How to play:
Talking in this thread
* 1 post per people to thread
* To talk place a line after your move information then write what you want to say
Joining the game
Make a post
Turn Number: (insert turn that's currently on the board)
Name: (Name of company)
Letter: (choose an unused letter of the alphabet)
Inital Industry: (post/10 or just 50, whichever is better)
Remaining Industry: (copy inital industry)
Buy: (choose an empty square), (cost of empty square is 1)
Buy Alliance: None
Production squares: 0
Production formations: None
Production total: 0
Production accumulated: 0
Cheating Noticed: None
Transfer: None
Insert comments talking here
Fill in the brackets.
1. Copy the turn number from the board.
2. Choose a name for your company
3. Choose a letter that isn’t currently been used to represent your company on the board.
4. “Initial industry” equals your post count divided by 10 or 50 if you have less than 500 posts.
5. Copy that Initial industry to “Remaining Industry”
6. Buy Choose an empty square write coordinates, and the cost is always 1 for an empty square.
Making a move
* You can do 3 things during a move. Buy, Double Production, Exchange
- The following shows how to indication what you need to change you “buy” line to.
“Buy: (square coordinates), (square cost)”
“Buy: Double Production”
“Buy: Exchange (amount of production to exchange)”
* Buying
-Buying Empty squares
--- empty squares all cost 1 industry to buy, these are represented by underscores “_”
- Buying Occupied squares
--- occupied squares are ones already brought. The cost of the squares vary depending on how many adjacent squares owned by you and your purchasing allies.
--- Cost is 5 * (allied squares - unallied squares) with a minimum cost of 5. Where allied squares are your own adjacent industries or industries of players that agreed to help you with purchase. Unallied squares are adjacent squares not owned by you or someone that is willing to help you.
--- You are only allowed to buy an occupied square if you have at least one industry square on the board.
* Order of purchase
- Purchases are done in order of who makes the purchase first (last edit date of their post). The person who tries to purchase a square first gets it first.
- The cost of an occupied square may change if an opponent buys an adjacent square before you make your purchase. If the industry you listed is insufficient you won’t get the square.
* Double Production
- This doubles the amount of production you get during a turn.
- Players that are absent, or haven’t updated their turn automatically get double production.
* Exchange
- You can exchange accumulated production for more industry if you run out. The exchange rate of production to industry is listed under the board.
* goal of the game is first person to accumlate 1000 production
* You get 1 production every square you have.
- “Production squares: (number of squares you own)”
* Production formations give you extra production.
- Each square can only be counted once for a production formation.
- Bonus formations and their production bonus are listed underneath the current board (Formations subject to gradual change)
You can work together with another player and gain the benifits of a bonus formation by both players indication a production alliance. Only two players at a time may contribute to one formation. Both players will get the full amount of the production bonus.
Production formations should be listed in the player's move.
Production formations:
(paste formation from board), ( production gained), (any ally assisting you with making the formation)
* The production total should written up.
Production total: (add it all up)
Allowed cheating
* You don’t have to write the truth in your own post.
* You aren’t allowed to adjust anyone else’s post.
* Penalties if someone notices you cheating in a way that benefit you. If you fake production values to be higher, then the total production you calculated may be subtracted from your accumulated production total. Pretend an alliance for purchasing squares. The price of the square will be doubled.
* Anyone is allowed to rat another person in. If you notice someone cheating, put in your move turn.
”Cheating Noticed: (details so I can find it.)”
Other game details
Transfering production to another player (as payment for an alliance etc).
Transfer: (amount), (company/person)
* The turns can happen randomly.
* Only two people are required before a turn can occur.
* Generally turns will occur when the majority of the players have indicated what they want to do.
* While a person is absent
Production and alliances will still continue while the person is away. New bonus formations may not be calculated for the absent person. Valid formations listed in their last post will. While a person is away their production is doubled as they are not buying or exchanging money.
Example Template post
Turn Number: 1
Name: Kody's Kids Karts
Letter: K
Inital Industry: 50
Remaining Industry: 29
Buy: d3, 5, Vev's Nervestaplers (V)
Buy Alliance: Tassy Curtains (T), Vev's Nervestaplers (V)
Production squares: 14
Production formations:
25, Tassy Curtains (T)
Production total: 49
Production accumulated: 259
Cheating Noticed: I think HongHu is spamming, so she can get more industry
Transfer: 40, Vev's NerveStaplers
Thanks Vev for helping me buy out Jamski's square, here's that 40 I promised for the help