Not a choice I envy you all in making but I promise to spend more time on this game then the banana ever will
While the banana may know more then I do about Potassium, I would hope my knowledge of all other things "science" exceeds the banana.
But enough badmouthing the competition
If I am voted in, I will increase the rate at which we are researching new techs during my term of office. While I cannot promise to match the number of techs we discovered during the term of the Honourable Atawa, I will continue to encourage the discovering of advances from our less civilized neighbours, currently known as "Hut People".
Further, we will increase our rate of scientific discovery during the next term of office by the increasing of population, the development of trade (roads/improvements to land) as well as the construction of places of higher learning.
In short, a vote for me is a vote for more science

, a vote for the Banana is a vote for Anarchy
/me wonders if there has ever been this long a speech for someone running against the banana, but having read the election of
James Adams versus the Banana, and the serious confusion that followed the tied vote result, better to be safe then sorry!