June 23, 2003, 06:15
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MAPS: Star Series for PTW
Hello all! As promised, I have made some maps for PTW, and will upload them on this thread. Some of them use the rules from TeTurkhan's Test Of Time scenario that is included on the PTW CD. All maps are standard-sized, with 25-31 civs playable. The last civ is my own, the Sylvanians; if you don't want to play with them in the scenario then nix them on the game set-up menu. 
I have not been so liberal with the resources in these maps, so it will take a blend of conniving  and extreme violence  to win on these. I hope you enjoy these maps!
Last edited by Quasar1011; June 23, 2003 at 06:57.
June 23, 2003, 06:20
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The first map I am uploading is Arcturus, which is a star in the constellation Boötes, the Oxherder. Arcturus is a pangaea, with 25 civs playable. The land form is made up of many peninsulas, so no city will be too far from a coastline. I have attached a screen shot of Arcturus here:
Last edited by Quasar1011; June 24, 2003 at 19:52.
June 23, 2003, 06:24
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More on Arcturus
I placed 5 of each resource on Arcturus. 5 oil, 5 fish, 5 silks, that's it. With 25 civs, that means each civ has a 1-in-5 chance of finding a resource nearby. Grabbing key strategic resources will be the key to winning on this world! When I play-tested it, I only won by having the top score when time ran out, so it can be challenging. Here is the zip file for Arcturus:
June 23, 2003, 06:29
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PTW Map: Canopus
Here is my Canopus map. Now, Canopus is the 2nd-brightest star in the sky, located in the ancient large constellation Argo. My thanks to TeTurkhan for the basic rules. I have made the Canopus map playable with 31 civs. Here is the Canopus file:
Last edited by Quasar1011; June 23, 2003 at 06:45.
June 23, 2003, 06:32
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More on Canopus
Canopus has more than 8 luxury resources, including coffee, tobacco, rice, and pearls. I have set these resources to appear with certain technologies. I have also set 7 victory point locations, which are guarding some of these resources. Canopus has 3 main continents, but 4 decent-sized offshore islands too. In fact, some resources are found exclusively on these islands. Here is a screenshot of Canopus:
Last edited by Quasar1011; June 24, 2003 at 19:51.
June 23, 2003, 06:36
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Posts: 191
PTW map: Diphda
Another map I am submitting today is Diphda. It is a bright star in the constellation Cetus, the sea-monster. In keeping with the naval theme, there are 8 continents on Diphda, with 4 starting locations each. This means there will be 4 civs per continent, except one which will have 3 civs (the barbs are "civ" #32).
Naval technologies will be important on Diphda, and trading will be too. Some resources are exclusive to some islands. Seals, pigs, sheep and crabs are some additional resources. The Americans are not in this scenario, but several other civs are. Again, this map is based on TeTurkhan's Test Of Time mod that came with PTW. Here is a screenshot of Diphda:
Last edited by Quasar1011; June 24, 2003 at 19:48.
June 23, 2003, 06:37
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Posts: 191
Diphda file
And here is the zip file for Diphda:
June 23, 2003, 06:40
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PTW map: Dubhe
The 4th file I will submit today is my Dubhe map. Dubhe is a star in Ursa Major, the Big Bear; which also makes it part of the most famous "asterism" (visibly recognizable grouping of stars)- the Big Dipper.
Dubhe is a pangaea on a standard-sized map. Its outer coastline is rugged; however, there are 3 great seas in the interior. Of 25 starting locations, 1 is in a position to connect a sea to the ocean. Resources are limited on Dubhe, though there are plenty of rivers. Enjoy Dubhe! Here is the file:
June 23, 2003, 06:44
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Posts: 191
Dubhe screenshot
You can see a screenshot of Dubhe here. When I play-tested it, the Celts had the "canal city" as their capital, in the northwest part of the landmass.
Enjoy these maps!
Last edited by Quasar1011; June 24, 2003 at 19:49.
June 24, 2003, 10:43
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Start posting your screenshots in jpeg format that way we don't have to download them to see them. Unless you are doing it this way so people can't see the map before they play it.
BTW Great maps! I really like Diphda
June 24, 2003, 19:55
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Thanks Sheik! Well, when you load a scenario in PTW, you get a peek at the map anyway. So I have changed
the screenshots to jpegs, as you requested.
July 15, 2003, 06:09
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Whoa Quasar those maps look Unbelievably cool. now I really need to get that new computer so I can start playing civ3 again with 25! civs
Que l’Univers n’est qu’un défaut dans la pureté de Non-être.
- Paul Valery
August 2, 2003, 07:18
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i played two of your civ3-vanilla-star-series maps. they were quite fun!
what size are these maps if you can play with 25-31 civs? large? huge? custom?
haven't got an civ3 installation on this computer to look for myself...
- Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity
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August 18, 2003, 17:43
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Sabrewolf, all of these are standard-sized maps. I have a couple that aren't, but I have not uploaded them. It is because they are part of a mod package I am working on, but haven't gotten all the bugs worked out. When I do, I'll post those too. But I plan on getting C3C as soon as it comes out, so I may wait until after that.
If there is a demand for more maps, I can always tweak my vanilla-civ maps and upgrade them to PTW maps (by adding more starting locations).
By the way, I heard some of the Swiss glaciers were melting, and it reached 41C in parts of Switzerland recently. Is that true, and how are you coping?
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August 18, 2003, 18:56
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well, 41°C are just rumours 
39.x°C has been measured, but they were in the non-mountainious areas (yes, switzerland isn't all mountains cheese and banks  ).
it has been quite hot, but less than in some regions in a few surrounding countries (germany, france, italy).
glaciers always melt in summer, but they'll survive this heat period...
back on-topic: don't care about "upgrading" civ3 maps to ptw. everyone can do so themselves, if needed. use your energy to create a great c3c-scenario/-mod  (any clues yet or is it classified?  )
- Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity
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August 19, 2003, 14:48
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Hey, I'm just a stupid little German, but I don't get the idea behind these maps... I gotta admit they're pretty good, but why do you name them after stars?
August 20, 2003, 00:33
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It's just my way of keeping track of names. The idea is, if there were a planet orbiting Vega, that was capable of humanoid life, then the planet would be named Vega, just for clarity. If I used this for Earth, I'd have to call our home planet "Sol". I've been naming all my scenarios after stars since Civ2, figuring I'd never run out of star names!
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January 11, 2004, 11:45
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Maps for Conquests
Hi all! I haven't posted in awhile, so I couldn't start a new thread  But I will start posting my updated maps for Conquests here on this thread; along with screenshots, per popualar request.
My words are backed by... Hey! Who stole my uranium??!!!
January 11, 2004, 11:56
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Aldebaran for Conquests
Here is my Aldebaran map, updated for Conquests:
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January 11, 2004, 12:01
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Aldebaran file
The main changes in all of these maps, are these.
1. Added starting locations, for a total of 31.
2. Added new terrains, volcanoes, marshes and chasms
3. Added new resources, including tropical fruit and oasis; changed new resources, tobacco and sugar, to luxuries
4. Added volcano and plague events
Chasms are landmark terrain, courtesy of mrtn.
My words are backed by... Hey! Who stole my uranium??!!!
Last edited by Quasar1011; January 11, 2004 at 13:26.
January 11, 2004, 12:09
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Algol file
If you've played my Algol map before, here is the Conquests version:
My words are backed by... Hey! Who stole my uranium??!!!
January 11, 2004, 12:10
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Algol screenshot
Here is a peek at the Algol map:
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January 11, 2004, 12:11
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Alkaid map
Here is Alkaid. Yes, I am going alphabetically through my files...
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January 11, 2004, 12:12
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Alkaid file
Here is the zip file for Alkaid.
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January 11, 2004, 12:13
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Alphecca file
Here is the zip file for Alphecca:
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January 11, 2004, 12:14
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Alphecca screenshot
Alphecca is an odd-looking world:
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January 11, 2004, 12:16
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"Al" means "the" in Arabic, which is why so many star names start with A-L... Here is Alphertz:
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January 11, 2004, 12:18
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Alphertz file
Here is the Alphertz file for Conquests:
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January 11, 2004, 12:19
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Altair for Conquests
And here is the Altair zip file:
My words are backed by... Hey! Who stole my uranium??!!!
January 11, 2004, 12:21
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Posts: 191
Altair map
As you can see, Altair has inverse land-water ratios...
My words are backed by... Hey! Who stole my uranium??!!!
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