He tells you, that you're scientifically backwards (duh!). Believe him, he speaks truth.
A short how-to-research (it's getting late here):
- Either raise the science slider (to increase research) or lower it (to maximize cash to buy techs)
- Build roads (more commerce)
- Build libraries and marketplaces, especially in core (less corrupt) cities with a river (again, more commerce)
- Make contact to all AI civs ASAP, the more, the better. It lowers the tech price.
- Trade technologies with the AI civs. Tech whore. Buy techs from one civ and sell it to others
- Especially in the early game, research a tech the AI hasn't and doesn't research (look for Mysticism, Mathematics, Literature, Polytheism) at low cost (10% science or 0% and a scientist, 40 turns) and then sell it around for other techs.