Originally posted by Killazer
Also, The AI was launching large attacks into my city areas and I didnt want to lose those cities at the se corner so I umm.. fortified the border lol. I can easily beat them if I want to with some time, I just was wondering what others thought about it. Thanks for he input.
If you are talking about the beach head, I really do not want to spread out if I am going to face a counter attack.
It is better to let them toss themself at your city and get the defensive bonus. I would not care about the tiles, they are not going to be worked anyway.
I would want to get the city out of resistance and rush in an airport, so I can send troops every turn.
Then I will raze all nearby cities and start to scorch the land. Hard to make research or troops as you are losing cities and resources.
I would have some old calv units to go around and pillage and kill workers as opportunities present themselves.
Captured cities have to be defended. That is fine earlier in the game, but the end is too close for that now. I do not want to tie down my units. Maybe after I bust 20 or so cities, I can entertain the idea.