Originally posted by Urban Ranger
You have to agree though there are a lot of gratuitous sex/nudity scenes in movies.
So? If people are naked, show it. Just like they show lots of times people eating breakfast, when it doesn't advance the script. I bet they cater to all those cereal pervs.
Well, that's you POV. I don't care, and often, it can be great. Just like sex/nudity scenes.
Well, people sometimes pee, but you have never seen a movie show a guy peeing, have you? Not that I can remember, anyway.
I have no problem, as long as they don't show the fluids, because that would be gross, honestly, and that the position of the majority of the people. Btw, the fact that you compare nudity and sex with showing people peeing doesn't reflect to kindly on you.
No, she's beautiful and sweet. As long as she's not upset
She's still typing, ain't she?