Why no odd defence/attack numbers other then 1 or 3?
Is there something wrong with odd attack/ defence numbers? There are none, other then 1 and 3. Everything in the game is even numbers. I want to mod some units, example, making rifle men 5/6 instead of 4/6 (I think civil war era troops are stronger then 1300's longbow men and knights) and a few other changes, a couple more odd umbered units.
My guess is to why everything is even numbers, is to make it easy for people to calculate, ex "if my 6 defence unit gets a 50% bunus, it will be 9" However, I dont want to make the changes if it will mess something up. So can anyone tell me 1) why no units have odd attack/defence values other then 1 and 3, and 2) Will everything still run smoothly with odd attack/defence values?