the german blue)
you took the Prussian blue?
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July 1, 2003, 18:43
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Yes, I gave the prussian blue to France, cyan to Germany, and the pink to the United States
July 1, 2003, 20:46
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Originally posted by Mountain Sage
Pretty weird thread...
I have two daughters: Erin and Roxane.
I always name the Capitol for one of my daughters and the second city for my second.
The next game, I do the reverse.
This keeps my daughters' bickering about 'I have a bigger city' and 'I have more wonders' at a minimum.
I tried once to name a city after my wife. A few minutes later, one of my daughters ran to her screaming 'papa captured you but after a while he was fed up with you and you got abandoned'.
I'm still paying for it...

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July 1, 2003, 21:35
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I don't have any particular name for my cities. I sometime refer my empire as "Kondom".
July 2, 2003, 01:33
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Originally posted by Schee
Yes, I gave the prussian blue to France, cyan to Germany, and the pink to the United States
I'd have to flip a coin to see who gets yellow: France or Germany. I'm leaning towards France.
July 2, 2003, 09:57
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Originally posted by UnOrthOdOx
I don't typically rename things, just not my style. Besides it is widely known I suck at naming.
I did once rename a sword Lucky Bast@rd when he spawned a leader...he was my first battle with an elite in that game. Ironically, he was attacked and killed by a regular warrior 2 turns later despite being fortified on a hill...
Sounds like you are great at naming things. I mean your sword was a lucky Bast@rd but his luck just ran out.
Your Avatar is pretty good as well.
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